Principles of Cartography GLS 362 Final Report: Prepared by Matrics Number
Principles of Cartography GLS 362 Final Report: Prepared by Matrics Number
Principles of Cartography GLS 362 Final Report: Prepared by Matrics Number
GLS 362
Data Processing.......................................................................................................................6-20
Generally speaking is Cartography is the making and study of maps in all their aspectsand With the
advent of digital technology and GIS, the scope of cartography includes production, usage
of maps, organization, management, analysis and exploitation ofcartographic digital files. In
summary what we can say about Cartography is an efficient way of manipulating, analysing and
expressing ideas, forms and relationships that occur in two-and three-dimensional space.
Maps were designed for specific purposes and specific information. There are threetypes of maps that
is topographic maps, thematic maps and chart. Concept of map making isthe process of communicating
concepts, facts and ideas to be transmitted through the map foran audience using a defined media.
Appraised, collect and compile is the process of gatheringdata and information through that information
and processing. To construct map making isencode information for a particular purpose. Digitize
represent of an object, image, sound,document or a signal by discrete set of its points or samples. The
result is called digitalrepresentation or, more specifically a digital image for the object and digital form
for the signal.
The purpose of digitizing is to make the map become more legible and easy to read.
Study Area
(Put topo map) yg lab tu.
Software used
Flow chart
Selection of area
Data processing
1. Open the MapInfo and choose the maps that want to use. After that, start the workwith open File and
select Open.
2. Change the file type to Raster Image. Then select the map and click open.
4. Before place the coordinate, change the projection category into MalaysianProjections and
the category member to the RSO West Malaysia. After that, selectOK. Place the given coordinate into
each side of the map with select Add and clickon the side that want to place coordinate for all side and
select OK.
5. To start the digitizing. Open the File and select New table. Select Add to CurrentMapper and click
6. Name the feature that want to digitize and select Create. Repeat the same method toall feature with
open New Table.
7. Using poly line or polygon on drawing tool bar to start the digitize process.
9. After finish digitizing. Select Map to Create Legend and click Finish to show theLegend.
10. Select Window to create New Layout Window to show both digitizing Map and Legend.
1. Open MapInfo then click File – OPEN – select image from folder (choose standard place).
3. Enter four control point given by clicking Add. Then chose point at click at the image.
4.Create new table for every features and refer to figure 8 and figure .
5.To start digitizing, first have to add table. Click File – New Table refer figure 10.
6. Click Layer Control – Layer Control window will appear. Choose Make Layer Editable to start work.
7.Then, the same procedure can be applied to other properties on the topographic map e.g. road,
contour line, building and others).
8.The final output is shown below. (before adding layout and legend).
9.Next, go to “Create Legend”.
10.After finish adjusted the tools, north arrow. The map will appear like that, as the below picture. It
ready to print.
(Shows the final map of Pendang, Kedah after the process of digitizing)
From this task, concept of digitizing clearly understood which involve from beginningsuch as process raw
data which is Tanah Merah Map that provide too detail of informationinto digitizing map which is less
detail information with taking in consideration of each theinformation. By utilizing generalization
process which is elimination, simplification,aggregation, size reduction, typification,
exaggeration, classification, displacement andrefinement we able to produce digitize map which is
simple, convenient and ease to viewspatial data information that include in digitize plan.
This process must use Map Info Professional software that be able to interpreted Mapinfo to new
Digitized Map which is easy to understand