Main property:
Rasayana: rejuvenation
Vrushya: infertility
Twak dosa: Skin related issues
Krimigna: intestinal worms
Rasayana / rejuvenation:
It is recommended for the rejuvenation of each and every part of the
Kushta also act as a fine detoxifier as it has ability to flush out
toxins hence enhancing rejuvenation.
Recommended as a supplement in infertility as it specially nurtures
the reproductive organs i.e. why it also works well in menstrual
disorders especially painful menstrual cycle.
It is mentioned as Sukrasodhana: Group of herbs that cleanse semen,
correct sperm morphology
Asana eladi taila: It is a herbal oil used in the treatment of headache, ear
and eye diseases. It is used for external application only.
abdominal colic pain, low back ache, heart burn, indigestion, gastritis,
fistula, jaundice, anemia, urinary tract disorders, gout.
Other uses:
Kushta churna (powder) is applied with butter milk as lepa (paste) for
3-5 gm of Kushta powder with honey help to relieve cough and asthma