03 Circular Motion Final CW
03 Circular Motion Final CW
03 Circular Motion Final CW
When a body makes ‘N’ revolutions in ‘t’ sec’s
Radius Vector : Consider a particle moving
then its average angular velocity is
along a circular path. The line joining the centre
of circle to position of particle is called radius 2 N
vector t
Angular displacement : The angle turned If a particle makes ‘n’ rotations per sec its angular
by the radius vector in a given time interval is velocity is 2 n
called angular displacement 2
2 n
arc length
d d B
Angular velocity of hands of a clock:
radius Angular velocity of seconds hand
SI unit radian 2 2
Small angular displacements are vectors rad S 1
T 60 30
Large angular displacements are scalar as it does Angular velocity of minutes hand
not obey commutative law
The direction of angular displacement is along 2
rad S 1
the axis of rotation and it is given by right hand 60 60 1800
screw rule. Angular velocity of hours hand
When a particle completes one revolution the 2
angular displacement is 2 radian rad S 1
12 3600 21600
When a particle completes N revolutions in a
In case of self rotation of earth about its own
circle the angular displacement is 2 N
Angular Velocity : axis rad / sec
The time rate of angular displacement of particle 24 60 60
is called angular velocity P
If is angular displacement in small interval of
time t then O
Average angular velocity av
t in the above fig. Let the angular velocity of
instantaneous angular velocity is particle (P) above the point ‘O’ is 0 , Let the
d angular velocity of particle about A is A then
t 0 t
dt 0 A
SI Unit rad S
Dimensional Formula T 1
Angular velocity is a axial vector.
Its direction is given by right hand screw rule O
Its direction is along axis of rotation
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2 2
mv 2 GMm
Net force F Fc Ft force on it 2
r r
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Ex 4: Work done by centripetal force is zero Magnitude of centrifugal force is equal to that of
Ex 5: When a stone is whirled round in horizontal centripetal force
circle by attaching it at the end of a string, tension Every person on the earth is moving in a circular
in the string provides the centripetal force. path along with the spinning earth.
Ex 6: If a stone of mass m attached at the end of So, every person experiences a centrifugal force.
a string is whirled in a horizontal circle of radius Due to centrifugal force the earth is bulged at
the equator and flattend at the poles
' ' , tension in the string is equal to centripetal
Watt’s governer is used to control the flow of
mv 2 steam in the steam engine. It works on the
force T
principal of centrifugal force
Non Uniform Circular motion: i)Cream can be separated from milk using
centrifuge. Clothes can be dried by the centrifuge.
In a circular motion if ac 0 , at 0 then the
Turning of cyclist on the Road:
particle undergo non uniform circular motion , in
A cyclist provides himself the necessary
this case the acceleration of particle is given by
centripetal force by leaning inward on a horizontal
a ac2 at2 track, while going round a curve.
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N cos
Let be the angle through which the outer edge
is raised relative to the inner edge. This angle is f cos
also called “angle of banking”. The normal
reaction ‘N’ exerted by the road on the vehicle
N sin
is directed normal to the surface as shown in the f
figure. mg f sin
Ncos balances the weight of vehicle.
Ncos = mg case-(ii)
Nsin is directed towards the centre of the
circular path. Which provides the centrepetal To find max. safe speed, we have to consider
force. figure (ii)
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2 Death Well:
N sin f cos max .......... 1
N cos f sin mg.......... 2 mv 2
From (1) and (2) we get r
rg sin cos
cos sin
For the body incontact with the vertical wall of
To find minimum speed we use fig (i), and death well not to fall, the condition is
mg f ms
rg sin cos
vmin mg s N
cos sin
But N mr 2
When a car moves in a circular path with speed Hence mg s mr 2
more than certain maximum speed than it
overturns and its inner wheel leaves the ground A small blcok of mass m attached to a string is
first, the maximum safe velocity for car not made to rotate with an angular velocity along
a circle of radius ‘r’ on a smooth table surface
gra such that the string passes through a hole in the
overturning is v where v is speed of middle of the table and a block of mass ‘M’ is
suspended at the lower end of the string. the
the car, r radius of circular path, 2a is the distance
necessary condition is
between the centre of wheels of the car and h is
the height of centre of gravity of the car from the m
For the coin not to fly off on the turn table, the
condition is
mv 2
mr Mg or Mg
Conical Pendulum:
The bob is given a horizontal push a little through
angular displacement and arranged such that
teh bob describes a horizontal cirlce with uniform
angular velocity in such a way that the string
always makes an angle with the vertical. As
the string traces the surface of the cone, the
arrangement is called a conical pendulum.
Let T be the tension in the string of length l and
r be the radius of circular path. The vertical
mv 2 component of tension T balances the weight of
s mg
r the bob and horizontal component provides the
necessary centripetal force.
