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Cement Matrix Products Concrete Reinforcement: Sl. No. Code No. Title

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Sl. No. Code No.



1 IS457 Code of practice for construction of hollow concrete block masonry
2 IS783 Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes

3 IS10790 1 Methods of sampling of steel for prestressed and reinforced concrete (Part-1)  Prestressing steel
4 IS10790 2 Methods of sampling of steel for prestressed and reinforced concrete (Part-2)  Reinforcing steel
5 IS13620 Specification for fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcing bars
6 IS14268 Specification for uncoated stress relieved low relaxation seven ply strand for prestressed concrete
7 IS1566 Specification for hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement
8 IS1785 1 Specification for plain hard-drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete (Part-1)  Cold-drawn stress relieved wire
9 IS1785 2 Specification for plain hard-drawn steel wire for prestressed concrete (Part-2)  As drawn wire
10 IS1786 Specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement
11 IS2090 Specification for high tensile steel bars used in prestressed concrete
Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement (Part-1)  Mild steel and medium
12 IS432 1 tensile steel bars

13 IS432 2 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement (Part-2)  Hard-drawn steel wire
14 IS6003 Specification for indented wire for prestressed concrete
15 IS6006 Specification for uncoated stress relieved strand for prestressed concrete

16 IS10067 Material constants in building works
17 IS10302 Unified nomenclature of workmen for civil engineering
18 IS4082 Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction materials and components at site
19 IS7272 1 Recommendations for labour output constants for building work (Part-1)  North zone

20 IS13827 Improving earthquake resistance of earthen building - Guidelines
21 IS13828 Improving earthquake resistance of low strength masonry building - Guidelines
22 IS13920 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic force - Code of practice
23 IS13935 Guidelines for repair and seismic strengthening of buildings
24 IS1893 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures
25 IS1893 1 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures(Part 1 2002)
26 IS4326 Code of practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings
27 IS4967 Recommendations for seismic instrumentation for river valley project
28 IS4991 Criteria for blast resistant design of structures for explosions above ground
29 IS6922 Criteria for safety and design of structures subject to underground blasts


30 IS5317 Specification for bitumen mastic for bridge decking and roads(2002)
31 IS5317 Specification for bitumen mastic for bridge decking and roads(1995)


32 IS1200 1 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-1)  Earthwork
33 IS1200 2 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-2)  Concrete works
34 IS1200 3 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-3)  Brickworks
35 IS1200 4 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-4)  Stone masonry
36 IS1200 5 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-5) Formwork
37 IS1200 6 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-6)  Refractory work
38 IS1200 7 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-7)  hardware
39 IS1200 8 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-8)  Steel work and iron work
40 IS1200 9 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-9)  Roof covering
41 IS1200 10 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-10) Ceiling and linings
42 IS1200 11 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-11)  Paving, Floor finishes dado and skirting
43 IS1200 12 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-12)  Plastering and pointing

44 IS1200 13 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-13)  Whitewashing, colour washing, distempering and painting of building
45 IS1200 14 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-14)  Glazing
46 IS1200 15 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-15)  Painting, polishing, varnishing etc.
47 IS1200 16 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-16)  laying of water and sewer lines including appurtenant items
48 IS1200 17 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-17)  Roadwork including air field pavements
49 IS1200 18 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-18)  Demolition and dismantling
50 IS1200 19 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-19)  Water supply, plumbing and drains
51 IS1200 20 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-20)  Laying of gas and oil pipelines
52 IS1200 21 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-21)  Wood-work and joinery
53 IS1200 22 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-22)  Materials
54 IS1200 23 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-23)  Piling
55 IS1200 24 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-24)  Well foundation
56 IS1200 25 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-25) Tunneling
57 IS1200 26 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-26)  Acid resistant lining
58 IS1200 27 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-27)  Earthwork done by mechanical appliances
59 IS1200 28 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering works (Part-28)  Sound insulation works
60 IS3861 Method of measurement of plinth, carpet and rentable areas of building

