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Field Astronomy

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DCG3083-Field Astronomy







DCG3083-Field Astronomy


This Lab sheet edition is issued as a guide to efficient execution of

practical/ lab work for Diploma Geomatic course in Malaysia’s

It has been prepared and compiled with the assistance and advice of
Geomatic Lab Sheets Committee.

Special credit to officers and personnel from various polytechnics who

contributed valuable information in the preparation process, the
Geomatics Academic Committee who reviewed large part of lab sheet
and the Curriculum & Evaluation Section in the Curriculum Development
& Career Training Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia
for providing us with a good environment and facilities to complete
this lab sheet.

Finally, an honorable mention goes to Pn Asuralyzah binti Salleh for her

ideas, understandings and supports on us in completing this lab sheet.

Alvadjurie B. Affandie
Kuching Polytechnic Sarawak

Stuart Otto Ak Wilson Munan

Kuching Polytechnic Sarawak
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

Table Of Content

Course Description

Lab sheet 1:
Perform solar observation for azimuth verification using extra meridian method.
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

Course Description





FIELD ASTRONOMY equips students with knowledge on the position of celestial bodies such as the
moon, sun, stars and planets with reference to earth. This study is important to land surveyors in
field works such as determining the azimuth in land boundaries, checking angles in long traverse and
determining geodetic positions or geographic points on earth.


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Explain field astronomy, spherical triangle, astronomical coordinates system, azimuth and
falaksyarie in Malaysia. (C2,PLO1)

2. solve spherical triangle problems,solar observation, qiblah direction, prayer time, early
Ramadhan and Syawal using related formula. (C3,PLO1)

3. perform solar observationfor azimuth verification using extra meridian method. (P4,PLO2)
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

Labsheet 1 : Perform solar observation for azimuth verification using

extra meridian method.

OUTCOMES RTA : 30 hours

 Students be able to conduct and calculate solar observation

a. Optical theodeolite/Electronic Theodelite / Total Station
b. Sun filter
c. Tripod
d. Solar observation form “G-1”
e. Target for Reference mark
f. Latest Star almanac
g. Calculator
DCG3083-Field Astronomy


1. Choose any stations in your closed traverse to be the ‘Station of Observation’ and the other
adjacent station to it as ‘Reference Station/Object (RO)’ or TR. The chosen station must be
clear from any obstruction that may block the view to the sun in the morning or evening. Then,
fill in the form as follows:

2. In face left, set the average bearing (Bearing Purata) of your chosen station as the TR value
and target to the prism.

3. Then, put sun-filter to the telescope of your total station, and target to the sun. Position the
sun on the left side of the crosshair as shown in the solar form.

4. Record the time, bearing and vertical angle in the solar form.
5. Continue to position the sun on the right side of the cross hair as follows and record the time,
bearing and vertical angle.
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

6. Then turn the total station into face right, and continue steps 3 – 5 but the sun is first
positioned on the right side of the crosshair and then on the left side of the crosshair. Refer
the following Figure.

7. Then, with the instrument still in face right, target to TR (prism) and record the bearing.

8. After that, continue to complete the observation for Set 2 by turning the total station to face
left and target to TR (prism). Record the bearing. Then, repeat steps 3 – 7.

9. After the observations was completed, use Lampiran K2 (Jadual Koordinat), Prosedur Kiraan
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

Cerapan Azimut and latest Almanak Ukur Malaysia in order to assist you to complete the
calculation of finding the Purata Bearing Grid Ke Tanda Rujuk.

The following is the example of a complete solar form.

