Concept of Swedana Karma in Ayurveda
Concept of Swedana Karma in Ayurveda
Concept of Swedana Karma in Ayurveda
Dr Murlidhar Paliwal*
Ayurveda advocates number of therapeutic procedures for the cure of different
diseases. Snehana, Swedana, Langhana, Brimhana, Rukshana and Stambhana are
the Shadupakramas (six therapeutic procedures) on which entire clinical practice
depends and it is the reason why Acharya Charak has stated that only he is the
real physician who knows these Shadupakramas. Either it is the case of
Kayachikitsa or of Shalya-chikitsa, these upakramas (therapeutic procedures) are
considered and applied according to the need of the patient and disease.
Swedana-karma is one significant upakrama out of Shadupakramas. Sweda,
gharma, and nidagha are the synonyms having the meaning of perspiration.
Swedana-karma (fomentation) means that thermal or non-thermal procedure
which cures stiffness, heaviness and cold and produces sweating in the body. By
virtue of the properties of Swedana dravyas, it is mainly beneficial in Vata-
Kaphaja rogas (diseases). Different types of Swedana are discussed in Ayurveda
considering different diseases and their stages. Sagni-niragni, ruksha-snigdha and
ekanga-sarvanga Swedana are discussed in the text which explores the area and
scope of this procedure.
lightness and maintains the normal temperature. The the base of area of application. He has discussed
exact concept of Swedana cannot be understood thirteen types of Sagni-sweda. These are as follows-
until and unless we discuss the different approaches
of the same. For instance, snigdha-sweda cannot be 1. Sankara-sweda (mixed fomentation)
given in persons suffering from Kaphaja roga and 2. Prastar-sweda (hot-bed fomentation)
Ama-dosha where as ruksha-sweda is applicable, 3. Nadi-sweda (steam kettle fomentation)
ruksha-sweda cannot be administered in Vatik- 4. Parishek-sweda (afflusion fomentation)
rogas, Tapa and Ushma-sweda is not indicated in 5. Avagahan-sweda (bath sudation)
association of Pitta dosha but Drava-sweda can be 6. Jentak-sweda (sudatorium sudation)
administered, Sankar-sweda, Nadi-sweda are given 7. Ashmaghan-sweda (stone-bed fomentation)
for local fomentation where as Jentak-sweda, 8. Karshu-sweda (trench fomentation)
Prastar-sweda, Ashmaghan-sweda, Kuti-sweda, 9. Kuti-sweda (cabin fomentation)
Bhu-sweda, Karshu-sweda, Kumbhi-sweda, Kupa- 10. Bhu-sweda (ground-bed fomentation)
sweda and Holak-sweda are advised for general 11. Kumbhi-sweda (pitcher-bed fomentation)
fomentation. Swedana is of non-thermal type also 12. Kupa-sweda (pit fomentation)
and advised in different conditions such as heavy 13. Holak-sweda (under-bed fomentation)11
clothing and fasting in fever, Vyayam for obese,
Atap-sevan (exposure to sun) and ushna-sadan Acharya Charaka has discussed about ten types of
(heated chamber) for those suffering from cold, niragni-sweda also, which are as follows:
Ahava (wrestling) and vyayam (exercise) for those
1. Vyayama (Exercise)
suffering from increased Meda and Kapha. Swedana
2. Ushnasadan (residing in warm chamber)
is advised considering many factors like disease,
3. Gurupravaran (heavy clothing)
season, diseased person, nature of sweda, proper
4. Kshudha (Hunger)
drugs and proper place.8 In diseases due to cold and
5. Bahupan (Excessive drinking)
strong persons, strong fomentation is prescribed. In
6. Bhaya (fear)
weak and medium persons, it should be mild and
7. Krodha (anger)
medium respectively. In case of Vata located in
8. Upanah (application of poultice)
Amashaya and Kapha located in Pakwashaya,
9. Ahava (wrestling)
fomentation should be followed by rough and
10. Atap (exposure to sunshine)12
unctuous measures respectively. Testicles, heart and
eyes should not be fomented or should be mildly Acharya Sushruta has enumerated four types of
fomented. In groins medium type of fomentation swedas viz. Tapa-sweda, Ushma-sweda, Upanah-
may be applied. In remaining parts of the body, sweda and Drava-sweda and stated that all the
Swedana can be applied as required.9 Swedana swedas can be included under these four
should be done with the substances suitable for categories.13 Dalhana, the commentator of Sushruta-
particular disease after oleation therapy. Ruksha- Samhita, stated that Charakokta thirteen types can
sweda advised in Amavat roga is not done after be included in these four types. He says that Jentak-
oleation therapy. It should be administered in a sweda, Karshu-sweda, Kuti-sweda, Kupa-sweda,
specific chamber which is free from excessive wind Holak-sweda can be included in Tapa-sweda,
and pollution. If Dosha is localized in a particular Sankar-sweda, Prastar-sweda, Ashmaghan-sweda,
part of the body then local fomentation should be Nadi-sweda, Kumbhi-sweda and Bhu-sweda can be
given but when it has been spread all over the body, included in Ushma-sweda, Parishek-sweda and
only general fomentation will serve the purpose. Avagah-sweda can be included in Drava-sweda.13
