LT - & Xii - Neet - GT - 5 (Set - 1) QP - 24.04.2024
LT - & Xii - Neet - GT - 5 (Set - 1) QP - 24.04.2024
LT - & Xii - Neet - GT - 5 (Set - 1) QP - 24.04.2024
answer sheet.
The question paper consists of four parts (Physics, Chemistry, Botany &
Each question has four choices (1), (2), (3) and (4) out of which ONLY ONE IS
Candidate have attempt all the questions in Section-A and only 10 questions in
Marking Scheme :
For each question in every part you will be awarded4 Marks if you darken the
100 o 200 o
1) 36oC 2) C 3) 20oC 4) C
3 3
9. The area of the glass of a window of a room is 10 m2 and thickness 4 mm. The
outer and inner temperature are 60oC and 40oC respectively. Thermal
conductivity of glass in MKS system is 0.4 then heat flowing in the room per
second will be
1) 3 104 J 2) 2 104 J 3) 30 J 4) 45 J
1) C 2) 2C 3) C/2 4) 3C
26. Two positive ions, each carrying a charge q, are separated by a distance d. If F is
the force of repulsion between the ions, the number of electrons missing from
each ion will be (e being the chage on an electron)
4 0 Fd 2 4 0 Fe2 4 0 Fd 2 4 0 Fd 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
e2 d2 e2 q2
27. Two bar magnets having same geometry with magnetic moments M and 2M, are
firstly placed in such a way that their similar poles are in same side then its time
period of oscillation is T1. Now the polarity of one of the magnet is reversed then
time period of oscillation is T2, then
1) T1 < T2 2) T1 = T2 3) T1 > T2 4) T2 =
28. Two circuits have mutual inductance of 0.1 H. What average e.m.f. is induced in
one circuit when the current in the other circuit changes from 0 to 20 A in 0.02 s
1) 240 V 2) 230 V 3) 100 V 4) 300 V
29. A coil resistance 20 and inductance 5H is connected with a 100V battery.
Energy stored in the coil will be
1) 41.5 J 2) 62.50 J 3) 125 J 4) 250 J
7 4
30. If the binding energy per nucleon Li and He nuclei are respectively 6.60 MeV
and 7.06 MeV, then the energy of the reaction:
Li7 p 22 He4
1) 19.6 MeV 2) 2.4 MeV 3) 10.20 MeV 4) 17.3 MeV
31. If the kinetic energy of the particle is increased to 16 times its previous value, the
percentage change in the de-Broglie wavelength of the particle is
1) 25% 2) 75% 3) 60% 4) 50%
32. The kinetic energy of electron is E, when the incident light has wavelength ' '.
To increase the K.E. to 2E, the incident light must have wavelength-
hc hc h hc
1) 2) 3) 4)
E hc E hc E hc E hc
33. Nuclear fission experiments show that the neutrons split the uranium nuclei into
two fragments of about same size. This process is accompanied by the emission
of several:
1) Protons, positrons and electrons 2) - particles
3) Neutrons 4) Protons and -particles
34. Hole is
1) an anti-particle of electron
2) a vacancy created when an electron leaves a covalent bond
3) absence of free electrons 4) an artificially created particle
mg mg
1) 2) 2mg 3) mg 4)
4 2
44. The work done in turning a magnet of magnetic moment M by an angle of 90o
from the meridian, is n times the corresponding work done to turn it through an
angle of 60 o . The value of n is given by
1) 1/2 2) 1/4 3) 2 4) 1
45. A current of 2 A is flowing through a cell of e.m.f. 5 V and internal resistance
0.5 from negative to positive electrode. If the potential of negative electrode is 10
V, the potential of positive electrode will be :-
1) 5 V 2) 14 V 3) 15 V 4) 16 V
46. A long solenoid has 200 turns per cm and carries a curent i. The magnetic field
at its centre is 6.28 102 Wb/m2 . Another long solenoid has 100 turns per cm and
it carries a curent i/3. The value of the magnetic field at its centre is
1) 1.05 104 Wb/m2 2) 1.05 102 Wb/m2 3) 1.05 105 Wb/m2 4) 1.05103 Wb/m2
47. Two identical charged particles enter a uniform magnetic field with same speed
but at angles 30o and 60o with field. Let a, b and c be the ratio of their time
periods, radii and pitches of the helical paths than
1) abc = 1 2) abc > 1 3) abc < 1 4) abc=0
48. In figure assuming the diodes to be ideal
1) D1 is forward biased and D2 is reverse biased and hence current flwos from A to
2) D2 is forward biased and D1 is reverse biased and hence no current flows from
B to A and vice versa
3) D1 and D2 are both forward biased and hence current flows from A to B
4) D1 and D2 are both reverse biased and hence no current flows from A to B and
vice versa
49. Match the column I with column II.
Column – I Column - II
d B
E.dl dt
(B) Faraday’s law (II)
B.dA 0
(C) Gauss’s law in magnetism (III) d
B .dl 0ic 0 c
(D) Ampere Maxwell law (IV) q
E.ds 0
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
1) 3 2) 6 3) 9 4) 12
62. To the given salt solution, dilute H2SO4 is added. Effervescences of colourless gas
without any pungent smell are observed. This liberated gas turns lime water
milky. When same gas is passed in excess, the milkyness disappears. Then,
which of the following is correct?
