1 4 4 2/5
1 3 6 3/4
4 5 25 4 5 20
1 3 6 3/4 1 3 4 3/4
4 5 20
8 2 4 3/5 4 5 20
1 4 3 2/4 1 2 3 1/3
1 2 3 2/3
6 3 6
Runemark Reactions
Thunderous Departure: A fighter can make this reaction when they are targeted by a melee attack action,
after the damage is totalled but before it is allocated to this fighter, if it is enough for this fighter to be taken
down. Allocate D6 damage points to their attacker. Fighters with the Beast runemark or both the Scout and
Fly runemarks cannot make this reaction.
Swift Retribution: A fighter can make this reaction when they are targeted by a melee attack action, after
the damage is totalled but before it is allocated to this fighter, if it is enough for this fighter to be taken
down. Pick another friendly fighter. That fighter makes a bonus move action or a bonus attack action.
Grim Resolve: A fighter can make this reaction after they are targeted by an attack action but before the hit
rolls are made. Remove D3 damage points allocated to this fighter.
Runemark Abilities
[Double] Blaze of Glory: A fighter can only use this ability if they have 15 or more damage points allocated
to them. This fighter makes a bonus attack action.
[Double] Shock and Awe: A fighter can only use this ability if an enemy fighter has been taken down by an
attack action made by this fighter this activation. This fighter makes a bonus move action or a bonus attack
[Double] Ordained Quest: Pick an enemy fighter or an objective. Previous uses of this ability by any
friendly fighter no longer have any effect and this ability cannot be used again until the enemy fighter you
picked is taken down or you control the objective you picked. If you picked an enemy fighter, for the rest of
the battle, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee attack actions made by this fighter and friendly
fighters with the Questor Soulswor runemark that target that enemy fighter. If you picked an objective, for
the rest of the battle, this fighter and friendly fighters with the Questor Soulsworn runemark each count as 1
additional fighter when determining which player controls that objective.
[Double] Thundering Strides: Pick another friendly fighter within 6" of this fighter. That fighter makes a
bonus move action.
[Double] With the Force of a Thunderbolt: A fighter can only use this ability after they finish a move
action within 1" of 2 or more enemy fighters. This fighter makes a bonus attack action.
Runemark Abilities
[Double] You Won't Even Slow Me Down: A fighter can only use this ability if an enemy fighter has been
taken down by an attack action made by them this activation. This fighter makes a bonus move action or a
bonus attack action.
[Double] Explosive Bolts: After the next missile attack action made by this fighter in this activation, if it
scored one or more hits, allocate a number of damage points to each other fighter within 3" of the target
equal to half the value of this ability (rounding up).
[Triple] Brand of Righteousness: Until the end of this fighter's activation, add the value of this ability to the
damage points allocated to enemy fighters by each critical hit from melee attack actions made by this fighter.
[Quad] Translocation: Choose a friendly fighter with a Stormcast Eternals runemark within 3" of this
fighter. Remove that fighter from the battlefield and then immediately set them up anywhere on the
battlefield more than 4" from all enemy fighters.
[Quad] Hallowed Vengeance: A fighter can only use this ability if an enemy fighter's attack action took
down a friendly fighter in the previous activation. Each friendly fighter with both the Warrior and the Order
of Azyr runemarks can make a bonus attack action that must target that fighter.