Analysis of Concrete Slabs On Grade
Analysis of Concrete Slabs On Grade
Analysis of Concrete Slabs On Grade
Program Description:
"GRDSLAB" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of concrete slabs on
grade. Specifically, a concrete slab on grade may be subjected to concentrated post or wheel loading. Then
for the given parameters, the slab flexural, bearing, and shear stresses are checked, the estimated crack width is
determined, the minimum required distribution reinforcing is determined, and the bearing stress on the dowels
at construction joints is checked. Also, design charts from the Portland Cement Association (PCA) are included
to provide an additional method for determining/checking required slab thickness for flexure. The ability to
analyze the capacity of a slab on grade subjected to continuous wall (line-type) load as well as stationary,
uniformly distributed live loads is also provided. Loading data for fork trucks and AASHTO trucks is included.
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
As =
Determine Estimated Crack Width: (assuming no use of stabilized or granular subbase) Slab Reinf
Slab-base Frict. Adjust., C = 1.00 C = 1.0 (assumed value for no subbase) As =
Thermal Expansion, a = 0.0000055 in./in./deg a = 5.5x10^(-6) (assumed thermal expansion coefficient) As =
Shrinkage Coefficient, e = 0.00035 in./in. e = 3.5x10^(-4) (assumed coefficient of shrinkage) As =
Est. Crack Width, DL = 0.1500 in. DL = C*L*12*(a*DT+e) (Ref. 5)
Check Bearing Stress on Dowels at Construction Joints with Load Transfer: (Ref. 2)
Pt D=
Le Le A=
s Ecm =
di d4 d3 d2 d1 d2 d3 d4 di As =
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
Effective Load Contact Area Based on Slab Thickness
Load Contact
Area, Ac (in.^2)
Figure 3 Design Chart for Axles with Single Wheels
Input Data: Ac Index:
Concrete Strength, f 'c = 5000 psi Instructions for Use of Figure 3: ###
Subgrade Modulus, k = 100.00 pci 1. Enter Design Chart with Slab Stress = 12.73 Ac
(Unfactored) Axle Load, Pa = 25000.00 lbs. 2. Move to right to Eff. Contact Area = 113.64 ###
Wheel Spacing, S = 37.00 in. 3. Move up/down to Wheel Spacing = 37
Tire Inflation Pressure, Ip = 110.00 psi 4. Move to right to Subgrade Modulus = 100
Factor of Safety, FS = 2.00 5. Read required Slab Thk., t (Must input below)
Wheel Load, Pw = 12500.00 lbs. Pw = Pa/2 (1/2 of axle load for 2 wheels/axle)
Tire Contact Area, Ac = 113.64 in.^2 Ac = Pw/Ip
Effective Contact Area, Ac(eff) = 113.64 in.^2 Ac(eff) = determined from Figure 5, page 6
Concrete Flexual Strength, MR = 636.40 psi MR = 9*SQRT(f 'c) (Modulus of Rupture)
Concrete Working Stress, WS = 318.20 psi WS = MR/FS
Slab Stress/1000 lb. Axle Load = 12.73 psi Ss = WS/(Pa/1000)
Slab Thickness, t = 8.000 in. t = determined and input from Figure 3 above
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
Convert Axle with Dual Wheels to Equivalent Axle with Single Wheels (if applicable):
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
Effective Load Contact Area Based on Slab Thickness
Load Contact
Area, Ac (in.^2)
Figure 7a Design Chart for Post Loads, subgrade k = 50 pci ###
Input Data: Ac Index:
Concrete Strength, f 'c = 5000 psi Instructions for Use of Figure 7a: ###
Subgrade Modulus, k = 50 pci 1. Enter Design Chart with Slab Stress = 16.32 Ac
(Unfactored) Post Load, P = 13000.00 lbs. 2. Follow curve to right to Eff. Contact Area = 77.75 ###
Post Spacing, y = 98.00 in. 3. Move to right to Post Spacing, y = 98
Post Spacing, x = 66.00 in. 4. Move up/down to Post Spacing, x = 66
Load Contact Area, Ac = 64.00 in.^2 5. Move to right to get Slab Thk., t (Must input below)
Factor of Safety, FS = 3.00
Effective Contact Area, Ac(eff) = 77.75 in.^2 Ac(eff) = determined from Figure 5, page 6
Concrete Flexual Strength, MR = 636.40 psi MR = 9*SQRT(f 'c) (Modulus of Rupture)
Concrete Working Stress, WS = 212.13 psi WS = MR/FS
Slab Stress/1000 lb. Post Load = 16.32 psi Ss = WS/(P/1000)
Slab Thickness, t = 11.000 in. t = determined and input from Figure 7a above
