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Islamic Grade-1-Booklet-Part-1

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GRADE 1(Part 1)


Topic: Allah, My Lord

WALT: Find out that Allah is the Lord of this universe.

Mention that Allah is the Lord of the worlds.

Activity 1: Basic

Color the picture and Write a few creations of Allah from the given picture that Allah created for

1. ____________________________ 2. ________________________________

3.______________________________ 4. _______________________________

5. _____________________________
Activity 2: Intermediate

Circle the Picture that means Allah guides His creatures to their good:

Activity 3: Intermediate

Choose the Picture that shows the correct behavior:

Activity 4: Advance

Write the names of some animals that are mentioned in the Holy Quran?

1. _____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

Self- Evaluation:

Teacher’s Remarks: _____________________________________________________________


Next Steps: ____________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: Surat Al Fatiha

WALT: Explain the overall meaning of surah Al Fatiha.

Mention that Allah is “The Beneficent” and “The Merciful”.

Begin my Actions with “Bismillah” and end with “Alhamdulillah”.

Activity 1: Basic

Fill in the Blanks by choosing the appropriate word from the word bank:

Bismillah Alhamdulillah

1. A Muslim begins his actions with _____________________.

2. A Muslim ends his actions with _______________________.
Activity 2: Basic

Check the right behavior of the Muslim in the following Picture?

Activity 3: Intermediate

Check √ the correct statement?

1. A Muslim worships Allah alone.

2. Allah is the Lord of all the universe.

3. Surat An Nas is the first surah of Al Quran.

4. Allah is the owner of the Day of Judgment.

Activity 4: Intermediate

Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B:

Alhamdulillah The Straight Path

Malik The Day of Judgment

Siraat-al-Mustaqeem We ask for help

Yawm-mid-din Praise is for Allah

Nastaeen The Owner

Activity 5: Advance
Answer the following questions?
1. What is the first surah of Al Quran?
Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

2. Whom do we ask for help?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

3. What is the meaning of Ar Rehman?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

4. What is the meaning of Yawm-mid-dim?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________________

Enrichment Activity:
Search for two other names of Surah Al Fatiha?

Teacher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: Truthfulness is the way to Paradise

WALT: Explain the concept of truthfulness.

Compare the reward of the Truthful and the end of the Liars.

Activity 1: Basic

Identify which is the attitude of Truthfulness?

___________________________________ ___________________________________

Activity 2: Basic

Match each sentence with a suitable answer?

1. Truthful people will go into the truth

2. A Muslim is Truthful, he does not lie

3. I love Paradise

Activity 3: Intermediate

Activity 4: Intermediate
Search the following word in the table:

Activity 5: Advanced

1. What is the reward of the truthful people?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

2. Mention one bad effect of telling lies?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

3. What is the Arabic word for Truthfulness?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

Enrichment Activity:
Search the nick name of Prophet Muhammed PBUH in Al Makkah?


Teacher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: Pillars of Islam

Walt: Explain the five Pillars of Islam.

Find out the benefit of each Pillar of Islam.

A Noble Hadith

Ibn Omar May Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah, Peace be upon him said,

“Islam is based on five Pillars: The Testimony that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammed is His
Messenger, Prayer, Giving Zakat, Fasting in the month of Ramadan, and the Pilgrimage to House of Allah”.

(Bukhari and Muslim)

Activity 1: Basic

Color the Triangle on the bottom of each picture to which indicates the Pillars of Islam:
Activity 2: Basic

Choose the correct Answer:

1. When Muslims perform Hajj, then go…

a. Madina b. Makkah c. Jeddah
2. The Arabic name for fasting is
a. Salah b. Shahadah c. Sawm
3. Muslims fast in the month of ….
1. Ramadan b. Rajab c. Rabi ul Awwal

Activity 3: Intermediate

Match the words in column A with suitable ones in column B:

Shahadah Praying five times of a day

Salah Helping the Poor

Zakah Testifying that there Allah is the only God and Prophet
Muhammed PBUH is the Messenger of Allah.

Sawm Pilgrimage to the House of Allah.

Hajj Fasting in the month of Ramadan.

Activity 4: Intermediate

Color the correct sentences with GREEN and wrong sentences with RED:

1. Muslims worship one God.

2. Zakah is for rich people.

3. There are 6 daily prayers.

4. Hajj can be done once a year.

5. Sawm means to pray.

Activity 5: Advance
Give your opinion?

1. What is the benefit of Praying?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

2. What is the benefit of Zakah?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

3. What is the benefit of Salah?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

4. What is the benefit of Hajj?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

Enrichment Activity:

Search for the name of the door of the Pradise through which only those who fast will enter?

Self-Evaluation: Prayer Time Table

How would you maintain your daily Prayers?

Teacher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: The Birth Of Prophet Muhammed Peace be upon him


WALT: Explain the story of Birth of prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.

Express my love to Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.

Activity 1: Basic

Color the following poster?

Activity 2: Basic

1. Do as Directed:
a. Who was Prophet Muhammed’s grandfather? (color it yellow)
b. Who was Prophet Muhammed’s mother? (color it red)
c. Who was Prophet Muhammed’s father? (color it blue)
d. Who was Prophet Muhammed’s nurse? (color it green)


Haleema Sadia
Abdul Muttalib

Activity 3: Intermediate
Circle the correct Answer?

1.He was happy with his birth and gave him the name of “Muhammed”:

a. His mother Aminah b. His Father Abdullah c.His grand father Abdul Muttalib

2. He passed away before Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him was born:

a.His Father b.His mother c.His grandfather

3. Prophet Muhammed was sent to a _________for a better growth:

a. Desert b. Hilly area c. Jungle

Activity 4: Intermediate

Match Colum A with Colum B?


