NEET Test Series 6
NEET Test Series 6
NEET Test Series 6
SEC : SR AIIMS S60 NEET GRAND TEST - 6 DATE : 27-01-2020
SUB: PHYSICS Max. Marks : 720
Pattern of the Entrance Examination:-
Paper containing 180 objective type questions ,from Biology, Physics and Chemistry
Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only to darken the appropriate circle. Answers marked
with pencil would not be evaluated.
Each item carries 4marks. For each correct response the candidate will get 4 marks. For
each incorrect response 1mark will be deducted from the total score
(2) sin −1
2 2
(3) sin −1
(1) 7.4 m 3
(4) sin −1
(2) 14.8 m 8
(3) 10 m
Sri Chaitanya Hyderabad
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5. In the circuit switch s1 is closed and s2 is (4) 7.84 N
open, the ideal voltmeter shows a reading 8. A Carnot engine absorbs an amount Q of heat
18v. When switch s2 is closed and S1 is open, from a reservoir at an absolute temperature T
the reading of voltmeter 24v. When s1 and s2 and rejects heat to a sink at a temperature of
both are closed the voltmeter reading will be T/3. The amount of heat rejected is
(1) Q/4
(2) Q/3
(3) Q/2
(4) 2Q/3
9. Two cars are moving on two perpendicular
roads towards a crossing with uniform speeds
(1) 20.6 v of 72 km/hr and 36 km/hr If first car blows
horn of frequency 335 Hz, the frequency of
(2) 14.4 v
the horn heard by the driver of second car
(3) 24.2 v when line joining the cars make 60° angle
(4) 10.8 v with the road will be (V = 340m / s )
6. Two rail tracks insulated from each other and (1) 321 Hz
the ground, are connected to milli voltmeter. (2) 298 Hz
What is the reading of voltmeter when the
train is moving with speed 50m/s. Given that (3) 350 Hz
the vertical component of earth’s magnetic (4) 335 Hz
field Bv is 0.2 x 10-4 wb/m2 and rails are 10. A linear charge having linear charge density
separated by 1m
λ penetrates a cube diagonally and when it
(1) 1 mv
penetrates a sphere diametrically as shown.
(2) 10 mv
What will be the ratio of flux coming out of
(3) 100 mv
cube and sphere
(4) 1 v
7. A chain consisting of 5 links each of mass 0.1
kg is lifted vertically up with a constant
acceleration of 2.5m/s2. The force of
interaction between 1st and 2nd links as
(1) 4.92 N 2
(2) 2.96 N 1
(3) 3.52 N
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11. Light from a hydrogen discharge tube is
incident on the cathode of a photoelectric cell. A
The work function of the cathode surface is C
4.2 eV. In order to reduce the photocurrent to
zero the voltage of the anode relative to the B
(2) 1.57
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24. The percentage increase in the magnetic field (3) 935
B when the space within a current carrying (4) 700
toroid is filled with alluminium (the 28. An external pressure P is applied on a cube at
succeptibility of alluminium is 2.1x10-5) 0oC so that it is equally compressed from all
sides. K is the bulk modulus of the material of
(1) 10-3
the cube and is its coefficient of linear
(2) 2.1 × 10-3 expansion. Suppose we want to bring the cube
(3) 4 × 10-3 to its original size by heating. The
temperature should be raised by
(4) 3 × 10-3
25. If The uncertainity in the position of an
electron is 10–10 m then the uncertainity in its
momentum (in kgms–1) measurement will be (2)
(1) 6.6 x10–26 (3)
(2) 10
(3) 3.3 × 10–24
(4) 6.6 × 10–24
29. In an a.c circuit, the instantaneous e.m.f. and
26. A homogeneous chain lies in limiting
current are given by e = 100 sin 30t, i = 20
equilibrium on a horizontal table of
