SolidCAM 2013 Training Course-iMachining 2D+3D
SolidCAM 2013 Training Course-iMachining 2D+3D
SolidCAM 2013 Training Course-iMachining 2D+3D
iMachining 2D
iMachining 3D
iMachining 2D / 3D
SolidCAM 2013
One-Day Training Course
iMachining 2D / 3D
1995-2013 SolidCAM
All Rights Reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
About this course......................................................................................................................3
Basic Concepts..........................................................................................................................5
Process Overview......................................................................................................................5
2. CAM-Part Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Exercise #1: CAM-Part Definition.................................................................................... 9
1.1 Load the SolidWorks model..............................................................................................10
1.2 Start SolidCAM and create the CAM-Part.........................................................................10
1.3 Define the CAM-Part.........................................................................................................13
1.4 Define the iMachining Data..............................................................................................19
1.4.1 Add a new Machine Database file..........................................................................19
1.4.2 Add a new Material Database file...........................................................................20
3. iMachining 2D Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Exercise #2: iRough Technology.................................................................................... 32
2.1 The SolidWorks model with CAM-Part data is open.........................................................32
2.2 Add an iMachining 2D operation to the CAM-Part..........................................................33
2.2.1 Define the Geometry...............................................................................................34
2.2.2 Define the Tool........................................................................................................43
2.2.3 Define the Levels.....................................................................................................45
2.2.4 Define the technological parameters......................................................................47
2.3 Define the rough machining of the center pocket...........................................................50
2.4 Define the rough machining of the pocket ledge.............................................................50
2.5 Simulate the iMachining tool path...................................................................................51
2.6 Generate GCode and close the CAM-Part........................................................................52
5.6 iMachining with a small tool.............................................................................................95
5.6.1 Machine the counterbores.....................................................................................96
5.6.2 Machine the vent slots............................................................................................96
Exercise #6: Effects on the Technology Wizard.............................................................. 97
6.1 Load the CAM-Part............................................................................................................97
6.2 Machine the outside shape............................................................................................100
6.2.1 Machine the original outside shape.....................................................................100
6.2.2 Machine the final outside shape...........................................................................105
6.3 Machine the ledges.........................................................................................................109
6.4 Machine the through hole..............................................................................................111
6.5 Machine the triangular pocket.......................................................................................111
6.6 Machine the holes...........................................................................................................114
6.7 iMachining Data changes................................................................................................114
6.7.1 Machine Database.................................................................................................115
6.7.2 Material Database.................................................................................................115
Exercise #7: Advanced features and controls in iMachining 2D................................... 116
7.1 Load the CAM-Part..........................................................................................................116
7.2 Advanced parameters on the Geometry page...............................................................117
7.3 Advanced parameters on the Tool page.........................................................................119
7.4 Advanced parameters on the Levels page......................................................................122
7.5 Advanced parameters on the Technology Wizard page.................................................124
7.6 Advanced parameters on the Technology page.............................................................128
7.7 Remaining parameters....................................................................................................134
1. Introduction
Course design
This course is designed around a task-based approach to training and is interactive. With virtual
guided exercises, you will learn the commands and options necessary to complete a machining task
using iMachining 2D and iMachining 3D technologies. There are theoretical explanations embedded
into the exercises with written references to give an overview of the SolidCAM iMachining capabilities.
Adobe Reader
It is recommended to use Adobe Reader when viewing this training book. If you do not already have
Adobe Reader, it is a free PDF viewer that can be downloaded from Adobes website via this link By default, Adobe Reader will allow launching of external files and
connecting to URLs, which is essential for the interactive features in this training book to function
properly. If you prefer using a different PDF viewer, it is important to ensure that the Trust Manager
Preferences allows external commands to be executed by your preferred Reader.
Windows 7
The screenshots in this book were made using SolidCAM 2013 integrated with SolidWorks 2013
running on Windows 7. If you are running on a different version of Windows, you may notice
differences in the appearance of the menus and windows. These differences do not affect the
performance of the software.
1.4 Define the iMachining Data the beginning of the exercise action.
This book also uses the following interactive features as buttons for launching part files and
connecting to URLs:
1. Introduction
Basic Concepts
Every manufacturing project in SolidCAM contains the following data:
CAM-Part The CAM-Part defines the general data of the workpiece. This includes
the model name, coordinate system position, tool options, CNC-Controller, etc. In
iMachining, the CAM-Part also includes the Machine and Material Database definitions.
Geometry By selecting Edges, Curves, Surfaces or Solids, define what and where you
are going to machine. This geometry is associated with the native SolidWorks model.
