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"Circbase" - Steel Column Circular Base Plate Analysis: Program Description

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Program Description:

"CIRCBASE" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel column base
plates. Specifically, pipe columns base plates may be subjected to axial loads (compression only), with or
without column bending, plus shear. Base plate bearing pressure is checked as well as bolt tension, if
applicable. If shear is present, bolt shear as well as interaction of bolt tension and shear, if applicable, are
calculated. Finally, a propoesed base plate thickness is is checked.

This program is a workbook consisting of two (2) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Complete method Circular base plate analysis

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of "Design of Monopole Bases", by Daniel Horn, P.E.

2. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress (ASD) Manual
(2nd Revision, 1995) for round hollow structural tube & column base plates subjected to flexure.

3. For steel interaction of anchor bolt tension and shear, this program follows:
Appendix D of ACI 318-02, "Building Code Requirements For Structural Concrete"

4. For concrete bearing, this program follows:

Section 10.17 of ACI 318-02, "Building Code Requirements For Structural Concrete"

5. User has option to take out some of the total shear though friction between column base and grout based
on column dead load and coefficient of friction, thus reducing amount of shear to be taken by anchor bolts.

6. Additional assumptions used in this program are as follows:

a. The column is centered on a circular base plate in both directions.
b. The column & base plate are centered on a round pedestal in both directions.
b. Axial column load, 'P' > 0 for the case with moment.

7. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box”
is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)

8. For the addition of gusset plates to the baseplate, this program derives the baseplate moments from
"Theory of Plates and Shells", by S. Tomonshenko. (1st Edition, 1940)
a. Table 26 - Deflection & Bending Moments for a Uniformly Loaded Plate with Two Opposite Edges
Simply Supported, the Third Edge Free and the Fourth is Built In (Page 218)
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: Job No.: 2013-12-1 V=
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: V(bolts) =
Input Data: OD(col) =
r(col) =
PL bearing area
Column Loadings: tcol =
Axial Load, P = 76.00 kips Yes
Axial Load, P(DL) = 44.00 kips No
Shear Load, V = 15.00 kips e = 15.79 in
Moment @ Base, M = 1200.00 in-kips y = 12.37 in ###
Design Parameters: ###
Mod./High seismic risk region? No ###
Is a grout pad present? Yes yo = 0.13 in ###
Column Outer Dia., OD(col) = 16.000 in di = 15 in ###
Column wall thick, tcol = 0.500 in ###
Column Yield stress, Fy(col) = 35.000 ksi ###
Base Plate O.D., B = 25.000 in ###
Base Plate I.D., di = 15.000 in ###
Base Plate thick, t(PL) = 1.500 in ###
Plate Yield Stress, Fy = 36.00 ksi ###
Baseplate gussets present? Yes ###
Gusset Plate thick, tg = 0.500 in ###
Gusset Plate height, hg = 12.000 in ###
No. of Gusset Plates, Ng = 16 BC = 21 in ###
Concrete Strength, f 'c = 4.000 ksi B = 25 in ###
Coef. of Friction, μ = 0.55 ###
Conc. Ped. diameter, OD(ped) = 32.00 in ###
ACI load factor, LF = 1.38 ###
Anchor Bolt/Rod Data: ###
Total No. of Bolts, Nb = 16 bolts ###
Bolt Circle Dia, BC = 21.00 in ###
Bolt Diameter, db = 1 1/4 in ###
Anchor Bolt Material = F1554 (36) ###
Iteration: ###
q(start) = 15.6550 in Start value should approx. equal eccentricity ###
q(calc) = 15.6549 in A307
Delta = 0.0001 Change q(start) until Delta = 0. A36
Results: A588
F1554 (36)
Calculate the area of the outer circle: F1554 (55)
F1554 (105)
r= 12.50 in = B/2 ###
y = lo = 12.37 in = r-e+q ###
yo = 0.13 in = r-lo ###
A1 = 242.08 in^2 = r^2*p/2-yo*√(r^2-yo^2)-r^2*asin(yo/r) ###
ybc =
fbc =

