Program Description:
"DECKSLAB" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis and design of slabs on
metal deck. Both composite deck slabs and form deck slabs can be analyzed and designed for 3 different
loading conditions. Specifically, the flexural moment capacity for both positive and negative strong axis
moments, one-way beam shear, punching shear, and deflection are all evaluated and checked. Also, for
concentrated loads, the effective slab strip widths for both moment and beam shear are determined. There is
information on the metal deck properties, as well as reinforcing bar and welded wire fabric data tables.
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
fVnt =
Beam Shear in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: Vu =
fVd = 4.16 kips fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table)
Vu = 0.408 kips Vu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.625*L S.R. =
Vu <= Allow., O.K. Deflection for
Shear and Negative Moment Interaction in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: wa(LL) =
S.R. = 0.319 S.R. = (Vu/fVd)^2+(Mu/(Fb(allow)*Sn/12))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.
Web Crippling (End Bearing) in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: D(LL) =
fRd = 4.220 kips fRd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table)D(ratio) =
Rui = 0.612 kips Rui = ((1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*1.25*L)*0.75 (allowing 1/3 increase)
Ri <= Rd, O.K.
be(max) =
Deflection in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads:
D(DL) = 0.069 in. D(DL) = 0.0054*(Wc+Wd)/12000*L^4/(Es*Id) (Es=29000 ksi) x=
D(ratio) = L/1040 D(ratio) = L*12/D(DL) bm =
be =
Strong Axis Positive Moment for Uniform Live Load: n=
+fMno = 6.39 ft-kips/ft. +fMno = (0.85*Fyd*Scr)/12 a=
+Mu = 1.32 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.2*(0.096*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.6*(0.096*w(LL)/1000*L^2) Z=
+Mu <= Allow., O.K. Icr =
Strong Axis Negative Moment for Uniform Live Load: Scr =
-fMno = 3.25 ft-kips/ft. -fMno = (0.90*Asn*Fy*((h-d1)-a/2))/12 +fMno =
-Mu = 1.72 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.2*(0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.6*(0.125*w(LL)/1000*L^2) +Mu =
-Mu <= Allow., O.K. Strong Axis N
Beam Shear for Uniform Live Load: x=
fVd = 4.16 kips fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (from SDI Table) bm =
Ac = 36.00 in.^2 Ac = 2*h*((rw+2*h*(rwt-rw)/2/hd)+rw)/2 be =
fVc = 2.56 kips fVc = 0.75*(2*0.75*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000) (λ = 0.75) b=
fVnt = 6.72 kips fVnt = fVd+fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 (without studs) a=
Vu = 1.43 kips Vu = 1.2*(0.625*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.6*(0.625*w(LL)/1000*L) -fMno =
Vu <= Allow., O.K.-Mu =
Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Uniform Live Load:
S.R. = 0.325 S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(+fMno))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. x =
bm =
Deflection for Uniform Live Load: be =
wa(LL) = 1546.91 psf wa(LL) = allow. live load = (fMno *(1/0.070)/L^2-1.2*w(DL))/1.6 fVd =
D(LL) = 0.006 in. D(LL) = 0.0054*w(LL)/12000*L^4/(Es*Iav) (Es=29000 ksi) Top Width =
D(ratio) = L/12414 D(ratio) = L*12/D(LL) Ac =
fVc =
Maximum Effective Slab Strip Width for Concentrated Load: fVnt =
be(max) = 80.10 in. be(max) = 8.9*(tc/h)*12 Vu =
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
D(P) =
Strong Axis Negative Moment for Concentrated Load: D(ratio) =
x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending)
bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc A'c =
be = 37.50 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) Ast(min) =
b= 4.50 in. b = 12/p*rw(avg) = width for negative bending x=
a= 0.784 in. a = Asn*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b)
-fMno = 3.25 ft-kips/ft. -fMno = (0.90*Asn*Fy*((h-d1)-a/2))/12
-Mu = 1.72 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.2*(0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.6*(0.094*P*L)*(12/be)
-Mu <= Allow., O.K.
Beam Shear for Concentrated Load: bm =
x= 6.00 in. x = h (assumed for beam shear) be =
bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc w=
be = 19.00 in. be = bm+(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) a=
fVd = 4.16 kips fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (from SDI Table) fMnw =
Ac = 36.00 in.^2 Ac = 2*h*((rw+2*h*(rwt-rw)/2/hd)+rw)/2 Muw =
fVc = 2.56 kips fVc = 0.75*(2*0.75*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000) (λ = 0.75)
fVnt = 6.72 kips fVnt = fVd+fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 (without studs)
Vu = 5.28 kips Vu = 1.2*(0.625*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.6*(P*12/be) Vu <= Allow., O.K.
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Version 1.5
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Version 1.5
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
fVc =
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
Vu =
Beam Shear in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads:
fVd = 4.160 kips fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table) S.R. =
Vu = 0.432 kips Vu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.625*L
Vu <= Allow., wa(LL)
O.K. =
Shear and Negative Moment Interaction in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: +Ma =
S.R. = 0.400 S.R. = (Vu/fVd)^2+(Mu/(Fb(allow)*Sn/12))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Ie =
D(LL) =
Web Crippling (End Bearing) in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: D(ratio) =
fRd = 4.220 kips fRd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table)
Rui = 0.648 kips Rui = ((1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*1.25*L)*0.75 (allowing 1/3 increase)
be(max) =
Ri <= Rd, O.K. Strong Axis P
Deflection in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: x=
D(DL) = 0.078 in. D(DL) = 0.0054*(Wc+Wd)/12000*L^4/(Es*Id) (Es=29000 ksi) bm =
D(ratio) = L/924 D(ratio) = L*12/D(DL) be =
Icr =
Ie =
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
D(P) =
Strong Axis Negative Moment for Concentrated Load: D(ratio) =
x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending)
bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc A'c =
be = 37.50 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) Ast(min) =
b= 7.75 in. b = 12/p*rw(avg) = width for negative bending x=
a= 0.455 in. a = As*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b)
-fMno = 1.82 ft-kips/ft. -fMno = (0.90*As*Fy*((h-d1-hd/2)-a/2))/12
-Mu = 1.16 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.2*(0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.6*(0.094*P*L)*(12/be)
-Mu <= Allow., O.K.