The geometry in iMachining 2D is defined as a pocket that can be open, closed and/
or semi-closed (containing open edges). The pockets can contain internal chains
treated as islands or used for safe tool entry. In iMachining 3D, the stock and target
geometries are defined by Solids.
Operation An Operation is a single machining step in SolidCAM. Technology, Tool
parameters and Strategies are defined in the Operation. In short, Operation means how
you want to machine. In this particular course, you will learn how to use SolidCAMs
revolutionary iMachining technology to define how you want to machine.
Process Overview
The major stages of the SolidCAM manufacturing project creation process are the following:
CAM-Part definition
This stage includes the definition of the global parameters of the Manufacturing Project
(CAM-Part). You have to define a number of Coordinate Systems that describe the
positioning of the part on the CNC-Machine.
You have to define the Stock model and Target model to be used for the rest material
calculation. The Stock model describes the initial state of the workpiece that has to be
machined. The Target model describes the state of the workpiece that has to be reached
after the machining. After every operation, SolidCAM calculates how much material was
actually removed from the CAM-Part and how much material remains unmachined (rest
material). The rest material information enables SolidCAM iMachining to automatically
optimize the tool path and avoid air cutting.
When using iMachining, the CAM-Part definition process includes the following stages:
CAM-Part creation
CNC-Controller definition
iMachining Data
CAM-Part creation. At this stage, you have to define the CAM-Part name and location.
There are two available modes for creating and saving the CAM-Part Internal and
External. Internal stores the SolidCAM data inside the original SolidWorks model file.
External is typical for CAM-Parts saved prior to 2013. SolidCAM defines the necessary
system files and a folder to allocate the place to store SolidCAM data.
CNC-Controller definition. Choosing a CNC-Controller is a necessary step. The controller
type influences the Coordinate System definition and the Geometry definition.
Coordinate System definition. You have to define the Coordinate System the origin for
all machining operations of the CAM-Part.
Stock model definition. SolidCAM enables you to define the stock model that describes
the initial state of the workpiece to be machined.
Target model definition. SolidCAM enables you to define the model of the part in its
final state after the machining.
iMachining Data. When using iMachining, you have to define the machine and work
material parameters. The Technology Wizard requires this data to automatically
determine the optimal Cutting conditions for an iMachining operation.
2. CAM-Part Definition
The following steps have to be implemented to complete the CAM-Part definition process:
2. CAM-Part Definition
New Milling Part dialog box
The New Milling Part dialog box enables you control over the creation of a
new CAM-Part.
Create CAM-Part...
When you select External to create a new CAM-Part, SolidCAM
handles the saving of the CAM Project by building and working in an
assembly. A copy of the original SolidWorks model is generated and all
CAM data is stored outside the original *.SLDPRT file.
External is typical for CAM-Parts saved prior to 2013 and
uses the *.prt or compressed *.prz file extensions.
When you select Internal to create a new CAM-Part, SolidCAM
manages the CAM Project with a single SolidWorks model file, using
a Part-only mode. All CAM data is stored inside the original *.SLDPRT
When you create a new CAM-Part, you have to enter a name for the
CAM-Part and for the model that contains the CAM-Part geometry.
CAM-Part name
Enter a name for the CAM-Part. You can give any name to identify
your machining project. By default, SolidCAM uses the name of the
design model. When you select Internal to create a new CAM-Part,
SolidCAM also uses the name of the project type by default.
When you select External to create a new CAM-Part, specify the
location of the CAM-Part. The default directory is the SolidCAM user
directory (defined in the SolidCAM Settings). You can enter the path
or use the Browse button to define the location.
The Use Model file directory option enables you to automatically
create CAM-Parts in the same folder where the original CAD model
is located.
When you select Internal to create a new CAM-Part, a description can
be provided to accompany the current CAM-Part.
Model name
This field shows the name and location of the SolidWorks design
model that you are using for the CAM-Part definition. The name is,
by default, the name of the active SolidWorks document. With the
Browse button you can choose any other SolidWorks document to
define the CAM-Part. In this case, the chosen SolidWorks document is
loaded into SolidWorks.
Every time an External CAM-Part is opened, SolidCAM
automatically checks the correspondence of the dates of
the CAM-Part and the original SolidWorks design model.
When the date of the original SolidWorks model is later
than the date of the CAM-Part creation, this means that
the SolidWorks original model has been updated. You
can then replace the SolidWorks design model on which
the CAM-Part is based with the updated SolidWorks
design model.