sin(30t - ( π / 4)) In one cycle of a.c., the
coefficient of friction 0.5 with part of it
average power consumed by the circuit and
hanging over the edge of the table. The
the wattles current are, respectively
fractional length of the chain hanging down
the edge of the table is
(1) 1/3
(2) 2/3
(3) 1/2
(3) 50, 0
(4) 1/4
(4) 50, 10
27. Two wheels of M.I. 3kg m2 and 5kg m2 are
30. A concave lens of glass, refractive index 1.5
rotating at the rate of 600 rpm and 800 rpm
has both surfaces of same radius of curvature
respectively in the same direction. If the two
R. On immersion in a medium of refractive
are coupled so as to rotate with the same axis
index 1.75, it will behave as a
of rotation, the resultant speed of rotation will
(1) Convergent lens of focal length 3.5 R
be (in rpm)
(2) Convergent lens of focal length 3.0 R
(1) 725
(3) Divergent lens of focal length 3.5 R
(2) 565
(4) Divergent lens of focal length 3.0 R
(3) 698.28Ω−1cm 2
young man to his bride to be, if the
engagement ring contains 10 carat
(4) 540.48Ω−1cm 2
diamond ( 1 carot = 200mg) are:
51. 5% solution of a non volatile and non
(1) 6 × 1023
electrolyte solute (X) has same osmotic
(2) 3 × 1022
pressure as 6% urea solution. The
(3) 1.5 × 1021
molecular weight of solute (X) is:
(4) 1.0 × 1023
(1) 60
56. The reduction potential of H2- electrode
(2) 125
when Pt wire is dipped in 0.01M HCl(aq)
(3) 50
at 1 atm pressure is:
(4) 75
(1) – 0.118V
52. The maximum number of electrons in a
(2) - 0.59 V
subshell is given by the expression
(3) - 0.1795V
(1) 4n + 2
(4) - 0.236 V
(2) 4l + 2
57. At a given temperature, the total vapour
(3) 2n2
pressure in torr of a mixture of volatile
(4) 4l – 2
components A and B is given by Ptotal =
53. A compound contains atoms of three
120 – 75 XB hence, the vapour pressure of
elements A, B and C. If the oxidation
A and B respectively (in torr) are
number of A is + 2, B is + 5 and that of ‘C’
(1) 120, 75
is –2, the possible formula of the
(2) 120, 195
compound is
(3) 120, 45
(1) A2(BC3)2
(4) 75, 45
(2) A3(BC4)2
(3) A3(B4C)2
(4) ABC2
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58. CsCl has bcc structure with Cs+ at the (1) 2y – x + z
centre and Cl- ion at each corner. If γ cs+ (2) x – 2y + z
is 1.69 A0
and γ cl− is 1.81A0, what is the (3) − x − 2y + z
edge length of the cube ?
(4) x + y+ z
(1) 3.50A0
63. The atomic spectrum of Li+2 ion arises
(2) 3.80A0
due to the transition of an election from
(3) 4.04A0
n2 to n1. If n1 + n2 = 4 and n2 – n1 = 2.Find
(4) 4.50A0
the wavelength of the third line of this
59. In a solid oxide ions are arranged in ccp,
cations A occupy 1/8th of the tetrahedral series in Li+2 ion
voids and cation ‘B’ occupy 1/4th of the (1) 1.08 nm
octahedral voids. The formula of the (2) 10.8 nm
compound is
(3) 108 nm
(1) ABO4
(4) 1080 nm
(2) AB2O3
64. The correct order of second ionization
(3) A2BO4
potential of C, N, O and F is
(4) AB4O4
(1) C > N > O > F
60. Gold sol is an example of
(2) O > N > F > C
(1) Neutral sol
(3) O > F > N > C
(2) Positively charged sol
(4) F > O > N > C
(3) Negatively charged sol
65. In which among the following pair of
(4) Solid in solid type of colloid
compounds hybridization of central
61. For the redox reaction
atoms is same?
MnO4− + C2O42− + H + → Mn+2 + CO2 + H 2O
(1) NF3 & BF3
The correct stoichiometric coefficients of
(2) XeF6 & PCl5
MnO4− , C2O42− and H + respectively
(3) SF4 & XeF4
(1) 2, 5, 16
(4) CCl4 & SiF4
(2) 16, 5, 2
66. Which of the following have maximum
(3) 5, 16, 2
magnetic moment (spin only) ?