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: Job No.: 2013-12-1 V=
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: V(bolts) =
Results (continued): APL =
Aconc =
Calculate the area of the inner circle √(Aconc/APL) =
fc =
ri = 7.50 in = di/2 fc =
l= 7.37 in = ri-e+q fc(allow) =
yc = 0.13 in = max(ri-l or -ri), or 0 if l<0
Ac = -86.34 in^2 = -ri^2*p/2+yc*√(ri^2-yc^2)+ri^2*asin(yc/ri), or 0 if l<0
AT = 273.60 in^2 = A1+Ac+Σ(n-1)*Ab+Σn*Ab
y1 = 5.38 in = [2*(r^2-yo^2)^1.5]/3*A1 beff =
Q1 = 2,520 in^3 = A1*(e-y1) y=
y1c = 3.26 in = 0 if l<0, or [-2*(ri^2-yc^2)^1.5]/(3*Ac) fpole =
Qc = -1,082 in^3 =Ac*(e-y1c), or 0 if l<0
QT = 3,350 in^3 = Q1 + Qbolt + Qc

Calculate the moments of inertia M(max) =

fmax =
I1 = 28,827 in^4 fall =
Ic = -13,890 in^4 Abt = 0.7854*(db-0.9743/n)^2
Ibolt = 37,514 in^4
IT = 52,451 in^4 = I1+Ic+Ibolt
q(calc) = 15.65 in = IT/QT M(max) =
fmax =
Concrete Results: fall =
Eccentricity, e = 15.79 in = ABS(M/P) Baseplate Weld
Min. Eccentricity, e(min) = 4.25 in = (B^4-di^4)/(8*B*(B^2-di^2)) ###
Method Valid Sweld =
Weld force, fwm =
ACI load factor, LF = 1.38 Allowable weld stress, σw =
Conc bearing stress, fc(max) = 1.01 ksi = P*y/(q*AT-QT) Req'd weld size, ωh =
Factored bear stress, fc(max,f) = 1.39 ksi = LF*fc(max) ###
ybc = 10.37 in = BC/2-e+q(calc) Steel Results (
Conc bearing stress, fbc = 0.84 ksi @ bolt circle = P*ybc/(q*AT-QT) ###
Factored bearing stress, fbc,f = 0.85 ksi @ bolt circle = LF*fbc Ng =
Strength reduction factor, Φ = 0.65 b=
PL to ped edge dist, d1a = 3.50 in = [OD(ped)-di]/2 L=
Min. bear length, d1 = 3.50 in = min[ d1a , r(col) ] L/b =
Conc bear area O.D., OD(bear) = 32.00 in = B+2*d1 fc(max) =
Conc bear area I.D., ID(bear) = 8.00 in = di-2*d1
Baseplate bearing area, APL = 314.16 in^2 = p/4*(B^2-di^2) The following table
Concrete bearing area, Aconc = 753.98 in^2 = p/4*[OD(bear)^2-ID(bear)^2] L/b
√(Aconc/APL) = 1.55 x = b/2
Allow. bear. stress, fc(allow) = 3.42 ksi = Φ*0.85*(f 'c)*√(Aconc/APL) ###
fc(max,f) ≤ fc(allow), O.K.
Steel Results: ###
beff = 3.14 in = p*B/Nb ###
y= 7.87 in = B/2-e+q(calc) ###
fpole = 0.64 ksi = P*y/[q(calc)*AT-QT] ###

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: Job No.: 2013-12-1 V=
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: V(bolts) =


Steel Results (continued): A

Compression Side: Given A =
No. of Gusset Plates, Ng = 16.00 plates A2
Gusset spacing, b = 4.03 in = 2*p*([r+r(col)]/2)/Ng
Baseplate Length, L = 4.50 in = 0.5[B-OD(col)] Cx =
L/b = 1.12 Mx =

L/b Mx My This table is taken from

x = b/2 y = L1 x = b/2 y=0 This table
Theory is taken
Of Plates Andfrom A
Shells Of Plates And
0 0 -0.500 fc*L^2 Shells (Timoshenko) A1
0.333 0.0078 fc*b^2 -0.428 fc*L^2 Given A =
0.5 0.0293 fc*b^2 -0.319 fc*L^2 A2
0.667 0.0558 fc*b^2 -0.227 fc*L^2
1 0.0972 fc*b^2 -0.119 fc*L^2 Cy =
1.5 0.1230 fc*b^2 -0.124 fc*b^2 My =
2 0.1310 fc*b^2 -0.125 fc*b^2
3 0.1330 fc*b^2 -0.125 fc*b^2 M(max) =
∞ 0.1330 fc*b^2 -0.125 fc*b^2 fs(max) =

