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Decks Slab Design

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Program Description:
"DECKSLAB" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis and design of slabs on metal deck. Both composite deck slabs and form deck slabs can be analyzed and designed for 3 different loading conditions. Specifically, the flexural moment capacity for both positive and negative strong axis moments, one-way beam shear, punching shear, and deflection are all evaluated and checked. Also, for concentrated loads, the effective slab strip widths for both moment and beam shear are determined. There is information on the metal deck properties, as well as reinforcing bar and welded wire fabric data tables. This program is a workbook consisting of four (4) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name
Doc Composite Deck Form Deck (1-layer of Reinf.) Form Deck (2-layers of Reinf.)

This documentation sheet Beam flexure, shear, crack control, and inertia Flexural reinforcing for singly or doubly reinforced beams/sections Ultimate moment capacity of singly or doubly reinforced beams/sections

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program is based on the following references: a. "Composite Deck Design Handbook" - by R.B. Heagler, L.D. Luttrell, and W.S. Easterling and published by Steel Deck Institute (SDI), March 1997 b. "Designing with Steel Form Deck" - by Steel Deck Institute (SDI), 2003 c. "Steel Deck and Floor Deck" Catalog - by Vulcraft Corporation, 2001 d. ACI 318-99 Building Code and Commentary - by American Concrete Institute, June 1999 2. In the "Composite Deck" worksheet, since the composite deck is interlocked or engaged with the concrete, the deck is assumed to function as the positive moment, bottom face slab reinforcing. The shear capacity of the composite deck alone is added to the beam shear capacity of the concrete to arrive at the total beam shear capacity of the slab. 3. In the two form deck worksheets, the form deck is assumed to be "inverted" and not to contribute to the flexural moment capacity of the slab. The user has the option to include or not include the form deck shear capacity in the total beam shear capacity of the slab. 4. In the "Composite Deck" worksheet, the user may select anyone of 5 available sizes (profiles), 1.5"x6", 1.5"x6"(Inv), 1.5"x12", 2"x12", and 3"x12". 5. In the two form deck worksheets, the user may select anyone of 3 available sizes (profiles), 1.5"x6", 2"x12", and 3"x12". 6. In the "Composite Deck" and the two form deck worksheets, the user may select either a 1-span, 2-span, or 3-span condition for analysis. 7. In the "Form Deck (1-layer Reinf.)" worksheet, the reinforcing parallel to the slab span length functions as both the positive moment (between slab supports) reinforcing and the negative moment (at slab supports) reinforcing. When welded-wire fabric (WWF) reinforcing is used, this program does not allow the user to consider "draping" the reinforcing to maximize the positive and negative moment capacities. 8. In the "Form Deck (2-layers Reinf.)" worksheet, the bottom layer of reinforcing parallel to the slab span length functions as the positive moment (between slab supports) reinforcing, while the top layer of reinforcing parallel to the slab span length functions as the negative moment (at slab supports) reinforcing for the 2-span and 3-span conditions. Both positive and negative moment capacities are based on assuming a "singly-reinforced" slab section. 9. This program contains numerous comment boxes which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a comment box is denoted by a red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)

"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3


Job Name: Job Number: Input Data: Composite Deck Type = Composite Deck Gage = Deck Steel Yield, Fyd = Thk. of Topping, t(top) = Total Slab Thickness, h = Concrete Unit Wt., wc = Concrete Strength, f'c = Deck Clear Span, L = Slab Span Condition = Neg. Mom. Reinf., Asn = Depth to Asn, d1 = Distribution Reinf., Ast = Depth to Ast, d2 = Reinforcing Yield, fy = Uniform Live Load, w(LL) = Concentrated Load, P = Load Area Width, b2 = Load Area Length, b3 = Results: Properties and Data: hd = 1.500 p= 6.000 rw = 2.000 rw(avg) = 2.250 td = 0.0474 Asd = 0.760 Id = 0.308 yd = 0.850 Sp = 0.349 Sn = 0.337 tc = 4.500 Wd = 2.60 Wc = 63.28 w(DL) = 65.88 For Composite Steel Deck System without Studs Subjected to Either Uniform Live load or Concentrated Load Subject: Originator:


1.5''x6'' 18 33.0 0.0000 6.0000 150 4.0 6.0000 2-Span 0.200 2.0000 0.200 2.5000 60.0 200 5.000 4.5000 4.5000

ksi in. in. pcf ksi ft. in.^2/ft. in. in.^2/ft. in. ksi psf kips in. in.

