MRM Minutes-Lucky Tex
MRM Minutes-Lucky Tex
MRM Minutes-Lucky Tex
Issue No. 5
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Meeting No: SA-1-2023
Date: 15-02-2023
Venue: Conference Room
Presided By: Sr. Manager HR & Compliance
Persons Attended: Manager Stitching Planning, GM Projects, Manager Administration, SM HRD, Manager
Finish Folding, EHS Incharge, Manager Stores, Manager Stitching Production, Workers
Representative, Deputy Manager Quality, Members of SPT / H&S Team.
Decision / Responsibility /
Topic / Initiator Discussion
Target Date
Meeting started with Name of Allah Almighty.
(1) SA 8000 Last Surveillance audits
Sr Compliance Meeting started by discussing preparations for
Officer upcoming SA-8000 audit. Sr Compliance Officer Ast Manager HR &
About Last further informed the participants that next month we Compliance
SA 8000 Audits are planning to conduct SA-8000 external audit in
Review the factory. Non-conformities of last SA-8000
(External Audit) external audit have already been resolved and
Decision / Responsibility /
Topic / Initiator Discussion
Target Date
(3) Social Performance / Complaint Management
(4) Child Labor / (5) Forced and Compulsory Labor / (6) Discrimination
There is no evidence or case identified of child
Sr Compliance
labor / no complains of forced labor / discrimination
report received from any workers.
(7) Health and Safety
Sr Compliance Corrective Actions have been taken of Issues
Officer highlighted during Internal audits and SPT visits.
(8) Remuneration
Remuneration is being as per law and minimum
Sr. Manager
wage is 25,000/-
(9) Disciplinary Practices
No such issues were found / highlighted to discuss
Sr. Manager
in the meeting.
(10) Working Hours
Working hours are paid and Overtime as per Law.
Sr. Manager
Decision / Responsibility /
Topic / Initiator Discussion
Target Date
2. No identification found on Hose Reel Box near
Fire Office.
3. Emergency light found out of order at ground
floor processing area.
4. One Stitching machine found without needle
guarding at 2nd Floor Stitching.
Decision / Responsibility /
Topic / Initiator Discussion
Target Date
Decision / Responsibility /
Topic / Initiator Discussion
Target Date
3. Providing awareness to our stakeholders.
4. Conducting audits of our all suppliers and
providing awareness to them.
5. For Capacity building, we have made training
plan moreover we will provide training to SPT
members for better implementation.
Decision / Responsibility /
Topic / Initiator Discussion
Target Date
Provide opportunities for employees to engage in physical activity or relaxation
during breaks.
Encourage employees to take time off when needed for personal reasons or to
care for family members.
To promote fair wages and benefits for all employees.
Establish and enforce policies that provide fair compensation to all employees.
Conduct regular reviews of wages and benefits to ensure they are competitive
and in line with industry standards.
Implement programs that provide additional benefits to employees, such as
health insurance or paid time off.
Sr Compliance Next Meeting schedule will be shared with all
Officer participants in September 2023.