NEET UG Physics Ocsillations and Waves MCQs PDF
NEET UG Physics Ocsillations and Waves MCQs PDF
NEET UG Physics Ocsillations and Waves MCQs PDF
Unit - 10
Ocsillations And
1. Waves : The motion of the disturbance in the medium (or in free space) is called wave pulse or
generally a wave.
2. Amplitude of a wave : Amplitude of oscillation of particles of the medium is called the amplitude of
a wave.
3. Wavelength and frequency : The linear distance between any two points or particles having phase
difference of 2 rad is called the wavelength (λ) of the wave.
Frequency of wave is just the frequency of oscillation of particles of the medium. Relation between
wavelength and frequency :
v = f, = where, v is the speed of wave in the medium.
4. Mechanical waves : The waves which require elastic medium for their transmission are called
mechanical waves, e.g. sound waves.
5. Transverse and longitudinal waves : Waves in which the oscillations are in a direction perpendicular
to the direction of wave propagation are called the transverse wave.
Waves in which the oscillations of the particles of medium are a!cng the direction of wave propagation
are called longitudinal waves.
6. Wave Equation : The equation which describe the displacement for any particle of medium at a required
time is called wave equation. Various forms of wave equations are as follows :
t x
(i) y A sin (t - kx) (ii) y A sin –
x 2
(iii) y A sin 2 t –
(iv) y A sin vt x
The above equations are for the wave travelling in the direction of increasing value of x. If the wave
is travelling in the direction of decreasing value of x then put '+' instead of '—' in above equations.
7. The elasticity and inertia of the medium are necessary for the propagation of the mechanical waves.
8. The speed of the transverse waves in a medium like string kept under tension, v
where, T = Tension in the string and (I = mass per unit length of the string -- y
9. Speed of sound waves in elastic medium, v
where, E = Elastic constant of a medium, = Density of the medium.
Speed of longitudinal waves in a fluid, v
where, B — Bulk modulus of a medium y = 1.41 (for air)
Speed of longitudinal waves in a linear medium like a rod, v
where, = Young modulus, = Density of a medium
At constant pressure and constant humidity, speed of sound waves in gas is directly proportional to
the square root of its absolute temperature.
v v T
The speed of sound in a gas does not depend on the pressure variation.
10. Principle of Superposition : When a particle of medium comes under the influence of two or more
waves simultaneously, its net displacement is the vector sum of displacement that could occur under
the influence of the individual waves.
11. Stationary Waves : When two waves having same amplitude and frequency and travelling in mutually
opposite directions are superposed the resultant wave formed loses the property of propagation. Such
a wave is .called a stationary wave.
Equation of stationary wave : y = – 2 A sinkx cos t
Amplitude of stationary wave : 2 A sin kx
Position of nodes in stationary wave xn =
where, n = 1,2, 3.....At all these points the amplitude is zero.
Position of antinodes in stationary wave's,
xn = (2n – 1) where , n — 1, 2, 3,....
The amplitude of all these points is 2A.
12. Frequencies corresponding to different normal modes of vibration in a stretched string of length L
fixed at both the ends are given by,
nv n T
fn where n — 1, 2, 3......
2L 2L
13. In a closed pipe the values of possible wavelengths required for stationary wave pattern are given by.
4L v
n and possible frequencies, fn (2n – 1) (2n – 1) f1
(2n - 1) 4L
where, n = 1, 2, 3,..... and L = length of pipe.
In a closed pipe only odd harmonics f1, 3f1, 5f1 .... are possible.
14. In an open pipe the values of possible wavelength required for stationary waves are given by,
2L nv
n and possible frequencies, fn nf1 where, n — 1, 2, 3,......and
n 2L
L - length of pipe.
In open pipe of the harmonics like f1, 2f1, 3f1 ..... are possible.
15. Beat: The phenomenon of the loudness of sound becoming maximum periodically due to superposition
of two sound waves of equal amplitude and slightly different frequencies is called the 'beats'.
Number of beats produced in unit time = f1 – f2.
16. Doppler Effect : Whenever there is a relative motion between a source of sound and a listener with
respect to the medium in which the waves are propagating the frequency of sound experienced by the
listener is different from that which is emitted by the source. This phenomenon is called Doppler
v vL
Frequency listened by the listener, f L fS
v vS
Where, v = velocity of sound, vL = velocity of a listener,
vS = velocity of a source, fS = frequency of sound emitted by the source.
17. If a body repeats its motion along a certain path, about a fixed point, at a definite interval of time, it is
said to have periodic motion.
18. If a body moves to and fro, back and forth, or up and down about a fixed point in a fixed interval of
time, such a motion is called an oscillatory motion.
19. When a body moves to and fro repeatedly about an equilibrium position under a restoring force, which
is always directed towards equilibrium position and whose magnitude at any instant is directly
proportional to the displacement of the body from the equilibrium position of that instant then such a
motion is known as simple harmonic motion.
20. The maximum displacement of the oscillator on cither side of mean position is called amplitude of the
21. The time taken by the oscillator to complete one oscillation is known as periodic time or time period or
period (T) of the oscillator.
22. The number of oscillation completed by the simple harmonic oscillator in one second is known as its
23. 2 times the frequency of oscillator is the angular frequency CO of that oscillator..
1 2 1 2
24. T or f or =
f T T
25. For simple harmonic motion, the displacement y(t} of a particle from its equilibrium position is represented
by sine, cosine or its linear combination like
y( t ) = A sin (t + )
y(t) = B cos (t + )
y( t ) A' sin t + B' cost
whereA' Acos and B' = Bsin
T 2
29. Differential equation for SHM is + 2 y = 0
30. For scries combination of n spring of spring constants k1, k2, k3,..., kn, the equivalent spring constant is
1 1 1 1
= = ... the periodic time T 2 m
k k1 k2 kn k
31. For parallel combination of n springs of spring constants k ky k ...., kn, the equivalent spring
constant is
k = k1 + k2 + k3 + .... + kn and period T 2
32. The kinetic energy of the SHO is K = m2 (A2 - y2)
1 2
33. The potential energy of the SHO is U = ky
1 1 2
34. The total mechanical energy of SHO is E = K + U = m2 A2 = kA
2 2
35. For SHO, at y — 0, the potential energy is minimum (U = 0) and the kinetic energy is maximum
(K kA2 E )
36. For SHO, at y = A, the potential energy is maximum (U kA2 E ) and the kinetic energy
is minimum (K = 0)
37. Simple harmonic motion is the projection of uniform circular motion on a diameter of the reference
T = 2 and
2 g
2f =
T l
39. For simple pendulum, T is independent of the mass of the bob as well as the amplitude of the oscillaions.
40. The differential equaiton for damped harmonic oscillation is
with the displacement
d2y dy
m 2
b = + ky = 0
dt dt
k b2
and angular frequency ' –
m 4m2
41. E( t ) kA2 e –etlm gives the mechanical energy of damped oscillation at time t.
42. A system oscillates under the influence of external periodic force are forced oscillations.
43. The differential equation for forced oscillations is
d2y b dy k F
+ y = 0 sint
dt m dt m m
44. The amplitude for forced oscillation is
A 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
[m ( 0 – ) + b ]
For the answer of the following questions choose the correct alternative from among the given ones.
1. If the equation for a particle performing S.H.M. is given by y = Sin2t + 3 Cos2t, its periodic time
will be ………..s.
(A) 21 (B)p (C) 2p (D) 4p.
2. The distance travelled by a particle performing S.H.M. during time interval equal to its periodic time
is ……..
(A) A (B) 2A (C) 4A (D) Zero.
3. A person standing in a stationary lift measures the periodic time of a simple pendulum inside the lift
to be equal to T. Now, if the lift moves along the vertically upward direction with an acceleration of
, then the periodic time of the lift will now be ………
3 T T
(A) 3T (B) T (C) (D)
2 3 3
4. If the equation for displacement of two particles executing S.H.M. is given by y1 = 2Sin(10t+è)
and y2 = 3Cos10t respectively, then the phase difference between the velocity of two particles
will be ………..
(A) – è (B) è (C) (D) .
2 2
5. When a body having mass m is suspended from the free end of two
springs suspended from a rigid support, as shown in figure, its periodic
time of oscillation is T. If only one of the two springs are used, then
the periodic time would be ………
(A) (B)
2 2
(C) 2T (D) 2T
6. If the maximum velocity of two springs ( both has same mass ) executing S.H.M. and having force
constants k1 and k2 respectively are same, then the ratio of their amplitudes will be ……….
k1 k2 k1 k2
(A) k (B) k (C) (D)
2 1 k2 k1
7. As shown in figure, two masses of 3.0 kg and 1.0 kg are attached at the two ends of a spring having
force constant 300 N m- 1 . The natural frequency of oscillation for the system will be …………hz.
( Ignore friction )
(A) ¼ (B) 1/3
(C) 4 (D) 3 3kg 1kg
8. The bob of a simple pendulum having length ‘ l’ is displaced from its equilibrium position by an angle
of è and released. If the velocity of the bob, while passing through its equilibrium position is v, then
v = ………..