P=5 kips w(LL)=200 psf t(top)=0 d2 b2=4.5 rwt=2.5 d1 tc=4.5 h=6 hd=1.5 rw=2 p=6 18 ga. Deck

Nomenclature Note: Composite deck is assumed to add to flexural moment capacity of slab, by functioning as positive moment reinforcing. Composite deck shear capacity is included in total beam shear capacity.

in. in. in. in. in. in.^2 in.^4 in. in.^3 in.^3 in. psf psf psf

hd = deck rib height p = deck rib pitch (center to center distance between flutes) rw = deck rib bearing width (from SDI Table) rw(avg) = average deck rib width (from SDI Table) td = deck thickness (inch equivalent of gage) Asd = area of steel deck/ft. width (from SDI Table) Id = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from SDI Table) yd = C.G. of deck Sp = positive section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from SDI Table) Sn = negative section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from SDI Table) tc = h-hd = thickness of slab above top of deck ribs Wd = weight of deck/ft. (from SDI Table) Wc = ((t(top)+$h-hd)*12+2*(hd*(rwt+rw)/2))/144*wc (wt. of conc. for 12'' width) w(DL) = Wd+Wc = total dead weight of deck plus concrete

Bending in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: P= 0.150 kips P = 0.75*200 lb. man (applied over 1-foot width of deck) W2 = 20.00 psf W2 = 20 psf construction load Fb(allow) = 31.35 ksi Fb(allow) = 0.95*Fyd +Mu = 0.62 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd)/1000*0.096*L^2+1.4*(0.203*P*L) or: +Mu = 0.33 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.070*L^2 +fbu = 21.20 ksi +fbu = +Mu(max)*12/Sp +fbu <= Allow., O.K. -Mu = 0.36 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd)/1000*0.063*L^2+1.4*(0.094*P*L) or: -Mu = 0.60 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = (1.6*Wc/1000+1.2*Wd/1000+1.4*W2/1000)*0.125*L^2 -fbu = 21.21 ksi -fbu = -Mu*12/Sn -fbu <= Allow., O.K.

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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Beam Shear in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: fVd = fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table) 4.16 kips Vu = 0.496 kips Vu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.625*L Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: S.R. = (Vu/fVd)^2+(Mu/(Fb(allow)*Sn/12))^2 S.R. = 0.472 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Web Crippling (End Bearing) in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: fRd = fRd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table) 4.220 kips Rui = 0.745 kips Rui = ((1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*1.25*L)*0.75 (allowing 1/3 increase) Ri <= Rd, O.K. Deflection in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: D(DL) = D(DL) = 0.089 in. 0.0054*(Wc+Wd)/12000*L^4/(Es*Id) (Es=29000 ksi) D(ratio) = D(ratio) = L*12/D(DL) L/807 Strong Axis Positive Moment for Uniform Live Load: +fMno = +fMno = (0.85*Fyd*Scr)/12 6.59 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.38 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.2*(0.096*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.6*(0.096*w(LL)/1000*L^2) +Mu <= Allow., O.K. Strong Axis Negative Moment for Uniform Live Load: -fMno = -fMno = (0.90*Asn*Fy*((h-d1)-a/2))/12 3.25 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.95 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.4*(0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.125*w(LL)/1000*L^2) -Mu <= Allow., O.K. Beam Shear for Uniform Live Load: fVd = fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (from SDI Table) 4.16 kips Ac = 36.00 in.^2 Ac = 2*h*((rw+2*h*(rwt-rw)/2/hd)+rw)/2 fVc = fVc = 3.87 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 fVnt = fVnt = fVd+fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 (without studs) 7.74 kips Vu = 1.50 kips Vu = 1.2*(0.625*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.6*(0.625*w(LL)/1000*L) Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Uniform Live Load: S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(+fMno))^2 S.R. = 0.396 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Deflection for Uniform Live Load: wa(LL) = 1585.32 psf D(LL) = 0.038 in. D(ratio) = L/1883 wa(LL) = allow. live load = (fMno *(1/0.070)/L^2-1.2*w(DL))/1.6 D(LL) = 0.0054*w(LL)/12000*L^4/(Ec*Iav) (Ec=Es/n) D(ratio) = L*12/D(LL)