61 IS12070 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundation on rock
62 IS13063 Code of practice for structural safety of building on shallow foundations on rock
63 IS13372 1 Code of practice for seismic testing of rock mass (Part-1)  Within a borehole
64 IS13372 2 Code of practice for seismic testing of rock mass (Part-2)  Between the borehole
65 IS14448 Code of practice for reinforcement of rock slopes with plane edge failure
66 IS14593 Design and construction of bored cast-in-situ piles founded on rock- Guidelines
67 IS7746 Code of practice for in-situ shear test on rock

68 IS10291 Safety code for dress drivers in civil engineering works
69 IS13416 1 Recommendations for preventive measures against hazards at workplaces (Part-1)  Falling material hazards prevention 
70 IS3696 1 Safety code of scaffolds and ladders (Part-1)  Scaffolds
71 IS3696 2 Safety code of scaffolds and ladders (Part-1)  Ladders
72 IS3764 Code of safety for excavation work
73 IS4081 Safety code for blasting and related drilling operation
74 IS4138 Safety code for working in compressed air
75 IS4756 Safety code for tunneling work
76 IS4912 Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe boards
77 IS5121 Safety code for piling and other deep foundations
78 IS5916 Safety code for construction involving use of hot bituminous materials
79 IS7293 Safety code for working with construction machinery
80 IS7969 Safety code for handling and storage of building materials
81 IS8989 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures


