Report Cad
Report Cad
Report Cad
To Collect
CDS interfaces with data collectors and total stations from all leading manufacturers to
ensure speedy and efficient processing of the field data you collect.
You can establish your own feature code library to separate data into layers, making
management simple.
Data from other parties is quickly incorporated, either by importing drawings in industry
standard DWG or DXF format, or by transferring coordinated points in ASCII format.
Gives you a full range of Cogo tools to allow any layout, from a simple traverse, to a
subdivision, to footing details to be designed quickly, in 3D if necessary.
Traverse entry with side-shot & radiations and closure & adjustment.
Road Layout allows you to automatically calculate and store side strings from a
finished alignment.
Inverse/stakeout calculations that produce either a printed report or data collector files
for field set out.
CDS allows you to model surfaces from random points, form contours, produce annotated
contour plans, interpolate profiles and sections and calculate volumes. You may select the
points you need from the database by any combination of point number, height, point code or
layer, or you can define windows or polygons of interest on the screen using the mouse. The
points you select are assigned to a particular surface, and you can use multiple surfaces
within the one job for maximum processing flexibility. Volumes, either between surfaces or
using average end areas, can be easily produced, whether on a simple stockpile, a large scale
bulk earthworks project, or a road or utility project.
5. Then your data will out. if you do a new it come out like this.
2. Write your string ID, choose your type of line and colour.
6. Go to point and choose edit if you want add point or to doubles points.
8. Export DWG
At the final of this study, student has been known how to make a topographic map
using CDS and AutoCAD software. Student was able to used this software properly. Many
firms are beginning to meet the challenge by leveraging the productivity increases and new
business opportunities being provided by the latest engineering design software. One of the
most significant improvements in civil design software has been the move from entity-based
design found in applications like Autodesks AutoCAD and Land Desktop to model-based
design using applications like Civil 3D.
Model-based design technology allows you to create and edit design plans faster than with
traditional 2D drafting technology by making the drafting process a by-product of the design
process. Increasing the productivity gains is the dynamic nature of all of the design
components. For example, when a surface model changes, every design component that is
related to the model, including contours, profiles, cross sections and volume calculations
dynamically update to reflect the change.