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Allowable forces

This pipe installation method is called Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). This method is defined as a steerable technique for the installation of pipes, conduits, and cables in an arc shape using a surface launched drilling rig. This method requires the execution of a pilot bore which is then enlarged with the use of a reamer prior to installation of the product pipe. Depending on the diameter of the product pipe, multiple enlargements may be required. The excavation is performed by the mechanical action of a fluid assisted cutting head. 2 2.1 Materials Pipe

In case of HDPE pipe, an extra 1.8 m section of the pipe must be pulled out of the borehole to check for any sign of stress or damage. Allowable pulling force for all diameters shall be determined depending on the pipe size, wall thickness, manufacturer, field conditions, pull distance, manhole integrity, bearing capacity of soils, adjacent infrastructure, related equipment, cable strength, and all other related considerations. 2.3 Pipe dimensions

(a) HDPE pipe shall have a minimum SDR of 11. (b) Pipe shall be round. Steel pipe shall have a roundness tolerance, so that the difference between the major and minor outside diameters shall not exceed 1% of the specified nominal outside diameter, or 6 mm, whichever is less. Likewise, HDPE, ductile iron, and PVC pipe shall have similar roundness tolerances. (c) Pipe shall have square and machine beveled ends. The pipe end maximum out-of-square tolerance shall be 1 mm, (measured across the diameter). (d) Pipe shall be straight in most cases. The maximum allowable straightness deviation over any 3.3 m length of steel casing pipe is 3 mm. Likewise, ductile iron, and PVC pipe shall have similar straightness tolerances. HDPE pipe does not need to be straight.

Pipe used in this method should be smooth, flexible, and have sufficient strength to resist tension, bending, and external installation pressure loads. This method requires structurally strong joints that resist elongation or cross section reduction. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) or steel pipes are normally used for this method. However, recently other pipe materials such as fusible PVC, restrained joint PVC, and ductile iron pipe have become available for this method. HDPE pipes shall conform to the current ASTM D1248, ASTM D3350, and ASTM F714. Steel pipe shall conform to the current ASTM A 53-97 and ASTM 13996. Ductile iron pipe shall confirm to the current ASTM 716-95 and ASTM 74695. PVC pipe shall confirm to the current ASTM F1962-99 and ASTM D2321-00.

(e) Pipe shall be without any significant dimensional or surface deformities. All pipes shall be free of visible cracks, holes, foreign material, foreign inclusions, blisters, or other deleterious or injurious faults or defects. Any section of the pipe with a gash, blister, abrasion, nick, scar, or other deleterious fault greater in depth than ten percent (10%) of the wall thickness, shall not be used and shall be immediately removed from the site. (f) Any of the following defects warrants pipe rejection: Concentrated ridges, discoloration, excessive spot roughness, and pitting Insufficient or variable wall thickness Pipe damage from bending, crushing, stretching or other stress Pipe damage that impacts the pipe strength, the intended use, the internal diameter of the pipe, and internal roughness characteristics Any other defect of manufacturing or handling 2.4 Protective Pipe) Coatings (Steel

summarizes depths:




Table 2 -- Minimum Allowable Depth Pipe Diameters Small (< 100 mm) Mini (100 300 mm) Medium (325- 600 mm) Large (> 600 mm) Depth of Cover 1.2 m 2.4 m 3.6 m 4.8 m

To help with future locating of installed pipes, installation of a trace wire on plastic pipes and submission of an asbuilt (both plan and profile) for all installations are required. In locations where the road surface is superelevated, the minimum depth of the bore shall be measured from the lowest side of the pavement surface. 3.2 Equipment

The product pipe may be exposed to significant abrasion during pullback. Therefore, a coating to provide a corrosion barrier as well as an abrasion barrier is required. The coating shall be bonded well to the pipe and have a hard smooth surface to resist soil stresses and reduce friction. A mill-applied fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) coating is required for steel pipes. 3 3.1 Construction Minimum Allowable Depths

Equipment used for this method varies greatly. However, the basic operations of boring and pulling the pipe into position are essential. Please refer to the specific operators manual for more information. 3.3 Method

The minimum allowable installation depth of cover of a HDD installed pipe under the road and shoulder surface is correlated to the pipe diameter. Table 2

(a) The ends of each section of HDPE pipe shall be inspected and cleaned as necessary to be free of debris immediately prior to joining the pipes by means of thermal butt-fusion. The Polyethylene pipe shall be of the same type, grade, and class of the polyethylene compound used in the process. This process provides joint weld strength equal to or greater than the tensile strength of the pipe.