After Swedana-karma a patient should take Acharya Sushruta has stated that Tapa and Ushma-
wholesome diet and avoid exercise and other sweda pacify Kapha dosha, Upanah-sweda pacifies
activities which cause exertion.10 Hence multiple Vata-dosha and Drava-sweda is advised where Pitta
factors are considerable before administration of -dosha is associated with Vata or Kapha dosha,
Swedana for desired results. Swedana by Heavy clothings, exercise, basking in
the sun, wrestling etc. is advised where Vata is
Classification of Swedana associated with Kapha-dosha and Medo-dhatu.14
Acharya Vriddha Vagbhata has also enumerated
Acharya Charak has divided Swedana on the base of
four types of swedas similar to Acharya Sushruta
three different approaches. Sagni (thermal
but he has discussed eight types of Ushma-sweda
fomentation) and niragni (non-thermal fomentation)
which includes Kupa-sweda, Kuti-sweda and Jentak-
on the base of presence and absence of fire, Ruksha
sweda also. He has discussed eleven types of
(dry) and snigdha (unctuous) Swedana on the base
Niragni-sweda (non-thermal fomentation) viz.
of materials being used and Ekanga (local
Nivat-sadan (residing in windless compartment),
fomentation) and sarvanga (general fomentation) on
ISSN: 2394-6547 J. Adv. Res. Ayur. Yoga Unani Sidd. Homeo. 2015; 2(2): 25-29.
27 Paliwal M
Gurupravaran (heavy clothings), Muhurmuhu foment. Where we are talking in the context of
madyapan (frequent alcoholic drinks), Vyayam cooking, the first meaning should be taken e.g.
(exercise), kshudha (hunger), Atap-sevan (exposure Swinna-Tandula (cooked rice) but while we are
to sun shine), Niyuddha (wrestling), adhva discussing a therapy, the second meaning i.e.
(wayfaring), Bharharan (to carry heavy loads), fomentation should be taken. The terms Swedana-
Amarsh (anger) and bhaya (fear).15 Acharya dravya and swedopag-dravya are different and needs
Vagbhata has discussed four types of Sagni-sweda exposition. Swedana dravyas are those which are
similar to Acharya Sushrut. He has discussed ten mainly responsible for Swedana where as swedopag-
types of niragni-swedas with minor difference from dravyas (Shobhanjan, Erand, Arka etc.) are the
Charak’s view. Vagbhata has enumerated Nivat- adjuvant in Swedana-karma. A question comes that
griha at the place of Ushna-sadan and Ayasa at the whether Swedana is always used before shodhan
place of Vyayam in Niragni-sweda.16 Acharya and shaman chikitsa or somewhere else? Acharya
Kashyap has propounded eight types of swedas viz. Sushruta has clarified this issue in a scientific way.
Hasta-sweda (fomentation by warm hand), Pradeha He says that Fomentation is applied before Nasya-
(to anoint), Nadi-sweda, Prastar-sweda, Sankar- karma (Head evacuative therapy), Basti-karma
sweda, Upanah-sweda, Avagah-sweda and (enema therapy) and shodhan-karma (purification
Parishek-sweda.17 procedures), after the removal of foreign bodies,
Mudhagarbha having no complications and normal
Indications of Swedana-Karma delivery and before and after in case of fistula in
ano, piles and calculus.20 Swedana is indicated in the
Swedana-karma is advised in Pratishyaya (coryza), state of Ama-dosha in Charak-Samhita where as in
cough, hiccough, dyspnea, heaviness of the body, Ashtang-Samgraha and Ashtang-Hridaya it is
pain in the ear, neck, and head, hoarseness of voice, indicated when previous food is digested. Now what
spasmodic obstruction in the throat, paralysis of the to do? This problem can be solved by considering
face, one limb, whole body or half of the body, two types of sweda i.e. samshaman sweda
bending of the body, distension of the abdomen, (fomentation for alleviation purpose) and
constipation, suppression of urine, yawning, samshodhanartha sweda (fomentation for
stiffness of the sides, back, waist and abdomen, purification purpose). Samshaman type of sweda can
sciatica, dysuria, enlargement of scrotum, malaise, be given in the state of Ama-dosha what Charak has
pain and stiffness of feet, knee, calf, oedema, suggested and the sweda which is being given for
neuralgia of extremities, diseases due to impaired samshodhan purpose, be given when previous meal
digestion and metabolism, in chill, shivering, is digested as suggested by the authors of Ashtang-
affliction of ankle joint by Vata, in contraction, Samgraha and Ashtang-Hridaya. Therefore there is
extension or colic pain, stiffness, excessive no contradiction between Acharya Charak and other
heaviness, numbness and in diseases affecting the authors. Generally Snehana and Swedana before
whole body.18 Panchakarma are suggested to administer to bring
forth the vitiated dosha in the elimination form. If
Contra-Indications of Swedana-Karma this situation takes place without Snehana and
Swedana in a person who is having vitiated doshas
The physician should not administer fomentation in excess, then without Snehana and Swedana, a
therapy to those who have taken too much physician can advise for Vaman etc. procedures.