DCG3083-Field Astronomy


1. Purata waktu
Jumlahkan keempat-empat waktu cerapan, kemudian dibahagi dengan 4. Seterusnya ditolak dengan 8
jam. (kerana beza waktu piawai Malaysia dengan waktu antarabangsa @ Universal Time ialah 8 jam)
Set 1 Set 2
hh.mmss hh.mmss
09:06:48 09:08:21
09:06:53 09:08:27
09:07:12 09:09:01
09:07:19 09:09:05
Jumlah Waktu 36:28:12 36:34:54
Purata Waktu 9:07:03 9:08:44
Purata Waktu – 8.00 1:07:03 1:08:44

2. Purata ufuk
Jumlahkan keempat-empat cerapan bearing ke matahari (a). Sekiranya nilai bacaan ufuk di penyilang
kanan lebih besar dari 180°, nilai a ditolak dengan 360° = (b). Sekiranya nilai bacaan ufuk di penyilang
kanan lebih kecil dari 180°, nilai a ditambah dengan 360° = (b). Untuk mendapatkan nilai purata, nilai
b dibahagi dengan 4.
Set 1 Set 2
Ufuk Ufuk
(ddd.mmss) (ddd.mmss)
P.Ki T.R
114.4134 114.4737
114.0705 114.1257
P.Ka 294.0816 294.1509
294.4332 294.5026
Jumlah (a) 817.4027 818.0609
+/-360° (b) 457.4027 458.0609
Purata ufuk 114.2507 114.3132
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

3. Purata T.R
Jumlahkan kedua-dua cerapan ke TR (c). Sekiranya nilai bacaan TR di penyilang kanan lebih besar dari
180°, nilai c ditolak dengan 180° = (d). Sekiranya nilai bacaan TR di penyilang kanan lebih kecil dari
180°, nilai c ditambah dengan 180° = (d). Untuk mendapatkan nilai purata, nilai d dibahagi dengan 2.
Set 1 Set 2
Ufuk Ufuk
(ddd.mmss) (ddd.mmss)
P.Ki T.R 7.2653 7.2653


T.R 187.2649 187.2652

Jumlah (c) 194.5342 194.5345
+/-180° (d) 14.5342 14.5345
Purata TR 7.2651 7.2653

4. Purata Altitud (Tinjah)

Nilai tinjah penyilang kiri (e) = 90° - nilai sudut pugak
Nilai tinjah penyilang kanan (e) = Nilai sudut pugak - 270°
Jumlahkan keempat-empat sudut pugak (f) dan kemudian dibahagikan dengan 4.
Set 1 Set 2

Tinjah Tinjah
90° - e / 90° - e /
(ddd.mmss) (ddd.mmss)
e - 270° e - 270°
P.Ki T.R (e) (e)

69.0513 20.5447 68.4410 21.1550

69.0356 20.5604 68.4233 21.1727
P.Ka 291.0042 21.0042 291.2553 21.2553
291.0212 21.0212 291.2554 21.2554
Jumlah (f) 83.5345 85.2504
Purata tinjah 20.5826 21.2116

5. Biasan & Bedalihat

Formula berikut digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai Biasan & Bedalihat
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

 41.4105  8.8  cos(PurataAltitud ) 

 
Biasan & Bedalihat   Tan( PurataAltitud ) 
Purata Altitud = Purata Tinjah

Set 1: Purata Altitud = 20° 58’ 26”

 41.4105  8.8  cos(2058'26" ) 

 
 Tan(2058'26" ) 
Biasan & Bedalihat 
Cara tekan kalkulator:
Tukar nilai di atas kepada d.m.s 0°2°9.46; Bundarkan 0° 02’ 09”

Set 2 : Purata Altitud = 21° 21’ 16”

 41.4105  8.8" cos(2121'16" ) 

 
 Tan(2121'16" ) 
Biasan & Bedalihat 
Jawapan = 0° 02’ 07”

6. Altitud dilaras
Nilai altitud dilaras diperolehi daripada hasil tolak Purata Altitud – Biasan & Bedalihat
Set 1 Set 2
Purata Altitud (H) 20.5826 21.2116
Biasan & Bedalihat 0.0209 0.0207
Altitud Dilaras 20.5617 21.1909
7. Koordinat Origin U/S
Rujuk jadual koordinat origin Cassini Soldner di ruangan Utara negeri. (Pekeliling Bil6/2009-Lampiran
Contoh: 0 m