9. If of a spring having length l is cutoff, then what will be the spring constant of remaining part?
4k 3k
(A) k (B) 4k (C) (D)
3 4
10. The amplitude for a S.H.M. given by the equation x = 3Sin3pt + 4Cos3pt is ………m.
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 4 (D) 3.
11. When an elastic spring is given a displacement of 10mm, it gains an potential energy equal to U. If
this spring is given an additional displacement of 10 mm, then its potential energy will be ……..
(A) U (B) 2U (C) 4U (D) U/4.
12. The increase in periodic time of a simple pendulum executing S.H.M. is ………….when its length
is increased by 21%.
(A) 42 % (B) 10% (C) 11% (D) 21%.
13. A particle executing S.H.M. has an amplitude A and periodic time T. The minimum time required by
the particle to get displaced by from its equilibrium position is …….. s.
(A) T (B) T/4` (C) T/8 (D) T/16.
14. If a body having mass M is suspended from the free ends of two springs A and B, their periodic time
are found to be T1 and T2 respectively. If both these springs are now connected in series and
if the same mass is suspended from the free end, then the periodic time is found to be T.
Therefore …………..
1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) T = T1 + T2 (B) T T T (C) T2 = T12 + T22 (D) T 2 2 2 .
1 2 T1 T2
15. The displacement of a S.H.O. is given by the equation x = A Cos ( ùt + ). At what time will it attain
maximum velocity?
3 8 3
(A) (B) (C) (D) .
8 3 16 16
16. At what position will the potential energy of a S.H.O. become equal to one third its kinetic energy?
(A) (B) (C) (D) 3 A .
2 2 3
17. Three identical springs are shown in figure. When a 4 kg
mass is suspended from spring A, its length increases by
1cm. Now if a 6 kg mass is suspended from the free end
of spring C, then increase in its length is ………cm.
(A) 1.5 (B) 3.0
(C) 4.5 (D) 6.0.
18. For particles A and B executing S.H.M., the equation for displacement is given by y1 =
0.1Sin(100t+p/3) and y2 = 0.1Cospt respectively. The phase difference between velocity of
particle A with respect to that of B is …………
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 6 6 3
19. The periodic time of a simple pendulum is T1. Now if the point of suspension of this pendulum
starts moving along the vertical direction according to the equation y = kt 2, the periodic time
of the pendulum becomes T 2. Therefore, 2 = …( k = 1 m/s 2 & g= 10 m/s 2 )
(A) 6/5 (B) 5/6 (C) 4/5 (D) 1
20. A hollow sphere is filled with water. There is a hole at the bottom of this sphere. This sphere is
suspended with a string from a rigid support and given an oscillation. During oscillation, the
hole is opened up and the periodic time of this oscillating system is measured. The periodic
time of the system………….
(A) will remain constant
(B) Will increase upto a certain time
(C) Increases initially and then decreases to attain its initial periodic time
(D) Initially decreases and then will attain the initial periodic time value.
21. The periodic time of a S.H.O. oscillating about a fixed point is 2 s. After what time will the kinetic
energy of the oscillator become 25% of its total energy?
(A) 1/12 s (B) 1/6 s (C) ¼ s (D) 1/3 s.
22. A body having mass 5g is executing S.H.M. with an amplitude of 0.3 m. If the periodic time of the
system is s, then the maximum force acting on body is ……….
(A) 0.6 N (B) 0.3 N (C) 6 N (D) 3 N
23. As shown in figure, a body having mass m is attached with two springs having spring constants k1
and k2. The frequency of oscillation is f. Now, if the springs constants of both the springs are
increased 4 times, then the frequency of oscillation will be equal to ………….
3 2 2
(A) (B)
32 32
2 3 2
(C) (D)
32 32
25. As shown in figure, the object having mass M is executing S.H.M. with an amplitude A. The
amplitude of point P shown in figure will be …….
k1 A k2 A
(A) (B) k
k2 1
k1 A k2 A
(C) (D)
k1 k 2 k1 k 2
26. A particle is executing S.H.M. between x = - A and x = +A. If the time taken by the particle to travel
from x = 0 to A/2 is T1 and that taken to travel from x = A/2 to x = A is T2, then ……….
(A) T1 < T2 ( B ) T1 > T2 (C) T1 = 2T2 (D) T1 = T2
27. For a particle executing S.H.M., when the potential energy of the oscillator becomes 1/8 the maximum
potential energy, the displacement of the oscillator in terms of amplitude A will be ……….
(A) (B) (C) (D) .
2 2 2 2 3 2
28. The average values of potential energy and kinetic energy over a cycle for a S.H.O. will be
……………….. respectively.
1 1
(A) 0 , m 2 A 2 (B) m 2 A 2 , 0
2 2
1 1 1 1
(C) m 2 A 2 , m 2 A 2 (D) m 2 A 2 , m 2 A2 .
2 2 4 4
29. The ratio of force constants of two springs is 1:5. The equal mass suspended at the free ends of both
springs are performing S.H.M. If the maximum acceleration for both springs are equal, the ratio of
amplitudes for both springs is ………
1 1 5 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 1 1
30. When a mass M is suspended from the free end of a spring, its periodic time is found to be T. Now,
if the spring is divided into two equal parts and the same mass M is suspended and oscillated, the
periodic time of oscillation is found to be T’. Then ………..
(A) T < T’ (B) T = T’ (C) T > T’ (D) Nothing can be said.
31. The periodic time of two oscillators are T and respectively. Both oscillators starts their oscillation
simultaneously from the mid point of their path of motion. When the oscillator having periodic time T
completes one oscillation, the phase difference between the two oscillators will be ………
(A) 900 (B) 1120 (C) 720 (D) 450
32. A rectangular block having mass m and cross sectional area A is floating in a liquid having density r.
If this block in its equilibrium position is given a small vertical displacement, its starts oscillating with
periodic time T. Then in this case…..
1 1 1
(A) T (B) T (C) T (D) T
m A
33. As shown in figure, a spring attached to the ground vertically has a horizontal
massless plate with a 2 kg mass in it. When the spring ( massless ) is pressed
slightly and released, the 2 kg mass, starts executing S.H.M. The force constant
of the spring is 200 N m- 1. For what minimum value of amplitude, will the mass
loose contact with the plate? ( Take g = 10 ms – 2 )
(A) 10.0 cm (B) 8.0 cm
(C) 4.0 cm (D) For any value less than 12.0 cm.
2 7 5 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 4 4 4
36. Two simple pendulums having lengths 144 cm and 121 cm starts executing oscillations. At some
time, both bobs of the pendulum are at the equilibrium positions and in same phase. After how many
oscillations of the shorter pendulum will both the bob’s pass through the equilibrium position and
will have same phase?
(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 21 (D) 20
37. The maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. are 1 m/s and 3.14
m/s2 respectively. The frequency of oscillation for this particle is ……..
(A) 0.5 s- 1 (B) 3.14 s- 1 (C) 0.25 s- 1 (D) 2 s- 1
38. A particle having mass 1 kg is executing S.H.M. with an amplitude of 0.01 m and a frequency of 60
hz. The maximum force acting on this particle is ……….. N
(A) 144p2 (B) 288p2 (C) 188p2 (D) None of these.
39. A simple pendulum having length l is given a small angular displacement at time t = 0 and released.
After time t, the linear displacement of the bob of the pendulum is given by ………………
l g g g
(A) x = aSin2p t (B) x = aCos2p t (C) x = aSin t (D) x = aCos t
g l l l
40. Two masses m1 and m2 are attached to the two ends of a massless spring having force constant k.
When the system is in equilibrium, if the mass m1 is detached, then the angular frequency of mass m2
will be ………….
k k k k
(A) (B) (C) m1 (D)
m1 m2 m2 m1 m2
41. When the displacement of a S.H.O. is equal to A/2, what fraction of total energy will be equal to
kinetic energy? { A is amplitude }
(A) 2/7 (B) ¾ (C) 2/9 (D) 5/7
42. The speed of a particle executing motion changes with time according to the equation y = aSinùt +
bCosùt, then ……..
(A) Motion is periodic but not a S.H.M.
(B) It is a S.H.M. with amplitude equal to a+b
(C) It is a S.H.M. with amplitude equal to a2 + b2
(D) Motion is a S.H.M. with amplitude equal to a 2 b 2 .
43. A body is placed on a horizontal plank executing S.H.M. along vertical direction. Its amplitude of
oscillation is 3.92 x 10 – 3m. What should be the minimum periodic time so that the body does not
loose contact with the plank?
(A) 0.1256 s (B) 0.1356 s (C) 0.1456 s (D) 0.1556 s
44. If the kinetic energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is given by K = K0 Cos ùt, then the displacement
of the particle is given by ……….
1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2
K0 2K 0 2 2 2K 0
(A) 2
Sint (B) 2
Sint (C) Sint (D) Sint
m m mK 0 m
45. The equation for displacement of two identical particles performing S.H.M. is given by
x1 =4Sin(20t+p/6) and x2 =10Sinùt. For what value of ù will both particles have same energy?
(A) 4 units (B) 8 units (C) 16 units (D) 20 units
46. A spring having length l and spring constant k is divided into two parts having lengths l1 and l2. If l1
= nl2, the force constant of the spring having length l2 is ……….