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At point P net force is Fnet T mg cos
The net force provides centripetal force
T cos
> T sin
r T mg cos
T mg cos
mv 2
mv 2
T cos Mg 1
Let TL and TH are the tensions in the strings
T sin Mr 2 2
when the body is at lowest and highest points
From eq. (1) and (2) , we get
when it is at lowerst point, 0o
r 2 g tan
tan i.e., mv 2
g r T mg cos
But r l sin and mv 2
T TL mg cos 0o
Time period of evolution r
l cos mv 2
T 2 TL mg
g r
A body of mass ‘m’ is attached to the end of a Tension in the string is maximum when the body
spring of natural length l0 and is wirled in a is at lowest point.
horizontal circle, if extension in spring is x then When it is at highest point is 1800
m l0 x 2 kx mv 2
T mg cos
Vertical circular motion with constant speed r
Consider a body of mass ‘m’ tied to one end of
a string and whirled in a vertical circle of radius mv 2
TH mg cos180o
‘r’ with uniform speed ‘v’ r
Let T be the tension in the string when it makes
mv 2
an angel with the vertical from the lowest point TH mg
Tension in the string is minimum when the body
is at highest point
Vhor The difference of tensions at the lowest and
O highest points is
T mV
r mv 2 mv 2
P TL TH mg mg
mg cos
r r
mg sin
V1 mg
A TL TH 2mg
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V V1 2 gr 1 cos
2 When the particle is at ‘P’ as shown in the fig.
a) Tangential force acting on the particle is
If V2 is the velocity of the body at highest point
( 1800 ) Ft mg sin .
Tangential acceleration at g sin
V2 V1 2 gr 1 1
d) The net force acting on the particle at point Critical velocity at any point on the
‘P’ vertical circle:
Consider a point ‘p’ on the vertical circle let the
F = Ft 2 Fc2
string be making an angle with vertical from
Condition for looping a loop in
lowest point when it is at point p.
vertical circular motion: From le O BP
OB R h h
cos 1
1 cos
h R 1 cos
We know that T2 mg
The body will complete the vertical circular path
when tension at heighest point is such that
From Law of conservation of energy
mv22 Total energy at point ‘A’ =Total energy at point
T2 0 , mg 0
r p
V2 min gr U A KE A U P KE p
Hence the minimum speed at highest point to just 1 1
O mv12 mgh mV2
complete the vertical circle is gr 2 2
From law of conservation of mechanical energy 1 1
m5 gr mgR 1 cos mV2
Total energy at lowest point A = total energy at 2 2
highest point B
5gmR 1
U A KE A U B KEB mgR mgR cos mV2
2 2
1 1 5 gmR 1
O mv12 mg 2r mv22 mgR mgR cos mv2
2 2 2 2
1 2 1 mgR 1
mv1 2mgr mgr V2 gr 3 2 cos mv2
2 2 2 2
5 v gR 3 2cos
MinimumTension in the string to
V1 5 gr just complete vertical circle:
For the body to continue along circular path the
Let T be the tension in the string when the string
critical velocity at lowest point is 5gr is making an angle from lowest point
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a) Normal reaction on the block is zero at the
< instant the block leaves the hemisphere.
u m M b) the vertical height from table at which the
block leaves the hemisphere is h=2r/3
A nail is fixed at a certain distance x vertically c) If the position vector of the block with respect
below the point of suspension of a simple to the centre of curvature makes an angle with
pendulum of length L. The bob is released when vertical when the block leaves the hemisphere,
the string makes an angle with vertical. The then cos 2 / 3
bob reaches the lowest position then describes d) velocity of the block at that instant is
a vertical circle whose centre coincides with the
nail. Then 2 gr
L 3 2cos 3
X min e) If the block is given a horizontal velocity ‘u’
from the top of the smooth convex hemisphere
then the angle with vertical at which the block
2 u2
x leaves the hemisphere is cos
3 3 gr
L 0
A body of mass ‘m’ is allowed to slide down 1. A stone of mass m is tied to a string of
from rest, from the top of a smooth incline of length l and rotated in a circle with a
height ‘h’. For the body to loop in loop of radius constant speed v . If the string is released,
‘r’ on arriving at the bottom. the stone files:
1) radially outward
2) radially inward
< 3) tangentially outward
h r mv 2
4) with an accelration
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2. When a mass is rotating in a plane about a 8. a train is moving towards north. At one place
fixed point, its angular momentum is directed it turns towards north-east. Here, we
along observe that
1) the radius 1) the radius of curvature of outer rail will be
2) the tangent to the orbit greater than that of the inner rail
3) a line perpendicular to the plane of rotation 2) the radius of curvature of the inner rail will be
4) none of the above greater than that of outer rail
3. A particle is moving along a circular path. 3) the radius of curvature of one of the rails will
the angular velocity, lienar velocity, angular be greater
accelration and centripetal acceleration of 4) the radius of curvature of the outer and inner
the particle at any instant respectively are rails will be the same
9. If a cyclist doubles his speed whil
, v , and ac . Which of the following
negotiatiang a curve, how does the tendency
relations is not correct ? to overturn vary ?