8. Stesen U/S
Masukkan nilai koordinat stesen cerapan (nilai ini diperolehi dari PA atau sekiranya tiada, masukkan
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

nilai anggaran 1000 m)

Contoh: -79462.554 m

9. Jumlah/Sel. U/S
Jumlah/Sel. U/S ialah nilai Langkah 7 + nilai Langkah 8
0 m + (-79462.554 m) = -79462.554 m

10. Jumlah / Sel x 0.03256

Nilai Langkah 9 darab 0.03256
Cara tekan kalkulator:
-79462.554 x 0.03256 = -2587.300758
÷3600 = -0.718694655  tukar ke dms
-0° 43’ 07”  Jawapan Jumlah/Sel x 0.03256

11. G. Lintang Origin U

Rujuk jadual koordinat origin Geografi, di ruangan Latitud. (Pekeliling Bil6/2009-Lampiran G-1).
Contoh: 5° 57’ 55”

12. G. Lintang Stesen U

Jumlahkan nilai Langkah 10 + Langkah 11
Jumlah / Sel. U/S x 0.03256 -0.4307
G. Lintang Origin U 5.5755
G. Lintang Stesen U 5.1448

13. Koordinat Origin T/B

Rujuk jadual koordinat origin Cassini Soldner di ruangan Timur (Pekeliling Bil6/2009-Lampiran G-1)
Contoh: 0 m
14. Stesen T/B
Masukkan nilai koordinat stesen cerapan (nilai ini diperolehi dari PA atau sekiranya tiada, masukkan
nilai anggaran 1000 m)
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

Contoh: 1826.955 m
15. Jumlah/Sel. T/B
Jumlah/Sel. T/B ialah nilai Langkah 13 + nilai Langkah 14
0 m + 1826.955 m = 1826.955 m
16. Jumlah/Sel x 0.03246
Nilai Langkah 15 darab 0.03246
Cara tekan kalkulator:
-1826.955 x 0.03246 = 59.3029593
÷3600 = 0.016473044 tukar ke dms
0° 0’ 59”  Jawapan Jumlah/Sel x 0.03246
17. Sel. G. Bujur x Sain G. Lintang
Nilai Langkah 16 x sin nilai Langkah 12 iaitu nilai G. Lintang Stesen U
Cara tekan kalkulator:
0°0°59° sin 5°14°48° = 0°0°5.4°  Bundarkan = 0.0005
18. T (-) / B (+) Tirusan
Sekiranya nilai Langkah 17 adalah positif, maka nilai tirusan adalah negative
Sekiranya nilai Langkah 17 adalah negatif, maka nilai tirusan adalah positif
Sel. G. Bujur X Sain G. Lintang +0.0005
Tirusan -0.0005
19. Sudutistiwa pada waktu penilikan
Sebelum mengira sudutistiwa pada waktu penilikan, terlebih dahulu perlu dapatkan nilai sudutistiwa
pada 0 jam UT dan nilai selisih. Nilai ini boleh dikira berpandukan Almanak Ukur Malaysia (AUM). Nilai
sudutistiwa pada 0 jam UT boleh diambil terus dari AUM pada tarikh cerapan. Manakala nilai selisih
adalah dari hasil darab purata waktu Set 1 & Set 2 dengan nilai v di ruangan Dek dalam AUM.