1 n k
(A) k(1+n) (B) k (C) k (D)
n (n 1)
47. When a mass m is suspended from the free end of a massless spring having force constant k, its
oscillates with frequency f. Now if the spring is divided into two equal parts and a mass 2m is
suspended from the end of anyone of them, it will oscillate with a frequency equal to ………….
(A) f (B) 2f (C) (D) 2f
48. A mass m on an inclined smooth surface is attached to two springs as shown in figure. The other
ends of both springs are attached to rigid surface. If the force constant of both spring is k, then the
periodic time of oscillation for the system is ………
1/ 2 1/ 2
M 2M
(A) 2 (B) 2
2k k
1/ 2 1/ 2
MgSin 2Mg
(C) 2 (D) 2
2k k
49. A body of mass 1 kg suspended from the free end of a spring having force constant 400 Nm-1 is
executing S.H.M. When the total energy of the system is 2 joule, the maximum acceleration is
………ms – 2 .
(A) 8 ms – 2 (B) 10 ms – 2 (C) 40 ms – 2 (D) 40 cms – 2
50. When a block of mass m is suspended from the free end of a massless spring having force constant
k, its length increases by y. Now when the block is slightly pulled downwards and released, it starts
executing S.H.M with amplitude A and angular frequency ù. The total energy of the system comprising
of the block and spring is ……….
1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
(A) m 2 A 2 2 2
(B) m A ky (C) ky
2 2
(D) m A ky .
2 2 2 2 2 2
51. A spring is attached to the center of a frictionless horizontal turn table and at the other end a body of
mass 2 kg is attached. The length of the spring is 35 cm. Now when the turn table is rotated with an
angular speed of 10 rad s – 1 , the length of the spring becomes 40 cm then the force constant of the
spring is ……….. N/m.
(A) 1.2 x 103 (B) 1.6 x 103 (C) 2.2 x 103 (D) 2.6 x 10 3
52. As shown in figure (a) and (b), a body of mass m is attached
at the ends of the spring system. All springs have the same
spring constant k. Now when both systems oscillates along
vertical direction, the ratio of their periodic time is ……..
(A) ¼ (B) ½
(C) 2 (D)4
53. A simple pendulum is executing S.H.M. around point O between the end points B and C with a
periodic time of 6 s. If the distance between B and C is 20 cm then in what time will the bob move
from C to D? Point D is at the mid-point of C and O.
(A) 1 s (B) 2 s (C) 3 s (D) 4 s
54. A small spherical steel ball is placed at a distance slightly away from the center of a concave mirror
having radius of curvature 250 cm. If the ball is released, it will now move on the curved surface.
What will be the periodic time of this motion? Ignore frictional force and take g = 10 m/s2.
(A) s (B) p s (c) s (D) 2p s
4 2
55. Two identical springs are attached at the opposite ends of a rod having length l and mass m. The
rod could rotate about its mid-point O as shown in figure. Now, if the point A of the rod is
pressed slightly and released, the rod starts executing oscillatory motion. The periodic time of this
motion is ………
m 2m k
(A) 2 (B) 2
2k k l l
k 2 2
2m 3m
(C) (D)
3k 2k
56. A simple pendulum having length l is suspended at the roof of a train moving with constant acceleration
‘a’ along horizontal direction. The periodic time of this pendulum is ………
l l l l
(A) T 2 (B) T 2 (C) T 2 (D) T 2 .
g ga g a g a2
57. A trolley is sliding down a frictionless slope having inclination è. If a simple pendulum is suspended
on top of this trolley, its periodic time is given by T 2 g , where gefff = ………..
(A) During maximum contraction of the spring, the kinetic energy of the system A-B will be zero.
(B) During maximum contraction of the spring, the kinetic energy of the system A-B will be mv2 / 4
(C) Maximum contraction of the spring is v
(D) Maximum contraction of the spring is v
60. The displacement of a particle executing S.H.M. is given by y = 4Cos2(t/2)Sin1000t. This displacement
is due to superposition of ………… S.H.M.’s.
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
61. The displacement of a particle is given by x = A PE
62. A system is executing S.H.M. The potential energy of the system for displacement x is E1 and for a
displacement of y, the potential energy of the system is E2. The potential energy for a displacement
of (x+y) is ………
2 2
(A) E1 + E2 (B) E1 E 2 (C) E1 + E2 + 2 E1 E 2 (D) E1 E 2
63. A system is executing S.H.M. with a periodic time of 4/5 s under the influence of force F1. When a
force F2 is applied, the periodic time is (2/5) s. Now if F1 and F2 are applied simultaneously along
the same direction, the periodic time will be ………
4 5 8 8
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5
64. The periodic time of a simple pendulum is 3.3 s. Now if the point of support of the pendulum starts
moving along the vertically upward direction with a velocity v = kt ( where k = 2.1 m/s2 ), then the
new periodic time is …………… s. { Take g = 10 m/s2 }
65. A block is placed on a horizontal table. The table executes S.H.M. along the horizontal plane with a
period T. The coefficient of static friction between the table and block is µ. The maximum amplitude
of oscillation should be ………so that the block does not slide off the table.
66. As shown in figure, a block A having mass M is attached to one end of a massless spring. The block
is on a frictionless horizontal surface and the free end of the spring is attached to a wall. Another
block B having mass ‘m’ is placed on top of block A. Now on displacing this system horizontally
and released, it executes S.H.M. What should be the maximum amplitude of oscillation so that B
does not slide off A? Coefficient of static friction between the surfaces of the block’s is µ.
mg (m M ) g
(A) Amax = (B) A max =
k k
( M m) g 2 ( M m) g
( C) Amax = (D) Amax =
k k
67. A particle is executing S.H.M. about the origin at x = 0. Which of the following graph shows
variation in potential energy with displacement?
U(x) U(x)
(A) (B)
U(x) U(x)
(C) (D)
68. A horizontal plank is executing SHM along the vertical direction with angular frequency ù. A coin is
placed on top of this plank. If the amplitude of oscillation is increased gradually, for what maximum
amplitude will the coin be on the verge of loosing contact with the plank?
(A) When is plank is at its maximum height (B) When the plank is at the midpoint.
g g2
(C) When the amplitude is 2 (D) When the amplitude is 2
Assertion – Reason type questions :
For the following questions, statement as well as the reason(s) are given. Each questions has four options.
Select the correct option.
(a) Statement – 1 is true, statement- 2 is true; statement-2 is the correct explanation of statement – 1 .
(b) Statement – 1 is true, statement- 2 is true but statement-2 is not the correct explanation of statement
(c) Statement – 1 is true, statement- 2 is false
(d) Statement – 1 is false, statement- 2 is true
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
69. Statement – 1 : If a spring having spring constant k is divided into equal parts, then the spring
constant of each part will be 2k.
Statement – 2 : When the length of the elastic spring is increased ( stretched ) by x, then the amount
1 2
of work required to be done is kx
l l
periodic time T 2 . For large amplitudes, periodic time is greater than 2 .
g g
Statement – 2 : For large amplitude, the speed of the bob is more when it passes through the
mid-point ( equilibrium point ).
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
72. Statement – 1 : Periodic time of a simple pendulum is independent of the mass of the bob.
Statement – 2 : The restoring force does not depend on the mass of the bob.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
73. Statement – 1: The periodic time of a simple pendulum increases on the surface of moon.
Statement – 2 : Moon is very small as compared to Earth.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
74. Statement – 1: If the length of a simple pendulum is increased by 3%, then the periodic time
changes by 1.5%.
Statement – 2 : Periodic time of a simple pendulum is proportional to its length.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
75. Statement – 1: For a particle executing S.H.M. with an amplitude of 0.01 m and frequency
30 hz, the maximum acceleration is 36p2 m/s2.
Statement – 2 : The maximum acceleration for the above particle is + ù2A, where A is amplitude.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
76. Statement – 1 : The periodic time of a stiff spring is less than that of a soft spring.
Statement – 2 : The periodic time of a spring depends on its force constant value and for a stiff
spring, it is more.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
79. When the block is moving towards spring k2, what will be the time taken for the spring to get
maximum compressed from point D?
(A) p s (B) (p/2) s (C) (p/3) s (D) (p/4) s
80. When the block is moving towards k1, what will be the time taken for it to get maximum compressed
from point C?
(A) p s (B) (2/3) s (C) (p/3) s (D) (p/4) s
81. What will be the periodic time of the block, between the two springs?
(A) 1+ (5p/6) s (B) 1+ (7p/6) s (C) 1+ (5p/12) s (D) 1+ (7p/12) s
82. The ratio of frequencies = ………..
M m MA ( M m) A '
(A) (B) (C) ' (D) mA
mM mM mA
83. If the velocity before putting the mass and after putting it is v and v1 respectively, then = ……….
1 1
M M m M m A M m A
(A) (B) (C) (D) .
mM M M m A M m A
84. The ratio of amplitudes = …….
M m m M M m
(A) (B) (C) (D)
m M m M m M
91. Equation for a harmonic progressive wave is given by y = A sin ( 15pt + 10px + p/3) where x is in
meter and t is in seconds. This wave is ……….