1) v 2) 1) remain unchanged
2) doubled
3) ac 4) v ac
3) Halved
4. The driver of a car travelling at 72kmh1
4) Quadrupled
suddenly sees a big rock on the road at a 10. The outer rail of the curved railway track is
distance of 20m. what can he do to avoid a raised above the inner one
collision? 1) to provide centripetal force
1) Apply brakes 2) to overcome the frictional force
2) Turn sharply 3) to balance the gravity
3) Follow a zig-zag path 4) for some reason other than those mentioned
4) Shut the engine above
5. A car moving on a horizoantal road may be 11. a particle of mass M is moving in a
thrown out of the road in taking a turn. horizoantal circle of radius R with uniform
1) by the gravitational force
speed V . when it moves from one point to
2) due to the lack of proper centripetal force
a diametrically opposite point, its
3) due to the rooling frictional force between the
tyre and road 1) kinetic energy changes by MV 2 / 4
4) due to the reaction of the ground 2) momentum does not change
6. A car sometimes overturns while taking a 3) momentum changes by 2MV
trun. When it overturns, it is 4) kinetic energy changes by MV 2
1) the inner wheel which leaves the ground first 12. A cyclist bends while taking turn to
2) the outer wheel which leaves the ground first 1) reduce friction
3) bot h the wheels leave the ground 2) generate required centripetal force
simultaneously 3) reduce apparent wiehgt
4) either wheel which leaves the ground first 4) reduce speed
7. A particle is moving in a circle with uniform 13. the normal component of acceleration of a
speed. it has constant: particle in circular motion is due to
1) velocity 1) speed of the particle
2) acceleration 2) change in direction of velcoity
3) kinetic energy 3) change in the magnitude of velocity
4) displacement 4) rate of change of acceleration
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14. The tangential component of acceleration of 19. Which of the following statements is false
a particle in circular motion is due to for a particle moving in a circle with a
1) speed of the particle constant angular speed ?
2) change in the direction of velocity 1) The velocity vector is tangent to the circle
3) change in the magnitude of velcoity 2) The acceleration vector is trangent to the circle
4) rate of change of acceleration 3) The acceleration vector points to the centre
15. A car takes a circular turn with a uniform of the circle
speed V. If the reaction at inner and outer 4) the velocity and acceleration vectors are
wheels be denoted by R1 and R2 , then perpendicular to each other
1) R1 R2 2) R1 R2 20. Which motion does not requrie force to
maintain it?
3) R1 R2 4) R1 R2 or R1 R2 1) Uniform circular motion
16. A car of mass m moves in a horizontal 2) Elliptical motion
circular path of radius r metre. At an instant 3) Uniform straight line motion
its speed is V m / s and is increasint at a rate 4) Projectile motion
of a m / sec2 . then the acceleration of the 21. A cyclist is travelling with velocity v on a
car is banked curved road of radius R . The angle
through which the cyclist leans inwards
V2 is given by
1) 2) a
2 1) tan
V 2 V2 v2
3) a2 4) a
r r 2) tan v 2 Rg
17. A particle, moving in a plane, is acted upon
v2 g
by a force of constant magnetitude that is 3) tan
always perpendicualr to the velcoity of the R
particle. Pick out the correct statement from
the following v2
4) tan
S1: Acceleration is constant Rg
S2: Kinetic energy is constant
22. A person with a mass of M kg stands in
S3: Velocity is constant
S4: The particle moves in a circular path contact against the wall of a cylindrical durm
1) S4 only 2) S3 and S4 of radius r rotating with an angular velocity
3) S2 and S4 . If the coefficient of friction between the
4) all statements are correct wall and the clothing is , the minimum
18. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant rotational speed of the cylinder which
magnitude which is always perpendicular to enables the person to remain struck to the
the velocity of the particle, the motion of the wall when the floor is suddenly removed is
particle takes place in a place. It follows
g r
that 1) min 2) min
1) its velocity is constant r g
2) its acceleration is constant
3) is kinetic energy is constant 2g rg
4) it moves in a straight line 3) min 4) min
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23. A stone is rotated along a circle in horizontal 28. Consider the following two statements A and
plane by means of a horizontal string at some B and identify the correct choice
height above the ground. If the string is cut, A)When a rigid body is rotating about its own
the stone moves along axis, at a given instant all particles of body
1) Radial straight line possess same angular velocity.