Maximum Effective Slab Strip Width for Concentrated Load: be(max) = 80.10 in. be(max) = 8.9*(tc/h)*12 Strong Axis Positive Moment for Concentrated Load: x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 37.50 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) n= 8 n = Es/Ec = 29000/(33*wc^1.5*SQRT(f'c*1000)/1000), rounded a= 1.833 in. a = (-Asd+SQRT((Asd)^2-4*(12/n)/2*(-Asd*(h-yd))))/(2*(12/n)/2) Z= 3.317 in. Z = h-yd-a Icr = 11.75 in.^4 Icr = (12/n)*a^3/3+Asd*Z^2+Id Scr = 2.82 in.^3 Scr = Icr/(h-a) +fMno = +fMno = (0.85*Fyd*Scr)/12 6.59 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 3.39 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.2*(0.096*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.6*(0.203*P*L)*(12/be) +Mu <= Allow., O.K.

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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Strong Axis Negative Moment for Concentrated Load: x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 37.50 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) b= 4.50 in. b = 12/p*rw(avg) = width for negative bending a= 0.784 in. a = Asn*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) -fMno = -fMno = (0.90*Asn*Fy*((h-d1)-a/2))/12 3.25 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.95 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.4*(0.125*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.094*P*L)*(12/be) -Mu <= Allow., O.K. Beam Shear for Concentrated Load: x= 6.00 in. x = h (assumed for beam shear) bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 19.00 in. be = bm+(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) fVd = fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (from SDI Table) 4.16 kips Ac = 36.00 in.^2 Ac = 2*h*((rw+2*h*(rwt-rw)/2/hd)+rw)/2 fVc = fVc = 3.87 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 fVnt = fVnt = fVd+fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 (without studs) 7.74 kips Vu = 5.35 kips Vu = 1.2*(0.625*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.6*(P*12/be) Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Concentrated Load: S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(-fMno))^2 S.R. = 0.838 Punching Shear for Concentrated Load: bo = 36.00 in. bo = 2*(b2+b3+2*tc) fVc = fVc = 17.42 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*bo*tc/1000 Vu = 8.50 kips Vu =1.7*P Deflection for Concentrated Load: yuc = 2.817 in. --Iuc = 23.16 in.^4 --Iav = 17.45 in.^4 D(P) = 0.142 in. D(ratio) = L/509

S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

Vu <= Allow., O.K.

yuc = ((12/n)*tc^2/2+(12/n)/(12/(2*rw(avg)))*hd*(tc+hd/2)+. .+Asd*(tc+hd-yd))/(tc*(12/n)+Asd+(12/n)/(12/(2*rw(avg)))*hd) Iuc = (12/n)*tc^3/12+(12/n)*tc*(yuc-tc/2)^2+Id+Asd*(h-yuc-yd)^2+. .(12/n)/(12/(2*rw(avg)))*hd^3/12+(12/n)/(12/(2*rw(avg)))*hd*(h-hd/2-yuc)^2 Iav = (Icr+Iuc)/2 (average of cracked and uncracked) D(P) = 0.015*P*(12/be)*L^3/(Ec*Iav) (Ec=Es/n) D(ratio) = L*12/D(P)

Weak Axis Moment for Concentrated Load: A'c = 54.00 in.^2 A'c = 12*tc Ast(min) = 0.041 in.^2/ft. Ast(min) = 0.00075*A'c x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 37.50 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) w= 40.50 in. w = (L*12)/2+b3 <= L*12 a= 0.294 in. a = Ast*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) where: b = 12" fMnw = fMnw = (0.85*As*Fy*(d1-a/2))/12 2.00 ft-kips/ft. Muw = 0.49 ft-kips/ft. Muw = (1.6*(P*be*12/(15*w)))/12

Ast >=Ast(min), O.K.

Muw <=Allow., O.K.