(A) Travelling along the positive x direction with a speed of 1.5 ms – 1 .
(B) Travelling along the negative x direction with a speed of 1.5 ms – 1 .
(C) Has a wavelength of 1.5 m along the – x direction.
(D) Has a wavelength of 1.5 m along the positive x – direction.
92. If the velocity of sound wave in humid air is vm and that in dry air is vd, then……
93. The ratio of frequencies of two waves travelling through the same medium is 2:5. The ratio of their
wavelengths will be ………
(A) 2:5 (B) 5:2 (C) 3:5 (D) 5:3
94. If the maximum frequency of a sound wave at room temperature is 20,000 hz then its minimum
wavelength will be approximately ……… ( v = 340 ms – 1 )
(A) 0.2 A 0 ( B ) 5 A0 ( C ) 5 cm to 2 m (D) 20 mm
95. If the equation of a wave in a string having linear mass density 0.04 kg m – 1 is given by y = 0.02
t x
Sin 2 , then the tension in the string is …………..N. ( All values are in mks )
0.04 0.50
t x
96. If the equation for a transverse wave is y = A Sin2p , then for what wavelength will the
maximum velocity of the particle be double the wave velocity?
(A) (B) (C) pA (D) 2pA
4 2
97. Consider two points lying at a distance of 10 m and 15 m from an oscillating source. If the periodic
time of oscillation is 0.05 s and the velocity of wave produced is 300 m/s, then what will be the
phase difference the two points?
(A) p (B) p/6 (C) p/3 (D) 2p/3
98. A string is divided into three parts having lengths l1, l2 and l3 each. If the fundamental frequency
of these parts are f1, f2 and f3 respectively, then the fundamental frequency of the original
string f = ……….
(A) f f1 f2 f 3
(B) f = f1 + f2 + f3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(C) f f f f (D) f
1 2 3 f1 f 2
f 3
99. Waves produced by two tuning forks are given by y1 = 4Sin500pt and y2 = 2Sin506pt. The number
of beats produced per minute is …….
(A) 360 (B) 180 (c) 60 (D) 3
100. Equation for a progressive harmonic wave is given by y = 8Sin2p( 0.1x – 2t), where x and y are in
cm and t is in seconds. What will be the phase difference between two particles of this wave
separated by a distance of 2 cm?
(A) 180 (B) 360 (C) 720 (D) 540
101. As shown in figure, two pulses in a string having center to center distance of 8 cm are travelling along
mutually opposite direction. If the speed of both the pulse is 2 cm/s, then after 2 s, the energy of
these pulses will be ………
(A) zero
(B) totally kinetic energy
(C) totally potential energy
(D) Partially potential energy and partially kinetic energy.
102. Two waves are represented by y1 = ASinùt and y2 = aCosùt. The phase of the first wave, w.r.t. to
the second wave is ……….
(A) more by radian (B) less by p radian (C) more by p/2 (D) less by p/2
103. If the resultant of two waves having amplitude b is b, then the phase difference between the two
waves is …….
(A) 1200 (B) 600 (C) 900 (D) 1800
104. If two antinodes and three nodes are formed in a distance of 1.21 A0, then the wavelength of the
stationary wave is ……….
( A ) 2.42 A0 (B) 6.05 A0 (C) 3.63 A0 (D) 1.21 A0
105. The function Sin2(ùt ) represents……
(A) A SHM with periodic time p/ù. (B) A SHM with a periodic time 2p/ù.
(C) A periodic motion with periodic time p/ù. (D) A periodic motion with period 2p/ù.
106. If two almost identical waves having frequencies n1 and n2, produced one after the other superposes
then the time interval to obtain a beat of maximum intensity is ……..
1 1 1 1 1 1
(A) n n (B) n n (C) n n (D) n n
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
107. When two sound waves having amplitude A , angular frequency ù and a phase difference of p/2
superposes, the maximum amplitude and angular frequency of the resultant wave is ………
(A) 2A, ù (B) , (C) ,ù (D) 2 A,
2 2 2 2
108. The amplitude of a wave in a string is 2 cm. This wave is propagating along the x-direction with a
speed of 128 m/s. Five such waves are accommodated in 4 m length of the string. The equation for
this wave is …….
(A) y = 0.02Sin(15.7x – 2010t ) m (B) y = 0.02Sin(15.7x + 2010t ) m
(C) y = 0.02Sin(7.85x – 1005t ) m (D) y = 0.02Sin(7.85x + 1005t ) m
109. A string of length 70 cm is stretched between two rigid supports. The resonant frequency for this
string is found to be 420 hz and 315 hz. If there are no resonant frequencies between these two
values, then what would be the minimum resonant frequency of this string?
(A) 10.5 hz (B) 1.05 hz (C) 105 hz (D) 1050 hz
110. Sound waves propagates with a speed of 350 m/s through air and with a speed of 3500 m/s through
brass. If a sound wave having frequency 700 hz passes from air to brass, then its
wavelength ………….
(A) decreases by a fraction of 10 (B) increases 20 times
(C) increases 10 times (D) decreases by a fraction of 20
111. A transverse wave is represented by y = ASin (ùt-kx). For what value of its wavelength will the
wave velocity be equal to the maximum velocity of the particle taking part in the wave propagation?
(A) 2pA (B) A (C) pA (D) pA/2
112. Two monoatomic ideal gases 1 and 2 has molecular weights m1 and m2. Both are kept in two
different containers at the same temperature. The ratio of velocity of sound wave in gas
1 and 2 is ……….
m2 m1 m1 m2
(A) m1 (B) m2 (C) (D)
m2 m1
113. A wire having length L is kept under tension between x = 0 and x = L. In one experiment, the
equation of the wave and energy is given by y1 = ASin Sinùt and E1 respectively. In another
experiment, it is y2 = ASin Sin2ùt and E2. Then ……
(A) E2 = E1 (B) E2 = 2E1 (C) E2 = 4E1 (D) E2 = 16E1
114. Twenty four tuning forks are arranged in such a way that each fork produces 6 beats/s with the
preceding fork. If the frequency of the last tuning fork is double than the first fork, then the frequency
of the second tuning fork is ………
(A) 132 (B) 138 (C) 276 (D) 144
115. If two SHM’s are given by the equation y1 = 0.1 Sin(100pt + p/3) and y2 = 0.1 Cospt, then the
phase difference between the velocity of particle 1 and 2 is ………
(A) p/6 (B) - p/3 (C) p/3 (D) - p/6
116. The wave number for a wave having wavelength 0.005 m is …….. m .
(A) 5 (B) 50 (C) 100 (D) 200
117. An listener is moving towards a stationary source of sound with a speed ¼ times the speed of sound.
What will be the percentage increase in the frequency of sound heard by the listener?
(A) 20% (B) 25% (C) 2.5% (D) 5%
118. When the resonance tube experiment, to measure speed of sound is performed in winter, the first
harmonic is obtained for 16 cm length of air column. If the same experiment is performed in summer,
the second harmonic is obtained for x length of air column. Then ….
(A) 32 > x > 16 (B) 16 > x (C) x > 48 (D) 48 > x > 32
119. What should be the speed of a source of sound moving towards a stationary listener, so that the
frequency of sound heard by the listener is double the frequency of sound produced by the source?
{ Speed of sound wave is v }
(A) v ( B ) 2v (C) v/2 (D) v /4
120. A metal wire having linear mass density 10 g/m is passed over two supports separated by a distance
of 1 m. The wire is kept in tension by suspending a 10 kg mass. The mid point of the wire passes
through a magnetic field provided by magnets and an a.c. supply having frequency n is passed
through the wire. If the wire starts vibrating with its resonant frequency, what is the frequency ofa.c.
(A) 50 hz (B) 100 hz (C) 200 hz (D) 25 hz
121. If the listener and the source of sound moves along the same direction with the same speed, then……..
fL fL fL fL
(A) <1 (B) f =0 (C) f = 1 (D) f >1
fs s s s
122. A wire of length 10 m and mass 3 kg is suspended from a rigid support. The wire has uniform cross
sectional area. Now a block of mass 1 kg is suspended at the free end of the wire and a wave having
wavelength 0.05 m is produced at the lower end of the wire. What will be the wavelength of this
wave when it reached the upper end of the wire?
(A) 0.12 m (B) 0.18 m (C) 0.14 m (D) 0.10 m
123. If the mass of 1 mole of air is 29 x 10 – 3 kg, then the speed of sound in it at STP is …….. ( ã=7/5).
{ T = 273 K, P = 1.01 x 105 Pa }
(A) 270 m/s (B) 290 m/s (C) 330 m/s (D) 350 m/s
124. A wave travelling along a string is described by y = 0.005Sin(40x – 2t) in SI units. The wavelength
and frequency of the wave are………
(A) (p/5) m ; 0.12 hz (B) (p/10) m ; 0.24 hz (C) (p/40) m ; 0.48 hz (D) (p/20) m ; 0.32 hz
125. Two sitar strings A and B playing the note “Dha” are slightly out of time and produce beats of
frequency 5 hz. The tension of the string B is slightly increased and the beat frequency is found to
decrease to 3 hz. What is the original frequency of B if the frequency of A is 427 hz?