2) Tangential straight line B)When a rigid body is rotating about its own
3) Parabolic path in horizontal plane axis, the linear velocity of a particle is
4) Parabolic path in vectical plane directly proportional to its perpendicular
24. Skidding occurs when the maximum distance from axis
frictional force of a flat road on a car is 1) A is true but B is false
1) less than centripetal force required 2) A is false but B is true
2) more than centripeal force required 3) Both A and B are true
3) equal to centripetal force required 4) Both A and B are false
4) independent of centripetal force 29. Consider the following two statements A and
B and identify the correct choice
25. Consider the follwing two statements A and
A) When a particle is moving along a circle
B and identify the correct choice in the given
with nonuniform speed then its linear
acceleration is along radial direction
A) Centripetal force, centrifugal force are
B) All axial vectors are pseudo vectors
equal in magnitude and opposite in direction
1) A is true but B is false
but they are not force of action and force of
2) A is false but B is true
reaction respectively because both act on
3) Both A and B are true
same body.
4) Both A and B are false
B) Centrifugal force is a pseudo force in both
inertial frame of reference and non – inertial
frame of reference
1) A is true and B is true 30) A mother car of mass m travels with a
2) A is true and B is false uniform speed v on a convex bridge of
3) A is false and B is true radius r . When the car is at the middle point
4) A is false and B is false of the bridge, then the force extended by the
26. A particle is moving along a circle with car on the bridge is
uniform speed. The physical quantity which mv 2
is constant both in magnitude and direction, 1) mg 2) mg
1) Velocity mv 2 mv 2
2)Centripetal acceleration 3) mg 4) mg
r r
3) Centripetal force 31. A gramophone record is revolving with an
4) Angular velocity angular velocity . A coin is splaced at a
27. The direction of following vectors is along distance R from the centre of the record.
the line of axis of rotation the static coefficient of friction is . The
1) angular velocity, angular acceleration only coin will revolve with the record if
2) angular velocity, angular momenturm only
g g
3) angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular 1) R 2) R only
momentum only 2 2
4) angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular g g
momentum and torque 3) R 4) R
2 2
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m stone has to be rotated. (E-1998)
1) decreases with increasing mass of the stone
O 2) is independent of the mass of the stone
3) decreases with increasing in length of the string
B 4) is independent of the length of the string
1) bottom point B 2) the point C
3) the point D 4) top point A KEY
33. A car is moving up with uniform speed along CONCEPTUAL
a fly over bridge which is part of a vertical 1) 3 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1 5) 2
circle. The true statement from the following 6) 1 7) 3 8) 1 9) 4 10) 1
is 11) 3 12) 2 13) 2 14) 3 15) 2
1) Normal reaction on the car gradually 16) 3 17) 3 18) 3 19) 2 20) 3
decreases and becomes minimum at highest 21) 4 22) 1 23) 4 24) 1 25) 2
position of bridge 26) 4 27) 4 28) 3 29) 2 30) 3
2) Normal reaction on the car gradually increases 31) 4 32) 1 33) 2 34) 1 35) 1
and becomes maximum at highest position 36) 2 37) 2
3) Normal reaction on car does not change
4) Normal reaction on the car gradually LEVEL - I
decreases and becomes zero at highest position
34. A bottle of soda water is rotated in a vertical HORIZONTAL CIRCULAR MOTION
circle with the neck held in hand. The air
1. A fly wheel is rotating about its own axis at
bubbles are collected.
an angular velocity 11 rad s–1, its angular
1) near the neck 2) near the bottom
velocity in revolution per minute is
3) at the middle 4) at the centre of bottle
35. A vehicle is moving with uniform speed along 1) 105 2) 210
horizontal, concave and convex surface 3) 315 4) 420
roads. The surface on which, the normal 2. A circular disc is rotating about its own axis
reaction on the vehicle is maximum is at the rate of 200 revolutions per minute.