(b) The handling of the joined pipeline shall be in such a manner that the pipe is not damaged by dragging it over sharp or jagged objects. Sections of the pipes with cuts and gouges exceeding 10 percent of the pipe wall thickness or kinked sections shall be removed and the ends rejoined. (c) HDPE Pipes shall be stored on level ground, free of sharp objects, which could damage the pipe. Stacking of the polyethylene pipe shall be limited to a height that will not cause excessive deformation, bending, or warping of the bottom layers of pipes under anticipated temperature condition. (d) Sufficient space shall be allocated to fabricate and layout the product pipeline into one continuous pipe length, thus enabling the pull back to be conducted during a single operation. If space considerations are discovered that make this impossible, the permit applicant shall obtain specific alternative instructions from the owners Engineer. (e) Sufficient space is required on the rig side of the machine to safely set up and perform the operation. (f) The drill path alignment shall be as straight as possible to minimize the frictional resistance during pullback and maximize the length of the pipe that can be installed during a single pull. (g) The radius of curvature is determined by the rig. The minimum radius of curvature of HDD path should be 1,200 times the nominal diameter of the pipe to be installed. (h) The required piping shall be assembled in a manner that does not obstruct adjacent roadways or public activities. The HDD operator shall erect temporary fencing around the entry and exit pipe staging areas.

(i) Several pre-reams may be employed to gradually enlarge the hole to the desired diameter and reduce road surface heaving potential. No backream diameter increase shall exceed 37.5 mm. Furthermore, during the final pullback, the pull back rate shall not exceed 3 m per minute. (j) The pipe shall be sealed at both ends with a cap or a plug to prevent water, drilling fluids and other foreign materials from entering the pipe as it is being pulled back. (k) Pipe rollers, skates or other protective devices shall be used to prevent damage to the pipe, eliminate ground drag, reduce pulling force, and reduce the stress on the pipe and joints. (l) The drilling fluid in the annular region outside of the pipe shall not be removed after installation, and remain in place to provide support for the pipe and neighboring soil. (m) Should the drilling operation be unsuccessful, the contractor shall ensure the backfill of any void(s) with flowable fill. (n) Entry penetration angles are limited by equipment capabilities. However, according to most HDD drilling rigs design, the best entry angle should be between 100 and 120. (o) Exit angles should generally range from 50 (for large diameter steel pipelines) to 120. However, when high exit angles are encountered or designed, the pipe must be supported in an elevated position during the pull back operation to prohibit the pipe from bending, deforming, kinking, or even breaking.


Drilling Site

(a) Location A minimum distance of 6 m, from the edge of the paved shoulder or curb to the face of any equipment, and supplies, shall be maintained in areas posted at 50 kmph or less; otherwise, a minimum distance of 9 m shall be maintained. (b) Protection At discretion of owners Engineer/Inspector, traffic barriers shall be installed adjacent to machine site locations according to the owners plans and current Standard Specifications for such Construction. Temporary beam guardrail shall also be installed according to the current Standard Specifications for Construction. Fencing barriers shall be installed adjacent to equipment and supplies with suitable fencing and plastic drums to prohibit pedestrian access to the work site. Equipment shall not be used as fencing to protect access pits. 3.5 Overcut Allowance


Drilling Fluids

(a) Drilling fluid shall be used during drilling and back reaming operations. Using water exclusively may cause a collapse of the borehole while in unconsolidated soils, and may also cause soil swelling while in clay soils. Either case may significantly impede the installation of the pipe. (b) Excess drilling fluids shall be contained within a lined pit or containment pond, or trailer-mounted portable tank, until removed from the site. (c) All drilling fluids shall not enter the streets, manholes, sanitary and storm sewers, and other drainage systems, including streams and rivers. (d) Any damage to any highway or nonhighway facility caused by escaping drilling fluid, or the directional drilling operation, shall be immediately restored by the HDD operator. 3.8 Pipe Locating and Tracking