1) Given salt contains carbonate ion
2) Milkyness appears due to the formation insoluble CaCO3
3) Milkyness disappears due to the formation of soluble Ca(HCO3)2
4) All the above are correct.
68. Assertion : White fumes appears around the bottle of anhydrous aluminium
Reason : Anhydrous aluminium chloride is partially hydroysed with atmospheric
moisture and liberates HCl gas where moist HCl appears white in colour.
1) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation
of Assertion
2) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion
3) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
4) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct
69. Which of the following is wrong?
1) Among nitrogen trihalides only NF3 is known to be stable
2) Among trihalides of 15th group elemetns BiF3 is predominantly ionic
3) Oxidation state of Bismuth in Mg3Bi2 is +3
4) PCl5 is more covalent than PCl3.
A B C . The product ‘C’ is
1) NaNH 2 1 eq
70. CaC2 H 2O
2) CH 3 Br
Cu2 Cl2 / NH 4OH
93. The buffer solution comprising of the following has its pH value less than 7.
94. pH of water is 7.0 at 25 C. If water is heated at 80 C:
0 0
95. Tests on an aqueous solution of a sodium salt having an anion X n gave the
K 2 Cr2O7 / H Pb NO3 2
following results : X n green solution ; Salt solution black precipitate
Which one of the following could be X n :
1) I 2) NO2 3) S 2 4) SO42
96. Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) Primary amines show more intermolecular association than secondary amines.
(ii) Tertiary amines do not show intermolecular association.
(iii) Boiling points of isomeric amines follow the order 3° > 2° > 1°
1) (i) and (iii) 2) (i) and (ii) 3) (i), (ii) and (iii) 4) (ii) and (iii)
97. Which of the following statements are correct ?
(i) In Sandmeyer reaction nucleophiles like Cl–, Br– and CN– are indroduced in
benzene ring in the presence of Cu+ ion
(ii) In Gattermann reaction nucleophiles are introduced in benzene ring in the
presence of copper powder and HCl.
(iii) The yield in Gattermann reaction is found to be better than Sandmayer
1) (i) and (ii) 2) (i), (ii) and (iii) 3) (ii) and (iii) 4) (i) and (iii)
98. The following reaction is non–spontaneous
1) Zn 2 H Zn 2 H 2 2) Sn Fe 2 Sn 2 Fe
3) Zn Cu2 Zn2 Cu 4) Mg 2 Ag Mg 2 2 Ag
101. Consider the description about an organism and identify the organism
a) It is unicellular but not moneran
b) Its eukaryote but not a protists
c) It’s heterotrophic but not animal
d) It has cell wall but not cellulosic
1) Slime mould 2) Paramoecium 3) Yeast 4) Euglena
102. Read the following :
(a) Unicellular prokaryotes. (b) Chitinous wall members.
(c) Unicellular eukaryotes. (d) Mostly autotrophic.
(e) Cellulosic cell wall. (f) Presence of centrioles.
How many of the above characters are applicable to kingdom plantae?
1) Four 2) Five 3) One 4) Two
103. Identify the mismatch in the following.
Column – I Column - II
1) Puccinia Rust fungus
2) Penicilium Medicinally important
3) Toad stools Edible mushrooms
4) Rhizopus Bread mould
104. Biogas is a mixture of gases containing predominantly C produced by B and
which may be used as A .
1) A- Pathogenic activity, B- Fuel, C-H2S 2) A-Fuel, B-Microbial activity, C-C2H4
3) A-Fuel, B-Pathogenic activity C-H2S 4) A-Fuel, B-Microbial activity, C-CH4
105. Identify enzyme A in the given reaction of Krebs’ cycle.
OAA Acetyl Co-A H 2O A
Citric acid + Co-A
1) Oxaloacetate 2) Citrate synthase
3) Aconitase 4) Dehydrogenase
106. Consider the following w.r.t. pteridophytes.
Statement-I: The diploid sporophyte is represented by dominant, independent,
photosynthetic, vascular plant body.
Statement-II: It alternates with multicellular, autotrophic, independent but
short-lived haploid gametophyte.
1) Both are correct 2) Both are incorrect
3) Statements I is correct and statement II are is incorrect
4) Statements I is incorrect and statement II are is correct
107. Choose the incorrect statement regarding angiosperms.
1) Double fertilisation is syngamy and triple fusion
2) Syngamy is fusion of one male gamete with egg cell (n).
3) Triple fusion is fusion of another male gamete with two polar nuclei.