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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Concentrated Load Distribution for Slab on Metal Deck

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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3


For Non-Composite Inverted Steel Form Deck System with One Layer of Reinforcing Subjected to Either Uniform Live load or Concentrated Load Job Name: Subject: Job Number: Originator: Checker: Input Data: Form Deck Type = Form Deck Gage = Deck Steel Yield, Fyd = Thk. of Topping, t(top) = Total Slab Thickness, h = Concrete Unit Wt., wc = Concrete Strength, f'c = Deck Clear Span, L = Slab Span Condition = Main Reinforcing, As = Depth to As, d1 = Distribution Reinf., Ast = Depth to Ast, d2 = Reinforcing Yield, fy = Uniform Live Load, w(LL) = Concentrated Load, P = Load Area Width, b2 = Load Area Length, b3 = Results: Properties and Data: hd = 1.500 p= 6.000 rw = 3.500 rw(avg) = 3.875 td = 0.0474 Idp = 0.295 Idn = 0.289 Sp = 0.327 Sn = 0.318 tc = 4.500 Wd = 2.72 Wc = 68.36 w(DL) = 71.08

1.5C18 18 33.0 0.0000 6.0000 150 4.0 6.0000 3-Span 0.200 3.0000 0.200 2.5000 60.0 150 3.000 4.5000 4.5000

ksi in. in. pcf ksi ft.

P=3 kips w(LL)=150 psf t(top)=0 d2 b2=4.5 d1 tc=4.5 rwt=4.25 hd=1.5 rw=3.5 p=6 18 ga. Deck h=6

in.^2/ft. in. in.^2/ft. in. ksi psf kips in. in.

Nomenclature Include Deck in Beam Shear Capacity? Yes

Note: Form deck is assumed not to add to flexural moment capacity of slab. User has option to include or not include form deck shear capacity in total shear capacity of slab.

in. in. in. in. in. in.^4 in. in.^3 in.^3 in. psf psf psf

hd = deck rib height p = deck rib pitch (center to center distance between flutes) rw = deck rib bearing width (from Vulcraft Table) rw(avg) = average deck rib width (from Vulcraft Table) td = deck thickness (inch equivalent of gage) Idp = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) Idn = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) Sp = positive section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) Sn = negative section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) tc = h-hd = thickness of slab above top of deck ribs Wd = weight of deck/ft. (from Vulcraft Table) Wc = ((t(top)+$h-hd)*12+2*(hd*(rwt+rw)/2))/144*wc (wt. of conc. for 12'' width) w(DL) = Wd+Wc = total dead weight of deck plus concrete

Bending in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: P= 0.150 kips P = 0.75*200 lb. man (applied over 1-foot width of deck) W2 = 20.00 psf W2 = 20 psf construction load Fb(allow) = 31.35 ksi Fb(allow) = 0.95*Fyd +Mu = 0.63 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd)/1000*0.094*L^2+1.4*0.20*P*L or: +Mu = 0.41 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.080*L^2 +fbu = 23.24 ksi +fbu = +Mu(max)*12/Sp +fbu <= Allow., O.K. -Mu = 0.40 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd)/1000*0.067*L^2+1.4*0.10*P*L or: -Mu = 0.59 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = (1.6*Wc/1000+1.2*Wd/1000+1.4*W2/1000)*0.117*L^2 -fbu = 22.35 ksi -fbu = -Mu*12/Sn -fb <= Allow., O.K.