The overcut diameter shall not exceed the outside diameter (OD) of the pipe by more than 37.5 mm, to ensure excessive voids are not created resulting in post installation settlement. 3.6 Watertight Joints

Water tight pipe joints are required to ensure the integrity of the roadbed. Pipe shall be constructed to prevent water leakage or earth infiltration throughout its entire length. A watertight specification for each type of pipe material can be obtained through each pipe material industry. Necessary reference must be made to the appropriate industry specifications for more detailed information.

(a) During construction, continuous monitoring and plotting of pilot drill progress shall be undertaken to ensure compliance with the proposed installation alignment and allow for appropriate course corrections to be undertaken. Monitoring shall be accomplished by manual plotting based on location and depth readings provided by the locating/tracking system or by computer generated bore logs which map the bore path based on information provided by the locating/tracking system. Readings or plot points shall be undertaken on every drill rod.

(b) Pipe installed by the HDD method shall be located in plan as shown on the drawings, and shall be no shallower than shown on the Drawings unless otherwise approved. The Contractor shall plot the actual horizontal and vertical alignment of the pilot bore at intervals not exceeding 9 m. This as built plan and profile shall be updated as the pilot bore is advanced. The HDD operator shall at all times provide and maintain instrumentation that will accurately locate the pilot hole and measure drilling fluid flow and pressure. The HDD operator shall grant the Engineer/ Inspector access to all data and readout pertaining to the position of the bore head, the fluid pressures, and flows. 3.9 Settlement/Heaving Monitoring

crack. Digital photographs of the pavement conditions shall also be taken prior and after the pipe installation. (d) All operations shall stop immediately whenever monitored points indicate a vertical change in elevation of 12 mm or more, or any surface disruption is observed. The Contractor shall then immediately report the amount of settlement to the owners Engineer/ Inspector.


Ground Water Control

Dewatering is not an issue with this method of installing pipe. 3.11 Boring Failure

(a) This method shall be performed in a manner that will minimize the movement of the ground in front of, above, and surrounding the boring operation; and will minimize subsidence of the surface above and in the vicinity of the boring. (b) Potential settlement shall be monitored at each edge of right of way, each shoulder point, each edge of pavement, the edge of each lane (or centerline for two lane roads), and otherwise at 15 m intervals along the pipe centerline. (c) A survey shall be performed 1 day prior to initiating this operation at each required monitoring location. A similar survey shall then be performed at each location, on a daily basis, until the permitted activity has received a final inspection. This survey establishes the preexisting and post construction conditions, and the amount of settlement. All survey readings shall be recorded to the nearest one-hundredth (0.01) of a meter. Whenever possible, trenchless pipe installations shall not be installed directly under a pavement

(a) Should anything prevent completion of this operation, the remainder of the pipe shall be constructed by methods approved by the owners Engineer/Inspector. (b) Abandonment of any component of the installation shall only be allowed as approved by the owners Engineer/Inspector. 3.12 Contamination

When an area of contaminated ground is encountered, all operations shall stop immediately, and shall not proceed until approved by the owners Engineer/Inspector. Any slurry shall be tested for contamination and disposed of in a manner, which meets locally applicable requirements. 3.13 Bulkhead

Pipe ends shall be temporarily sealed with a cap until the connection is made permanent, to prevent water or earth infiltration.


Work Site Restoration

(a) Access pits and excavations shall be backfilled with suitable material, and in a method approved by the owners Engineer/Inspector. (b) The disturbed grass-surface area shall be topsoiled, seeded, fertilized, mulched, and anchored according the owners Specifications for construction. Slopes steeper than 1-on-3, shall be sodded. If a final site restoration is not completed within 5 days after completion of the operation, the installation of temporary soil erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be required. (c) Upon completion of the work, the contractor shall remove and properly dispose of all excess materials and equipment from the work site. (d) The permit, including the surety requirements, shall remain in effect for a minimum of one year after completing the work to monitor for settlements of the pavement and/or slope.

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