Quality Objective
Quality Objective
Quality Objective
6. Planning
6.1 - Risk and opportunities
Al Saghyir Boilers & Pressure Vessels Factory Co. Ltd. is addressed the issues, requirements the
risks and opportunities
a) give assurance that the quality management system can achieve its intended result(s)
b) Enhance desirable effects
c) Prevent, or reduce, undesired effects
d) achieve improvement
Overall quality goal is to achieve the requirement of quality policy, maintain the integrity of the
system and improve its compliance with ISO 9001:2015 QSM. establishes both corporate level
and operational level improvement objectives that are measurable and achievable within a defined
time period. Operational level improvement objectives are determined from process monitoring
activities in each of the following areas:
1. To ensure that approved methods and procedures are in place.
2. To optimize the reliability, operability and maintainability of the facilities.
3. To minimize the wastage during the production processes.
4. To ensure that safety of the personnel, the facilities and environment have been carefully
5. To comply with International codes and standards while planning and executing the
customer’s projects.
6. To demonstrate the fulfillment of related customers requirements.
7. To maintain an effective and economical program for quality and meet agreed
8. To ensure that quality requirements shall be determined and satisfied throughout all
phases of production & delivery.
9. To ensure that approved practices, procedures, inspection and test plans and audits are in
place and utilized, as they apply, throughout all processes.
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