Cerapan dilakukan pada tarikh 18 Januari 2010
Lihat dalam AUM:

HB UT R Dek v
h j j m s ° ‘ “ “
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

18 0 7 49 11.5 -20 36 22 30

Isn 6 50 10.7 -20 33 20 31

12 51 09.8 -20 30 16 31

18 52 08.9 -20 27 11 31

Pada tarikh 18/01/2010,

nilai sudutistiwa @ deklinasi (Dek) pada UT : 0 jam = -20° 36’ 22”
dan pada ketika itu, nilai v = 30”

Nilai selisih waktu UT dengan waktu cerapan adalah seperti berikut:

Set 1 : Purata waktu = 1:07:03

Cara kiraan nilai selisih waktu:
(Purata waktu x nilai v) ÷3600
(1°07°03° x 30) ÷ 3600 = 33.53” @ 0.0034

Set 2 : Purata waktu = 1:08:44

Cara kiraan nilai selisih waktu:
(Purata waktu x nilai v) ÷3600
(1°08°44° x 30) ÷ 3600 = 33.53” @ 0.0034
Maka, Sudutistiwa pada waktu penilikan = Nilai Dek pada UT 0 jam + Nilai selisih
Set 1 Set 2
d.mmss d.mmss
Sudutistiwa pada 0 jam UT -20.3622 -20.3622
Selisih 0.0034 0.0034
Sudutistiwa pada waktu penilikan -20.3548 -20.3548

20. Azimuth matahari yang dikira

Untuk mendapatkan nilai Azimuth matahari yang dikira, formula berikut digunakan:

cos Az 
sin   sin  sin  
cos cos
  Sudutistiw a @ Deklinasi
  G.L int angStesenU
  AltitudDiLaras
21. Tanda Rujuk Sebenar (Purata TR + Az – Purata ke matahari)
TR sebenar = Purata TR + Az matahari yang dikira – Purata ufuk
DCG3083-Field Astronomy

TR sebenar = nilai Langkah 3 + nilai Langkah 20 - nilai Langkah 2

Set 1 Set 2
d.mmss d.mmss
Purata TR 7.2651 7.2653
Az matahari yang dikira 114.2502 114.3122
Purata ufuk 114.2507 114.3132
Tanda Rujuk Sebenar (Purata TR + Az – Purata ke matahari 7.2646 7.2643
22. Aras
Nilai aras ini tidak perlu dimasukkan
23. Tirusan
Masukkan nilai tirusan yang telah dikira dalam Langkah 18.
24. Bearing grid TR
Nilai Bearing Grid TR diperolehi dari hasil tambah Langkah 21 dengan Langkah 23.

Set 1 Set 2
d.mmss d.mmss
Tanda Rujuk Sebenar (Purata TR + Az – Purata ke matahari 7.2646 7.2643
Aras 0 0
Tirusan -0.0005 -0.0005
Bearing grid TR 7.2641 7.2638

25. Purata Bearing Grid ke Tanda Rujuk

Untuk mendapatkan nilai Purata Bearing Grid ke TR ialah dengan menambah kedua-dua nilai bearing
grid TR dan kemudian dibahagi dengan 2.
Set 1 Set 2
d.mmss d.mmss
Bearing grid TR 7.2641 7.2638
Jumlah brg Grid TR 14.5319
Purata Bearing Grid ke Tanda Rujuk 7.2640
DCG3083-Field Astronomy


a. Procedures of work (observation and calculation) must comply with Jabatan Ukur dan
Pemetaan Malaysia as stated in Lampiran G, PKPUP Bil.3/2003 as attached.
b. All observation must be recorded in “Cerapan Matahari bagi Azimuth” form as in
Lampiran G-1, PKPUP Bil.3/2003
c. On normal condition, at least 10 set of accepted sun observation must be obtained within
15 weeks time of the practical.


At the end of this practical, student must send report containing following case:
i) Field work title
ii) Purpose / Objective
iii) Equipment used ( with pictures / sketch)
iv) Field work procedure
v) Outcome
vi) Analyzed / calculation data (if need)
vii) Comment / Conclusion

Note: Taken and return device is necessary does not have any inconvenience among the
duty technician at the laboratory.


35% of continuous assessment comes from practical. There will be a test conducted at the end
of the field session separately and marking ratio are as stated below:

a. Sun observation
b. Calculation
c. Report

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