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Curriculum Map in English 10

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Farmers’ Institute-Uccp, Inc.

D.Fernan , Bonifacio, Mis. Occ.

Curriculum Map in English 10

Subject : English 10 Grade : 10 Teachers: Russel D. Lumactod

Quarter Unit Topic Content Standard Performance Prioritize/Learning Assessment Activities Resource Institutional
Standard Competencies Values

First Resolving Intrapersonal Conflicts The learner The learner ACQUISITION

demonstrates composes a A.1 Determine the
A. Evaluating Literature effect of textual aids
understanding of short but
 Classical Greek how world literature powerful like advance
Literature organizers, titles,
and other text types persuasive text
 Using serve as ways of using a variety of
Reflexive/Intensive illustrations, etc. on
expressing and persuasive the understanding of
Pronouns resolving personal techniques and a text
 Strategies to resolve conflicts, also how to devices.
Intrapersonal Conflicts use strategies in
linking textual A.2 Determine tone,
moo ,techniques
,and purpose of the
repairing, enhancing
A.3 Differentiate
public speaking,
formal from informal
emphasis markers in definitions of words
persuasive texts,
A.4 Evaluate Table Organizer View a video Websites
different forms of
literature as a way of Quiz clip
modals, reflexive and expressing and
intensive pronouns. resolving one’s
personal conflicts
Make- Meaning

A.5:Determine how
connected events
contribute to the
totality of a material
A.6 Differentiate
formal from informal
definitions of words

A.7Explain how the

elements specific to a
selection build its

A.8 Compare new

insights with previous
A.9 Show appreciation
for songs, poems, and
other listening texts

A.10 Examine how

communication may
be repaired or
A.11 Evaluate
literature as a way of
expressing and
resolving one’s
personal conflict

A.12 Use reflexive and
intensive pronouns

A.13 Compose a short


B. Writing Effective Persuasive Texts ACQUITION

 Features of Persuasive B.1 Get information
Texts that can be used in
 Techniques of Public everyday life from
Speaking news reports,
 Using Modals speeches, informative
talks, panel
discussions, etc.

B.2 Identify features of

persuasive texts

B.3 Determine the

implicit and explicit
signals, verbal, as well
as non-verbal, used by
the speaker to
highlight significant
B.4 Formulate a
statement of opinion
or assertion
B.5 Express insights
based on the ideas
presented in the
material viewed

B.6 Using words and
expressions that
emphasize a point

B.7 Use modals

B.8 Employ the

techniques in public
speaking in a sample
public speaking
B.9 Point out the
effectiveness of the
devices used by the
speaker to attract and
hold the attention of
the listener

B.10 Compose short

persuasive texts using
a variety of persuasive
techniques and
B.11 Compose a
persuasive text of
three paragraphs
expressing one’s stand
on an issue

Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts The learner The learner ACQUISITION

Second demonstrates proficiently a.1 Give technical and
Quarter A. Analyzing Issues delivers an operational definitions
understanding of how
 Elements world literatures and
 Structure speech
other text types serve emphasizing a.2 Transcode
as vehicles of how to resolve information from
expressing and conflicts among linear to non-linear
resolving conflicts individuals or texts and vice-versa
among individuals or groups.
a.3 Switch from one
groups; also how to use listening strategy to
strategies in critical another to extract
reading, listening, and meaning from the
viewing, and listening text
affirmation and a.4 Assess the
negation markers to effectiveness of a
deliver impromptu and material listened to
extemporaneous taking into account the
speeches. speaker’s purpose

a.5 Explain illustrations
from linear to
nonlinear texts and
vice versa
a.6 Explain how the
elements specific to a
selection build its
a.7 Discuss how the
elements specific to a
genre contribute to
the theme of a
particular literary

a.8 Evaluate literature

as a vehicle of
expressing and
resolving conflicts
between and among
individuals or groups

a.9 Explain how a

selection may be
influenced by culture,
history, environment,
or other factors

a.10 Present
information using
tables, graphs, and
a.11 Observe correct
grammar in making
B. Impromptu And Extemporaneous
 Structure b.1 Identify parts and
 Composition features of
argumentative essays

