"Stiffner" - Steel Beam Web Stiffener Analysis: Program Description
"Stiffner" - Steel Beam Web Stiffener Analysis: Program Description
"Stiffner" - Steel Beam Web Stiffener Analysis: Program Description
Program Description:
"STIFFNER" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel beams subject
to concentrated loads. Specifically, web yielding, web crippling, and web buckling criteria are checked to
determine if web stiffeners are required to resist the concentrated load. If stiffeners are required, the stiffener
size and weld requirements are determined.
1. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress (ASD) Manual
for wide flange beams subjected to concentrated compressive loads per Chapter K, pages 5-80 to 5-83.
2. This program uses the database of member dimensions and section properties from the "AISC Shapes
Database", Version 3.0 (2001) as well as the AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual (1989).
3. For the purpose of determining the total composite section to be considered for resisting the compressive
load, the program assumes a spacing of 3" center-to-center between the stiffener pairs. Thus the total
effective strips of web to be included in the composite section along with the stiffeners are as follows:
For interior condition (P or R > d/2):
1-pair: 25*tw
2-pairs: 25*tw+3"
3-pairs: 25*tw+6"
For end condition (P or R <= d/2):
1-pair: 12*tw
2-pairs: 12*tw+3"
3-pairs: 12*tw+6"
4. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box”
is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
"STIFFNER.xls" Program
Version 2.3
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"STIFFNER.xls" Program
Version 2.3
Beam Web Stiffener Design: W36x588
(Note: stiffeners are assumed to be full depth, from flange to flange.)W36x527
Stiffener Width: W36x485
bs(min) = 1.850 in. bs(min) = 2/3*bf/2-tw/2 W36x439
bs = 2.500 in. bs = bf/2-tw/2 (rounded down to nearest 1/2 inch) W36x393
Stiffener Thickness: W36x328
ts(min) = 0.213 in. ts(min) = larger of: tf/2 or bs*SQRT(Fy)/95 ts >= ts(min), O.K. W36x300
Check Stiffener Slenderness and Compressive Stress: W36x260
b/t = 6.67 b/t = bs/ts W36x256
b/t(max) = 15.83 b/t(max) = 95/SQRT(Fys) W36x245
K= 0.75 (assumed effective length factor per AISC Code, page 5-82) W36x232
L = 16.85 in. L = h = d-2*tf W36x230
I= 4.67 in.^4 I = 2*(ts*bs^3/12+(ts*bs)*(bs/2+tw/2)^2)+(25*tw)*tw^3/12 W36x210
A= 4.13 in.^2 A = 2*(ts*bs)+(25*tw)*tw W36x194
r = 1.064 in. r = SQRT(I/A) W36x182
fa = 4.12 ksi fa =P/A W36x170
KL/r = 11.88 (effective slenderness ratio for compression) W36x160
Cc = 126.10 Cc = SQRT(2*p ^2*29000/Fys) W36x150
Fa = 21.06 ksi If KL/r <= Cc: W36x135
If KL/r > Cc: Fa = 12*p^2*29000/(23*(K*L/r)^2) W33x567
Fa >= fa, O.K. W33x515
Stiffener Welding to Beam Flange: W33x468
Ps = 6.58 kips Ps = P-(Minimum of Rwy, Rwc, or Rwb) (design force) W33x424
Lw = 16.80 in. Lw = (bf/2-(tw/2+0.75))*8 W33x387
fw = 0.39 kips/in. fw = Ps/Lw W33x354
w(req'd) = 0.0264 in. (size) w(req'd) = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W33x318
w(min) = 0.1875 in. w(min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 5-67 W33x291
w(max) = 0.1818 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) W33x263
Weld req'd. <= weld max., O.K. W33x241
Stiffener Welding to Beam Web: W33x221
Ps = 6.58 kips Ps = P-(Minimum of Rwy, Rwc, or Rwb) (design force) W33x201
Lw = 62.18 in. Lw = (d-2*(k+0.25))*4 W33x169
fw = 0.11 kips/in. fw = Ps/Lw W33x152
w(req'd) = 0.0071 in. (size) w(req'd) = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W33x141
