Getting Started With Tableau Prep
Getting Started With Tableau Prep
Getting Started With Tableau Prep
Preparing data is done by by building a flow, made up of steps such as cleaning, pivoting,
or aggregating data. Tableau Desktop works best with data that is “tidy” in structure. That
is, the data should be in rows and columns, and each row should represent one item of data
and each column should be one attribute. How do we get our data that way using Tableau
Prep? Let’s jump in!
Building a flow
First, we’ll connect to the data set. Our bestseller data is in Excel. We’ll connect to the
ABA Bestseller list from February 28th. Here in the Connections Pane we see the list of
tables (or sheet tabs) in this data set. We’ll drag out a table, and now we have our first
step in the flow.
This input step is configurable below. We can bring in every sheet in the file by using
wildcard union and leaving the matching pattern blank. Over on the right we can see a
list of the fields we’ll bring in from these tables. Everything looks good.
Up in the flow pane, we can rename this step by double clicking and typing a name--let’s
call this February 28th.
To add another step to the flow, we’ll click the plus button. We just want a basic cleaning
step to start. This will let us see the state of our date and what we might need to do to
clean it. Below the flow pane, we now see the profile pane and data grid. The profile pane
shows a card for each field in the data set, and the cards display the values in each field
as well as distribution information about how frequently each value appears. By clicking
on a bar, we can highlight related values in other fields.
The Info field has multiple pieces of information in one column. If we look down at that
data grid, which shows a more row-level representation of the data, we see that this
field has a pipe between title and author, then a dollar sign before the price, and a pipe
and “ISBN”. We can split these values out into unique columns--as we want for analysis.
Click on the card and open the menu. There are multiple cleaning options here, but we’ll
choose automatic split. Tableau Prep is smart enough to recognize common delimiters--
even when they’re different--and will split out these four new columns.
Renaming the new fields is as easy as double clicking and typing the desired name. We
no longer need the original Info field, so we can remove it. We can also split this field and
remove the original. Now we have all the distinct columns we want.
Price is currently a string data type, but it should be a decimal number. We can click the
data type icon and choose number (decimal).
We have more weeks worth of data, so let’s add them to the flow. We can connect to new
data (it can be from any source, but ours happens to be another Excel file). We’ll bring in
a table, select wildcard union, and now we have our second data source.
To combine two steps in the flow, simply drag one onto the other, and chose Join or
Union. Here we have the same column structures, so we want to Union. We can verify
everything matched up correctly.
Now we simply need to make sure the cleaning we did is applied to the results from the
union, not the first data set alone. We can right click on the line and select Remove, then
drag the union step to the cleaning step. That’s all it takes!
Our data is prepped and ready for use, so let’s create an output step. We’ll click the plus
and add an output. We’ll choose a CSV. We can where to save the file, and what to name it.
Now when we run the flow, we generate a new file (Tableau Prep doesn’t write back to the
original data source). This new file contains all of our data as we cleaned and combined it.
We’re ready for analysis!
Flows in Tableau Prep can be simple or complex, and each type of step has robust
options. Thank you for watching this video on Getting Started with Tableau Prep. We
invite you to continue with the other free training videos to learn more about using