82 IS10042 Code of practice for site investigations for foundation in gravel boulder deposits
83 IS10442 Specification for earth Augers(Spiral Types)(1983)
84 IS10074 Specification for compaction mould assembly for test for soils
85 IS10077 Specification for equipment for determination of shrinkage factors
86 IS10108 Code of practice for sampling of soil by thin wall sampler with stationery piston
87 IS10270 Guidelines for design and construction of prestressed rock anchors
88 IS10379 Code of practice for field control of moisture and compaction of soils of embankment and sub grade
89 IS10589 Specification for equipment for determination of subsurface sounding of soils
90 IS1080 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations on soil
91 IS10837 Specification for moulds and accessories for determination of density index (relative density)
92 IS11089 Code of practice for design and construction of ring foundation
93 IS11196 Specification for equipment for determination of liquid limit of soils cone penetration method
94 IS11209 Specification for mould assembly for determination of permeability of soils
95 IS11229 Specification for shear box for testing of soils
96 IS11550 Code of practice for field instrumentation of swelling pressure in expansive soils
97 IS11593 Specification for shear box (large) for testing of soils
98 IS11594 Specification for thin walled sampling tubes and sampler heads
99 IS12175 Specification for rapid moisture meter for rapid determination of water content for soil
100 IS12208 Method for measurement of earth pressure by hydraulic pressure cell
101 IS12287 Specification for consolidometer for determination of consolidation properties
102 IS12979 Specification for mould for determination of linear shrinkage
103 IS13094 Guidelines for selection of ground improvement techniques for foundation in weak soils
104 IS13468 Specification for apparatus for determination of dry density of soils by core cutter method
105 IS1498 Classification and identification of soil for general engineering purposes
106 IS1725 Specification for soil based block used in general building construction
107 IS1888 Method of load test on soils
108 IS1892 Code of practice for subsurface investigations for foundations
109 IS1904 Code of practice for design and construction of foundation in soil: General requirements
110 IS2131 Method of standard penetration test for soils
111 IS2132 Code of practice for thin walled tube sampling of soils
112 IS2720 1 Method of test for soils(Part-1)  Preparation of dry soils samples for various tests
113 IS2720 2 Method of test for soils(Part-2)  Determination of water content
114 IS2720 3.1 Method of test for soils(Part-3)  Determination of specific gravity Section-1  Fine grained soils
115 IS2720 3.2 Method of test for soils(Part-3)  Determination of specific gravity Section-2  Fine, medium and coarse grained soils
116 IS2720 4 Method of test for soils(Part-4)  Grain size analysis
117 IS2720 5 Method of test for soils(Part-5)  Determination of liquid and plastic limit
118 IS2720 6 Method of test for soils(Part-6)  Determination of shrinkage factors
119 IS2720 7 Method of test for soils(Part-7)  Determination of water content dry density relation using light compaction
120 IS2720 8 Method of test for soils(Part-8)  Determination of water content dry density relation using heavy compaction
121 IS2720 9 Method of test for soils(Part-9)  Determination of dry density moisture content relation by constant weight of soil method
122 IS2720 10 Method of test for soils(Part-10)  Determination of unconfined compressive strength
Method of test for soils(Part-11)  Determination of the shear strength parameters of a specimen tested in consolidated, in drained triaxial
123 IS2720 11 compression without the measurement of pore water pressure
Method of test for soils(Part-12)  Determination of the shear strength parameters of a soil from consolidated, un drained triaxial compression
124 IS2720 12 test with measurement of pore water pressure
125 IS2720 13 Method of test for soils(Part-13)  Direct shear test
126 IS2720 14 Method of test for soils(Part-14)  Determination of density index (relative density) of cohesion less soils
127 IS2720 15 Method of test for soils(Part-15)  Determination of consolidation properties
128 IS2720 16 Method of test for soils(Part-16)  Laboratory determination of CBR
129 IS2720 17 Method of test for soils(Part-17)  Laboratory determination of permeability
130 IS2720 18 Method of test for soils(Part-18)  Determination of field moisture equivalent
131 IS2720 19 Method of test for soils(Part-19)  Determination of centrifuge moisture equivalent
132 IS2720 20 Method of test for soils(Part-20)  Determination of linear shrinkage
133 IS2720 21 Method of test for soils(Part-21)  Determination of total soluble solids
134 IS2720 22 Method of test for soils(Part-22)  Determination of organic matter
135 IS2720 23 Method of test for soils(Part-23)  Determination of calcium carbonate
136 IS2720 24 Method of test for soils(Part-24)  Determination of cation exchange capacity
137 IS2720 25 Method of test for soils(Part-25)  Determination silica sesquioxide ratio
138 IS2720 26 Method of test for soils(Part-26)  Determination of pH value
139 IS2720 27 Method of test for soils(Part-27)  Determination of total soluble sulphates
140 IS2720 28 Method of test for soils(Part-28)  Determination of dry density of soils in place, by the sand replacement method
141 IS2720 29 Method of test for soils(Part-29)  Determination of dry density of soils inplace by the core cutter method
142 IS2720 30 Method of test for soils(Part-30)  Laboratory vane shear test
143 IS2720 31 Method of test for soils(Part-31)  Field determination of california bearing ratio
144 IS2720 33 Method of test for soils(Part-33)  Determination of the density in place by the ring and water replacement method
145 IS2720 34 Method of test for soils(Part-34)  Determination of density of soil in place by rubber balloon method
146 IS2720 35 Method of test for soils(Part-35)  Measurement of negative pore water pressure
147 IS2720 36 Method of test for soils(Part-36)  Laboratory determination of permeability of granular soil (constant head)
148 IS2720 37 Method of test for soils(Part-37)  Determination of sand equivalent values of soils and fine aggregates
149 IS2720 38 Method of test for soils(Part-38)  Compaction control test (HILF method)
150 IS2720 39_1 Method of test for soils(Part-39/Sec1Laboratry Test) Direct Shear Test For Soils Contaning Gravel
151 IS2720 39_2 Method of test for soils(Part-39/Sec2 In Situ Shear Test) Direct Shear Test For Soils Contaning Gravel
152 IS2720 40 Method of test for soils(Part-40)  Determination of free swell index of soils
153 IS2720 41 Method of test for soils(Part-41)  Determination of swelling pressure of soils
154 IS2809 Glossary of terms and symbols relating to soil engineering
155 IS2810 Glossary of terms relating to soil dynamics
156 IS2911 1_1 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations (Part 1 concrete piles/Section I Driven Cast in-Situ Concrete Piles)
157 IS2911 1_2 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations (Part 1 concrete piles/Sec 2 Bored Cast In-Situ Piles)
158 IS2911 1_3 Code of practice for Design and construction of Pile foundations Part I concrete piles/Section 3 Driven Precast concrete piles)
159 IS2911 1_4 Code Of Practice For Design And Construction Of Pile Foundation (Part 1 Concrete Piles, Section 4 Bored Precast Concrete Piles)
160 IS2911 2 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations(Part-2)  Timber piles
161 IS2911 3 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations(Part-3)  Under reamed piles
162 IS2911 4 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations(Part-4)  Load test on piles
163 IS2950 1 Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations(Part-1)  Design
164 IS2974 1 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations(Part-1)  Foundation for reciprocating type machine
165 IS2974 2 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations(Part-2)  Foundation for impact type machine