(A) 432 (B) 422 (C) 437 (D) 417
126. A rocket is moving at a speed of 130 m/s towards a stationary target. While moving, it emits a wave
of frequency 800 hz. Calculate the frequency of the sound as detected by the target. ( Speed of
wave = 330 m/s)
(A) 1320 hz (B) 2540 hz (C) 1270 hz (D) 660 hz
127. Length of a steel wire is 11 m and its mass is 2.2 kg. What should be the tension in the wire so that
the speed of a transverse wave in it is equal to the speed of sound in dry air at 200 C temperature?
(A) 2.31 x 104 N (B) 2.25 x 104 N (C) 2.06 x 104 N (D) 2.56 x 104 N
128. A wire stretched between two rigid supports vibrates with a frequency of 45 hz. If the mass of the
wire is 3.5 x 10 – 2 kg and its linear mass density is 4.0 x 10 - 2 kg/m, what will be the tension in the
wire ?
(A) 212 N (B) 236 N (C) 248 N (D) 254 N
129. Tube A has both ends open while tube B has one end closed, otherwise they are identical. The ratio
of fundamental frequency of tube A and B is ……..
(A) 1:2 (B) 1:4 (C) 2:1 (D) 4:1
130. A tuning fork arrangement produces 4 beats/second with one fork of frequency 288 hz. A little wax
is applied on the unknown fork and it then produces 2 beats/s. The frequency of the unknown fork
is ……….hz.
(A) 286 (B) 292 (C) 294 (D) 288
131. A wave y = aSin(ùt – kx ) on a string meets with another wave producing a node at x = 0. Then
the equation of the unknown wave is ………
(A) y = a Sin(ùt + kx ) (B) y = - aSin( ùt+kx) (C) y = aSin(ùt – kx ) (D) y = - aSin(ùt – kx)
132. When temperature increases, the frequency of a tuning fork…….
(A) Increases (B) Decreases
(C) remains same (D) Increases or decreases depending on the material.
133. A tuning fork of known frequency 256 hz makes 5 beats per second with the vibrating string of a
piano. The beats frequency decreases to 2 beats/s when the tension in the piano string is slightly
increased. The frequency of the piano string before increase in the tension was ……..hz.
(A) 256 + 2 (B) 256 – 2 (C) 256 – 5 (D) 256 + 5.
134. An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound with a velocity one – fifth the velocity of
sound. What is the percentage increase in the apparent frequency?
(A) 5% (B) 20% (C) zero (D) 0.5%
135. The speed of sound in Oxygen ( O2) at a certain temperature is 460 m/s. The speed of sound in
helium at the same temperature will be …….…….ms- 1 . (Assume both gases to be ideal)
(A) 330 (B) 460 (C) 5002 (D) None of these
136. In a longitudinal wave, pressure variation and displacement variation are………
(A) In phase (B) 900 out of phase (C) 450 out of phase (D) 1800 out of phase
137. A tuning fork of frequency 480 hz produces 10 beats/s when sounded with a vibrating sonometer
string. What must have been the frequency of the string if a slight increase in tension produces fewer
beats per second than before?
(A) 480 (B) 490 hz (C) 460 hz (D) 470 hz
138. Which of the following functions represents a wave?
(A) ( x – vt)2 (B) ln( x + vt ) (C) e ( x vt ) 2 (D)
x vt
139. Two sound waves are represented by y = aSin(ùt-kx) and y = aCos(ùt-kx). The phase difference
between the waves in water is ……..
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 4
140. A string of linear density 0.2 kg/m is stretched with a force of 500 N. A transverse wave of length
4.0 m and amplitude 1/l meter is travelling along the string. The speed of the wave is …….. m/s.
(A) 50 (B) 62.5 (C) 2500 (D) 12.5
141. Two wires made up of same material are of equal lengths but their radii are in the ratio 1:2. On
stretching each of these two strings by the same tension, the ratio between their fundamental frequency
is ……..
(A) 1:2 (B) 2:1 (C) 1:4 (D) 4:1
142. The tension in a wire is decreased by 19%, then the percentage decrease in frequency will be
(A) 19% (B) 10% (C) 0.19% (D) None of these
143. An open organ pipe has fundamental frequency 100 hz. What frequency will be produced if its one
end is closed?
(A) 100, 200, 300, …. (B) 50, 150, 250….
(C) 50, 100, 200, 300… (D) 50, 100, 150, 200,…..
144. A closed organ pipe has fundamental frequency 100 hz. What frequencies will be produced if its
other end is also opened?
(A) 200, 400, 600, 800,….. (B) 200, 300, 400, 500, …..
(C) 100, 300, 500, 700,…… (D) 100, 200, 300, 400, …….
145. A column of air of length 50 cm resonates with a stretched string of length 40 cm. The length of the
same air column which will resonate with 60 cm of the same string at the same tension is ……..
(A) 100 cm (B) 75 cm (C) 50 cm (D) 25 cm
146. Two forks A and B when sounded together produce 4 beats/s. The fork A is in unison with 30 cm
length of a sonometer wire and B is in unison with 25 cm length of the same wire at the same tension.
The frequencies of the fork are …….
(A) 24 hz, 28 hz (B) 20 hz, 24 hz (C) 16 hz , 20 hz (D) 26 hz, 30 hz
147. A tuning fork of frequency 200 hz is in unison with a sonometer wire. The number of beats heard per
second when the tension is increased by 1 % is …….
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 0.5
148. A bus is moving with a velocity of 5 m/s towards a huge wall. The driver sounds a horn of frequency
165 hz. If the speed of sound in air is 335 m/s, the number of beats heard per second by the
passengers in the bus will be …….
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
149. A vehicle with a horn of frequency n is moving with a velocity of 30 m/s in a direction perpendicular
to the straight line joining the observer and the vehicle. The observer perceives the sound to have a
frequency ( n + n1 ). If the sound velocity in air is 300 m/s, then……
(A) n1 = 10n (B) n1 = 0 (C) n1 = 0.1 n (D) n1 = - 0.1n
150. In a sine wave, position of different particles at time t = 0 is shown in figure. The equation for this
wave travelling along the positive x – direction can be …….
(A) y = Asin ( ω t – kx )
(B) y = Acos (kx – ω t) 0
(C) y = Acos( ω t – kx )
(D) y = Asin(kx – ω t)
151. Which of the following changes at an antinode in a stationary wave?
(A) Density only (B) Pressure only
(C) Both pressure and density (D) Neither pressure nor density
152. A sonometer wire supports a 4 kg load and vibrates in fundamental mode with a tuning fork of
frequency 416 hz. The length of the wire between the bridges is now doubled. In order to maintain
fundamental mode, the load should be changed to …….
(A) 1 kg (B) 2 kg (C) 8 kg (D) 16 kg
153. In brass, the velocity of a longitudinal wave is 100 times the velocity of a transverse wave. If Y = 1
x 1011 N/m2, then stress in the wire is …………
(A) 1 x 1013 N/m2 (B) 1 x 109 N/m2 (C) 1 x 1011 N/m2 (D) 1 x 107 N/m2.
154. The frequency of tuning fork A is 2% more than the frequency of a standard fork. Frequency of
tuning fork B is 3% less than the frequency of the standard fork. If 6 beats per second are heard
when the two forks A and B are excited, then frequency of A is …… hz.
(A) 120 (B) 122.4 (C) 116.4 (D) 130
155. Fundamental frequency of a sonometer wire is n. If the length and diameter of the wire are doubled
keeping the tension same, the new fundamental frequency is ………
2n n n
(A) (B) (C) 2n (D)
2 2 2 4
156. A car blowing its horn at 480 hz moves towards a high wall at a speed of 20 m/s. If the speed of
sound is 340 m/s, the frequency of the reflected sound heard by the driver sitting in the car will be
closest to ……..hz.
(A) 540 (B) 524 (C) 568 (D) 480
157. A cylindrical tube open at both ends has a fundamental frequency f in air. The tube is dipped vertically
in water so that half of it is in water. The fundamental frequency of the air column is now………
(A) f/2 (B) f (C) 3f/4 (D) 2f
158. Three sound waves of equal amplitudes have frequencies (v-1 ), v, ( v+1). They superpose to give
beats. The number of beats produced per second will be …….
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 4
159. A wave travelling along the x-axis is described by the equation y(x,t) = 0.005Cos(áx - ât). If the
wavelength and the time period of the wave are 0.08 m and 2.0 s respectively, then á and â in
appropriate units are ………
(A) á = 12.50p , â= p/2.0 (B) á = 25p , â= p
(C) á = 0.08/p , â= 2.0/p (D) á = 0.04/p , â= 1.0/p
160. A wave travelling along a string is described by the equation y = ASin(ùt-kx). The maximum particle
velocity is ………..
(A) Aù (B) ù/k (C) dù/dk (D) x
161. A string is stretched between fixed points seperated by 75 cm. It is observed to have a resonant
frequencies of 420 hz and 315 hz. There are other resonant frequencies between these two. Then
the lowest frequency for this string is ……..hz.
