Fellgore Ravagers
Fellgore Ravagers
Fellgore Ravagers
Game Type
Selections: Matched
Leader [2EP]
Operative [8EP]
Fellgor Deathknell [3EP]
Selections: Autopistol, Bludgeon, Krak Grenade [3EP]
Rules: APx, Brutal, Indirect, Limited, Rng x
Abilities: Icon Bearer, War Gong, Operative: Fellgor Deathknell, Unique Actions: Gong Knell
(1AP), Weapons: ⌖ Autopistol, ⌖ Krak Grenade, ⚔ Bludgeon
Unique Action Ref
Perform a free Normal Move action with this operative. For that action, it can
move an additional ⬤, and can move within Engagement Range of enemy
operatives (but cannot finish that move there). Each enemy operative that it
moves within Engagement Range of suffers D3+1 mortal wounds (roll
separately for each). This operative cannot perform this action if it has a
Conceal order.
Fellgor Gorehorn
Selections: Autopistol, Skullcleaver
Rules: Lethal x, Rng x
Abilities: Champion, Herdtaker, Operative: Fellgor Gorehorn, Weapons: ⌖ Autopistol, ⚔
Unique Action Ref
Select one friendly FELLGOR RAVAGER operative (excluding a SHAMAN or
IRONHORN operative) Visible to and within ⬛ of this operative. Add 1 to its
APL. This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement
Range of an enemy operative.
Unique Action Ref
Perform a free Fight action with this operative. After completing that action’s
Savage fight sequence, if this operative is still within Engagement Range of an enemy
Assault operative, you can immediately fight in combat with this operative again (you
(1AP) do not have to select the same target). You cannot use the Ruthless Rampage
Tactical Ploy between those two combats.
Unique Action Ref
Manifest Psychic action. Resolve a FELLGOR RAVAGER psychic power. This
Psychic operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of
Power (1AP) an enemy operative.
Unique Action Ref
Select one point in the killzone within ⬟ of this operative. Roll one D6 for
each other operative within ⬤ of that point:
- On a 3+, subtract 1 from that operative’s APL.
Pox Bomb - On a 5+, that operative also suffers 3 mortal wounds.
This operative cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range
of an enemy operative.
Fellgor Vandal
Selections: Mancrusher
Rules: *Vicious Blows, Brutal, Ceaseless, Reap x, Relentless
Operative: Fellgor Vandal, Unique Actions: Sweeping Blow (1AP), Weapons: ⚔ Mancrusher
Unique Action Ref
Sweeping Each other operative Visible to and within ⬤ of this operative suffers D3+1
Blow mortal wounds. This operative cannot perform this action if it has a Conceal
(1AP) order.
Force Rules
Frenzy: Each time a friendly FELLGOR RAVAGER operative without a Frenzy token would be
incapacitated, it gains a Frenzy token instead. If it was fighting in combat, all remaining attack dice (including
your opponent’s) are discarded. If it has a Conceal order, change it to Engage.
A friendly FELLGOR RAVAGER operative with a Frenzy token is incapacitated when one of the following
conditions is met:
- Its activation ends.
- An enemy operative strikes it with a critical hit in combat.
- An enemy operative strikes it a second time with a normal hit in combat. Note that this can be strikes from
two different combats.
- The battle ends.
- Critical damage is inflicted on it in a shooting attack.
Your opponent treats a FELLGOR RAVAGER operative as being incapacitated (instead of when it would be
incapacitated normally) when it gains a Frenzy token for the following purposes:
- Scoring VPs from Tac Ops that require enemy operatives to be incapacitated.
- Gaining Pain tokens (HAND OF THE ARCHON) and Blooded tokens (BLOODED).
- Completing performances of Allegories (VOID-DANCER TROUPE). ()
Selection Rules
*Deflect: Each time this operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of
that combat, you can resolve one successful hit before the Attacker. If you do so, that successful hit must be
used to parry. ()
*Tactual Hunter: Each time this operative fights in combat with this weapon against an operative that is not
ready, if you are the attacker, the first time this operative strikes with a critical hit, it can immediately strike
with another successful hit. ()
*Vicious Blows: Each time this operative fights in combat:
- If you are the attacker, this weapon gains the Ceaseless special rule for that combat.
- If this operative performed a Charge action during this activation, this weapon gains the Relentless special
rule for that combat. ()
APx: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, subtract x from the Defence
of the target for that shooting attack. x is the number after the weapon's AP, e.g. AP1. If two different APx
special rules would be in effect for a shooting attack, they are not cumulative - the attacker selects which
one to use. ()
Blast x: Each time a friendly operative performs a Shoot action and selects this weapon (or, in the case of
profiles, this weapon’s profile), after making the shooting attack against the target, make a shooting attack
with this weapon (using the same profile) against each other operative Visible to and within X of the original
target – each of them is a valid target and cannot be in Cover. X is the distance after the weapon’s Blast,
e.g. Blast . An operative cannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch
action. ()
Brutal: Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step
of that combat, your opponent can only parry with critical hits. ()
Ceaseless: Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in
the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice
results of 1. ()
Hot: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step of
that shooting attack, for each attack dice result of 1 that is discarded, that operative suffers 3 mortal wounds.
Indirect: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the select valid target
step of that shooting attack, enemy operatives are not in Cover. ()
Lethal x: Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the
Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, your attack dice results of equal to or greater than x
that are successful hits are critical hits. x is the number after the weapon's Lethal, e.g. Lethal 5+. ()
Limited: This weapon can only be selected for use once per battle. If the weapon has a special rule that
would allow it to make more than one shooting attack for an action (e.g. Blast), make each of those attacks
as normal. ()
Reap x: Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits
step of that combat, if you strike with a critical hit, inflict x mortal wounds on each other enemy operative
Visible to the friendly operative and within ▲ of it or the target operative. x is the number after the weapon's
Reap, e.g. Reap 1. ()
Relentless: Each time a friendly operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in
the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat or shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice. ()
Rng x: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, only operatives within x are
a valid target. x is the distance after the weapon's Rng, e.g. Rng ⬟. All other rules for selecting a valid target
still apply. ()
Stun: Each time a friendly operative makes a shooting attack with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step
of that shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, subtract 1 from the target's APL.
Each time a friendly operative fights in combat with this weapon, in the Resolve Successful Hits step of that
- The first time you strike with a critical hit, select one of your opponent's normal hits from that combat to be
- The second time you strike with a critical hit, subtract 1 from the target's APL. ()