166 IS2974 3 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations(Part-1)  Foundation for rotary type machines (Medium and high frequency)
167 IS2974 4 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations(Part-1)  Foundation for rotary type machines of low frequency
Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations(Part-1)  Foundation for impact machine other than hammers (Forging and
168 IS2974 5 stamping press, pig breakers, drop crusher and jolter)
169 IS4091 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations for transmission line towers and poles
170 IS4332 1 Method of test for stabilized soils(Part-1)  Method of sampling and preparation of stabilized soils for testing
171 IS4332 2 Method of test for stabilized soil(Part-2)  Determination of moisture content of stabilized soils mixture
172 IS4332 3 Method of test for stabilized soil(Part-3)  Test for determination of moisture content dry density relation for stabilized soils mixtures
173 IS4332 4 Method of test for stabilized soils(Part-4)  Wetting and drying, freezing and thawing test for compacted soil cement mixtures
174 IS4332 5 Method of test for stabilized soil(Part-5)  Determination of unconfined compressive strength of stabilized soils
175 IS4332 6 Method of test for stabilized soils(Part-1)  Flexural strength of soil element using simple beam with third point loading
176 IS4332 7 Method of test for stabilized soil(Part-7)  Determination of cement content of cement stabilized soils
177 IS4332 8 Method of test for stabilized soil(Part-8)  Determination of lime content of lime stabilized soils
178 IS4332 9 Method of test for stabilized soil(Part-9)  Determination of the bituminous stabilizer content of bitumen and tar stabilized soils
179 IS4332 10 Method of test for stabilized soil(Part-10)  Test for soil/bituminous mixtures
180 IS4434 Code of practice for in-situ vane shear test for soils
181 IS4968 1 Method for subsurface sounding for soils(Part-1)  Dynamic method using 50mm cone without bentonite slurry
182 IS4968 2 Method for subsurface sounding for soils(Part-2)  Dynamic method using cone and bentonite slurry
183 IS4968 3 Method for subsurface sounding for soils(Part-3)  Static cone penetration test
184 IS5249 Method of test for determination of dynamic properties of soil
185 IS6403 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundations
186 IS8009 1 Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations(Part-1)  Shallow foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loads
187 IS8009 2 Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations(Part-2)  Deep foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loading
188 IS8763 Guide for undisturbed sampling of sands and sandy soils
189 IS9198 Specification for compaction rammer for soil testing
190 IS9214 Method for determination of modulus of sub-grade reaction (K-value) of soils in the field
191 IS9259 Specification for liquid limit apparatus for soils
192 IS9456 Code of practice for design and construction of conical and hyperbolic paraboloidal types of shell foundation
193 IS9556 Code of practice for design and construction of diaphragm walls
194 IS9640 Specification for split spoon sampler
195 IS9669 Specification for CBR moulds and its accessories
196 IS9716 Guide for lateral dynamic load test on piles
197 IS9759 Guidelines for dewatering during construction