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
Effective Load Contact Area Based on Slab Thickness
Load Contact
Area, Ac (in.^2)
Figure 7b Design Chart for Post Loads, subgrade k = 100 pci ###
Input Data: Ac Index:
Concrete Strength, f 'c = 5000 psi Instructions for Use of Figure 7b: ###
Subgrade Modulus, k = 100 pci 1. Enter Design Chart with Slab Stress = 16.32 Ac
(Unfactored) Post Load, P = 13000.00 lbs. 2. Follow curve to right to Eff. Contact Area = 70.7 ###
Post Spacing, y = 98.00 in. 3. Move to right to Post Spacing, y = 98
Post Spacing, x = 66.00 in. 4. Move up/down to Post Spacing, x = 66
Load Contact Area, Ac = 64.00 in.^2 5. Move to right to get Slab Thk., t (Must input below)
Factor of Safety, FS = 3.00
Effective Contact Area, Ac(eff) = 70.70 in.^2 Ac(eff) = determined from Figure 5, page 6
Concrete Flexual Strength, MR = 636.40 psi MR = 9*SQRT(f 'c) (Modulus of Rupture)
Concrete Working Stress, WS = 212.13 psi WS = MR/FS
Slab Stress/1000 lb. Post Load = 16.32 psi Ss = WS/(P/1000)
Slab Thickness, t = 10.000 in. t = determined and input from Figure 7b above
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
Effective Load Contact Area Based on Slab Thickness
Load Contact
Area, Ac (in.^2)
Figure 7c Design Chart for Post Loads, subgrade k = 200 pci ###
Input Data: Ac Index:
Concrete Strength, f 'c = 5000 psi Instructions for Use of Figure 7c: ###
Subgrade Modulus, k = 200 pci 1. Enter Design Chart with Slab Stress = 16.32 Ac
(Unfactored) Post Load, P = 13000.00 lbs. 2. Follow curve to right to Eff. Contact Area = 67.35 ###
Post Spacing, y = 98.00 in. 3. Move to right to Post Spacing, y = 98
Post Spacing, x = 66.00 in. 4. Move up/down to Post Spacing, x = 66
Load Contact Area, Ac = 64.00 in.^2 5. Move to right to get Slab Thk., t (Must input below)
Factor of Safety, FS = 3.00
Effective Contact Area, Ac(eff) = 67.35 in.^2 Ac(eff) = determined from Figure 5, page 6
Concrete Flexual Strength, MR = 636.40 psi MR = 9*SQRT(f 'c) (Modulus of Rupture)
Concrete Working Stress, WS = 212.13 psi WS = MR/FS
Slab Stress/1000 lb. Post Load = 16.32 psi Ss = WS/(P/1000)
Slab Thickness, t = 9.000 in. t = determined and input from Figure 7c above
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
Iteration #
t ###
Results: (Subgrade) ###
Concrete Slab Loaded Near Free Edge
Design Parameters: ###
Modulus of Rupture, MR = 569.21 psi MR = 9*SQRT(f 'c) ###
Allow. Bending Stress, Fb = 101.19psi Fb = 1.6*SQRT(f 'c) (as recommended in reference below)###
Factor of Safety, FS = 5.625 FS = MR/Fb ###
Section Modulus, S = 128.00in.^3/ft. S = b*t^2/6 ###
Modulus of Elasticity, Ec = 3604997psi Ec = 57000*SQRT(f 'c) ###
Width, b = 12.00 in. b = 12" (assumed) ###
Moment of Inertia, I = 512.00in.^4 I = b*t^3/12 ###
Stiffness Factor, l = 0.0201 l = (k*b/(4*Ec*I))^(0.25) ###
Coefficient, Blx = 0.3224 Blx = coefficient from "Beams on Elastic Foundations" ###
by M. Hetenyi ###
Wall Load Near Center of Slab or Keyed/Doweled Joints: ###
Allowable Wall Load, Pc = 1040.30 lb./ft. Pc = 4*Fb*S*l ###
= 12.8*SQRT(f 'c)*t^2*(k/(19000*SQRT(f 'c)*t^3))^(0.25) ###
Pc(allow) >= P, O.K.###
Wall Load Near Free Edge of Slab: ###
Allowable Wall Load, Pe = 806.68 lb./ft. Pe = Fb*S*l/Blx ###
= 9.9256*SQRT(f 'c)*t^2*(k/(19000*SQRT(f 'c)*t^3))^(0.25)
Reference: Pe(allow) >= P, O.K.###
"Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads" ###
Army Technical Manual TM 5-809-12, Air Force Manual AFM 88-3, Chapter 15 (1987) ###
Comments: ###
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
Concrete Slab on Grade with Uniform Loads
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"GRDSLAB.xls" Program
Version 2.0
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Reference: ACI 360R-10 - "Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground" (page 19) Website Links to Data from Vario
Reference: "Slab Thickness Design for Industrial Concrete Floors on Grade"
by Robert G. Packard (Portland Cement Association, 1976)
Document No. IS195.01D
Reference: Ohio Gratings, Inc. Product Catalog (7-05, page 73)