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Lekhana Vasti

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No.

3 (2016) Pages 40 – 46
ISSN: 2278-4772

Research Article


Arun Gupta1, Pushpa Sharma2*, Divya Kajaria3

1. Professor & H.O.D., Dept. of Panchkarma, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, New Delhi, India.
2. Clinical Registrar, Dept. of Panchkarma, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, New Delhi, India.
3. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, New Delhi, India.

Received: 21-01-2016; Revised: 27-03-2016; Accepted: 30-03-2016



Sthaulya (obesity) is a burning problem in today’s techno-friendly generation. This disease with its
complications like Hyperlipidaemia, Diabetes, Atherosclerosis and Degenerative Heart Disease is a major
cause for mortality and Morbidity in world. Many choose natural ways of weight loss instead of bariatric
surgery. Panchakarma is always a ray of hope in such type of cases. So in the present study Udvartana and
Lekhana vasti in sushrutha samhita were used to evaluate the role in case of Sthaulya.

Key words: Sthaulya; Obesity; Lekhana vasti; Weight; BMI; Udvartana; Circumferences.


*Address for correspondence:

Dr. Pushpa Sharma
Clinical Registrar, Dept. of Panchkarma,
Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan,
New Delhi, India – 110 073
Email: dr.pushpa_17@yahoo.in

Cite This Article

Arun Gupta, Pushpa Sharma, Divya Kajaria. Lekhana basti: An alternative for
bariatric surgery. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci. 2016;5(3):40-46.

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No. 3 (2016) Pages 40 – 46
ISSN: 2278-4772

INTRODUCTION narrated by Acharyas. The benefits of

Udavartana was also mentioned i.e. Kaphahara
Obesity is considered as metabolic disorder in (reduces kapha), Medasah Pravilayanam
modern literature. The World Health Report (dissolves fat), Sthirikaranam Anganam
2002 of W.H.O. listed obesity under the 10 top (increases the stability of extremities), Tvaka
selected risks to the health. Obesity is a prashadakar (promotes the excellence of
dreadful disease with its hazardous skin).[3] In Sthaulya Udavartana procedure
complications like hypercholesterolemia, removes the foetid odour, restricts the process
ischemic cardiac disorders, hypertension, of excessive sweating, and alleviates the
diabetes mellitus (DM) etc. It is frequently aggravated doshas by function.
blamed on ingestion of heavy and over food
like fast food, junk food, endocrine factors, Lekhana basti is mentioned by different
body built, mechanical life style or heredity Acharyas for Santarpanotha Vyadhi, Kaphaja
etc. Roga and Kaphavrita Vata.[4] Sthaulya is also
among these.[5] The word Lekhana itself
Obesity is the only one disease which is indicates its action means - "Lekhanaam
gaining more and more attention of scientists Patlikaranam"(scarifying helps in reducing
at global level. Many institutions and Medical fat).[6] Thus Lekhana is nothing but a process
schools are making efforts to find a perfect of emaciation while Sharangadhara considered
remedy for this burning problem. It is Lekhana in a wide sense i.e. Lekhana is a
precursor to coronary heart diseases, high process of drying up or desiccation of all
Blood pressure, Diabetes mellitus, Osteo excess Dosha, Dhatu and Mala i.e. Deha
arthritis, infertility& impotence, as well as Vishosanam,[7] Dhatun - Malan va Dehsya
psychological disorders like stress, anxiety, Vishoshya Lekhayechha yat Lekhanam.[8] That
depression etc., which have been recognized means the drug which clarifies the
as the leading diseases of the millennium.[1] protoplasmic contents of tissue cells and thus
gradually clears the system of its deranged
Despite developed techniques like liposuction constituents is known as Lekhana. Basti is
& bariatric surgery, still safe & appropriate prepared by following the method of
remedy is awaited due to complications after Asthapanabasti.
these life threatening procedures. Dumping
Syndrome, dehydration, gall bladder stones, Different types of Lekhana Bastis are
dysphagia, indigestion, kidney stones, described by different Acharyas and a lot of
incisional hernia, malnutrition, ulcers, work with good results has been done on
intolerance to certain foods, beverages & Lekhana Basti. It also explained in other
drugs and dental problems are being faced by Samhitha’s like Madava Nidhana-Medo
people after bariatric surgery.[2] nidhana, Sharangadara Samhitha,
Bavaprakasha and Sangraha granthas like
So after looking the vital importance of Chakradatta, Dipika, Basavarajiyam, Yoga
obesity (Sthaulya), it was selected for the Ratnakara etc.[9][10] In the present study
present study. Hence the management of this Lekhana Basti by sushrutha was evaluated for
disease is merely insufficient in other systems its efficacy in obesity.
of medicine and patients are continuously
looking with a hope towards Ayurveda to AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
overcome this challenge. In all classical texts,
Udavartana (powder massage) is mentioned as To assess the efficacy of Lekhana vasti
part of Dincharya (daily regimen) and for mentioned by sushrutha in Sthaulya and to
Sthaulya, Ruksha (dry) Udavartana was assess the efficacy of udvartana in sthaulya.