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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Beam Shear in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: fVd = fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table) 4.160 kips Vu = 0.521 kips Vu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.617*L Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: S.R. = (Vu/fVd)^2+(Mu/(Fb(allow)*Sn/12))^2 S.R. = 0.524 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Web Crippling (End Bearing) in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: fRd = fRd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table) 4.220 kips Rui = 0.759 kips Rui = ((1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*1.20*L)*0.75 (allowing 1/3 increase) Ri <= Rd, O.K. Deflection in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: D(DL) = D(DL) = 0.128 in. 0.0069*(Wc+Wd)/12000*L^4/(Es*Id) (Es=29000 ksi) D(ratio) = D(ratio) = L*12/D(DL) L/561 Strong Axis Positive Moment for Uniform Live Load: +fMno = +fMno = (0.90*As*Fy*(d1-a/2))/12 2.57 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.20 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.4*(0.094*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.094*w(LL)/1000*L^2) +Mu <= Allow., O.K. Strong Axis Negative Moment for Uniform Live Load: -fMno = -fMno = (0.90*As*Fy*((h-d1-hd/2)-a/2))/12 1.82 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.49 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.4*(0.117*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.117*w(LL)/1000*L^2) -Mu <= Allow., O.K. Beam Shear for Uniform Live Load: fVd = fVd = 4.16 kips Beam shear capacity of form deck is included (from SDI Catalog) Ac = 57.75 in.^2 Ac = 2*hd*((2*rw(avg)-rw)+rw)/2+(h-hd)*(Pitch+(2*rw(avg)-rw))/2 fVc = fVc = 6.21 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 fVnt = fVnt = fVd + fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 10.37 kips Vu = 1.31 kips Vu = 1.4*(0.617*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.7*(0.617*w(LL)/1000*L) Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Uniform Live Load: S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(+fMno))^2 S.R. = 0.689 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Deflection for Uniform Live Load: wa(LL) = 465.90 psf +Ma = 0.75 ft-kips/ft. Ie = 91.13 in.^4 D(LL) = 0.0070 in. D(ratio) = L/10261 wa(LL) = allow. live load = (fMno *(1/0.080)/L^2-1.4*w(DL))/1.7 +Ma = (0.094*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+(0.094*w(LL)/1000*L^2) Ie = (Mcr/Ma)^3*Ig+(1-(Mcr/Ma)^3)*Icr <= Ig D(LL) = 0.0069*w(LL)/12000*L^4/(Ec*Ie) (Ec=Es/n) D(ratio) = L*12/D(LL)

Maximum Effective Slab Strip Width for Concentrated Load: be(max) = 80.10 in. be(max) = 8.9*(tc/h)*12 Strong Axis Positive Moment for Concentrated Load: x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 37.50 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) a= 0.294 in. a = As*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) where: b = 12" +fMno = +fMno = (0.90*As*Fy*(d-a/2))/12 2.57 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 2.30 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.4*(0.094*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.200*P*L)*(12/be) +Mu <= Allow., O.K.


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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Strong Axis Negative Moment for Concentrated Load: x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 37.50 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) b= 7.75 in. b = 12/p*rw(avg) = width for negative bending a= 0.455 in. a = As*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) -fMno = -fMno = (0.90*As*Fy*((h-d1-hd/2)-a/2))/12 1.82 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.40 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.4*(0.117*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.100*P*L)*(12/be) -Mu <= Allow., O.K. Beam Shear for Concentrated Load: x= 6.00 in. x = h (assumed for beam shear) bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 19.00 in. be = bm+(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) fVd = fVd = 4.16 kips Beam shear capacity of form deck is included (from SDI Catalog) Ac = 57.75 in.^2 Ac = 2*hd*((2*rw(avg)-rw)+rw)/2+(h-hd)*(Pitch+(2*rw(avg)-rw))/2 fVc = fVc = 6.21 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 fVnt = fVnt = fVd + fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 10.37 kips Vu = 3.58 kips Vu = 1.4*(0.60*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.7*(P*12/be) Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Concentrated Load: S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(-fMno))^2 S.R. = 0.709 Punching Shear for Concentrated Load: bo = 36.00 in. bo = 2*(b2+b3+2*tc) fVc = fVc = 17.42 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*bo*tc/1000 Vu = 5.10 kips Vu =1.7*P Deflection for Concentrated Load: n= 8 fr = 0.474 ksi kd = 0.7710 in. Ig = 91.13 in. Mcr = 1.60 ft-kips/ft. Ma = 1.39 ft-kips/ft. Icr = 9.78 in.^4 Ie = 91.13 in.^4 D(P) = 0.016 in. D(ratio) = L/4546

S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

Vu <= Allow., O.K.

n = Es/Ec = 29000/(33*wc^1.5*SQRT(f'c*1000)/1000), rounded fr = 7.5*SQRT(f'c*1000) kd = (SQRT(2*d1*(b/(n*As))+1)-1)/(b/(n*As)) Ig = 12*tc^3/12 Mcr = (fr*Ig/(tc/2))/12 +Ma = 0.094*w(DL)/1000*L^2+0.20*P*L*(12/be) Icr = b*kd^3/3+n*As*(d1-kd)^2 Ie = (Mcr/Ma)^3*Ig+(1-(Mcr/Ma)^3)*Icr <= Ig D(P) = 0.0146*P*(12/be)*L^3/(Ec*Ie) (Ec=Es/n) D(ratio) = L*12/D(P)

Weak Axis Moment for Concentrated Load: A'c = 54.00 in.^2 A'c = 12*tc Ast(min) = 0.041 in.^2/ft. Ast(min) = 0.00075*A'c x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 13.50 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 37.50 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) w= 40.50 in. w = (L*12)/2+b3 <= L*12 a= 0.294 in. a = Ast*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) where: b = 12" fMnw = fMnw = (0.90*As*Fy*(d2-a/2))/12 2.12 ft-kips/ft. Muw = 0.31 ft-kips/ft. Muw = (1.7*(P*be*12/(15*w)))/12

Ast >=Ast(min), O.K.