(4) 2, 16, 5
(1) k3[Fe(CN)6]
62. What is the heat of formation of CS2, if
(2) [FeCl4]2-
heat of combustion of C, S and CS2 are
(3) [Fe(H2O)6]Cl3
− x, − y and − z kj/mol ?
(4) [FeF6]4-
(4) H3C
(3) Juvenile stage in life cycle of moss 103. Which of the following are non membranous
99. Some plants are mentioned below in box (1) Centriole , ribosome, chloroplast
(2) Mitochondria, chloroplast, nucleus
Plum , rose, china rose, peach, brinjal, guava,
mustard, cucumber , ray floret of sunflower (3) ER, microbodies, cytoskeleton
149. During pregnancy, the first movements of the b) Tubular secretion ii) Henle’s loop and
foetus coincides with vasa recta
(1) Appearance of hair on the head c) Ultra filtration iii) Tubular cells of
(2) Development of limbs and digits nephron
156. Which of the following is not considered as a (3) Pons varolii : Control and
part of endomembrane system ? coordination of
(2) ER movements
(4) Hypothalamus : Controls body
(3) Lysosome
temperature, urge for
(4) GA
eating and drinking
157. Gametocytes of Plasmodium develop in
161. This hormone plays a very important role in
(1) Human liver cells the regulation of a 24-hour rhythm of our
(2) Lumen of mosquito’s gut body
(3) Human red blood cells (1) Melatonin
(1) iii i ii a b c
(2) ii iii i (1) iii ii i
(3) ii i iii (2) ii iii i
(4) i ii iii (3) ii i iii
I75. A woman has x-linked recessive genes on (4) i iii ii
both of her X chromosomes. If she married to 179. Myosin head binds to actin and forms a cross
a normal man, these genes give their bridge due to this
expression in (1) Utilising energy from ATP hydrolysis
(1) Only daughters
(2) Increase in Ca 2 + level in sarcosomes
(2) Only sons
(3) Unmasking of active sites by low Ca 2 +
(3) Both sons and daughters
(4) Only in grand children
(4) Binding of ATP to head of myosin
176. Select the mismatch
180. In breathing movements, air volume can be
(1) Cucurbita- dioecious
estimated by
(2) Selaginella – heterosporous
(1) Stethoscope
(3) Adiantum – homosporous
(2) Spirometer
(4) Cycas – dioecious
(3) Hygrometer
177. Which of the following gastric cells indirectly
(4) Sphygmomanometer
help in erythropoiesis ?
(1) Oxyntic cells
(2) Peptic cells
1) 3 2) 3 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 1 7) 1 8) 2 9) 3 10) 3
11) 2 12) 1 13) 2 14) 3 15) 1 16) 2 17) 2 18) 1 19) 1 20) 2
21) 3 22) 3 23) 4 24) 2 25) 2 26) 2 27) 3 28) 3 29) 1 30) 1
31) 1 32) 1 33) 3 34) 4 35) 1 36) 3 37) 3 38) 3 39) 4 40) 1
46) 4 47) 4 48) 1 49) 2 50) 2 51) 3 52) 2 53) 2 54) 4 55) 4
56) 1 57) 3 58) 3 59) 1 60) 3 61) 1 62) 3 63) 2 64) 3 65) 4
66) 3 67) 4 68) 4 69) 3 70) 4 71) 3 72) 2 73) 4 74) 4 75) 2
76) 2 77) 1 78) 4 79) 2 80) 2 81) 1 82) 3 83) 4 84) 3 85) 2