astringents and alcohol, the pregnant woman, in Softness of the body parts takes place when
Raktapitta (disease characterized by bleeding from Swedana is applied after proper internal and external
different orifices of the body), diarrhea, Paittika Snehana (oleation). Indications and contra-
type of obstinate urinary disorder specially diabetes indications are given by all the scholars of
mellitus, inflammation and prolapsed of rectum, Ayurveda, yet the stage of the disease, place and
toxic conditions, alcoholism, those having Paittika season should be considered very sincerely as
constitution and dry skin, those who are fatigued, Swedana being administered in winter cannot be
unconscious, fatty, thirsty, hungry, in a fit of anger given as it is in summer in same condition of
and anxiety, jaundice, abdominal disease, disease. Therefore all the factors which influence the
consumption, Vatarakta (gout), those who are weak efficacy should be considered sincerely. Various
and dried up and whose ojas has been reduced in the types of bed or pit or cabin are discussed in
body and in Timir-roga.19 Ayurvedic classics under the material and methods
of Swedana-karma, which has been changed
Discussion according to the need and technological
While we discuss the meaning of the term sweda, it advancements of present scenario. Nowadays
gives mainly two meaning i.e. to cook and to different types of Swedana boxes are available in
J. Adv. Res. Ayur. Yoga Unani Sidd. Homeo. 2015; 2(2): 25-29. ISSN: 2394-6547
Paliwal M 28
which either steam of the medicinal decoction or 5. Agnivesh, Charak-Samhita, with the Ayurveda-
electric bulbs are used to produce heat for Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta. Edited
fomentation. Resources available in ancient period by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya.
may not be available in present, similarly conditions Sutrasthan-2/15. Chaukhamba Surbharati
laid down in Jentak-sweda may not be feasible for Prakashan, Varanasi (India), reprint edition-
each and every one in present, therefore 2000: 25.
modification or way of application may be different 6. Agnivesh, Charak-Samhita, with the Ayurveda-
keeping in view the target of Swedana and Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta. Edited
ultimately relief to the patient. by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya.
Sutrasthan-14/13. Chaukhamba Surbharati
Conclusion Prakashan, Varanasi (India), reprint edition-
2000: 88.
Swedana-karma is one of the most useful 7. Agnivesh, Charak-Samhita, with the Ayurveda-
therapeutic procedures being practiced in Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta. Edited
since long back. It causes relief in pain, stiffness, by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya.
heaviness and many other diseases if properly Sutrasthan-25/40. Chaukhamba Surbharati
administered. Its area and scopes are very much Prakashan, Varanasi (India), reprint edition-
wide due to multidimensional approach. It is 2000: 131.
administered as a shaman-chikitsa as well as before 8. Agnivesh, Charak-Samhita, with the Ayurveda-
shodhan-chikitsa. All the scholars of Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta. Edited
discussed this procedure which shows the gravity by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya.
and utility of the concept. Its ultimate aim is to Sutrasthan-14/6. Chaukhamba Surbharati
foment either by thermal techniques or non-thermal, Prakashan, Varanasi (India), reprint edition-
either by ununctuous material or by unctuous 2000: 88.
materials and so on. It can be applied to a particular 9. Agnivesh, Charak-Samhita, with the Ayurveda-
part of the body as well as whole body. It is Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta. Edited
beneficial in Vata-Kaphaja rogas mainly. The by Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya.
materials and technology in application of Swedana Sutrasthan-14/7-10. Chaukhamba Surbharati
is not constant, it may be changed according to need Prakashan, Varanasi (India), reprint edition-
and advancements, but the concept of Swedana 2000: 88.
never changes. 10. Agnivesh, Charak-Samhita, with the Ayurveda-
Dipika commentary by Chakrapanidatta. Edited
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J. Adv. Res. Ayur. Yoga Unani Sidd. Homeo. 2015; 2(2): 25-29. ISSN: 2394-6547