1) Concave 2) Convex Two particles P,Q of disc are at distances
3) Horizontal 4) Same at all surfaces 5cm, 10cm from axis of rotation. The ratio
36. Consider the following two statements A and of angular velocities of P and Q is
B and identify the correct choice 1) 1:2 2) 1:13
A) When a body is rotated along a vertical 3) 2:1 4) 4:1
circle with uniform speed then the sum of 3. A stationary wheel starts rotating about its
its kinetic energy and potential energy is own axis at uniform angular acceleration
constant at all positions 8rad / s 2 . The time taken by it to complete
B) To make a body to move along a verticle 77 rotations is
circle, its critical speed at a point is 1) 5.5 sec 2) 7 sec
independent of mass of body 3) 11 sec 4) 14 sec
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4. A stationary wheel starts rotating about its own 11. A particle is moving at uniform speed
axis at constant angular acceleration. If the 2 ms–1 along a circle of radius 0.5m. The
wheel completes 50 rotations in first 2 seconds, centripetal acceleration of particle is
then the number of rotations made by it in next
1) 1ms2 2) 2ms2
two seconds is
1) 75 2) 100 3) 125 4) 150 3) 4ms2 4) 8ms2
5. A body of mass m is tied to one end of a 12. A particle is moving along a circle of radius
spring and whirled round in a horizontal 1.5 m. If centripetal acceleration of particle
plane with a constant angular velocity and
is 6ms2 then angular velocity of that
elongation in the spring is 1cm. If the
angular velocity is doubled, the elongation particle is
in the spring becomes 5cm. The original 1) 3rads1 2) 2rads1
length of spring is (M-2003 )
1) 13 cm 2) 14 cm 3) 15 cm 4) 16 cm 3) 3rads1 4) 4rads1
6. A point size body is moving along a circle at an 13. A circular plate is rotating about its own axis
angular velocity 2.8rads1 . If centripetal at an angular velocity 100 revolutions per
minute. The linear velocity of a particle P
acceleration of body is 7ms2 then its speed of plate at a distance 4.2 cm from axis of
is rotation is
1) 1.25ms1 2) 2.5ms1 1) 0.22 m/s 2) 0.44 m/s
3) 3.5ms1 4) 7ms1 3) 2.2 m/s 4) 4.4 m/s
7. A particle is moving with uniform speed 0.5 14. A particle P is moving in a circle of radius
m/s along a circle of radius 1m then the ' a ' with a uniform speed v . C is the cnetre
angular velocity of particle is of the circle and AB is a diameter. when
1) 2 rad s–1 2) 1.5 rad s–1 passing through B the angular velocity of P
3) 1 rad s –1
4) 0.5 rad s–1 about A and C are in the ratio
8. A particle is moving with uniform speed along 1) 1 : 1 2) 1 : 23
a circle of radius 20 cm. If angular velocity 3) 2 : 1 4) 1 : 3
of particle is 5 rad s–1 then its speed is 15. What is the value of linear velocity, if
1) 25 ms–1 2) 5 ms–1
3) 1 ms –1
4) 0.2 ms–1 3iˆ 4 ˆj kˆ and r 5iˆ 6 ˆj 6kˆ
9. A circular disc is rotating about its own axis
1) 6iˆ 2 ˆj 3kˆ 2) 18iˆ 13 ˆj 2kˆ
at uniform rate completes 30 rotations in one
minute. The angular velocity of disc in rad 3) 4iˆ 13 ˆj 6kˆ 4) 6iˆ 2 ˆj 8kˆ
s–1 is
1) 2 2) 16. When the road is dry and the coefficient of
friction is . The maximum speed of a car
3) 4) in a circular path is 10m / s . If the road
2 4
10. A circular disc is rotating about its own axis at
becomes wet and ' . What is the
an angular velocity . If P is exact mid point of 2
disc between axis and rim of disc then angular maximum speed permitted
velocity of P is
1) 5m / s 2) 10 m / s
1) 2) 3) 2 4) 2 3) 10 2 m / s 4) 5 2 m / s
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t 2s v
50 2 100 rad a
2 200 A
50 rad s 2 1: 2
t2 4 C
1 2 1
‘ ’ in 4 sec t 50 16 iˆ ˆj kˆ
2 2
v r 3 4 1
= 400 rad 15.
in the last 2 sec, 400 100 300 rad 5 6 6
no.of rotations = = 150 18iˆ 13 ˆj 2kˆ
2 2
5. mr 2 kr v2 2
16. v
m l 1 2 k 1 ....(1) v1
m l 5 2 2 k 5 ....(2) /2 1 1
v2 v1
from (1) and (2) l 15cm 2 2
6. Centripetal acceleration
a v2 5 2m/s
a v v 2
v 17. mgh m 5rg
7. Angular velocity 2
8. Speed v r 5r 2.5
h 1.25m
30 1 2 2
9. 30 rpm = rps = rps
60 2 mv 2
18. T mg 7mg
1 r
2 rad s 1
2 mv 2
‘ ’ is same for all the particles of the body 6mg
10. ‘ ’ is same for all the particles of the body
11. Centripetal acceleration a 6g
19. M 0.98kg
12. Centripetal acceleration a r 2
m 0.02kg
13. Linear velocity v r mu M m 5rg
14. Angular velocity of P about A
v 1 5 1 9.8 7
A u 350ms 1
2a 0.02 0.02
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1) 2)
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7. A particle rests on the top of a hemisphere 12. The length of a simple pendulum is 1 m. The
of radius R . Find the smallesh horizontal bob is given a velocity 7 ms-1 in horizontal
velocity that must be imparted to the particle direction from mean position. During
if it is to leave the hemisphere without sliding upward motion of bob, if the string breaks
down it when it is horizontal, then the maximum
vertical height of ascent of bob from rest
1) gR 2) 2gR position is
