The document outlines objectives for Mawj Alsama Medical Company's quality management system. It aims to become a zero customer complaint organization within two years and conduct five employee training programs on quality and customer satisfaction within one year.
The document outlines objectives for Mawj Alsama Medical Company's quality management system. It aims to become a zero customer complaint organization within two years and conduct five employee training programs on quality and customer satisfaction within one year.
The document outlines objectives for Mawj Alsama Medical Company's quality management system. It aims to become a zero customer complaint organization within two years and conduct five employee training programs on quality and customer satisfaction within one year.
The document outlines objectives for Mawj Alsama Medical Company's quality management system. It aims to become a zero customer complaint organization within two years and conduct five employee training programs on quality and customer satisfaction within one year.
S No. Objective Action to Be Taken Action by Completion Success To become Zero Customer Complaint organization in the By implementing effective Quality 1 country within 2 years. Management System Conduct 5 Training programs within one year for every 2 employee regarding Quality of the work & Customer Implement strategic training plan. satisfaction. Develop customer feedback form and 4 Obtain at least 25 Customer feedback within one year. collect it from customer. To maintain workplaces to ensure that they are safe and without health risks, including means f access and egress, 6 with adequate facilities and arrangements for employees’ welfare. To provide and maintain plant and equipment and 7 operational controls that prevent injury and ill health. To provide sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to avoid hazards 8 and to contribute positively to the health and safety of themselves and others whilst at work.