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MS-P01 Management Responsibility Procedure

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Doc.# MS-P01 Date 15-02-2014

Issue/Rev. 1/00 Page ~1~

Management Responsibility Procedure


Management Executive Manager: General Manager:

Date: Date: Date:

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Issue/Rev. 1/00 Page ~2~

Issue Rev No. Revision Date Details of Modification DCR No.

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Issue/Rev. 1/00 Page ~3~

The Purpose of this procedure is to identify and define management team responsibilities
towards Quality, Health Safety and Environment:
Identify and establish the Organizational structure and review and keep updated the
organization Chart and establish reporting and supervising routes in the organization.
Hold Management Review Meeting to review the performance of integrated management

2.1 To establish a procedure for identification of EHS hazards, assess risks and establish the
controls measures to carry out the work in a safe and environment friendly manner.
2.2 To ensure that human health and safety, environment and company assets are
proSCted, and all the necessary resources are allocated.
2.3 To ensure that all legal requirements are met and complied with.
2.4 To demonstrate conformance to requirements and compliance with Regulatory
Framework SC has:
a) Developed, implemented and maintains an appropriate Quality and EHS Policy;
b) Developed, implemented and maintains Roles & Responsibilities matrix.
c) Developed, implemented and maintains QHSE Objectives, Targets and Programs
d) Customer Satisfaction and customer complaints program.
e) Developed, implemented and maintains an appropriate Management Review

3.1 This procedure is applicable to all operations of organization and integrated management
system applied at SC.
3.2 This procedure complies with the requirements as set in, ISO 9001: 2008 Clause 5.6,
OHSAS 18001:2007 Clause 4.6, ISO 14001:2004 Clause 4.6, AD EHSMS Element 9.0
Compliance and Management Review

4.1 Managing Partner
 Is responsible for approving the roles, responsibilities, authorities,
accountabilities in relation to QHSE Management System.
 Is responsible for reviewing and deciding actions to be taken for the continual
improvement of QHSE Management System.
 Chair the Management Review Meeting.
 Is responsible for identifying, the roles, responsibilities, authorities,
accountabilities in relation to QHSE Management System.
 Responsible for conducting Management Review Meeting.

4.3 EHS Officer

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 Is responsible for measuring, monitoring of EHS performance. And do all

necessary steps to implement and maintain the objectives of this procedure.
4.4 QA/QC Engineer
 Is responsible for measuring, monitoring of Quality performance. And do all
necessary steps to implement and maintain the objectives of this procedure.

6.1 Management Responsibility
 Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and
implementation of the quality management system and continually improving its
effectiveness by communicating to the organization the importance of meeting
customer as well as statutory and regulatory requirements,
a) Ensuring the availability of resources.
b) establishing the QHSE policy,
c) ensuring that QHSE objectives are established,
d) conducting management reviews, and

6.2 Roles Responsibilities and Authorities

 Top management of SC has ensured that responsibilities and authorities are defined
and communicated within SC.
 Top management of SC has taken ultimate responsibility of the IMS management
system based on ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 and AD EHSMS
Regulatory Framework version 2.0.
 SC has ensured that persons in the workplace take responsibility for aspects of IMS,
over which they have control, including adherence to the organization’s applicable
MS requirements Refer to Responsibilities and Authorities Matrix MS-P01-F01.
 Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities specific to each process/procedure are
identified in every procedure, standard operating Procedure and operational control


 In line with the changes in organizational circumstances, changes in the international
standard requirements and local rules and regulations the top management shall be
responsible to review the Management System documentation for suitability of use
including the Policy, Manual, Procedures and Objectives at least once a year.
 Top management shall include:
a) General Manger
b) Executive Manager
c) HSE Manager
d) Quality Manager
e) Project Manager
 The MS policies are reviewed to ensure its continuing relevance. The policy is
changed when the goals expressed in the policy have been achieved, or when
changes within or outside the organization render the policy inadequate or
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Issue/Rev. 1/00 Page ~5~


 MR is responsible along with all the process owners to define objectives and targets
for the measurement of effectiveness of Management System applied at SC.
 MR sends request to all process owners to define objectives related to their process
at the year end.
 All process owners are obliged to define and send objectives & targets to the MR
within one week on Objectives, Targets & Programs Form Ref. MS-P01-F02.
 Upon receipt of objectives and targets MR evaluates the Objectives if they meet the
SMART Criteria as per the following:
a) S= Short
b) M=Measureable
c) A=Achievable
d) R=Realistic
e) T= Target Date
 After analysis if the MR is satisfied that the objectives are SMART he records them in
the Objectives & Targets form and submits to GM for approval.
 If the MR is not satisfied that objectives are SMART he may send back to the process
owner with his recommendations.
 Frequency of monitoring the objectives is set as per the objectives and targets
 IMS objectives established through the review period are systematically evaluated to
assess progress. Objectives that have been achieved may either be upgraded to a
higher performance level, or be closed out to free resources for improvement in
another area.
 When objectives are not achieved on time, the review shall investigate and
determine the causes of the failure to achieve the objectives. Depending on the
nature of the objective and causes of failure to achieve it, the top management may
decide to drop the objective, reduce its scope or level, reassign responsibilities
and/or allocate additional resources or extend the due date for achieving the
required objective. Any decisions regarding IMS objectives shall be recorded in the
Management Review Meeting.
 New objectives are established where it is necessary to improve performance of MS
to fulfil the Quality and HSEMS policy or other goals or aspirations. New objectives
shall be documented in the Management Review Minutes of Meeting.