Beam Shear for Concentrated Load: bm =
x= 6.00 in. x = h (assumed for beam shear) be =
bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc w=
be = 19.00 in. be = bm+(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) a=
fVd = 4.16 kips fVd = fMnw =
Beam shear capacity of form deck is included (from SDI Catalog)
Ac = 57.75 in.^2 Ac = 2*hd*((2*rw(avg)-rw)+rw)/2+(h-hd)*(Pitch+(2*rw(avg)-rw))/2 Muw =
fVc = 4.11 kips fVc = 0.75*(2*0.75*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000) (λ = 0.75)
fVnt = 8.27 kips fVnt = fVd + fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 -Ma =
Vu = 3.28 kips Vu = 1.2*(0.625*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.6*(P*12/be) Vu <= Allow., O.K. d =
fs =
Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Concentrated Load: fs(used) =
S.R. = 0.566 S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(-fMno))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.
s(max) =
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Version 1.5
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Version 1.5
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Version 1.5
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Version 1.5
Properties and Data:
hd = 2.000 in. hd = deck rib height fVd =
p = 12.000 in. p = deck rib pitch (center to center distance between flutes) Vu =
rw = 5.000 in. rw = deck rib bearing width (from Vulcraft Table)
rw(avg) = 6.000 in. rw(avg) = average deck rib width (from Vulcraft Table) S.R. =
td = 0.0474 in. td = deck thickness (inch equivalent of gage)
Idp = 0.557 in.^4 Idp = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table)
Idn = 0.557 in. Idn = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table)
Sp = 0.520 in.^3 Sp = positive section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) fRd =
Sn = 0.520 in.^3 Sn = negative section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) Rui =
tc = 6.000 in. tc = h-hd = thickness of slab above top of deck ribs
Wd = 2.61 psf Wd = weight of deck/ft. (from Vulcraft Table)
Wc = 67.08 psf D(DL) =
Wc = ((t(top)+$h-hd)*12+(hd*(rwt+rw)/2))/144*wc (wt. of conc. for 12'' width)
w(DL) = 69.69 psf w(DL) = Wd+Wc = total dead weight of deck plus concrete D(ratio) =
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
Vu =
Beam Shear in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads:
fVd = 3.180 kips fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table) S.R. =
Vu = 0.519 kips Vu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.625*L
Vu <= Allow., wa(LL)
O.K. =
Shear and Negative Moment Interaction in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: +Ma =
S.R. = 0.237 S.R. = (Vu/fVd)^2+(Mu/(Fb(allow)*Sn/12))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Ie =
D(LL) =
Web Crippling (End Bearing) in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: D(ratio) =
fRd = 2.010 kips fRd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table)
Rui = 0.779 kips Rui = ((1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*1.25*L)*0.75 (allowing 1/3 increase)
be(max) =
Ri <= Rd, O.K. Strong Axis P
Deflection in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: x=
D(DL) = 0.052 in. D(DL) = 0.0054*(Wc+Wd)/12000*L^4/(Es*Id) (Es=29000 ksi) bm =
D(ratio) = L/1380 D(ratio) = L*12/D(DL) be =
Icr =
Ie =
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Version 1.5
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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program
Version 1.5
D(P) =
Strong Axis Negative Moment for Concentrated Load: D(ratio) =
x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending)
bm = 16.25 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc A'c =
be = 40.25 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) Ast(min) =
b= 6.00 in. b = 12/p*rw(avg) = width for negative bending x=
a= 0.588 in. a = As2*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b)
-fMno = 4.46 ft-kips/ft. -fMno = (0.90*As2*Fy*((h-d2-hd/2)-a/2))/12
-Mu = 1.72 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.2*(0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.6*(0.094*P*L)*(12/be)
-Mu <= Allow., O.K.
Beam Shear for Concentrated Load: bm =
x= 8.00 in. x = h (assumed for beam shear) be =
bm = 16.25 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc w=
be = 23.36 in. be = bm+(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) a=
fVd = 3.18 kips fVd = 0, as beam shear capacity of form deck alone is neglected fMnw =
Ac = 69.00 in.^2 Ac = hd*((2*rw(avg)-rw)+rw)/2+(h-hd)*(Pitch+(2*rw(avg)-rw))/2 Muw =
fVc = 4.91 kips fVc = 0.75*(2*0.75*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000) (λ = 0.75)
fVnt = 8.09 kips fVnt = fVd + fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 -Ma =
Vu = 4.42 kips Vu = 1.2*(0.625*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.6*(P*12/be) Vu <= Allow., O.K. d =
fs =
Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Concentrated Load: fs(used) =
S.R. = 0.448 S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(-fMno))^2 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.
s2(max) =
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Version 1.5
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Version 1.5
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Version 1.5
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