(A) 1.05 (B) 1050 (C) 10.5 (D) 105
162. Two tuning forks P and Q when set vibrating gives 4 beats/second. If the prong of fork P is filed, the
beats are reduced to 2/s. What is the frequency of P, if that of Q is 250 hz.?
(A) 246 hz (B) 250 hz (C) 254 hz (D) 252 hz
163. The length of a string tied across two rigid supports is 40 cm. The maximum wavelength of a stationary
wave that can be produced in it is ………. cm.
(A) 20 (B) 40 (C) 80 (D) 120
164. A stationary wave of frequency 200 hz are formed in air. If the velocity of the wave is 360 m/s, the
shortest distance between two antinodes is …….m
(A) 1.8 (B) 3.6 (C) 0.9 (D) 0.45
165. A tuning fork produces 8 beats per second with both 80 cm and 70 cm of stretched wire of a
sonometer. Frequency of the fork is …….hz.
(A) 120 (B) 128 (C) 112 (D) 240
166. An open pipe is in resonance in 2nd harmonic with frequency f1. Now one end of the tube is closed
and frequency is increased to f2, such that the resonance again occurs in the nth harmonic. Choose
the correct option.
Assertion – Reason type questions :
For the following questions, statement as well as the reason(s) are given. Each questions has four options.
Select the correct option.
(a) Statement – 1 is true, statement- 2 is true; statement-2 is the correct explanation of statement – 1 .
(b) Statement – 1 is true, statement- 2 is true but statement-2 is not the correct explanation of statement
(c) Statement – 1 is true, statement- 2 is false
(d) Statement – 1 is false, statement- 2 is true
167. Statement – 1: Two waves moving in a uniform string having uniform tension cannot have different
Statement – 2 : Elastic and inertial properties of string are same for all waves in same string.
Moreover speed of wave in a string depends on its elastic and inertial properties only.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
168. Statement – 1: When a sound source moves towards observer, then frequency of sound increases.
Statement – 2 : Wavelength of sound in a medium moving towards the observer decreases.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
169. Statement – 1: Newton’s equation for speed of sound was found wrong because he assumed the
process to be isothermal.
Statement – 2 : When sound propagates, the compressions and rarefactions happen so rapidly
that there is not enough time for heat to be distributed.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
170. Statement – 1 : When pressure in a gas changes, velocity of sound in gas may change.
Statement – 2 : Velocity of sound is directly proportional to square root of pressure.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
171. Statement – 1 : If wave enters from one medium to another medium then sum of amplitudes of
reflected wave and transmitted wave is equal to the amplitude of incident wave.
Statement – 2 : If wave enters from one medium to another medium some part of energy is
transmitted and rest of the energy is reflected back.
(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d
NOTE: Questions 172 to 174 are based on the following passage.
Passage – 1
A string 25 cm long and having a mass of 2.5 g is under tension. A pipe closed at one end is 40 cm long.
When the string is set vibrating in its first overtone and the air in the pipe in its fundamental frequency, 8
beats per second is heard. It is observed that decreasing the tension in the string decreases the beat
frequency. The speed of sound in air is 320 ms – 1 .
172. The frequency of the fundamental mode of the closed pipe is ….. hz
(A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 300 (D) 400
173. The frequency of the string vibrating in its 1st overtone is …… hz
(A) 92 (B) 108 (C) 192 (D) 208.
174. The tension in the string is very nearly equal to ……
(A) 25 N (B) 27 N (C) 28 N (D) 30 N
The equation y = 10Sin Cos10t represents a stationary wave where x and y are in centimeter and t is
in seconds.
182. The amplitude of each component wave is …….
(A) 5 cm (B) 10 cm (C) 20 cm (D) between 5 cm and 10 cm.
183. The separation between two consecutive nodes is ………
(A) 2 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 5 cm (D) 8 cm
1 (B) 41 (B) 81 (D) 121 (C) 161 (D)
2 (C) 42 (D) 82 (A) 122 (D) 162 (A)
3 (B) 43 (A) 83 (A) 123 (C) 163 (C)
4 (C) 44 (B) 84 (C) 124 (D) 164 (C)
5 (A) 45 (B) 85 (D) 125 (B) 165 (A)
6 (D) 46 (A) 86 (B) 126 (A) 166 (C)
7 (D) 47 (A) 87 (C) 127 (A) 167 (D)
8 (A) 48 (A) 88 (C) 128 (C) 168 (A)
9 (C) 49 (C) 89 (A) 129 (C) 169 (A)
10 (A) 50 (B) 90 (A) 130 (B) 170 (B)
11 (C) 51 (B) 91 (B) 131 (B) 171 (D)
12 (B) 52 (B) 92 (A) 132 (B) 172 (B)
13 (C) 53 (A) 93 (B) 133 (C) 173 (D)
14 (C) 54 (B) 94 (D) 134 (B) 174 (B)
15 (A) 55 (C) 95 (A) 135 (D) 175 (C)
16 (A) 56 (D) 96 (C) 136 (D) 176 (A)
17 (B) 57 (C) 97 (D) 137 (D) 177 (B)
18 (C) 58 (A) 98 (C) 138 (C) 178 (C)
19 (A) 59 (B) 99 (B) 139 (A) 179 (D)
20 (C) 60 (B) 100 (C) 140 (A) 180 (A)
21 (D) 61 (A) 101 (B) 141 (B) 181 (D)
22 (A) 62 (C) 102 (D) 142 (B) 182 (A)
23 (A) 63 (A) 103 (A) 143 (B) 183 (B)
24 (D) 64 (A) 104 (D) 144 (A)
25 (D) 65 (B) 105 (A) 145 (B)
26 (A) 66 (B) 106 (A) 146 (B)
27 (B) 67 (D) 107 (A) 147 (A)
28 (D) 68 (C) 108 (C) 148 (C)
29 (C) 69 (B) 109 (C) 149 (B)
30 (C) 70 (D) 110 (C) 150 (D)
31 (C) 71 (B) 111 (A) 151 (D)
32 (C) 72 (C) 112 (A) 152 (D)
33 (A) 73 (B) 113 (C) 153 (D)
34 (A) 74 (C) 114 (B) 154 (A)
35 (D) 75 (B) 115 (B) 155 (D)
36 (B) 76 (A) 116 (D) 156 (A)
37 (A) 77 (C) 117 (B) 157 (B)
38 (A) 78 (C) 118 (C) 158 (C)
39 (D) 79 (D) 119 (C) 159 (B)
40 (B) 80 (C) 120 (A) 160 (A)
1. y sin 2t 3 cos 2t
1 3
y 2 sin 2t cos 2t
2 2
2 cos sin 2t sin cos 2t 2sin(2t )
Compaling than with y A sin(wt ), we get
w 2 2 t s
3. T 2 When lift moves up with accleratim 3 the effective graritatianl acclenations
in g1 g g 3 4g 3
new peliodic time T ' 2 g '
4. 1 2 10 cos(10t )
2 3 10sin t 30 cos(10t 2 )
Phase diffdence = 10t 10t 2 2
K1k 2 k
5. For series combination, K S K k 2 ( k1 k 2 K)
1 2
now T 1 T' ks
= 2 T' = 2 T
k T k
6. For maximum velocity, A11 A 2 2
A1 2 k2 / m2 k2
( m1 m 2 )
A 2 1 k1 / m1 k1
m1m 2
7. Reduced mass of system 0.75 kg
m1 m 2
1 k 20
freq of oscillation f 3Hz
2 m
8. KE at o = PE at A
m 2 mgh mg 1 cos
2g(1 cos )
9. K11 K 2 2 k
K1 K 2 k
4 4
force constant of spring having lenght l in
k2 k
10. Amplitnde of SHM given by x = a sin t+b cos t in
2 2 2
A a + b = (3 4 ) 5m
2 2
2 y
11. u y 2 2 u 2 4u
u1 y1
T2 l2 1.21l1
T1 l1 l1
T2 T1
%increase 100 10%
13. y A sin(t )
A 1
A sin t 0 sin t
2 2 4
.t t T 8
T 4
m1 4 2 .M 4 2 M
14. T1 2 k1 2
and k 2 2
k1 T1 T2
M kk
for Series connection; T 2 where k 1 2
k k1 k 2
M1 2 2
T 2 2
(T1 T2 )
4 M
15. x A cos( t ) v – A sin (t )
8 dt 2
3 3
t t t
8 2 8 8
16. 3u = k
1 1 A
3 ky 2 k(A 2 y 2 ) y
2 2 2
17. For spring A b restaning face F=kx
displacement x F k
figure (b) if the resultant spring contant
1 k 1k 2
m k 1 , then k k k (Series)
1 2
x ' F' k 6
2 3
x k' F 4
x ' 3x 3 1cm 3cm
18. 1
and v2
19. Here y kt 2
dy d2y
2kt 2 2k 2 ms2
dt dt
m 2
the point of support in moving upwards with an accelaration of 2 s
effective acc l . g ' g a 12 m / s 2
Now T1 2 and T2 2
g g'
20. T 2 as water leaks, the center of gravity moves down and hence “ ” increases.
T increases initially
When all the water has leaked, the center of gravity moves up and hence “ ” decreases and
hence T decreases Finally the centre of gravity steady at the center of sphde and so T will remain
21. Kinetic energy = 25 % E
2 4 2
22. Fmax ma max mA mA 2 0.6 N.
1 k 1 kl k2
freqrency f (1)
2 m 2 m
1 4(K1 K 2 )
f1 2f .(from(1))
2 m
24. From graph A=1 cm T=8s
2 3
y A sin t A sin ty cm
T 2
-42 31 31 2 cm
a w2 y . 2
T2 2 32 s
25. Now k k contant
k11 k 2 2 2 k11
k +k k2
Now, A = l1 1 2 l1 = A
k2 k2 k2
26. w A 2 x 2 ,
the velocity for moving form x=o to x A 2 will ge more them for x A 2 tox A
T1 T2.
