Review Article On Samsarjana Krama
Review Article On Samsarjana Krama
Review Article On Samsarjana Krama
Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
The term “Panchkarma” represents five therapeutic Kritakrita Mamsarasa. The word Samsarjana is
procedures of Samshodhana (internal purification of derived from the combination of two words i.e Sama
the body) by evacuation of accumulated morbid means Samyak (proper) and Sarjana means the act of
Dosha from the body through the nearest possible creating or formation. Here formation refers to the
route. Samshodhana Karma can be categorized as formation of body tissue from nutrition derived
Poorva Karma, Pradhana Karma, Pashchata Karma. through the intake of meals. Krama means sequence
Poorva Karma includes Deepana, Pachana, Snehana, here specialized type of sequential administration of
and Swedana, Pradhana Karma includes; Vamana, nutrients in the diet of an individual. Here we
Virechana, Niruha Basti, Anuvasana Basti, Nasya introduce Aahara from Laghu to Guru Aahara. This
and Raktamokshna, Paschata Karma; includes Peyadi will help to increase the Agni and stabilize the Agni.
Samsarjana Krama, Rasayanadi Karma and
Due to elimination of the Doshas from the body after
Shamana Prayoga. After Panchkarma (mainly
Shodhana Karma, Agni will be hampered. So to
Vamana and Virechana) Jatharagni get disturbed and
correct this Agni Peya or Tarpana or Rasa
diminished and patient is likely to be weakened. In
Samsarjana Krama should be followed.1 Acharya
this condition, after the administration of Vamana Charaka has given one simile to understand the
Karma or Virechana Karma a special diet regimen is importance of Samsarjana Krama. As a small spark
followed called as Samsarjana Krama which means a of fire gets gradually ignited by putting little quantity
proper sequence of Peya- Vilepi- Kritakrita Yusha-
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49739 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1402
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
of cow-dung, dry gross etc….Similarly the Agni in 1. PEYADI SAMSARJANA KRAMA.
the Shodhita person gradually grows strong and Indication
become stable and capable of digesting all types of Peyadi samsarjana krama is indicated after
food by the administration of Peya etc…. Samsarjana vamana & virechana, mandagni, after langhana or
Krama2. during langhana to protect agni and the prana5.
During snehapana, after vamana, virechana &
rakta mokshana, after niruha basti, agni mandhya.
1. Conceptual study of Samsarjana Krama.
Agni will be exahasted by use of very heavy
2. Study of different types of Samsarjana Krama
foods just like a small spark of fire coverd with
according to different views.
heavy fuel. It gets increased by use of little
3. Importance of different preparations used in
quantity of light food just like a spark of fire
Samsarjana Krama.
when fed by small and less quantity of fuel6.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Samsarjana krama is adopted to correct
1. Classical texts and related commentaries of agnimandhya after samshodhana,
Ayurveda. Raktamokshana, snehapana & langhana7.
2. Study materials available on internet.
Course of Peyadi Samsarjana Krama
Need of Samsarjana Krama The planning of Samsarjana Krama should be based
Due to the elimination of Dosha from the body after on the type of Shudhi i.e. Hina Shudhi, Madhyama
Samshodhana karma, Agni becomes weak. So as to Shudhi and Pravara Shudhi it is of 3 days, 5 days and
restore the strength of Agni and Prana, Peyadi 7 days respectively8.
Samsarjana Krama should be followed3. Due to more 1. Samsarjana Krama according to Bala Sushurata
quantity of elimination of Dosha from the body after mentioned the Samsarjana Krama can be
Shodhana Karma the Agni becomes weak. To protect followed by considering the strength of the
Agni and to achieve proper Shodhana Phala (benefits patient. Samsarjana Krama should be planned as
of Shodhana) Samsarjana Krama is essential. If per the Bala. The individuals having Pravara bala
Samyak Aoushadha Jeerna Lakshana occurs we start 3 Annakala are advocated, 2 Annakala for
on the day of Vamana, if not or any little Aoushadha Madhyama bala and 1 Annakala for the
remains in the body then Samsarjana Krama starts on individuals with Avara bala. Dalhana mentioned
next day morning4. that, Bala can be judged by Upchaya9.