198 IS11384 Code of practice for composite construction in structural steel and concrete
199 IS11504 Criteria for structural design of reinforced concrete natural draught cooling towers
200 IS11682 Criteria for design of RCC staging for overhead water tanks
201 IS12303 Criteria for design RCC hinges
202 IS2210 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete shell structures and folded plates
203 IS3935 Code of practice for composite construction
204 IS4090 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete arches
Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of granular and powdery materials(Part-1)  General requirements and assessment of
205 IS4995 1 bin loads
206 IS4995 2 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins for storage of granular and powdery materials(Part-2)  Design criteria
207 IS4998 1 Criteria for design of reinforced concrete chimneys

208 IS1121 1 Method of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones (Part-1)  Compressive strength
209 IS1121 2 Method of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones (Part-2)  Transverse strength
210 IS1121 3 Method of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones (Part-3)  Tensile strength
211 IS1121 4 Method of test for determination of strength properties of natural building stones (Part-4)  Shear strength
212 IS1122 Method of test for determination of true specific gravity of natural building stones
213 IS1123 Method of identification of natural building stones
214 IS1124 Method of test for determination of water absorption apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones
215 IS14396 1 - 4 Argillaceous Swelling Rocks - Methods For Laboratory Testing (Part 1 to 4)
216 IS4348 Method of test for determination of permeability of natural building stones
217 IS5640 Method of test for determining aggregate impact value of soft coarse aggregates
218 IS6241 Method of test for determination of stripping value of road aggregates
219 IS6579 Specification for coarse aggregate for water bound macadam
220 IS8381 Recommendations for practice for quarrying stones for construction purposes

221 IS12843 Tolerances for erection of steel structures
222 IS4000 Code of practice for high strength bolts in steel
223 IS4014 1 Code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding (Part-1)  Definitions and materials
224 IS7215 Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures
225 IS800 Code of practice for general construction in steel
226 IS801 Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in general building construction

Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures (Part-1)  Dead loads unit weights of building materials
227 IS875 1 and stored materials
228 IS875 2 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures (Part-2)  Imposed loads
229 IS875 3 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures (Part-3)  Wind loads
230 IS875 4 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures (Part-4)  Snow loads
231 IS875 5 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures (Part-5)  Special loads and load combinations


232 IS12027 Specification for silicone based water repellents
233 IS12054 Code of practice for application of silicon based water repellent
234 IS13182 Recommendations for waterproofing of wet area in building
235 IS1322 Specification for bitumen felts for water proofing and damp proofing
236 IS13435 1 Acrylic based waterproofing materials - Methods of tests (Part-1) Determination of solid content
237 IS13435 2 Acrylic based waterproofing materials - Methods of tests (Part-1) Determination of coarse particle
238 IS13435 3 Acrylic based polymer waterproofing materials - Methods of tests (Part-1) Determination of capillary water take-up
239 IS13435 4 Acrylic based polymer waterproofing materials - Methods of tests (Part-1) Determination of pH value
240 IS13435 5 Acrylic based waterproofing materials - Methods of tests (Part-1) Determination of minimum film forming temperatures and white point
241 IS1346 Code of practice for waterproofing of roofs with bitumen felts
242 IS13826  1 Bitumen based felts - Method of test (Part-1)  Breaking strength test
243 IS13826 2 Bitumen based felts - Method of test (Part-2)  Pliability test
244 IS13826 3 Bitumen based felts - Method of test (Part-3)  Storage sticking test
245 IS13826 4 Bitumen based felts - Method of test (Part-4)  Pressure head test
246 IS13826 5 Bitumen based felts - Method of test (Part-5)  Heat resistance test
247 IS13826 6 Bitumen based felts - Method of test (Part-6)  Water absorption test
248 IS13826  7 Bitumen based felts - Method of test (Part-7)  Determination of binder content
249 IS14695 Specification for glass fiber base coal tar pitch outer wrap
250 IS1580 Specification for bituminous compound for water proofing and caulking purposes
251 IS1609 Code of practice for laying damp proofing treatment using bitumen felts
252 IS3036 Code of practice for lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish
253 IS3037 Specification for bitumen mastic for use in water proofing of roofs
254 IS3067 Code of practice for general design details and preparatory work for damp proofing and water proofing of building
255 IS3384 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and damp proofing
256 IS4365 Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for waterproofing of roofs
257 IS4911 Glossary of terms relating to bituminous waterproofing and damp proofing of buildings
258 IS5871 Specification for bitumen mastic for tanking and damp proofing
259 IS6494 Code of practice for waterproofing of underground water reservoirs and swimming pools
260 IS7193 Specification for glass fiber base bitumen felts
261 IS7198 Code of practice for damp proofing using bitumen mastic
262 IS7290 Recommendations for use of polyethylene film for waterproofing of roofs
263 IS9918 Code of practice for in-situ waterproofing and damp proofing treatment with glass fiber tissue reinforced bitumen