His Father Aminah

His Mother Abdullah

His Grandfather Haleema Sadia

His Nurse Abdul Muttalib

Activity 5: Advance

Answer the following Question?

1. In which month the Prophet peace be upon him was born?

Ans: ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Why did all nannies refused to take and nurse Prophet Muhammed PBUH?

Ans: ___________________________________________________________________________

3. What is the meaning of Orphan?

Ans: ___________________________________________________________________________

Enrichment Activity:
Search for the name of Prophet Muhammed’s peace be upon him tribe?


Teacher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________


Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: Allah the All Beneficent


WALT: Discover that Allah, glory be to him is Merciful to his creations.

Mention examples of Allah’s mercy towards His creatures.

Activity 1: Basic

Write the following sentence in the lines given below



Activity 2: Basic

Circle the picture that indicates Allah’s mercy to his creatures.

Activity 3: Intermediate
Put the check mark in front of the correct behavior?

Activity 4: Advance
Mention some acts that we can do to have mercy on your parents?

Enrichment Activity:
Search for a surah in the Holy Quran that begins with the word Ar-Rehman the All-Beneficent


Teacher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________


Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: Surah Al Ikhlas

WALT: Explain the vocabulary of the Surah.

Explain the overall meaning of the Surah.

In the name of Allah the All Beneficent, All Merciful.

1. Say He is Allah, The One.

2. Allah is He on whom we all depend.
3. He does not have children nor does he have parents.
4. And no one is comparable to Him.

Activity 1: Basic

Write the meaning of the Following Arabic Words?

As Samad: ___________________

Al Ahad: ____________________

Kufuwan: ___________________

Activity 2: Intermediate

Allah One Help

Choose a suitable word and Fill in the blanks?

1. Allah is ____________ without a partner.

2. There is no one like ___________.
3. Muslims seek _________ from Allah.
Activity 3: Advance

Write some acts that we do to show our love for Allah.

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________

4. _______________________________


Teacher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: Pillars of Islamic Belief

WALT: Explain the six pillars of Islamic Belief.

Express his strong faith in Allah glory be to Him.

There are six pillars of Islamic faith

1.Belief that there is only one God that is
2.Belief in Angels.
3.Belief in the Books of Allah.
4.Belief in the Messengers of Allah.
5.Belief in the Day of Judgment.
6.Belief in the Devine Decree.

Activity 1: Basic

Indicate True or False?

1. Worshipping Allah and pleasing Him comes first before anything else. _______________

2. Allah means “The God to worship”. ________________

3. Allah is the One and Only who created all of us. ______________

4. To believe in Allah is one of the Pillars of Faith. _______________

5. There are four pillars of Faith. ________________

6. Muslims believe in One God. ________________

Activity 2: Intermediate

List any two names of Allah?

Activity 3: Intermediate
Match Colum A with Colum B?
The Last Messenger of Allah The Holy Quran.

The Last Book of Allah Belief in Allah

Pillars of Islamic Belief are Angel Jibreel

First Pillar of Islamic Belief Prophet Muhammed peace be upon


Muslims believe that Allah is Six

Name of an Angel The One and Only God.

Activity 4: Advance
Answer the following Questions?
1. What is the First pillar of Faith?
Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

2. When and where we can see Allah?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

3. Write the names of two Prophets of Allah?

Ans: _______________________________________________________________________

4. Mention the name of one angel?

Ans: ______________________________________________________________________

5. Give your opinion that why Allah glory be to Him created us?
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________

Enrichment Activity:
Mention some of the Acts with which man is distinguished from other creatures?





cher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: The Etiquette of Cleanliness

WALT: Explain the importance of cleanliness in Islam.

Suggest some ways of keeping yourselves clean.

Activity 1: Basic

Match the Cleaning Tool with the right sentence.

Throw Garbage in the Dust Bin

Wipe your nose with Tissue Paper.

Brush your teeth with tooth brush.

Comb your hairs with comb.

Activity 2: Intermediate

Choose the right behavior by using check mark.

1. Cleanliness is keeping yourself and your surroundings clean.

2. Cleaning your classroom is not the part of cleanliness.

3. Combing your hairs is the part of cleanliness.

4. Cleanliness is half of faith.

5. Allah loves those people who keep their selves clean.

6. Wadoo is the best way of keeping yourself clean.

7. When we wash our hands we should waste water.

8. We should not throw garbage on the floor.

9. We should keep our room clean.

10. Islam teaches us to be clean.

Activity 3: Advance

Give your opinion about the following behaviors?

1. He is lazy so he does not throw waste in the trash basket.

2. He does not clean his teeth before sleep.
3. He wastes too much water when he washes his hands.
Enrichment Activity:
Suggest some ways of keeping your school Bus clean?
I Color the box which shows that you observe the specific behavior?

Teacher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________


Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

Topic: Wudu (Minor Ablution)

WALT: Demonstrate the steps of Wudu.

Find out the states in which wudu is required.

Activity 1: Basic

Mark the organs of Wudu, then color them

Activity 2: Intermediate

Number the following Wudu steps in order.

Activity 3: Intermediate

Choose the correct Answer:

Activity 4: Advance

Circle the pictures in which Wudu is required?

Enrichment Activity:

How can we save water while doing Wudu. Suggest some tips.

Teacher’s Remarks: _______________________________________________________________


Next Steps: _______________________________________________________________________


Teacher’s Signature: _____________________ Dated: _______________________

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