b.2 Acknowledge
citations by preparing
a bibliography

b.3 Formulate claims
of fact, policy, and

b.4 Use writing
conventions to
acknowledgement of

b.5 Use quotation

marks or hanging
indentations for direct

b.6 Compose an
argumentative essay
Perspective Through Critical Lenses a.1 Identifying textual
details that affirm or
A. Literary Criticism refute a claim
 Literary Lenses or Theories
for Literary Criticism a.2 Identify Treatment
Third  Composition of underlying or
Quarter The learner The learner overarching issue
demonstrates skillfully concerning human
understanding of how delivers a experience (moralist)
world literature and speech for a a.3 Determine power
other text types serve special occasion struggles of
as sources of wisdom through characters (Marxist)
in expressing and utilizing
resolving conflicts effective verbal a.4 Describe gender
among individuals, and non-verbal relationships of
groups and nature; also strategies and characters (feminist)
how to use evaluative ICT resources.
reading, listening and a.5 Classify personal
viewing strategies, significance of the
special speeches for selection to the
occasion, pronouns reader (reader
and structures of response)
a.6 Evaluate the
information contained
in the material viewed
in terms of accuracy
and effectiveness

a.7 Review relevance

of the selection to the
historical context
during which it was
produced (historical)
a.8 Disclose the
personal significance
of a material viewed
a.9 Explain how the
elements specific to
a genre contribute
to the theme of a
particular literary
a.10 Share
viewpoints based on
the ideas presented
in the materials

a.11 Explain how a

selection may be
influenced by
culture, history,
environment, or
other factors
a.12 Express
appreciation for
sensory images used
a.13 Show respect
for intellectual
property rights by
citations made in
the critique
a.14 Use writing
conventions to

a.15 Show respect for

intellectual property
rights by
acknowledging citations
made in the critique
a.16 Use quotation
marks or hanging
indentations for direct
a.17 Employ the
appropriate prosodic
features of speech
a.18 Use pronouns

a.19 Compose an
independent critique of
a chosen selection

B Speeches for Special Occasions b.1 Identifying textual
details that affirm or
refute a claim
 Ceremonial Speeches b.2 Describe the
 Structure emotional appeal of a
 Styles listening text

b.3 React intelligently

and creatively to the
text listened to

b.4 Give expanded
definitions of word

b.5 Draw similarities

and differences of the
featured selections in
relation to the theme

b.6 Use the correct and
appropriate language
when giving a toast or a
tribute to someone and
when delivering
welcome and closing

b.7 Deliver special

speeches like toast and
roast speeches,
tributes, welcome and
closing remarks,
speeches to introduce
persons etc. effectively
in varied speech

b.8 Produce the sounds

of English correctly and

b.9 Use polite

expressions when
giving a roast

b.10 Use structures of


a.1 Use locational skills
to gather information
from primary and
secondary sources of
4th The English Language as an Instrument
Quarter of Peace The learner demonstrates The learner a.2 Get vital
A. Literature: Cultural Research for understanding of how world competently information from
Social Transformation literature and other text presents a various websites on the
B. Socio- Cultural Research for types serve as instruments research
Social Transformation to resolve social conflicts, report on a
also how to use the relevant socio- a.3 Distinguish facts
language of research, cultural issue
from beliefs
campaigns and advocacies.
a.4 Describe the
emotional appeal of a
listening text

a.4 Get different

viewpoints on various
local or global issues

a.5 Express
appreciation for
sensory images used.

a.6 Determine tone,

mood, technique, and
purpose of the author

a.7 Use appropriate

language when
delivering campaign

a.8 Evaluate the
accuracy of given

a.9 Appraise the unity

of plot, setting and
characterization in a
material viewed to
achieve the writer’s

a.10 Explain how the

elements specific to a
genre contribute to the
theme of a particular
literary selection

a.11 Draw similarities

and differences of the
featured selections in
relation to the theme

a.12 Evaluate literature

as an instrument to
express and resolve
conflicts within,
between, and among

a.13 Show appreciation
for songs, poems, plays,

a.14 Use a variety of

informative, persuasive,
and argumentative
writing techniques

a.15 how courtesy and

politeness when
delivering campaign

a.16 Demonstrate the

appropriate stage
stance and behavior
when persuading
others in a campaign

a.17 e appropriate
multimedia resources
that accompany

a.18 Observe the

language of research,
campaigns, and

a.19 Deliver self-

composed Campaign
Speeches on
Advocacies, Social
Issues and Concerns

b.1 Use locational skills
to gather information
from primary and
secondary sources of

b.2 Get familiar with

technical terms used in
b. Socio- Cultural Research for
Social Transformation b.3 Observe the
language of research,
campaigns, and
b.4 Compare and
contrast the contents
of the materials viewed
with outside sources of
information in terms of
accessibility and

b.5 Evaluate literature

as an instrument to
express and resolve
conflicts within,
between, and among

b.6 : Expand ideas using

principles of cohesion
and coherence

b.7 Acknowledge
sources by preparing a

b.8 Use writing

conventions to
acknowledge sources
b.9 Use appropriate
multimedia resources
that accompany
b.10 Compose a
research report on a
relevant social issue

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