3) 3gR 4) 5gR 1. 2.5 m 2. 2 m 3. 3 m 4. 3.5 m
13. A simple pendulum is oscillating with an
8. If a particle of mass 'm' is moving in a
angular amplitude 900. If the direction of
horizontal circle of radius 'r' witha
resultant acceleration of the bob is horizontal
centripetal force 1/ r 2 , the total energy is at a point where angle made by the string
(M-1995) with vertical is
1) 1/ 2r 2) 1/ r 1 1
1 1
1) sin 2) cos
3) 2 / r 4) 4 / r 3 3
1 1 1 1
3 3
9. A point size mass 100 gm is rotated in a 14. A body is a allowed to slide down a
vertical circle using a cord of length 20cm. frictionless track from rest position at its top
When the string makes an angle 60° with under gravity. The track ends in a circular
the vertical , the speed of the mass is loop of diameter D. Then, the minimum
1.5m/s. The tangential accelaration of the height of the inclined track ( in terms of D )
mass in that position is so that it may camplete successfully the loop
1) 4.9 ms–2 2) 4.9 2 ms–2
1) 7D/4 2) 9D/4 3) 5D/4 4) 3D/4
3) 4.9 3 ms–2 4) 9.8 ms–2 15. A steel wire can withstand a load up to 2940
10. A vehicle is travelling along concave road N. A load of 150 kg is suspended from a
then along convex road of same radius of rigid support. The maximum angle through
curvatures at uniform speed. If the normal which the wire can be displaced from the
reactions on the vehicle as it crosses the mean position, so that the wire does not
lowest point of concave surface, highest break when the load passes through the
position of equilibrium, is (2008 E)
point of convex surface are 1.5 104 N ,
1) 30° 2) 60° 3) 80° D) 85°
3 103 N respectively, the mass of vehicle 16. A body of mass 2 kg attached at one end of
is(g=10 m/s–2) light string is rotated along a vertical circle
1) 400 kg 2) 450 kg of radius 2 m. If the string can withstand a
3) 800 kg 4) 900kg maximum tension of 140.6 N, the maximum
11. A pilot of mass m can withstand a maximum speed with which the stone can be rotated is
apparent weight 6 times of mg. The minimum 1) 22 m/s 2) 44 m/s 3) 33 m/s 4) 11 m/s
radius of curvature of vertical circle in which 17. A body of mass m is rotating in a vertical
the aeroplane dives up from lowest point with circle of radius 'r' with critical speed. The
a speed 504 kmph is difference in its K.E. at the top and the
1) 200 m 2) 300 m bottom is
3) 400 m 4) 500m 1) 2mgr 2) 4 mgr 3) 6 mgr 4) 3 mgr
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10. mg
V 2
11. r where Wmax nmg
(n 1) g 1. Two bodies A, B of masses m1, m2 are knotted
12. If V is velocity when the string is to a massless string at different points rotated
along concentric circles in horizontal plane.
horizontal 7 2 V 2 2 gL find V
The distances of A, B from common centre
V2 are 50cm, 1m. If the tensions in the string
H L between centre to A and A to B are in the
ratio 5 : 4, then the ratio of m1 to m2 is
v2 / r 1) 2 : 3 2) 3 : 2
13. tan 3) 1 : 1 4) 1 : 2
g sin
2. A particle describes a horizontal circle on the
but v 2 gh ; h r cos smooth inner surface of conical funnel whose
vertex angle is 90°. If the height of the plane
1 1 of the circle above the vertex is 9.8 cm, the
cos cos 1
3 3 speed of the particle is
1) 9.8 m / sec 2) 0.98 m/sec
1 1 D 5D
14. m 2 gh m 5 g h 3) 19.6 m/sec 4) 14.7 m/sec
2 2 2 4
3. A hollow vertical cylinder of radius R and
15. While crossing the equilibrium position height h has smooth internal surface. A small
mv 2 m particle is placed in contact with the inner
T mg mg 2 gl 1 cos side of the upper rim at a point P. It is given
r l
a horizontal speed v0 tangential to rim. It
mg 2mg 2mg cos 3 2cos
leaves the lower rim at point q, vertically
2940 below P. the number of revolutions made
3 2cos 2
150 9.8 by the particle will be
1 h v0
2 cos 1 cos 600 1) 2)
2 2 R 2 gh
V 2 2 R v0 2h
16. Tmax m g
r 3) 4) 2 R
h g
17. K .E P.E mgh , but h = 2r 4. A car is negotiating a curve of radius 150m
18. If is angular amplitude at mean position with a speed of 15ms 1 . The angle through
T mg (3 2 cos ) which the pendulum suspended from the top
19. T .E P.E K .E
of the ceiling would deviate is g 10ms
1) tan 1 3 / 20 2) tan 1 5 /16
V 2
20. FB m g
r 3) tan 1 4 /15 4) tan 1 3 /16
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5. A particle describes a horizontal circle at the 8. A string of length L is fixed at one end and
mouth of a funnel type vessel as shown in carries a mass M at the other end. The
figure. the surface of the funnel is string makes 2 / revolutions per second
frictionless. the velocity v of the particle in around the vertical axis through the fixed
terms of r and will be end as shown in the figure, then tension in
the string is
1) ML 2) 2ML
1) v rg / tan 2) v rg tan
3) 4ML 4) 16ML
3) v rg cot 4) v rg / cot 9. The speed of a particle moving in a circle of
6. A long horizoantal rod has a bead which can radius 0.1m is v 1.0t where t is time in
sldie along its length and initially placed at second. The resultant acceleration of the