6.5 Measurement of Objectives, Targets and Programs.

 MR follows up with each process owner as per the Objectives and Targets Program
for the relevant data for analyzing the same. As well as data from customer
satisfaction survey is collected by MR.
 Upon receipt of data from the process owners MR analysis the data by using suitable
statistical tool.
 The results of analysis are submitted to the GM for his review and copy is sent to the
relevant process owner.
 Upon receipt of analysis, it is responsibility of the process owner to submit in writing
to the MR, his actions to improve the process effectiveness.
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 Analysis and recommendations for the improvement of effectiveness of the

processes is discussed in the Management Review Meeting.


 The process of customer satisfaction evaluation is initiated by the MR by conducting
customer satisfaction questionnaires Ref. MS-P01-F03
 Selection of Customers for conducting the survey, will be based on the following:
a) As a general policy for all the projects where at least 6 months of works have
been completed, customer satisfaction survey will be conducted, regardless of
the progress stage.
b) Regardless of the above criteria, where a project has completed substantial
phase, may be included in the survey, as per recommendations of GM.
 Survey can be conducted in various ways:
a) MR can call the concerned customers/customer representatives and complete
the survey over the phone.
b) Project Manager/ Project Representative will conduct the survey in person with
the client.
c) MR can send the Customer Satisfaction Survey form can be sent by email and
received by email etc.
 All responses by customers will be analyzed and results of analysis will be discussed
in the Management Review Meeting.
 Customer complaints, when received are recorded in the customer complaints
register Ref. MS-P01-F04 by MR and he submits them for GM’s review on Non-
Conformance Report Form Ref. MS-P03-F01.
 GM either speaks to the Manager against whose department the complaint is
received or he may appoint a person to investigate the matter and report to him.
 Upon receipt of clear report, GM issues it to MR for his action and as per the
procedure customer/client is informed about the correction or corrective actions
taken, in case the complaint is found reasonable and within the scope of works of SC.


 The Management System (MS) shall be reviewed by the top management with an
interval of 12 months. The MR shall determine the precise date for the meeting in
coordination with the participating managers.
 Notification along with the agenda is issued at least one week before the meeting
date Management Review Meeting Notification and Agenda Ref. MS-P01-F05
 GM, in his discretion decides who to attend however, the following may attend as a
a) GM
b) Project Manager

6.7.1 AGENDA (Review Input)

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Issue/Rev. 1/00 Page ~7~

 The management review meeting may be conducted in 1-2 working days in order to
review the complete points of the agenda.
 The following issues shall be reviewed at each management review meeting in order
to determine trends:
a) Results of Management System's Audits, and evaluation of compliance with AD
EHSMS Regulatory Framework version 2.0.
b) Customer Satisfaction and complaints (Internal & External),
c) Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey and Communication participation and
consultation with all the interested parties.
d) Status of EHS incidents and investigations
e) Overall status of Corrective & Preventive actions taken during the review period.
f) Performances of QHSE processes and of Product.
g) Review of Quality and EHS Policies, Objectives and targets and programs.
h) Follow up actions of recommendations and decisions taken in previous
management review meeting.
i) Change in Circumstances including Legal and other Requirements having impact
on Quality & EHS Management System.
j) Status of Non-conformances, Corrective, Preventive actions results.
k) Continual Improvement of the Quality & HSE Management systems
l) Any other suggestions and comments

6.7.2 Review Output:

 Management reviews shall be concluded with actions related to:
a) Improvement of the Integrated Management System policies, procedures and
related documentation,
b) Improvement of Integrated Management System performance, and
c) Improvement of products and/or services to better meet customer requirements
and increase customer satisfaction.
 These improvement actions could be often formulated as Management System
objectives with specific measurable targets, due dates, assignments of
responsibilities and allocation of resources for their implementation.
 The results of the management review meeting shall be analyzed and action items
shall be assigned. The status of action items from the previous meeting shall be
reviewed to assure that improvements are resulting

6.7.3 Records:
 The minutes of the management review meeting and allocated actions shall be
documented and maintained in the Management Review Minutes of Meeting Form
Ref. MS-P01-F06.Those minutes shall be distributed to the attendees and, if any,
absent managers.

Doc.# MS-P01 Date 15-02-2014

Issue/Rev. 1/00 Page ~8~

8.1 Roles, Responsibilities & Authorities Matrix MS-P01-F01

8.2 Objectives, Targets & Programs. MS-P01-F02
8.3 Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire MS-P01-F03
8.4 Customer Complaint Register MS-P01-F04
8.5 Management Review Meeting Notification & Agenda MS-P01-F05
8.6 Management Review Meeting Minutes MS-P01-F06

Mode of Minimum
No. Record Title File Location Owner Destruction
Storage Retention
Roles, Responsibilities &
1 Filing MR MR 5 years Shredding
Authorities Matrix.
Objectives, Targets & 5 years
2 Filing MR MR Shredding
Customer Satisfaction 5 years
3 Filing MR MR Shredding
Customer Complaint 5 years
4 Filing MR MR Shredding
Management Review 5 years
5 Meeting Notification & Filing MR MR Shredding
Management Review 5 years
6 Filing MR MR Shredding
Meeting Minutes
7 Non-Conformance Report Filing MR MR 5 years Shredding

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