4) Double fertilisation is characteristic feature of both Angiosperms and
108. In the alternation of generations, the sporophytic generation is ...A... and the
gametophytic generation is ...B... . Here, A and B refer to
1) A–2n; B–n 2) A–n; B–2n 3) A–n; B–n 4) A–2n; B–2n
a) d) Parietal placentation
b) G1 e) Epitepalous
c) K(5) f) Reduced bracts
g) Reniform anther
1) a, b, c only 2) a, c only 3) d, e only 4) a, c, g only
121. Match column-I with column-II and select the correct option from the given
Column-I Column-II
(Codes) (Translated amino acid)
A) UUU (i) Serine
B) GGG (ii) Methionine
C) UCU (iii) Phenylalanine
D) CCC (iv) Glycine
E) AUG (v) Proline
1) A-iii, B-iv, C-i, D-v, E-ii 2) A-iii, B-i, C-iv, D-v, E-ii
3) A-iii, B-iv, C-v, D-i, E-ii 4) A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-v, E-iii
122. An E.coli with heavy DNA molecule is transferred into the medium with normal
nitrogen 14 NH 4Cl after 40 minutes what will be the percentage of heavy DNA
1) 12.5% 2) 25% 3) 0% 4) 6.25%
123. Which out of the following statements is incorrect ?
1) Genetic code is ambiguous 2) Genetic code is degenerate
3) Genetic code is universal 4) Genetic code is non-overlapping
124. DNA is not genetc material in
1) QB bacteriophage 2) 174 3) Phage 4) E.Coli
125. Assertion (A): tRNAs are absent for stop codons.
Reason (R): UAG, UGA and UAA are the nonsense codons.
1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) correctly explains (A).
2) (A) is true but (R) is false.
3) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) does not correctly explains (A).
4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
151. Match the following and pick correct option.
Column – I Column - II
(A) Australopithecines (P) First hominid
(B) Homo habilis (Q) Java man
(C) Neanderthal man (R) Burried their dead
(D) Homo erectus (S) Fruit eater
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
1) P S R Q 2) S P R Q
3) Q S P R 4) R Q P S
152. Statement-I : Loss of Biodiversity increases resistance to environmental
perturbations, such as drought.
Statement-II : Loss of Biodiveristy, decreases variability in certain ecosystem
1) Both statements I & II are incorrect
2) Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect
3) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct
4) Both, statements I & II are correct
153. In frog, food is captured by
1) Trilobed tongue 2) Bilobed tongue 3) Tentacles 4) Limbs
154. Which of the following is correct related to cockroach?
1) Mosiac vision 2) Paurometabolous development
3) Three thorasic ganglia 4) All of these
155. Assertion : Small size organisms have larger surface area relative to their volume
and they have to spend much energy to generate body heat through metabolism.
Reason : Small-sized organisms are rarely found in polar regions.
1) Both assertion and reason are correct, and reason is the correct explanation of
the assertion
2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion
3) Assertion is correct, but reason is false
4) Both assertion and reason are false
186. Which of the following is not a factor responsible for species richness of tropical
1) Less variation in productivity 2) Stable abiotic conditions
3) Higher productivity 4) Less productivity
187. The sodium potassium pump-ATP dependent.
1) Transport Na and K out of the neuron
2) Transport Na into the neuron and K out
3) Transport K into the neuron and Na out
4) Transports Na and K into the neuron
188. Uricotellic mode of excretion is found in _____
1) Birds & earthworm 2) Frog &snake
3) Insects & amphibians 4) Reptiles &birds
189. Which of the following diseases is also known as atherosclerosis?
1) Hypertension 2) Angina pectoris
3) Heart attack 4) Coronary artery disease (CAD)
190. Allelic sequence variation has been described as DNA polymorphism if ________
variant (allele) at a locus occurs in a human population with a frequency ________
1) >1 , >0.1 2) >1, >0.01 3) <1 , <0.1 4) <1 , <0.01
191. In the following organisms, which is free living non-pathogenic nematode.
1) Drosophila 2) Arabidopsis 3) Meloidegyne 4) Caenorhabditis
192. Match Column I with Column II and select correct option from the codes given
Column – I Column - II
(A) Fish with electric organs (I) Trygon
(B) Fish with poison sting (II) Salamandra
(C) Amphibian with tail (III) Torpedo
(D) Amphibian without limbs (IV) Ichthyophis
(A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
193. Statement I: Haemophilia is a chromosomal disorder that is characterised by the
improper blood clotting
Statement II: In this disorder, a single protein which is a part of cascade of
proteins involved in blood clotting is affected.
1) Statement I is true, Statement II is false
2) Both statement I and II are true
3) Both statement I and II are false
4) Statement I is false, Statement II is true
194. The man made ecosystems are
1) Crop fields 2) Aquarium 3) Wetlands 4) Both 1 and 2
195. Statement–I : Saheli pill is one of the better oral contraceptive pill.
Statement–II : It is a non steroidal pill and can be used once in a week.
1) S–I and S–II are correct. 2) S–I is correct & S–II is incorrect.
3) S–I is incorrect & S–II is correct. 4) S–I and S–II are incorrect.