Muw <=Allow., O.K.

Crack Control (Top Face Tension Reinf. Spacing Limitations) per ACI 318-99 Code: -Ma = 0.30 ft-kips/ft. -Ma = (0.117*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+(0.117*w(LL)/1000*L^2) fs = 9.03 ksi fs=12*Ma/(As2*d*(1-((2*As2/(b*d)*n+(As2/(b*d)*n)^2)^(1/2)-As2/(b*d)*n)/3)) fs(used) = 9.03 ksi fs(used) = minimum of: 'fs' and 0.6*fy s(max) = 47.86 in. s(max) = minimum of: (540/fs(used))-2.5*(d1-0.25) and 12*36/fs(used)

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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Concentrated Load Distribution for Slab on Metal Deck

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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3


For Non-Composite Inverted Steel Form Deck System with Two Layers of Reinforcing Subjected to Either Uniform Live load or Concentrated Load Job Name: Subject: Job Number: Originator: Checker: Input Data: Form Deck Type = Form Deck Gage = Deck Steel Yield, Fyd = Thk. of Topping, t(top) = Total Slab Thickness, h = Concrete Unit Wt., wc = Concrete Strength, f'c = Deck Clear Span, L = Slab Span Condition = Top Main Reinf., As2 = Depth to As2, d2 = Bot. Main Reinf., As1 = Depth to As1, d1 = Top Distrib. Reinf., Ast2 = Depth to Ast2, d4 = Bot. Distrib. Reinf., Ast1 = Depth to Ast1, d3 = Reinforcing Yield, fy = Uniform Live Load, w(LL) = Concentrated Load, P = Load Area Width, b2 = Load Area Length, b3 = Results: Properties and Data: hd = 2.000 p = 12.000 rw = 5.000 rw(avg) = 6.000 td = 0.0474 Idp = 0.557 Idn = 0.557 Sp = 0.520 Sn = 0.520 tc = 6.000 Wd = 2.61 Wc = 87.50 w(DL) = 90.11

2C18 18 33.0 0.0000 8.0000 150 4.0 6.0000 3-Span 0.200 1.7500 0.200 5.5000 0.200 2.2500 0.200 5.0000 60.0 200 5.000 4.2500 4.2500

ksi in. in. pcf ksi ft. in.^2/ft. in. in.^2/ft. in. in.^2/ft. in. in.^2/ft. in. ksi psf kips in. in.

P=5 kips w(LL)=200 psf d2 d4 d3 b2=4.25 rwt=7 d1 tc=6 h=8 hd=2 rw=5 p=12 18 ga. Deck t(top)=0

Nomenclature Include Deck in Beam Shear Capacity? Yes

Note: Form deck is assumed not to add to flexural moment capacity of slab. User has option to include or not include form deck shear capacity in total shear capacity of slab.

in. in. in. in. in. in.^4 in. in.^3 in.^3 in. psf psf psf

hd = deck rib height p = deck rib pitch (center to center distance between flutes) rw = deck rib bearing width (from Vulcraft Table) rw(avg) = average deck rib width (from Vulcraft Table) td = deck thickness (inch equivalent of gage) Idp = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) Idn = inertia of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) Sp = positive section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) Sn = negative section modulus of steel deck/ft. width (from Vulcraft Table) tc = h-hd = thickness of slab above top of deck ribs Wd = weight of deck/ft. (from Vulcraft Table) Wc = ((t(top)+$h-hd)*12+(hd*(rwt+rw)/2))/144*wc (wt. of conc. for 12'' width) w(DL) = Wd+Wc = total dead weight of deck plus concrete