Types of Samsarjana Krama Table No.1: Showing relation of Bala with No. of
1. Peyadi Samsarjana Krama. Annakala to be adopted
2. Tarpanadi Samsarjana Krama. Bala No. of Annakala
3. Rasa Samsarjana Krama. Pravara 3
Madhyama 2
Avara 1
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49739 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1403
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Prastha is Avara, ½ Adhaka is Madhyama and 1 Adhaka is Pravara or Uttama. In 1 Prastha Pramana of
Dosha,Yavagu made by adding little amount of rice one time is given to the patient. In ½ Adhaka Pramana of
Dosha, Peya should be given to the patient twice. In 1 Adhaka Pramana of Dosha, Peya should be given for
three times10.
Table no.3: Showing level of Shudhi in realtion with quantity of Dosha eliminated
Dosha Pramana Level of shudhi
1 Adhaka Pravara
½ Adhaka Madhyama
1 Prastha Avara
Table No.4: Showing Plan of Peyadi Samsarjana Krama according to Sushruta
1st day Evening Peya Peya Peya
Morning Peya Peya Vilepi
2nd Day
Evening Peya Vilepi Akrita Yusha /
Morning Vilepi Vilepi Krita Yusha
3rd Day
Evening Vilepi Akrita Yusha Mamsa rasa of lava, harina
Morning Vilepi AKrita Yusha Normal Diet
4th day
Evening Akrita Yusha krita Yusha
5th day Morning AKruta Yusha krita Yusha
Evening AKruta Yusha Mamsa Rasa
Morning kruta Yusha Mamsa Rasa
6th day
Evening Kruta Yusha Normal Diet
Morning Kruta Yusha
7th day
Evening Mamsa Rasa
Morning Mamsa Rasa
8th day
Evening Mamsa Rasa
9 day Morning Normal Diet
Table No.5: Ahara Kalpana and it’s Prepartion.
Peya 1: 14 (Rice : water)
vilepi 1: 4 (Rice : water)
Odana 1: 5 (Rice : water)
Indications of Tarpanadi Krama11
1. The patients with increased Kapha and Pitta Dosha.
2. When Kapha and Pitta are eliminated in a smaller quantity during Samshodhana.
3. In the alcoholic patients.
4. The patients having Vata and Pitta Prakriti.
In above condition peyadi samsarjana krama is contraindicated because it causes abhishayndata in Shodhita
person. According to Chakrapani, Svaccha Tarpana can be given instead of Peya and Ghan Tarpan instead of
Vilepi. Preparation of Svaccha Tarpana: 1part Laja + 14 parts water. Ghana Tarpana : 1 part Laja + 4 parts of
Table No. 6: showing different opinion regarding Tarpanadi Samsarjana Krama.
Authors 1st Annakala 2nd Annakala 3rd Annakala
Dalhana Laja Saktu Yusha Bhakta
Arunadatta13 Laja Saktu Odana Mamsarasa + Odana
Parameshwar14 Laja Saktu Yusha + Odana Mamsarasa + Anna
Different Tarpana yogas indicated in different conditions.
In Urdvaga Raktapitta– Laja churna + Adhika matra gruta + Madhu15. .
In Madatyaya condition Draksha rasa tarpana will be indicated16.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49739 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1404
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
During Samsarjana Krama, there are chances of provocation of Dosha due to augmented Agni. By arranging
taste of the recipe in such a proper sequence the chances of increase of Dosha will be lessened. Chakrapani 15
and Dalhana16 elaborated this as follows
Table no: 7 showing different opinion regarding Rasa Samsarjana Krama
Sequence of Rasa Charaka Sushruta
1 Snigdha,Amla,Swadu and Hridya Swadu and Tikta
2 Amla and Lavana Snigdha, Amla, Lavana and Katu
3 Swadu and Tikta Swadu, Amla and Lavana
4 Kashaya and Katu Swadu and Tikta
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49739 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1405
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
is administered in sequence of Carbohydrates, [3] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
Proteins and Fats. Peya and Vilepi consists of - commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by
carbohydrates. Peya is in liquid form requires charaka and drudabala,edited by vaidya yadvaji
very less amount of HCL for the digestion and trikamji acharya, Choukambha orientalia
carbohydrates are absorbed easily by the intestinal Varanasi edition-2015, Siddhistahana 6/57.