a distance L from one end A of the rod. particle at t 5s will be
The rod is set in angular motion about A with 1) 10 m / s 2 2) 100 m / s 2
constant angular acceleration . If the
coefficient of friction between the rod and 3) 250 m / s 2 4) 500 m / s 2
the bead is , and gravity is neglected, then
10. The kinetic energy k of a particle moving
the time after which the bead starts slipping
is (IIT-JEE 2000) along a circle of radius R depends on the
distance covered. It is given as KE as 2
1) 2) where a is a constant. The force acting on
the particle is
1 1/ 2
3) 4) Infinitesimal s2 s2
1) 2a 2) 2as 1 2
7. A particle of mass m is fixed to one end of a
light spring of force constant k and R2
3) 2as 4) 2a
unstretched length l . the system is rotated s
about the other end of the spring with an 11. The distance between two rails is 1.5m .
angular velocity , in gravity free space. The centre of gravity of the train at a height
the icnrease in length of the spring will be
of 2m from the ground. The maximum
m 2l m 2l speed of the train on a circular path of radius
1) 2)
k k m 2 120m can be
1) 10.5 m / s 2) 42 m / s
m 2l
3) 4) None of these 3) 21m / s 4) 84 m / s
k m 2
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. . . .
sections of the string is
it describes vertical circle of radius 1 m along
smooth track. The ratio of normal reactions
on the block while it is crossing lowest point,
highest point of vertical circle is
l l
1) 6 : 1 2) 5 : 1
1) 3:5:7 2) 3:4:5 3) 7:11:6 4) 3:5:6
3) 3 : 1 4) 5 : 2
17. The length of a ballistic pendulum is 1 m and
MOTION ALONG VERTICAL mass of its block is 1.9 kg. A bullet of mass
CIRCLE 0.1 kg strickes the block of ballistic
13. Dry gas of negligible mass is sealed in a test pendulum in horizontal direction with a
tube of mass 50 gm with the help of a stopper velocity 100 ms–1 and got embeded in the
of mass 3.5 gm. The test tube is suspended block. After collision the combined mass
form a fixed point with help of massless (block & bullet) swings away from lowest
string such that the test tube is horizontal point. The tension in the string when it
and distance between point of suspension makes an angle 60° with vertical is
and centre of mass of test tube is 25 cm. ( g = 10 ms–2 )
The test tube is heated to a temperature due 1) 20 N 2) 30 N
to which stopper is ejected out horizontally 3) 40 N 4) 50 N
while test tube completes a vertical circle of 18. A stone attached to a string is rotated in a
radius 25 cm. The minimum velocity with vertical circle such that when it is at the top
which stopper should be ejected out is of the circle its speed is V and there is neither
1) 72 kmph 2) 90 kmph tension nor slacking in the string. The speed
3) 180 kmph 4) 360 kmph of stone when its angular displacement is
14. A nail is fixed at a point P vertically below 120° from the lowest point is
the point of suspension 'O' of a simple 3
pendulum of length 1m. The bob is released 1) V 2) 2V
when the string of pendulum makes an angle
300 with horizontal. The bob reaches lowest 3
point then describes vertical circle whose 3) 3V 4) V
centre coincides with P. The least distance
19. Mass of the bob of a simple pendulum of
of P from O is
length L is m. If the bob is projected
1) 0.4 m 2) 0.5 m 3) 0.6 4) 0.8 m horizontally from its mean position with
15. A simple pendulum with a bob of mass 'm'
velocity 4gL , then the tension in the string
swings with angular amplitude of 60°. When
its angular displacement 30°, the tension in becomes zero after a vertical displacement
the string would be of
1) L/3 2) 3L/4
1) 3 3mg 2) (3 3 2) 3) 4L/3 4) 5L/3
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1 1 0 0
3) cos , 0 ,90
B 3
L 1 1 0 0
4) cos ,90 , 0
v/2 3
1) 2)
1) 4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 1 5) 3
4 4 2
6) 1 7) 2 8) 4 9) 3 10) 2
3 3 11)3 12)4 13) 3 14) 4 15) 2
3) 4)
2 4 4 16) 3 17) 3 18) 2 19) 4 20) 4
21. A stone tied to a string of length L is whirled 21) 4 22) 1
in a vertical circle with the other end of the
string at the centre. At a certain instant of HINTS
time, the stone is at its lowest position and LEVEL - III
has a speed u. The magnitude of the change
in its velocity as it reachesa position where
1. Centre to A T1 m1r1 2 m 2r2 2
the string is horizontal is
A to B T2 m 2 r2 2
1) u 2 gL 2) 2gL
T2 m 2r2
3) u 2 gL 4)
2 u 2 gL T1 m1r1 m 2 r2
2. If is angle of inclination with vertical
22. A simple pendlum is vibratiang with an
2 900
angular amplitude of 900 as shown in the
adjoining figure. For what value of is the mv 2 / r v 2
tan ; v rg tan
acceleration directed ? mg rg
1 2 2h
B' O B 3. h gt or t
2 g
Let n be the number of revolutions made. Then
n 2 R v0t
A v0 v 2h
n t 0
2 R 2 R g
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v2 At t 5sec, v 5m / s
4. tan
a N ac2 at2
5. For uniform circular motion of a particle
mv 2 250 12 aN 250m / s 2 (approx.)