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No. 3 (2016) Pages 40 – 46
ISSN: 2278-4772

MATERIAL AND METHODS Diagnostic criteria

Material Required Detailed medical History was taken and

physical examination was done in detail
For Udvartana Triphala churna was used. according to both Modern & Ayurvedic
clinical methods. Patient was diagnosed
The drugs of Lekhana basti and their details according to diagnostic criteria of Sthaulya as
are described as follow[11] mentioned in the classics with the Symptoms
of Chala spik Udara stana, Alasya, Anga
Anuvasana Basti Gourava etc.,[13] and patients with BMI
(25kg/m2-35kg/m2), weight, circumference of
Dashmoola taila - 50ml (for single day) Chest, Abdomen, Hip, mid-Arm, Thigh, are
taken into consideration. Necessary
Niruha Basti[12] (for single day) investigations like FBS, PPBS, RBS, TSH,
Lipid profile are done. Method of grading of
Kwatha Dravya - (400ml) the symptoms was adopted by the previous
Triphala - 100 g research study carriedout in I.P.G.T. & R.A.,
Prakshepa dravya Jamnagar. (Table 2)[14]
Shilajit - 5g
Yavakshara - 5g Revised BMI for Indian status[15]
Kasisa (Feso4 7H2o) - 5g
Tuttha (Cuso4 5H2o) - 5g <18.5 kg/m2 - under weight
Hingu (Asafetida) - 1g 18.5 kg/m2 - 22. 9. kg/m2 - Normal
Madhu (Honey) - 50 g 23. 0kg/m2 - 24. 9. kg/m2 - over weight
Katu Taila (Mustard oil) - 50 ml 25. 0kg/m2 - 26. 9kg/m2 - Grade-I obesity
27.0kg/m2 - 28. 9kg/m2 - Grade-II obesity
Gomutra (Cow’s urine) - 150 ml
29.0kg/m2 - 31. 9kg/m2 - Grade-III obesity
32. 0kg/m2 - morbid obesity
Basti is prepared according to asthapana basti
method described in classics. (Table 1) Inclusion criteria
Table 1: Asthapana basthi dravyas
 Age of pt 18 yrs-60 years.
Drug Latin Name Part used
 Having clinical signs & symptoms.
Amalaki Phyllanthus emblica Fruit  BMI-between 25kg/m2 to 35kg/m2.
Vibhitaki Terminalia bellirica Fruit  Controlled DM (RBS 140-200mg/dl),
Haritaki Terminalia chebula Fruit HTN (sys-upto140/dia-upto90mm of
Shilajeet Asphaltum punjabinum Niryas Hg), and Hypothyroid (Below10miu/l).
Yava Hordeum valgare Kshar (extract)
Hingu Ferula northax Bioss. Niryas
Sarshap Brassica campestris Linn. Oil Exclusion criteria

Plan of study  Age below 18yrs & above 60 years.

 Patient having cardiac problems (CHD,
It was a pilot study, 10 patients of the Sthaulya MI etc.), renal problems, Hepatic
(obesity) were selected from I. P.D. & O. P.D. problems, using Long-term Steroid
Units of Panchakarma department, Ch.Brahm patients, uncontrolled DM, HTN,
Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Khera Hypothyroid.
dabar, New Delhi.  Pregnant women & lactating mother.

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ISSN: 2278-4772

Table 2: Grading of Subjective Parameters

Sl. No. Subjective Parameters Grade

Flabbiness in Hip-Abdomen-Breast (Chala Spika Udara Stana)
1. Absence of Chalatva 0
2. Little visible movement (in the areas) after fast movement 1
3. Little visible movement (in the areas) even after moderate movement 2
4. Movement (in the areas) after mild movement 3
5. Movement (in the areas) even after changing posture 4
Laziness/ Lack of Enthusiasm (Alasya / Utsahahani)
1. No Alasya (doing work satisfactory with proper vigour in time) 0
2. Doing work satisfactory with initiation late in time 1
3. Doing work unsatisfactory with lot of mental pressure and late in time 2
4. No starting any work in his own responsibility doing little work very slowly 3
5. Does not have any initiation and not wants to work even after pressure 4
Dyspnoea On Exertion (Kshudra swasa / Ayasena swasa)
1. Dyspnoea after heavy work (movement) but relieved soon and upto tolerance 0
2. Dyspnoea after moderate work but relived later and up to tolerance 1
3. Dyspnoea after little work but relieved later and upto tolerance 2
4. Dyspnoea after little work but relieved later and beyond tolerance 3
5. Dyspnoea in resting condition 4
Excess sleep (Nidradhikya)
1. Normal sleep 6-7 hrs./per day 0
2. Sleep upto 8 hrs./day with Anga gaurava 1
3. Sleep upto 8 hrs./day with Anga and Jrimbha 2
4. Sleep upto 10 hrs./day with Tandra 3
5. Sleep more than 10 hrs./day with Tandra and Klama 4
Excess Sweating [Swedadhikya] (At normal temperature in normal condition)
1. Sweating after heavy work and fast movement or in hot season 0
2. Profuse sweating after moderate work and movement 1
3. Sweating after little work and movement 2
4. Profuse sweating after little work and movement 3
5. Sweating even at rest or in cold season 4
General weakness [Daurbalya (Alpa Vyayam)]
1. Can do routine exercise 0
2. Can do moderate exercise without difficulty 1
3. Can do only mild exercise 2
4. Can do mild exercise with very difficulty 3
5. Cannot be even mild exercise 4
Heaviness in the Body (Anga Gaurava)
1. No heaviness in body 0
2. Feels heaviness in body but it does not hamper routine work 1
3. Feels heaviness in body which hamper daily routine work 2
4. Feels heaviness in body which hamper movement of the body 3
5. Feels heaviness with flabbiness in all over body which cause distress to the person 4
Oily Body luster (Snigdhangata)
1. Normal snigdhata (luster ) 0
2. Oily luster of body in summer season 1
3. Oily luster of body in dry season 2
4. Excessive oily luster of body in dry season which can be removed with difficulty 3
5. Persistence and profuse stickiness all over body 4

