Kruleboyz: Kruleboyz Leader Abilities Kruleboyz Fighter Abilities
Kruleboyz: Kruleboyz Leader Abilities Kruleboyz Fighter Abilities
Kruleboyz: Kruleboyz Leader Abilities Kruleboyz Fighter Abilities
Spiteful, cruel and possessed of a deadly cunning, the Kruleboyz orruks take great joy in tormenting their enemies. G R E AT G NAS H TO O F 24 5 B O LTB OY B O S S 195
They prize deviousness more than brute strength, and their underhanded tactics have laid more than one proud
army low.
1 4 4 2/5 3 -1 5 3 4 1/ 4
8 5 38 1 3 4 2/ 4 4 4 25
[Double] Bone-crushing Bite: Pick a
visible enemy fighter within 1" of this
fighter and roll a number of dice equal to
[Double] Venom-encrusted Weapon: half the value of this ability (rounding up). K IL L A B O S S G UT R IP PA W IT H
Until the end of this fighter’s activation, For each 3+, allocate 3 damage points to
195 W IC K E D ST IK K A 80
add 1 to the damage points allocated by that fighter.
each critical hit from attack actions made
by this fighter.
1 4 4 2/5 2 2 3 1/ 3
Swampskin Hurlers – These warriors have Backstabba – This warrior has risen to a position
2 bottled a variety of noxious swamp gases, which 2 of power through the opportunistic shanking of
they delight in hurling at their enemies. a succession of bigger, tougher orruks.
Beast-breakaz – These warriors are particularly Tapewyrm Squig – This orruk has contracted
skilled at bringing the most aggressive beasts a tapewyrm squig from drinking contaminated
3 3
to heel through a blend of stubbornness and swamp water, but as long as it is well fed it
sadistic violence. shouldn’t eat him alive. For a while at least.
Stormy Stabbas – This group of killers has
fought many battles against the God-King’s Cruel and Unusual – Even amongst the
4 4 Kruleboyz, this warrior is renowned for the
champions and delights in subjecting the hated
‘Stormies’ to a gruesome demise. hideous ingenuity of their torture techniques.