Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board
Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board
Government of Jammu and Kashmir J&K Services Selection Board
Whereas, the J&K Services Selection Board advertised posts of various
categories vide Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2020 dated: 16.12.2020,
Whereas, the Board notified Syllabi for various posts advertised vide
aforesaid advertisement notification including the post of Accounts Assistant
(Finance) vide Notice No. SSB/Secy/Sel/2020/5141-44 Dated 24.12.2020,
Whereas, the Board decided to update the syllabus with respect to
contents and distribution of marks for the post of Accounts Assistant
(Finance) notified vide aforesaid notice.
Now, therefore, revised syllabus for the post of Accounts Assistant
(Finance) advertised vide Advertisement Notification No. 04 of 2020 dated:
16.12.2020 under item No. 106 is notified afresh as per the details given in
the Annexure to this notice.
This notice is for the purpose of intimation to the concerned candidates
(Sachin Jamwal) KAS,
J&K Services Selection Board
Subject: Syllabus for Written test (Objective Type) for the post of Accounts
Assistant (Finance).
Statistics 15 Marks
(i) Primary and secondary data.
(ii) Tabulation and compilation of Data
(iii) Measures of central Tendency
(iv) Theory of Probability
(v) Correlation and regression- Concept and simple applications.
(vi) Theory of Attributes- Basic concepts and their applications.
(vii) Theory of Index Numbers: Tests of Index numbers- Wholesale and
consumer price Index numbers.
(viii) Demography-Census, its features and functions.
(ix) Vital Statistics- Measures of fertility, Crude fertility rates, specific fertility
rates, gross and net reproduction rates., Measures of Mortality