R cos .... i
r 10. In non-uniform circular motion two forces will work
and mg R sin ......(ii) on a particle Fc and Ft
divising (i) and (ii)
So the net force FNet Fc2 Ft 2 ....(i)
cot v rg cot mv 2 2as 2
rg Centripetal force Fc .... ii
6. Let the bead starts slipping after time t
For critical condition 1 2
Frictional force provides the centripetal force (As kinetic energy mv as 2 given)
m 2 L R m at mL
1 2 2as 2
Again from : mv as 2 v 2
2 2 m
m t L mL t as t
7. In the given condition elastic force will provides vs
the requried centripetal force kx m 2 r
dv dv ds
kx m 2 l x Tangential acceleration at .
dt ds dt
kx m 2l m 2 x
d 2a
at s .v
x k m 2
m t 2
ds m
m 2t 2a 2a 2a 2as
x at v s
k m 2 m m m m
8. T sin M 2 R ..........i and Ft mat 2as .....(iii)
T sin M L sin ..........ii Now substituting values of Fc and Ft in
From i & ii equation(i)
T M 2 L M 4 2 n 2 L 2
2 2as 2 2
M 4 2 L 16ML
Fnet 2as
1/ 2
dv s2
9. v 1.0t at 1m / s 2 2as 1 2
v 2 5 11. Height of centre of gravity from the ground
and ac 250 m / s 2
r 0.1 h 2m , Accelerat ion due to gravity
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Increase in kinetic energy MV 2
MV 2 Mg OD
or V 2 2 g OD Column – I Column – II
a) The change in Potential q) K mgr (1 cos )
But OD OC cos
energy of the mass with
r cos angle
V 2 2 gr cos b) The KE as a function of r) a g sin
On account of circular motion at C,
c) The radial and tangential s) mgr (1 cos )
MV 2 M .2 gr cos accelerations as a
T Mg cos
r r function of angle
T Mg cos 2 Mg cos d) The angle at which the t) cos
or T 3Mg cos .(ii) mass files of the sphere
Combining eq. (i) and (ii) 1) a-r;b-t;c-s;d-q 2) a-s;b-q;c-r;d-t
3) a-t;b-s;c-q;d-r 4) a-q;b-r;c-t;d-s
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l1 22
1) The linear speed of tip of second hand is 2) 2
l2 1
cm / s 1 1 ml
3) 2 2 g
2) The linear speed of the tip of second hand is 1 2
1 1 l cos
3) The change in linear velocity vector in 15 4) 2 2 g
1 2
seconds is 2cm / s 2
4) The change in acceration vector in 15minutes
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 1
2 6) 4 7) 1 8) 1,2 , 4
is cm / s 2
1800 9) 1,3, 4 10) 1,3 , 4
14. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant 11) 3 , 4 12) 1 , 4
magnitude which is always perpendicular to
the velocity of the particle. The motion takes 13) 1, 3, 4 14) 3 , 4
place in a plane. It follows that 15) 2 , 4 16) 2 , 4
1) its velocity is constant
2) its acceleration is constant HINTS
3) its kinetic energy is constant 1. a) mgr (1 cos )
4) it moves in a circular path. b) K mgr (1 cos )
15. A reference frame attached to earth
c) a g sin
1) is an inertial frame by definition
d) Angle at which the mass flies off the sphere
2) cannot be an inertial frame because the earth
A closer scrutiny of the force equation in the radial
is revolving around the sun.
3) is an inertial frame because Newton’s laws mv 2
direciton, mg cos N .
are applicable in this frame r
4) cannot be an inertial frame because the earth –O–
is rotating about its own axis.
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