264 IS10078 Specification for jolting apparatus for testing cement
265 IS10079 Specification for cylindrical metal measures for use in tests of aggregates and concrete
266 IS10080 Specification for vibration machine for casting standard cement mortar cubes
267 IS10086 Specification for moulds for use in tests of cement and concrete
268 IS10262 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design
269 IS10510 Specification for vee-bee consistometer
270 IS10850 Specification for apparatus for measurement of water retentivity of masonry cement
271 IS10890 Specification for planetary mixer used in tests of cement and pozzolana
272 IS11262 Specification for calorimeter for determination of heat of hydration of hydraulic cement
273 IS11263 Specification for cylinder measures for determination of air content of hydraulic cement mortar
274 IS11389 Method of test for performance of concrete vibrators immersion type
275 IS1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
276 IS11993 Code of practice for use of screed board concrete vibrators
277 IS12089 Specification for granulated slag for manufacture of Portland slag cement
278 IS12119 General requirements for pan mixers for concrete
279 IS12269 Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement 
280 IS12330 Specification for sulphate resisting Portland cement
281 IS12423 Methods for colorimetric analysis of hydraulic cement
282 IS12468 General requirements for vibrators for mass concreting ; Immersion type
283 IS12600 Specification for low heat Portland cement
284 IS12803 Methods of analysis of hydraulic cement by x-ray florescence spectrometer
285 IS12813 Methods of analysis of hydraulic cement by atomic absorption spectrophotometer
286 IS13311 1 Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete; Part-1 Ultrasonic pulse velocity
287 IS13311 2 Methods of non-destructive testing of concrete; Part-2 Rebound hammer
288 IS1343 Code of practice for prestressed concrete
289 IS1344 Specification for calcined clay pozzolana
290 IS14345 Specification for autoclave apparatus
291 IS14687 Guidelines for false work for concrete structure
292 IS1489 1 Specification for Portland pozzolana cement Part-1 Fly ash based
293 IS1489 2 Specification for Portland pozzolana cement Part-2 Calcined clay based
294 IS2386 1 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete; Part-1 Particle size and shape
295 IS2386 2 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete; Part-2 Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities
296 IS2386 3 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete; Part-3 Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking
297 IS2386 4 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete; Part-4 Mechanical property
298 IS2386 5 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete; Part-5 Soundness
299 IS2386 6 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete; Part-6 Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregates
300 IS2386 7 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete; Part-7 Alkali aggregate reactivity
301 IS2386 8 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete; Part-8 Petrography examination
302 IS2430 Methods for sampling of aggregated for concrete
303 IS2505 Concrete vibrators-immersion type-general requirements
304 IS2506 General requirements for screed board concrete vibrators
305 IS2572 Code of Practice for Construction of hollow concrete block masonary
306 IS2645 Specification for integral cement waterproofing compounds
307 IS269 Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 33 grade
308 IS2770 1 Methods of testing bond in reinforced concrete Part-1 Pull out test
309 IS3085 Methods of test for permeability of cement mortar and concrete
310 IS3466 Specification for masonry cement
311 IS3535 Methods of sampling of hydraulic cement
312 IS3558 Code of practice for use of immersion vibrators for consolidating concrete
313 IS3812 Specification for fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture
314 IS3812 1 Specification for Pulverized fuel ash for use as pozzolana in Cement, Cement Mortar and Concrete
315 IS3812 2 Specification for Pulverized fuel ash for use as admixture in Cement Mortar and Concrete
316 IS383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural source for concrete
317 IS4031 1 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-1 Determination of fineness by dry sieving
318 IS4031 2 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-2 Determination of fineness by specific surface by Blaine air permeability method
319 IS4031 3 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-3 Determination of sound-ness
320 IS4031 4 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-4 Determination of consistency of standard cement paste
321 IS4031 5 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-5 Determination of initial and final setting times
322 IS4031 6 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-6 Determination of compressive strength of hydraulic cement