Bending in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: P= 0.150 kips P = 0.75*200 lb. man (applied over 1-foot width of deck) W2 = 20.00 psf W2 = 20 psf construction load Fb(allow) = 31.35 ksi Fb(allow) = 0.95*Fyd +Mu = 0.74 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd)/1000*0.094*L^2+1.4*0.20*P*L or: +Mu = 0.49 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.080*L^2 +fbu = 16.99 ksi +fbu = +Mu(max)*12/Sp +fbu <= Allow., O.K. -Mu = 0.47 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd)/1000*0.067*L^2+1.4*0.10*P*L or: -Mu = 0.72 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = (1.6*Wc/1000+1.2*Wd/1000+1.4*W2/1000)*0.117*L^2 -fbu = 16.63 ksi -fbu = -Mu*12/Sn -fb <= Allow., O.K.

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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Beam Shear in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: fVd = fVd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table) 3.180 kips Vu = 0.634 kips Vu = (1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*0.617*L Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: S.R. = (Vu/fVd)^2+(Mu/(Fb(allow)*Sn/12))^2 S.R. = 0.321 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Web Crippling (End Bearing) in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: fRd = fRd = beam shear capacity of deck alone (LRFD value from SDI Table) 2.010 kips Rui = 0.924 kips Rui = ((1.6*Wc+1.2*Wd+1.4*W2)/1000*1.20*L)*0.75 (allowing 1/3 increase) Ri <= Rd, O.K. Deflection in Deck as a Form Only for Construction Loads: D(DL) = D(DL) = 0.086 in. 0.0069*(Wc+Wd)/12000*L^4/(Es*Id) (Es=29000 ksi) D(ratio) = D(ratio) = L*12/D(DL) L/835 Strong Axis Positive Moment for Uniform Live Load: +fMno = +fMno = (0.90*As1*Fy*(d1-a/2))/12 4.82 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.58 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.4*(0.094*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.094*w(LL)/1000*L^2) +Mu <= Allow., O.K. Strong Axis Negative Moment for Uniform Live Load: -fMno = -fMno = (0.90*As2*Fy*((h-d2-hd/2)-a/2))/12 4.46 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.96 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.4*(0.117*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.117*w(LL)/1000*L^2) -Mu <= Allow., O.K. Beam Shear for Uniform Live Load: fVd = fVd = 3.18 kips Beam shear capacity of form deck is included (from SDI Catalog) Ac = 69.00 in.^2 Ac = hd*((2*rw(avg)-rw)+rw)/2+(h-hd)*(Pitch+(2*rw(avg)-rw))/2 fVc = fVc = 7.42 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 fVnt = fVnt = fVd + fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 10.60 kips Vu = 1.73 kips Vu = 1.4*(0.617*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.7*(0.617*w(LL)/1000*L) Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Uniform Live Load: S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(+fMno))^2 S.R. = 0.220 S.R. <= 1.0, O.K. Deflection for Uniform Live Load: wa(LL) = 909.79 psf +Ma = 0.98 ft-kips/ft. Ie = 216.00 in.^4 D(LL) = 0.0039 in. D(ratio) = L/18242 (assume use of cracked section moment of inertia) wa(LL) = allow. live load = (fMno *(1/0.080)/L^2-1.4*w(DL))/1.7 +Ma = (0.094*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+(0.094*w(LL)/1000*L^2) Ie = (Mcr/Ma)^3*Ig+(1-(Mcr/Ma)^3)*Icr <= Ig D(LL) = 0.0069*w(LL)/12000*L^4/(Ec*Ie) (Ec=Es/n) D(ratio) = L*12/D(LL)

Maximum Effective Slab Strip Width for Concentrated Load: be(max) = 80.10 in. be(max) = 8.9*(tc/h)*12 Strong Axis Positive Moment for Concentrated Load: x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 16.25 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 40.25 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) a= 0.294 in. a = As1*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) where: b = 12" +fMno = +fMno = (0.90*As1*Fy*(d1-a/2))/12 4.82 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 3.47 ft-kips/ft. +Mu = 1.4*(0.094*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.200*P*L)*(12/be) +Mu <= Allow., O.K.