86) 3 87) 2 88) 2 89) 3 90) 4
BOT : 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,
145, 146, 147, 148, 156, 158, 167, 172, 176
ZOO : 94, 95, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143,
144, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,
168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180
91) 1 92) 4 93) 4 94) 3 95) 4 96) 2 97) 2 98) 2 99) 4 100) 4
101) 1 102) 2 103) 4 104) 2 105) 4 106) 2 107) 4 108) 3 109) 2 110) 4
111) 1 112) 2 113) 2 114) 4 115) 2 116) 2 117) 3 118) 2 119) 2 120) 1
121) 4 122) 2 123) 1 124) 4 125) 4 126) 2 127) 4 128) 4 129) 3 130) 4
131) 1 132) 3 133) 3 134) 3 135) 4 136) 2 137) 3 138) 4 139) 1 140) 1
141) 2 142) 3 143) 4 144) 2 145) 1 146) 4 147) 3 148) 2 149) 1 150) 3
151) 3 152) 4 153) 2 154) 1 155) 1 156) 1 157) 3 158) 3 159) 4 160) 3
161) 1 162) 4 163) 2 164) 1 165) 1 166) 1 167) 3 168) 2 169) 4 170) 3
171) 4 172) 4 173) 1 174) 3 175) 2 176) 1 177) 1 178) 3 179) 1 180) 2
10 V= = 14.4V
1. Pitch of the screw = mm = 2mm 4+6
6. e = Blυ
Least count
pitch of the screw 2mm
= = = 0.02mm
100 100
2µ y
2. 5= ⇒ µ y = 25
20 = 25 t - 5t 2
4 = 5t - t 2
t 2 − 5t + 4 = 0
t 2 − 4t − t + 4 = 0
t(t-4) – 1 (t-4) = 0
t =1
t =4 }
30 = u x × 3
u x = 10 9.
x = u x × 1 = 10
3. T = 2π l
g T 1 = 2π v + vB cos 60°
d n' = n
g 1 − L
dB v − v A cos 60°
l 3T
T 1 = 2π =
1 8
g 1 −
sin −1
4. Critical angle C = µ
sin −1 2
C= µ1
sin −1
C= 3/ 2
sin −1
C= 9
5. V= 24 = × 12 11.
R+r 12 + r
18 = E = 2r + 24 → (2)
(6 + r )
E = 3r + 18 → (1) From eq (1) and (2)
r = 6Ω E = 36V
When both S1 and S2 are closed R∈q = 4Ω
12. I= C
2µ 0
( 0.2 × 10 ) −6 2
3 × 108 = 4.8w / m
2 × 4π × 10
14. φ1 = 8 ×10−4 φ2 = 0
dt = 0.4 sec, e = −
( 0 − 8 × 10 ) = 8 × 10−4 ,= 2 x 10-3 V
⇒ 2m K 4 = 6mE0
0.4 4 × 10−1 K 4 = 3Eo
15. C = A . B = A + B = A + B → OR ∴ sum of KE of all fragments = 6 Eo
19. F = 4A α ∆t
C = A. B = A. B → AND .
16. = 4 α ∆t
Re duced mass
22. T = 2π
23. Equation y=Cx2
U=cx2 U=1 at x=0.4
1 100 25
C= = =
0.16 16 4
17. C1 is the capacitance of each part of the 25 2 du 25 25
network covered under the dotted lines U= x ; = (2 x) = x
4 dx 4 2
C 3C 3
C1=C+ = C1 = × 4 = 6 µ F F= − ,
F= − x
2 2 2 dx 2
F= –m ω 2x, M ω 2=
2 25 5
2ω = , ω=
2 2
2π 5 4π
= , T=
1 1 1 1 1 6 T 2 5
= + + + = µF 24. B0 = µ0 H in the absence of aluminium
Cs 4 4 6 6 5
6 12 B= µ H in the presence of aluminium
C AB = 2 × CS = 2 × = = 2.4 µ F
5 5 = µ0 (1 + χ ) H
18. B − B0
Percentage increase in B = × 100
= χ × 100 = 2.1 × 10−3
25. By uncertinity principle
∆x.∆p ≈
6.6 × 10−34
( )
10−10 ∆P ≈
∆P ≈ −10
= 10−24 Kgm ec −1
33. Conceptual
45. Vrms =
Vrms ( He) argon
= M
Vrms ( Ar ) helium
Vrms( He ) 40
= = 10 = 3.16
Vrms( Ar ) 4