Conc bearing stress, fc(max) = 1.01 ksi = P*y/(q*AT-QT) Rcol =

Cx = 0.1033 tcol =
Mx = 1.686 in-kips/in = Cx*fc*b^2 tg =
Cy = -0.1202 hg =
My = -2.452 in-kips/in = Cy*fc*L^2 m = t(PL) =
M(max) = 2.45 in-kips a=
f(max) = 0.92 ksi = [6*M(max)]/t(PL)^2 Z=
f(all) = 27.00 ksi = 0.75*Fy f(max) ≤ f(all), O.K.
Vg =
Tension Side: Mg =
M(max) = 16.88 in-kips = Pten*[BC-OD(col)]/2 fb(pole wall) =
f(max) = 14.33 ksi = 6*M*(max)/[beff*t(PL)^2] fb(allow) =
f(all) = 27.00 ksi = 0.75*Fy f(max) ≤ f(all), O.K.

Column Wall:
b1 =
Gusset spacing, b = 4.03 in = 2*p*([r+r(col)]/2)/Ng ybar =
Rcol = 8.00 in = OD(col)/2 I1 =
m= 1.50 in = t(PL) Nw =
a= 2.00 in = 2*(tg+t) σw =
Z= 0.30 = 1/[ (0.177*a*m/sqrt(Rcol*t))(m/tcol)^2+1.0] σt =
Vg = 18.25 kips = fc*b*L σb =
Mg = 41.06 in-kips = ½*fc*b*L^2 fv =
fb(pole wall) = 3.11 ksi fvw =
fb(allow) = 21.00 ksi = 0.6*Fy(col) fb(pole wall) ≤ fb(allow), O.K.

Column to Baseplate Weld: fbw =

fsw =
Sweld = 201.06 in^2 =(p/4)*OD(col)^2 Weld design assumes 70 frw =
Weld force, fwm = 5.97 kips/in = M/Sweld Weldksidesign assumes 70
electrodes ωv =
ksi electrodes

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: Job No.: 2013-12-1
Weld design assumes 70 V=
Subject: Column Base Plate Weld design
ksi assumes
Originator: M.ARRAJ ksi electrodes
Checker: 70 V(bolts) =
Allowable weld stress, σw = 14.85 ksi = 0.7071*0.3*(70 ksi)
Req'd weld size, ωh = 0.402 in = fwm/σw
Steel Results (continued): Φ=
LF =
Gusset / Column / Baseplate Weld: s=
Pten = Tb = Nu =
Pten = Tb = Nu =
Vb = V u =
Ase =
tg = 0.5 in Fy(bolt) =
hg = 12 in Fut(bolt) =
Fut(bolt) =
Weld design assumes 70 ΦNs =
Weldksidesign assumes 70
electrodes =
ksi electrodes
ΦVs =
t(PL) = 1.5 in
Tension interaction =
b1 = 3.14 in =
Shear interaction =
Determine moment of inertia of gusset/baseplate section =
Item b h y A A*y A*y^2 Io ion check =
1 3.14 1.50 0.75 4.71 3.53 2.65 0.88 =
2 0.50 12.00 7.50 6.00 45.00 337.50 72.00 =
Totals 13.50 10.71 48.53 340.15 72.88 =

Baseplate effective width, b1 = 3.14 in = p*OD(col)/Ng

Location of gusset/basepl neutral axis, ybar = 4.53 in = ΣA*y/ΣA
Gusset/basepl moment of inertia, I1 = 193.14 in^4 = ΣIo+Σ(A*y^2)-Σ[(A*y)*ybar]
# of welds, Nw = 2.00 welds
Allowable weld stress, σw = 14.85 ksi = 0.7071*0.3*(70 ksi)
Bending stress @ t.o. gusset, σt = 1.91 ksi
Bending stress @ b.o. gusset, σb = 0.96 ksi
Shear force @ face of baseplate, fv = 1.68 kips/in = Vg*[(b1)*t(PL)]*[ybar-½*t(PL)]/I1
Horizontal weld force, fvw = 0.84 kips/in = fv/Nw
Horizontal req'd weld size, ωh = 0.06 in = fvw/σw

Bending force on vert. weld, fbw = 0.48 k/in = σt*tg/Nw

Vertical shear on weld, fsw = 0.76 k/in = Vg/(hg*Nw)
Resultant weld force, frw = 0.90 k/in = SQRT(fbw^2+fsw^2)
Req'd weld size, ωv = 0.06 in = frw/σw

