Exercise 3-ISO Internal - External Issues
Exercise 3-ISO Internal - External Issues
Exercise 3-ISO Internal - External Issues
Tick if the identified issues are categorized correctly under Internal or External
S. Internal Issues /X External issues /X
1 Staff retention is low – there is 15% Operating permits/ licence to establish
attrition every year-and training of and operate (environmental clearance) is
new employees in EMS is a big job. time taking and tedious
2 There are no engineering colleges in Good food, (vegetables and fruits) are
the vicinity of the refinery. not available in the vicinity
3 There is very little rainfall in the area Equipment are old and based on earlier
technology, and hence environmental
controls & maintenance are difficult
leading to spillages, leakages and
4 Due to uncertainty of supplies, The country is not affected by global
storage of crude petroleum and warming or climate change.
finished products is very large and
hence risks due to environmental
impacts have increased and
emergency responses gets delayed.
5 Roles within the organization: There Ever since the production of Al Dyad oil
are fixed roles and responsibilities field has reduced, the cost of
leading to rigidity. People cannot transportation of crude from Al Shaba
adapt to sudden demands especially has increased along with increased
during emergencies. environmental impacts.