Existing CAM-Parts
Several CAM-Parts can be created and saved within a single SolidWorks
model file. Upon creating a new CAM-Part using the Internal mode, the
current ones will be listed in the table. The table displays the CAM-Part
name, CNC Controller and CAM-Part Description.
Every time a SolidWorks model file with several CAMParts is opened, SolidCAM will prompt you and ask which
of the Existing CAM-Parts you would like to open.
2. CAM-Part Definition
When you select External to create a new CAM-Part, you have the option
to work in either Metric or Inch.
When you select Internal to create a new CAM-Part, SolidCAM will always
use the SolidWorks model units by default, and the ability to select either
Metric or Inch is locked.
You can define the Coordinate System origin position and axes orientation
by selecting model faces, vertices, edges, or SolidWorks Coordinate
Systems. The geometry for the machining can also be defined directly on
the solid model.
2. CAM-Part Definition
In this exercise, it is enough to
define one Machine Coordinate
System with the Z-Axis oriented
2. CAM-Part Definition
The Plane box defines the default work plane for the operations using
this Coordinate System, as it gets output to the GCode program. In the
SolidCAM CAM module, you must always work on the XY-plane. However,
some CNC-Machines have different axes definitions and require a GCode
output with rotated XY-planes.
Shift is the distance from the Machine Coordinate System to the location
of the Position in the Coordinate System and the orientation of the
Machine Coordinate System.
Rotation around is the angle of rotation around the main axes X, Y and Z.
The Front and Rear tabs contain sets of facial machining levels describing
the planes parallel to the XY-plane and located along the Z-Axis.
The Front tab displays levels for milling from the positive Z-direction.
The Rear tab displays levels for milling from the negative Z-direction. The
negative Z-direction can be used in the case of milling the part from the
back side with the same Coordinate System in the main spindle or in the
case of using the back spindle.
The Radial tab contains a set of machining levels describing the virtual
cylinders situated around the Z-Axis.
These tabs contain the following parameters:
The Tool start level defines the Z-level at which the tool starts
The Clearance level is the Z-level to which the tool moves rapidly from
one operation to another (in case the tool does not change).
The Part Upper level defines the height of the upper surface of the
part to be milled.
The Part Lower level defines the lower surface level of the part to be
Tool start
Rapid movements area
Part Upper
Part Lower
The Tool Z-level parameter defines the height to which the tool
moves before the rotation of the 4/5 axes to avoid collision between
the tool and the workpiece. This level is related to the Coordinate
System position and you have to check if it is not over the limit switch
of the machine.
It is highly recommended to send the tool to the reference point or to
a point related to the reference point.
The Create planar surface at Part Lower level option enables you to
generate a transparent planar surface at the minimal Z-level of the part,
so that its lower level plane is visible. This planar surface provides you
the possibility to select points that do not lie on the model entities. It
is suppressed by default and not visible until you unsuppress it in the
FeatureManager Design tree.
2. CAM-Part Definition
Target model definition
SolidCAM enables you to define the Target model, which is the final shape
of the CAM-Part after the machining. SolidCAM uses the Target model for
gouge checking in the SolidVerify simulation.
By default, when you create a new CAMPart, stock and target models are defined
automatically. If you have not changed the
default settings, the solid body is highlighted,
and the target model is already chosen in the
Type section.
A new Material file is added to the iDatabase, the iMachining Data is defined and
the second stage of defining the CAM-Part is complete.
2. CAM-Part Definition
Machine Database
The buttons at the bottom left enable you to manage machine definitions
in the list.
The New
The Delete
button enables you to delete existing machine
definitions from the list.
The Save As
button enables you to save the defined machine
definitions under specified names in specified locations.
The Revert
button enables you to return any edited parameters
back to their default values.
In the General area, there are three required values needed when
defining a new Machine Database they are represented by the yellow
fields and reflect the machine parameters that are constant.
Spindle Speed Max is the maximum rated frequency at which the
spindle can rotate, measured in revolutions per minute (RPM).
Feed Rate Max is the maximum rated velocity at which the cutter is
advanced against the workpiece, measured in units of distance per
time (MM/Min (Inch/Min)).
Spindle Power Max is the maximum rated output power of the
spindle, expressed in Kilowatts (Kw (Horsepower (Hp)).
2. CAM-Part Definition
Material Database
The buttons at the bottom left enable you to manage material definitions
in the list.
The New
The Delete
button enables you to delete existing material
definitions from the list.
The Save As
button enables you to save the defined material
definitions under specified names in specified locations.