Study design
of 16 days duration with a gap of 1month
To all the 10 patients Udvartana was between each sitting.
performed and Lekhana vasti (kala vasti
schedule) was administered in 2 sittings each
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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No. 3 (2016) Pages 40 – 46
ISSN: 2278-4772

Follow up period: Once in 15 days for 2 Vighatana) by Ushna-Virya Pradhana triphala

months churna (used in udvartana) which decreases
Assessment Criteria Meda by its Lekhana Shoshana and
Kaphanashaka properties, Laghu, Ruksha
Each selected patient after completion of 2- Guna, Karshana, Lekhanaiya, Amapachana,
cycles of treatment (2 months) subjected for Dhatushoshana properties, which normalize
both subjective and objective parameters and the state of Agni. Thus the function of Stroto-
treatment were assessed in terms of statistical Vibandhanasana acts against Kapha, Kleda
evaluations based on change in both and Meda,Which is effective on Rasa, Meda,
parameters, before treatment & after Medodhatvagni, and provided good results in
treatment. all signs and symptoms. Thus, regulated
Jatharagni, checks the excessive growth and
Procedure Pattern accumulation of Medodhatu and thereby
causing Lakshana Upshamana of disease
First udvartana was done for 20 minutes on Sthaulya. By the properties such as Laghu,
whole body. After that Basti karma is Ruksha, Ushna, Tikshna gunas it causes
preceded by local Abhyanga and Sweda to medodhatvagni deepana at the same time it
abdomen, back and thigh regions. In Pradana removes avarana of meda on vata dosha hence
karma administering Anuvasana and Niruha bringing jatharagni to its normalcy. By the
vasti alternatively for16 days (kala basti). virtue of aforesaid gunas it removes
Same procedure was followed again with a abhisyanda from srotas & absorbs excesssive
gap of 1month. With the above procedure kleda which adds in samprapti of sthaulya and
pattern of Basti, no complication was brings mamsa meda dhatu to their normal
observed. The significant changes in Wt, BMI, sanghnana state.
Body circumferences, & symptoms shows
reduction with effect of “Lekhana vasti ” due Lekhanaa Vasti by virtue of its ingredients
to Lekhana prabhava of the drugs. have Katu, Tikta, Kashaya rasa, Laghu,
Ruksha, Tikshna Guna, Ushna virya, Katu
DISCUSSION vipaka, Lekhana, Kapha-vata hara, Deepana-
pachana & Sroto-shodhaka properties. In
Obesity can be defined as "Excessive pathogenesis of Sthaulya, dosha’s like “Kapha
deposition or distribution of fat in the body". (kledaka), Pitta (pachaka), Vata (Samana &
According to Dorland, "Obesity is an increase vyana), Dusya’s like rasa, Meda and Medo
in body weight beyond the limitation of Datvagni mandyata” are main responsible
skeletal and physical requirements as the factors.[16][17][18] Hence, in the present study a
result of excessive accumulation of body fat ". humble effort was made to treate obesity,
In Sthaulya, due to obstruction by Meda - using Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy i. e.,
Vyana Vayu could not transport nutrient to vasti because Vata is playing an important role
other Dhatu so Medadhatu is increased and in Samprapti of Sthaulya. Here, in Vasti
Uttaradhatu decreased. procedure, Acharya susrutha described a
Lekhana vasti (a type of Niruhavasti) in
In the disease Sthaulya, Tikshnagni occurs. Chikitsastana which can be used in
Here, Jatharagni is found in excessive Sthaulya.[19]
condition whereas Medodhatvagni is found in
Manda condition. It is due to Avarana of Vayu The drugs which are used for preparation of
in Kostha. So person indulges more food, Lekhana vasti possess following gunas like;
which produce excessive Meda and vitiated Katu, Tikta, Kashaya rasa, Laghu, Ruksha,
cycle goes on. This cycle is broken (Samprapti Tikshna guna, Ushna virya, Katu vipaka

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No. 3 (2016) Pages 40 – 46
ISSN: 2278-4772

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ISSN: 2278-4772

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& 559. Orientalia; 2004. p. 209-220.
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Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None Declared

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