27. U u max
1 2 11 2 2 A2
ky kA y
2 8 2 8
28. In the expression for both Kinetic and potential energy, We have the square of the halmonic
functions (sine or cisine).
E 1
u K m2 A 2
2 4
29. Angnlar freqvency
Since ‘m’ is constant, K
2 a max
Now, a max A
a max a
k max A
m 1
30. For a spring, T 2 T ( m is comtant)
k k
31. Phase of 1st oscillater 1 1 t T t
For 2nd oscillater, 2 2 t t+
phase diff θ1 -θ 2
32. Restoring force F = – Ayg = – (Ag)y = – ky
m 1
k Ag T 2 T
k A1
33. To loose comtact, the condition in ;
m2 A mg
A g 2 ( k mw 2 )
34. In SHM, accelelation and displacement are opposite in direction Also a y..
35. Here t = 0, x = 1 cm and cm s 1 , w s 1
Now, x A cos(t ) ---- (1)
Velocity A sin(t ) ----- (2)
Solved the equation (1) and (2)
2 r 3.14
37. 3.14 2f 3.14 f 0.5s 1
r 2
38. Maximum force m2 A m4 2f 2 A
l 2 g
39. Periodic time T 2 and
g T l
Linear displacement x = a cos t
k k
40. or removing m, angular frequency '
m1 m 2 m2
41. Kinetic energy K m2 (A 2 y 2 )
Now total energy E m 2 A 2
42. y = a sin t + b cos t,
Taking a = Acosθ and b = Asinθ,
y A cos sin t A sin cos t
A sin( t )
Now a 2 b 2 A 2 A a 2 b 2.
43. The body will not loose contact with the surface,
2 m42 T 2
if mg m r r {where r is amplitude}
T2 g
1 2 2 2K 0
44. Maximum kinetic energy K 0 m A A 2
2 m
Equation for displacement is ;
2K o 2
y A sin t 2
sin t
45. E m2 A 2 E2 A 2
Now, 1 2.
n 2 2.
1 k 1 2k
47. f and f ' {k' 2k}
2 m 2 2m
f ' f
48. Here both springs are in parallel. The restoring force on the system in only due to spring and not due
to gravitational force We can ignore the slope.
Equivalent spring cantant =k+k=2k
Periodic time T 2 M
49. Enelgy stoved =Work done
E kA 2
Now maximum accelaration
a max 2 A
1 2
50. Potential energy gainad by the spring on suspending mass “m” is ky .
When system executes SHM, the energy gained by the system m 2 A 2
1 1
total final energy of the system m2 A 2 ky 2 .
2 2
51. Radius of the rotational motion r =0.4 m
When the turn table rotates, the restoring force
developed in the spring = centrifugal force
Frestore m2 r 2(10) 2 0.4 80N
Now increase in lenght of spring = 40-35 = 5 cm
F 80
Force constant k 1.6 103 N / m.
x 0.05
52. In case-I, springs are connected in parallel.
equivalent force constant k p k1 k 2 2k.
m m
Peliodic time Tp 2 kp 2 2k
m 2m Tp 1
periodic time Ts 2 k 2 .
s k Ts 2
Putting this in eqn. (1)
x A sin(t 2 ) A cos t = 10 cos t
for x = 5 cm,
5=10cos t cos t 1 2
t 3
t 1 S
54. Force responsible for oscillation in
F mg sin mg { is small}
Comparing this with
F= - kx ;
55. Let the rod be pressed down by “x” at point
A and released.
both spring gets displaced by “x”
Restoring torgue produced
= kx 2 kx 2
x 2x
Now tan
If in small; tan 2x
k 2
torque k
2 2
Now moment of inertia of rod with reference to O is if I, then
Id 2 k 2 d 2 k 2
dt 2 2 dt 2 2I
d 2
Comparing with 2 ;
dt 2
k2 2 m2
where and I
2I T 12
56. Here 2 acceleration vectors g. and a are acting along mutually prependicular direction .
effective acceleratioin l n g eff g 2 a 2
T 2
g eff
m x
T 2 2 s.
k g sin 7
2 kx 2
2 v 2 kx 2
v 2u 2
m 4 m
kx 2 v 2 m
xv (1)
m 2 2k
Now block A and B will have equal kinetic energy.
1 1 1
kx 2 mu 2 mu 2 mu 2
2 2 2
During max imum contraction,
kinetic energy of the system A-B is
m .v 2
mu2 =
60. Displacement
y = 4 cos 2 sin100t
61. Here x = A cos t
1 2 2
Now potential energy m x {taking P.E. as a function of x}
when x=0, potential energy=0
graph (b) III
At t=0 potential energy m 2 A 2
graph -I
1 2 2 1 2
62. E1 m x E1 x m (1)
2 2
1 1
E 2 m2 y 2 E2 y m2 (2)
2 2
1 1
E m2 (x y)2 E (x y) m2 (3)
2 2
From (1), (2) {(3),
E E1 E 2
or E E1 E 2 2 E1E 2
2 k kx F
63. 1 1 (1)
m mx mx
2 F2
Similarly, 2 (2)
If F1 and F2 acts simaltaneously, then angular frequency
F1 F2
w2 (3)
From (1), (2) and (3); 2 12 2 2 Now, use equ. =
64. Initial periodic time T1 2 (1)
d d (kt)
Now, a k 2.1 m.s 2
dt dt
New periodic time T2 2 g (2)
T g
T1 g eff
2 A max g
g gT 2
A max
2 4 2
66. Angular frequency of system
(M m
Now to prevent B from sliding off A, the maximum force acting on B should not be more than
the frictional force mg .
f max m A max
mkA max
To prevent block from sliding, f max mg mg
67. Restoring force F=- kx
du du
Now, F kx du k.x.dx
dx dx
kx 2
U(x) k.x.dx C
1 2
u(x) kx in an equation for a parabola.
A g
k' (2)
from (1) & (2); k ' 2k
70. Frequency of SHM depends on elasticity & inertia.
71. Restoring force F mg sin OR
F mg e where g e g sin
If is small, sinθ θ
Effective value of g is g e θ
T 2
form the equation T 2 g ,
T will increase
As compared to earth, moon in small
T { On differentiation}
362 m
Since the oscillator moves between + A & -A,
maximum acceleration 362
77. Energy dissipates & so amplitnde decreases.
Statement -2 in false.
78. Statement -1 in true. statement -2 in false. In a SHM, amplitnde & phase does not depend on
restornig force.
79. Time taken by the spring k 2 to get maximum compressed from point D= half period of oscillation
of the block.
(if block in attached at the frce end of spring)
T2 1 m 1 0.2
i.e. t 2 2 2 2 k 2 2 0.3 4 s
80. Similarly t1 s
2 3
81. Time period of Block T=Time taken by the block to move from C to D and D to C
1 k 1 k
82. f and f'
2 M 2 m M
83. According to the law of conservation of momentum,
MV (M m) '
84. According to the law of conservation of energy,
Kinetic Energy at mid point = potential Energy at the end points
1 1
Mv 2 kA 2
2 2
1 2 1 2
And ( M m ) v1 kA1
2 2
2 2
86. T s
87. Amplitude A 32 42 5 cm
88. Maximum Accelaration of
a particle A2 5(2)2 20 cm s 2
89. Mechanical Energy m2 A 2 250 erg
1 1 1
90. frequency of the particle f S
91. On comparing y = A sin (15t 10x )
with y = A sin (t kx )
92. At constant pressure density of water vapour is less than dry air.
with increase in humidity according to the equation v
93. f 1 2
f2 1
94. From the equation v = fλ, λ min = f 17 mm which is nearer to 20 mm
t x 25 1
y = A sin 2 we get , T = 0.04 s, =0.5 m v ms
T 2
T v 2 6.25 N
2 2 2
x (15 10)
15 3
98. Freq. of a wave in a string f
1 1 1 1
1 23
f f1 f2 f3
Freq. of beats f 2 – f1 3
No.of beats heard per minute 3 60 180
100. y 8sin 2 (0.1x 2t)
t x
y 8sin 2 (2t 0.1x) comparing with y A sin
We get =0.1 10cm
Now path diffrence between 2 particles .x kx
2 180 2
= 72o
101. Distance covered by the pulse = speed x time = 4 cm in 2 seconds both will cover 4 cm & the
centre of both will superpose & potential energy will be zero.