lumen in this form. Vilepi contains higher amount
[4] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
of carbohydrates compared to previous - commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by
preparations respectively. Yusha prepared from
charaka and drudabala,edited by vaidya yadvaji
cereals and pulses contains proteins administered trikamji acharya, Choukambha orientalia
after carbohydrate diet. Cereals and Pulses are
Varanasi edition-2015, sutra stana 15/16.
plant source of proteins which are simple
proteins. Later complex proteins in the form of [5] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
meat are administered. Adding spices and fats is - commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by
for stimulating bile and helping the digestion. In charaka and drudabala,edited by vaidya yadvaji
this way all form of food is introduced. trikamji acharya, Choukambha orientalia
Varanasi edition-2015, Siddhistahana 6/57.
Even though great importance had been given to
Samsarjana Krama since ancient period, now [6] Sushruta Samhita with nibandasangraha
days it has been neglected. Shodhana benefits will commentary edited by vaidya yadvaji trikamji
be achieved only after completion of Samsarjana acharya, Choukambha orientalia Varanasi
krama. Now a day’s Samarjana Krama is blindly edition-2019 Chikitsa stana 39/3-4.
practiced without assessing the Avastha of [7] Edited by Harishastri Paradkar, Ashtanga
disease. Samsarjana Krama is different from Hridaya commentary by Arunadatta and
person to person disease to disease according to Hemadri, Sutra Sthana: Chapter 18 Verse 45-46
level of Shodana. It is duty of wise doctor to : Chaukambha Krishnadas academy, 2009; 268.
select such a Samsarjana which acts as
Vyadhihara and Agni Deepaka. [8] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
- commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by
CONCLUSION charaka and drudabala,edited by vaidya yadvaji
Samsarjana Krama is the sequential diet regimen trikamji acharya, Choukambha orientalia
followed after Vamana and Virechana Karma to Varanasi edition-2015, siddhistana 1/11.
enhance the Jatharagni (digestive power or capacity
of the digestive system of the body). Samsarjana [9] Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, SushrataSamhita ,
Krama is the need for every Samshodhita Purusha. It Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition,
helps to regularize the Jatharagni which is weakened Dalhana onSu.Ci.39/17-18.
due to Shodana procedures and to overcome the [10] Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, SushrataSamhita ,
Doshakshaya and Dhatukshaya (depletion). Benefits Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition,
of Samsarjana Krama in Panchkarma are; it Su.Ci.39/6.
normalizes the Jatharagni and Vayu, provides
nutrition and helps to normalize the body tissues, [11] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
which are weakened due to Samshodhana, by - commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by
arranging such plans, the diet comprised of all the charaka and drudabala,edited by vaidya yadvaji
tastes can be served through meals (Annakala) and trikamji acharya, Choukambha orientalia
Dosha becomes normal. Varanasi edition-2015, siddhistana 6/25.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49739 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1406
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Chaukambha Krishnadas academy, 2009; 268. Varanasi edition-2015, chikitsa stana chapter
24 verse 142
[15] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
- commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by [17] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
charaka and drudabala,edited by vaidya yadvaji - commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by
trikamji acharya, Choukambha orientalia charaka and drudabala,edited by vaidya yadvaji
Varanasi edition-2015, chikitsa stana chapter 4 trikamji acharya, Choukambha orientalia
verse 32-34. Varanasi edition-2015, siddhistana 12/6-8.
[16] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika [18] Sushruta Samhita with nibandasangraha
- commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by commentary edited by vaidya yadvaji trikamji
charaka and drudabala,edited by vaidya yadvaji acharya, Choukambha orientalia Varanasi
trikamji acharya, Choukambha orientalia edition-2019 Chikitsa stana 39/19-20.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49739 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 1407