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: Job No.: 2013-12-1 V=
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: V(bolts) =


Anchor Bolt/Rod Steel Tension and Shear (Per ACI 318-02):

Tensile strength reduction factor, Φ = 0.75

Shear strength reduction factor, Φ = 0.65
ACI load factor, LF = 1.38
A.B. Spacing, s = 4.12 in = p*BC/Nb
Max. bolt tension, Pten = Tb = N = 6.75 kips (See following page)
Max. factored bolt tension, Nu = 9.32 kips = LF*N
Bolt Shear, V(bolts) = 2.90 kips = V(total)-1/2*μ*P(DL)
Bolt Shear, Vb = Vu = 0.25 kips/bolt = V(bolts)/Nb
Ase = 0.97 in^2
Fy(bolt) = 36.00 ksi
Fut(bolt) = 58.00 ksi
ΦNs = 42.15 kips/bolt = Φ*Ase*Fut(bolt)
ΦVs = 17.54 kips/bolt = 0.8*Φ*0.6*Ase*Fut(bolt)
Tension interaction = 0.221 = Nu/(ΦNs) S.R. ≤ 1.00, O.K.!
Shear interaction = 0.011 = Vu/(ΦVs) S.R. ≤ 1.00, O.K.!
Interaction check = 0.235 = Nu/(ΦNs) + Vu/(ΦVs) S.R. ≤ 1.20, O.K.!

Steel anchor strength is OKAY!

* Shear strength of anchors with grout pads shall be multiplied by 0.8 ACI 318-02, Sect. D.6.1.3

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: Job No.: 2013-12-1 V=
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: V(bolts) =


Individual Anchor Bolt Forces:

Bolt # ybolt n Abt n*Abolt Qbolt Ibolt Pbolt

1 0.00 8.04 0.969 7.79 123.01 1947.12 0.09
2 4.02 7.04 0.969 6.82 80.30 948.95 -2.16
3 7.42 7.04 0.969 6.82 57.06 481.03 -4.05
4 9.70 7.04 0.969 6.82 41.54 256.60 -5.32
5 10.50 7.04 0.969 6.82 36.08 194.57 -5.76
6 9.70 7.04 0.969 6.82 41.54 256.60 -5.32
7 7.42 7.04 0.97 6.82 57.06 481.03 -4.05
8 4.02 7.04 0.97 6.82 80.30 948.95 -2.16
9 0.00 8.04 0.97 7.79 123.01 1947.12 0.09
10 -4.02 8.04 0.97 7.79 154.32 3061.48 2.64
11 -7.42 8.04 0.97 7.79 180.86 4203.23 4.80
12 -9.70 8.04 0.97 7.79 198.59 5066.88 6.24
13 -10.50 8.04 0.97 7.79 204.81 5389.31 6.75
14 -9.70 8.04 0.97 7.79 198.59 5066.88 6.24
15 -7.42 8.04 0.97 7.79 180.86 4203.23 4.80
16 -4.02 8.04 0.97 7.79 154.32 3061.48 2.64

Totals 117.87 1912 37,514

Max bolt tension, N = 6.75 kips

1. Tension (uplift) load = positive (+)
2. Compression (downward) load = negative (-)
3. Qbolt = Σ n*Abolt*(e-ybolt)
4. n*Abolt = n*Abt (tension zone)
5. n*Abolt = (n-1)*Abt (compression zone)
6. Ibolt = Σ[ n*Abt^2/(4p) + n*Abt*(e-ybolt)^2]
7. Pbolt = P*[e-ybolt-q(calc)]/(q(calc)*AT-QT)*[n*Abt]

1. Controlling strength design load case was 1.2*[Ds+Do+AF]+1.0*E(+Z) where Mx = 1340 in-kips.
2. Controlling service load case was Ds+Do+AF+0.7*E(+Z) where Mx = 974 in-kips.
3. ACI concrete load factor used for design = (1340 in-k)/(974 in-k) = 1.376, say 1.38.

Complete Method
Per AISC 9th Edition Manual (ASD) and "Design of Monopole Bases"
based on the Complete Circular Base Plate Method
Job Name: Job No.: 2013-12-1 V=
Subject: Column Base Plate Originator: M.ARRAJ Checker: V(bolts) =

Complete Method

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