323 IS4031 8 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-8 Determination of transverse and compressive strength of plastic mortar using prism
324 IS4031 9 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-9 Determination of heat of hydration
325 IS4031 10 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-10 Determination of drying shrinkage
326 IS4031 11 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-11 Determination of density
327 IS4031 12 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-12 Determination of air content of hydraulic cement mortar
328 IS4031 13 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-13 Measurement of water retentivity of masonry cement
329 IS4031 14 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-14 Determination of false set
330 IS4031 15 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement; Part-15 Determination of fineness by wet sieving
331 IS4032 Methods of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement
332 IS455 Specification for Portland slag cement
333 IS456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
334 IS457 Code of practice for general construction of plain and reinforced concrete for dams and other massive structures
335 IS4634 Methods for testing performance of batch-type concrete mixers
336 IS4845 Definition and terminology relating to hydraulic cement
337 IS4926 Specification for ready mixed concrete
338 IS516 Methods of test for strength of concrete
339 IS5512 Specification for flow table for use in tests of hydraulic cements and pozzolanic materials
340 IS5513 Specification for vicat apparatus
341 IS5514 Specification for apparatus used in Le-Chatelier test
342 IS5515 Specification for compaction factor apparatus
343 IS5516 Specification for variable flow type air-permeability apparatus (Blaine type)
344 IS5525 Recommendations for detailing of reinforcement in reinforced concrete works
345 IS5536 Specification for constant flow type air-permeability apparatus (Lea and Nurse type)
346 IS5816 Methods of test for splitting tensile strength of concrete
347 IS6461 1 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-1 Concrete aggregates
348 IS6461 2 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-2 Materials
349 IS6461 3 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-3 Concrete reinforcement
350 IS6461 4 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-4 Types of concrete
351 IS6461 5 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-5 Formwork for concrete
352 IS6461 6 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-6 Equipment, tools and plant
353 IS6461 7 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-7 Mixing, laying, compaction, curing and other construction aspects
354 IS6461 8 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-8  Properties of Concrete
355 IS6461 9 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-9  Structural aspects
356 IS6461 10 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-10 Test and testing apparatus
357 IS6461 11 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-11  Prestressed concrete
358 IS6461 12 Glossary of terms relating to cement concrete; Part-12  Miscellaneous
359 IS6491 Methods of sampling of fly ash
360 IS650 Specification for standard sand for testing of cement
361 IS6923 Methods of test for performance of screed board concrete vibrator
362 IS6925 Method of test for determination of water soluble chlorides in concrete admixture
363 IS7246 Recommendations for use of table vibrators for consolidating concrete
364 IS7320 Specification for concrete slump test apparatus
365 IS7325 Specification for apparatus for determining constituents of fresh concrete
366 IS7861 1 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting  Recommended practice for hot weather concreting
367 IS7861 2 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting  Recommended practice for cold weather concreting
368 IS8041 Specification for rapid hardening Portland cement
369 IS8043 Specification for hydrophobic Portland cement
370 IS8112 Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement
371 IS8125 Dimensions and materials of cement rotary kilns
372 IS8142 Methods of test for determining setting time of concrete by penetration resistance
373 IS8229 Specification for oil-well cement
374 IS9012 Recommended Practice for shotcreating(Reprint1195)
375 IS9013 Methods of making curing and determining compressive strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens
376 IS9103 Specification for admixtures for concrete
377 IS9142 Specification for artificial light weight aggregates for concrete masonry units
378 IS9284 Methods of test for abrasion resistance of concrete
379 IS9376 Specification for apparatus for measuring aggregate crushing value and ten percent fines value
380 IS9377 Specification for apparatus for aggregate impact value
381 IS9399 Specification for apparatus for flexural testing of concrete
382 IS9459 Specification for apparatus for use in measurement of length change of hardened cement paste mortar and concrete
383 IS9799 Specification for pressure meter for determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete

Mislaneous Codes
384 IS11629 Code of Practice for installation and operation of single point hydraulic Over -Flow Setting Gauge(1986)
385 IS12023 Code of Practice for field monitoring of movement of structures tape extensometer(1997)

3 Cracking Specification Synthesis and Recommendations for Repairing Uncontrolled Cracks that Occur During Concrete Pavement Construction
4 CS02-03 Evaluation of Longer-Life Concrete Pavements for California using Accelerated Pavement Testing
6 BRIDGE HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL (Chapter 19 - Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts and Similar Structures)
9 Materials Materials Manual Mineral Aggregates
Primavora Project Planner
8 Primavera 1 Primavera Project Planner ( Batch File & Structure )
8 Primavera 1 Primavera Project Planner ( Planning & Control Guide )
8 Primavera 1 Primavera Project Planner ( Rreference Manual )
8 Primavera 1 Primavera Project Planner (A Guide to Project Management Body Knowledge )

Mislaneous Specification
1 BDM bridge design manual
2 CDOT CDOT Bridge Design Manual
3 GM Geotechinical Manual(Laboratry Mannual)
4 US Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects
5 Most1995 MOST 1995
6 Rate Analysis Standard Data Book (Road & Bridge)
MORTH 2000
7 MORTH2000 Part1 Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridge Works (Upto Section 1009.3, Reinf /Untensioned Steel )
7A MORTH 2000 Part2 Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridge Works (From Section 1009.4, Reinf /Untensioned Steel to till end)
8 AutoPlotter AutoPlotter Manual

Mx Road Manual
10 Cha1 Chapter 1 - Basic Concepts
11 Cha2 Chapter 2 - New MX Project
12 Cha3 Chapter 3 - Display-Draw the GROUND Model
13 Cha4 Chapter 4 - Horizontal Alignments
14 Cha5 Chapter 5A - Create-View-Draw Profiles
15 Cha5b Chapter 5b - Vertical Alignments
16 Cha6 Chapter 6 - Cross Sections
17 Cha7 Chapter 7 - Create Roadway Template
18 Cha8 Chapter 8 - Road Widening
19 Cha9 Chapter 9 - Superelevation
20 Cha10 Chapter 10 - Intersection Design
21 Cha11 Chapter 11 - Create Shoulders-curbs-swalk
22 Cha12 Chapter 12 - Create Driveway Strings
23 Cha13 Chapter 13 - Interfacing
24 Cha14 Chapter 14 - Cross Sectional Editor
25 Cha15 Chapter 15 - Subgrade Design
26 Cha16 Chapter 16 - Determine Cut-Fill Volumes
27 Cha17 Chapter 17 - Create MDOT Reports
28 Cha18 Chapter 18 - Backing Up MX Projects
29 Cha19 Chapter 19 - Drawings To MicroStation
30 Cha Dynamic String Editor
31 Cha Transitioning Existing Design Projects

Road Design Manual

5 CHAPTER 4 Cross Section

1 MX Training
2 WMS & Mix design

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