w(min) = 0.1875 in. w(min) = Min. fillet weld size from AISC Table J2.4, page 5-67 W33x130
w(max) = 0.1818 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fy*tw/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*2) W33x118
Weld req'd. <= weld max., O.K. W30x581
Comments: W30x433
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"STIFFNER.xls" Program
Version 2.3
Beam, Load Load or Unbraced Distance Is Loaded Stiffener Bearing No. of Beam Web Capacity Checks (without stiffeners) Max. P or R Are Stiffener Design
Location, Beam or Reaction Length to P or R Flange Thk. Length, Stiffener Web Shear Web Yielding Web Crippling Sidesway Web Buckling without Stiffeners Width Min. Thk. Actual Stress Allow. Stress Stiffener Welding to Beam Flange Stiffener Welding to Beam Web
or Node Size Reaction? P or R Lb x Restrained? ts N Pairs Rv Rwy Rwc Rwb Stiffeners Req'd.? bs ts(min) fa Fa w(req'd) w(min) w(max) w(req'd) w(min) w(max)
I.D. (P or R) (kips) (ft.) (ft.) (Yes / No) (in.) (in.) (1, 2, or 3) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (Yes / No) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)
1-200 W18x35 R 40.00 5.000 0.500 Yes 0.0000 12.0000 1 106.20 139.27 56.82 N.A. 56.82 No 0.000 0.000 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
1-200 W18x35 P 22.00 20.000 10.000 No 0.3750 12.0000 1 N.A. 159.74 112.80 10.42 10.42 **Yes** 2.500 0.213 5.33 21.06 0.046 0.1875 0.182 0.013 0.1875 0.182
1-200 W18x35 P 22.00 20.000 10.000 No 0.3750 12.0000 2 N.A. 159.74 112.80 10.42 10.42 **Yes** 2.500 0.213 3.19 21.11 0.023 0.1875 0.182 0.006 0.1875 0.182
1-200 W18x35 P 22.00 20.000 10.000 No 0.3750 12.0000 3 N.A. 159.74 112.80 10.42 10.42 **Yes** 2.500 0.213 2.27 21.13 0.015 0.1875 0.182 0.004 0.1875 0.182
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"STIFFNER.xls" Program
Version 2.3
Beam, Load Load or Unbraced Distance Is Loaded Stiffener Bearing No. of Beam Web Capacity Checks (without stiffeners) Max. P or R Are Stiffener Design
Location, Beam or Reaction Length to P or R Flange Thk. Length, Stiffener Web Shear Web Yielding Web Crippling Sidesway Web Buckling without Stiffeners Width Min. Thk. Actual Stress Allow. Stress Stiffener Welding to Beam Flange Stiffener Welding to Beam Web
or Node Size Reaction? P or R Lb x Restrained? ts N Pairs Rv Rwy Rwc Rwb Stiffeners Req'd.? bs ts(min) fa Fa w(req'd) w(min) w(max) w(req'd) w(min) w(max)
I.D. (P or R) (kips) (ft.) (ft.) (Yes / No) (in.) (in.) (1, 2, or 3) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (Yes / No) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)
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"STIFFNER.xls" Program
Version 2.3
Beam, Load Load or Unbraced Distance Is Loaded Stiffener Bearing No. of Beam Web Capacity Checks (without stiffeners) Max. P or R Are Stiffener Design
Location, Beam or Reaction Length to P or R Flange Thk. Length, Stiffener Web Shear Web Yielding Web Crippling Sidesway Web Buckling without Stiffeners Width Min. Thk. Actual Stress Allow. Stress Stiffener Welding to Beam Flange Stiffener Welding to Beam Web
or Node Size Reaction? P or R Lb x Restrained? ts N Pairs Rv Rwy Rwc Rwb Stiffeners Req'd.? bs ts(min) fa Fa w(req'd) w(min) w(max) w(req'd) w(min) w(max)
I.D. (P or R) (kips) (ft.) (ft.) (Yes / No) (in.) (in.) (1, 2, or 3) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (kips) (Yes / No) (in.) (in.) (ksi) (ksi) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)
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