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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Strong Axis Negative Moment for Concentrated Load: x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 16.25 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 40.25 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) b= 6.00 in. b = 12/p*rw(avg) = width for negative bending a= 0.588 in. a = As2*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) -fMno = -fMno = (0.90*As2*Fy*((h-d2-hd/2)-a/2))/12 4.46 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 2.05 ft-kips/ft. -Mu = 1.4*(0.117*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+1.7*(0.100*P*L)*(12/be) -Mu <= Allow., O.K. Beam Shear for Concentrated Load: x= 8.00 in. x = h (assumed for beam shear) bm = 16.25 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 23.36 in. be = bm+(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) fVd = fVd = 0, as beam shear capacity of form deck alone is neglected 3.18 kips Ac = 69.00 in.^2 Ac = hd*((2*rw(avg)-rw)+rw)/2+(h-hd)*(Pitch+(2*rw(avg)-rw))/2 fVc = fVc = 7.42 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 fVnt = fVnt = fVd + fVc <= 4*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*Ac/1000 10.60 kips Vu = 4.82 kips Vu = 1.4*(0.60*w(DL)/1000*L)+1.7*(P*12/be) Vu <= Allow., O.K. Shear and Negative Moment Interaction for Concentrated Load: S.R. = (Vu/fVnt)^2+(Mu/(-fMno))^2 S.R. = 0.418 Punching Shear for Concentrated Load: bo = 41.00 in. bo = 2*(b2+b3+2*tc) fVc = fVc = 26.45 kips 2*0.85*SQRT(f'c*1000)*bo*tc/1000 Vu = 8.50 kips Vu =1.7*P Deflection for Concentrated Load: n= 8 fr = 0.474 ksi kd = 1.0850 in. Ig = 216.00 in. Mcr = 2.85 ft-kips/ft. Ma = 2.09 ft-kips/ft. Icr = 36.30 in.^4 Ie = 216.00 in.^4 D(P) = 0.01037 in. D(ratio) = L/6940

S.R. <= 1.0, O.K.

Vu <= Allow., O.K.

n = Es/Ec = 29000/(33*wc^1.5*SQRT(f'c*1000)/1000), rounded fr = 7.5*SQRT(f'c*1000) kd = (SQRT(2*d1*(b/(n*As1))+1)-1)/(b/(n*As1)) Ig = 12*tc^3/12 Mcr = (fr*Ig/(tc/2))/12 +Ma = 0.094*w(DL)/1000*L^2+0.20*P*L*(12/be) Icr = b*kd^3/3+n*As1*(d1-kd)^2 Ie = (Mcr/Ma)^3*Ig+(1-(Mcr/Ma)^3)*Icr <= Ig D(P) = 0.0146*P*(12/be)*L^3/(Ec*Ie) (Ec=Es/n) D(ratio) = L*12/D(P)

Weak Axis Moment for Concentrated Load: A'c = 72.00 in.^2 A'c = 12*tc Ast(min) = 0.054 in.^2/ft. Ast(min) = 0.00075*A'c x= 36.00 in. x = (L*12)/2 (assumed for bending) bm = 16.25 in. bm = b2+2*t(top)+2*tc be = 40.25 in. be = bm+4/3*(1-x/(L*12))*x <= be(max) w= 40.25 in. w = (L*12)/2+b3 <= L*12 a= 0.294 in. a = Ast1*Fy/(0.85*f'c*b) where: b = 12" fMnw = fMnw = (0.90*As*Fy*(d2-a/2))/12 4.37 ft-kips/ft. Muw = 0.57 ft-kips/ft. Muw = (1.7*(P*be*12/(15*w)))/12

Ast >=Ast(min), O.K.

Muw <=Allow., O.K.

Crack Control (Top Face Tension Reinf. Spacing Limitations) per ACI 318-99 Code: -Ma = 1.22 ft-kips/ft. -Ma = (0.117*w(DL)/1000*L^2)+(0.117*w(LL)/1000*L^2) fs = 15.36 ksi fs=12*Ma/(As2*d*(1-((2*As2/(b*d)*n+(As2/(b*d)*n)^2)^(1/2)-As2/(b*d)*n)/3)) fs(used) = 15.36 ksi fs(used) = minimum of: 'fs' and 0.6*fy s2(max) = 28.13 in. s2(max) = minimum of: (540/fs(used))-2.5*(d2-0.25) and 12*36/fs(used)

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"DECKSLAB.xls" Program Version 1.3

Concentrated Load Distribution for Slab on Metal Deck

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