Total energy will be in the from of kinetic energy..
b 2 2b 2 1 cos
cos 1 2 1200
1 cos 2 t 1 1
105. y sin 2 t cos 2 t ____________ 1
2 2 2
υ= 2 sin 2 t sin 2 t
a 22 cos 2t
= 2× 22 -Y {From eng. (1)}
= –42 y
a α -y { SHM}
2π π
Now, 2 T
106. No.of beats produced per second = n1 n 2
Time interval between 2 consecutive beats
n1 n 2
107. Since the phase difference between the 2 waves in they are oscillating along mutually
perpendicalal direction.
Resultant ampltude = A2 A2 2 A
Angular freq. will remain same.
108. A 0.02 m, υ = 128 ms 1
4 2π
5λ = 4 = m, k 2.5 π 7.85
5 λ
128 k 128 7.85 1005
y A sin kx t
y = 0.02 sin (7.85x - 1005 t)
109. Let the number of loops obtained for 315Hz and 420Hz n and (n+1) respectively.
f n nf1 315
f n 1 n 1 f1 420
f n 1 f n f1 105 Hz
110. When, sound waves travel fromone medium to another, its frequency does not change.
f = consant
υa υ
λa λb
λb λ a 10λ a
111. Wave velocity = max. velo.of particle
A A =
k k 2
λ = 2πA
112. Speed of sound in an ideal gas υ
υ1 m2 1
υ2 m1 m
1 1
113. E m 2 A 2 m 4π 2 f 2 A 2
2 2
2 2
2 E f f 1 E 2 4E1
E αf 1 1
E 2 f 2 2f 4
115. Differentabing y1 0.1 sin 100 t + w.r.t time,
υ1 (0.1) (100) cos 100 π t +
υ 2 0.1 sin π t
phase difference between the 2 velocities is
π π π
δ πt+ π t rad
3 2 6
1 1
116. Wave number 200 m 1
λ 0.005
117. Frequency heard by the listener
υ + υL
fL fs υs = 0
f υ + υ2 υ+
L 4 5
fs υ
υ 4
f L fS 54
% increase 100 100 25%
fS 4
118. From υ = , υα T
In summer, velocity increases & hence decreases and so L increases.
The length of 2nd halmonics x = 3L1 3 16 48 cm
υ + υL
119. In f L fs
υ υ s
putting υ L 0, f L 2fs , υ υ, υs υs
υ υ
2fs fs 2υ υ υs
υ υs
120. For resonance, the frequency of a.c. supply should be same as fundamnetal freq. of wire.
1 T
f = 50 Hz
2L µ
f L υ + υL f L υ υL
121. or
f S υ υS fS υ - υS
but, υ L υS fS
122. Since the rope is heavy, the tension at the lower end & top end of the rope will be different.
Mass of rope m 2 3kg
Mass of block m1 1 kg
tension at the lower end T1 m1 g 1 g N &
at the upper end in T2 m1 m 2 g 4 g N
Now speed of wave in rope υ= f λ =
µ µ
λ= T ( f ,μ are constants)
λ2 T2 T2
λ2 = λ1 = λ 2 0.1m
λ1 T1 T1
123. Speed of sound
7 1.01 105
speed 330 ms 1
5 1.3
124 From the phase angle (40-2t), we get k = 40 OR 40
and = 2 OR 2f 2 f Hz
125 Increase in tension of string increases its frequency. If the original frequency of B(fB) were
greater than that of A(fA), further the increase in fB should have resulted in increase in the beat
frequency. But the beat frequency is found to decrease. This shows that fA- fB = 5 Hz and
fA=427 Hz, we get
fB = 422 Hz
υ υL 330 0
fL fS 800 1320 Hz
126 υ υs 330 130
T M 2 2.2 4
127 υ T μυ 2 υ (340) 2 T 2.3110 N
µ L 11
1 T
128 f T f 2 4l 2 µ
2l µ 2
2M 4f 2 M 2
T 4f µ 248 N
µ µ
129 In tube A, A 2l
In tube B, B 4l
υ υ υ υ υ 2
υA υB A
λ A 2l λ B 4l υB 1
130 The was decreases the frequency of unknown fork. The possible unknown frequencies are, (288+4)
Hz and (288-4) Hz. Wax reduces 284 Hz and so beats should increases. It is not given in the
question. This frequency is ruled out. Wax reduces 292 Hz and so beats should decrease. It is
given that the beats decrease from 2 to 4. Hence the unknown fork has frequency 292 Hz.
consider option (a)
131 Stationary wave : Y = a sin (wt-kx) + a sin(wt+kx)
When x = 0, Y 0. The option is not acceptable
consider option (b)
stationary wave : Y = a sin (wt-kx) - a sin(wt+kx)
At x = 0, Y = 0. This option holds good.
Option (c) gives Y = 2a sin(wt - kx)
At x = 0, Y 0
Option (d) gives Y = 0.
Hence option (b) holds good.
1 T
For a piano string υ When tension T increases v increases.
2l µ
(i) If 261 Hz increases, beats / second increase. This is not given.
(ii) If 251 Hz increases due to tension, beats / second decrease. This is given.
fL υ υL υυ
134 By Doppler’s effect, f υ υ f L υ υ L 5 6
S S fS υ υ 5
f L - fS f L 6 1
Fractional increase 1 1
fS fS 5 5
percentage increase 20%
υ2 γ He 32
υ1 4 γo2
139 As sin( 90 ) cos The phase difference between the two waves is 2
T 500
140 υ 50ms 1
µ 0.2
r1 1
141 Here, ρ1 ρ 2 , r 2 , T1 T2
1 T1 1 T2 f r 2
f1 , f2 1 1
2l r1 ρ1 2l r2 ρ 2 f 2 r2 1
f2 T 81 9 f f
142 2 1 2 100 10%
f1 T1 100 10 f1
143 When one end is closed f1 50H z
f 2 =3f1 =150Hz,f3 =5f1 =250Hz and so on...
144 When other end of pipe is opened, its fundamental frequency becomes 200Hz. The overtone
have frequencies 400, 600, 800 Hz..
2 2 ' 60 2 '
145 As 2 ' 75cm
2 1 ' 40 50
f1 2 25 5
f 2 1 30 6
f1 20Hz
f2 101 1 1
147 1 1
f1 100 100 200
f1 f
f 2 f1 numbers of be ab s 1 f 2 f1 1 1
200 200
f L υ+υ L
148 = , 1 1
f S υ+υ S Here L 5 ms , S 5 ms , f S 165 Hz
dy dy dt dy dy
= -ω A cos(kx-t) = kA cos(kx-ωt) dy – v dt - v dx
dt dx
i.e. particle velocity = - (wave speed) xslope and slope at x = 0 and t = 0 is positive, in figure
Therefore, particle velocity is in negative y - direction
151 At a displacement antinode, a pressure node is present. Since pressure does not change at its
node, nor does density.
1 T
152 For a sonometer fundamental f
To maintatin the fundamental mode, in doubling the length, tension must be quadrupled.
153 velocity of transverse waves T
m r 2
velocity of longitudinal waves L
T T / r stress
1 T 1 T
2l m 2l πr 2d
If the length and diameter of the wire are doubled keeping the tension same, then new funda-
mental frequency will be n/4
f L υ υL
f S υ υS using this equation the frequency of reflected sound heard by the girl,
υ υL
fL fS
υ – υS
157 f open 2
o pen
υ υ
fclosed As closed open
4 closed 4 open /2 2
f open
2 open
i.e. frequency remains unchanged.
158 If we assume that all the three waves are in same phase at t = 0, we shall hear only 1 beat s-1
2 2 2 2
y (x, t) = A cos (kx - wt) = A cos t and =
160 Given that the displacement of particle is y = A sin (t - kx) ..........(i)
The particle velocity vp ................(ii)
Now, on diffrentiating eqn.1 with respect to t A cos(t kx)
From eqn.(2 mental mode of the colsed pipe is
υ 320
f1 200 Hz
4L 4 0.40
173 Since the beat frequency is 8, the frequncy of the string vibrating in its first Overtone is 192 Hz
or 208 Hz.
1 T
Where for 1st Overtone frequency f1 ' ........(1)
It is given that the beat frequency decreases if the tension in the string is decreased.
f1 ' f1 Hence f1 ' = 208Hz and not 192Hz
174 substituting the values of .m and f1 ' in equation 1 we get T = 27.04 N
175 2λ m
2πf 3λ
3π υ ms1
λ 2
176 Distance between two consecutive nodes = m
2 2
177 The resultant displacement is given by,
y = 0.1 cos 2x sin3 t Or y = A sin 3 t
Where A is the Amplitude of standing waves given by 0.1 cos 2x
At x = 0.5m, cos 2x = cos (1rad) = cos cos57.3 0.054 m
Amplitude A at (x = 0.5m) = 0.1 0.54 = 0.54m
dy d
178 Particle velocity υ (0.1 Cos 2x sin 3πt) = 0.1 x 3 cos 2x sin 3t
dt dt
at x = 0.25m and t = 0.5 s, v = 0