Sales and Marketing Procedure
Sales and Marketing Procedure
Sales and Marketing Procedure
Policy: In order to focus the efforts of the professional sales staff, the company
shall determine which leads generated by advertising, marketing, and
sales are prospective customers that should receive a sales call.
Purpose: To outline the procedure for classifying sales leads and to identify leads
ready for the attention of the professional sales staff.
Scope: This procedure applies to all sales leads generated by marketing,
advertising, and sales efforts.
Responsibilities: Marketing shall regularly provide the Sales Administrators with all leads
generated by inquiry forms. Marketing shall adjust marketing
techniques according to leads and sales statistics provided by Sales
Sales Administrators shall gather information in order to qualify leads
according to the prospect of potential sales, then attempt to set a sales
call appointment for qualified leads. Sales Administrators shall also
maintain a Leads Database, for information about all incoming leads,
and a Prospects Database, for information on qualified leads. Sales
Administrators shall complete the SL1020-3 – LEAD QUESTIONNAIRE
and maintain the SL1020-2 – PROSPECT DATABASE
Sales Management shall set the qualifying procedure, define the
qualifying parameters, and supply the Sales Administrators with the
proper training, forms, and tools necessary to qualify leads. Sales
Management shall also monitor and adjust the qualifying procedures
and its associated forms and records in order to maximize efficiency
and meet lead, prospect, and sales targets.
Professional Sales Staff shall provide information to the Sales
Management on a daily or weekly basis on the sales status of qualified
Definitions: Lead: Any potential customer whose name and/or information was
garnered through sales, marketing, or advertising techniques.
Lead Inquiry Form: A brief questionnaire form (available through trade
shows, web pages, and advertising tear cards for example), that has
been completed and submitted by a potential customer.
Qualified Lead or Prospect: A business, organization, or individual
identified by the company as having: a current or impending need; the
resources to purchase or lease the Company's product; and the
authority to purchase/lease.
1.1 Sales Management shall communicate daily/weekly targets for the number of incoming
leads and the number of qualified leads stated in the SL1010-1 – SALES MANAGEMENT
PLAN to Sales Administrators.
1.2 Sales Management shall develop a process to assign a category to incoming leads according
to the source of the lead and the information available about the lead.
1.3 Sales Management shall provide all the necessary forms and schedules required for
qualifying leads.
1.4 Sales Management and Marketing Management shall develop a SL1020-2 – PROSPECT
1.5 The Sales Administrators shall process incoming leads according to the Qualifying Lead
Procedure, determine status of lead quality according to defined categories, and take the
appropriate action as determined by SL1020-1 – PROSPECT MANAGEMENT PLAN.