The Import material
button enables you to import saved Material
Database files to the list from specified locations on your system.
The Export material
button enables you to export saved Material
Database files from the list to specified locations on your system.
The Revert
button enables you to return any edited parameters
back to their default values.
In the Material Properties area, there is one required value needed when
defining a new Material Database it is represented by the yellow field.
Different materials require different amounts of force to cut them.
iMachining uses the Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) as the physical
property that determines the force per unit area required to cut the
material, measured in megapascal (MPa (pounds per square inch (psi)).
The definition of the CAM-Part is complete. After confirming the Milling Part Data dialog
box, the SolidCAM Manager is displayed.
SolidCAM Manager
The SolidCAM Manager tree is the main interface feature of SolidCAM
that displays complete information about the CAM-Part.
2. CAM-Part Definition
CAM-Part header
This header displays the name of the current CAM-Part. By rightclicking it, you can display the menu to manage your CAM-Parts.
The Machine subheader is located under the CAM-Part header.
Double-click this subheader to review your machine configuration
and parameters.
The CoordSys Manager subheader is located under the CAM-Part
header. Double-click this subheader to display the CoordSys Manager
dialog box that enables you to manage your Coordinate Systems.
The Stock and Target subheaders are located under the CAM-Part
header. Double-click these subheaders to load the Stock model/
Target model dialog boxes that enable you to change the definition of
the Stock/Target models.
The Settings subheader is also located under the CAM-Part header.
Double-click this subheader to load the Part Settings dialog box that
enables you to edit the settings defined for the current CAM-Part.
Tool header
This header displays the name of the current Tool Library. Double-click
this header to display the Part Tool Table, which is the list of tools
available to use in the current CAM-Part.
Machining Process header
This header displays the name of the current Machining Process table.
Geometries header
This header displays all SolidCAM geometries that are not used in
the operations, if any.
Fixtures header
This header displays available fixtures. By right-clicking it, you can
display the menu to define and manage your fixtures.
Operations header
This header displays all SolidCAM operations defined for the current
iMachining can now be used to define how you want to machine. The next exercise will use
this CAM-Part.
iMachining 2D
The first step of definition for an iMachining operation is the Geometry selection. The
Geometry prompts iMachining what and where you want to machine.
The Geometry in iMachining 2D is defined as a pocket that can be opened, closed and/
or semi-closed (containing open edges). The pocket can contain internal chains treated
as islands or used for safe tool entry. The Geometry definition process consists of chain
picking. Geometry chains are defined by selecting the following entities: edges of models,
2D curves, circles, lines and splines. Each chain is composed of one or more entities and
defines an open, closed or semi-closed contour.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Below are some general examples of iMachining 2D Geometry definitions and the tool
path techniques used on the different geometries. When defining several chains in a
single operation, note that the chain selection order is important.
Closed pocket
The Geometry is defined as a single closed
chain on the pocket contour. iMachining
uses the helical data from the operation
to enter into the pocket followed by a
morphing spiral to the outer edges.
Open pocket
The Geometry is defined as a single chain
on the pocket contour and is marked
as open. The tool approaches from the
outside and starts machining from this
chain. It clears all the material by collapsing
inwardly to the central point of the pocket
with a morphing spiral.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
To view the illustrated CAM-Part with many more general examples of iMachining 2D
Geometry definitions and the tool path techniques, activate the file GEOMETRIES.prz.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
2.2 Add an iMachining 2D operation to the CAM-Part...
The following video demonstrates how to add an iMachining 2D operation to the CAMPart. The iMachining Operation dialog box is displayed and the workflow in SolidCAM
is explained in detail. In the next four sub-steps, the rough machining of the outside
contour is defined. Click the play button below...
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Geometry Edit dialog box
To start the Geometry definition, click the New
page of the iMachining Operation dialog box.
Loop #1
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Associativity: SolidCAM keeps the associativity to any edge or sketch
entity. Any change made to the model or sketch automatically updates
the selected geometry.
Point to point
This option enables you to connect specified points; the points are
connected by a straight line.
Arc by points
This option enables you to create a chain segment on an arc up to
a specific point on the arc.
Start enty
Selected chain
3. iMachining 2D Operations
If the chosen end item cannot be reached by the chain flow, the chain
definition is terminated when the start chain segment is reached. The
chain is automatically closed.
End enty
Start enty
Selected chain
Auto-constant Z
This option identifies only the entities found on the same XY-plane
with the previously selected chain entity. You are prompted to identify
the next chain element when two entities on the same Z-level are
connected to the chain. The system tolerance for this option can be set
in SolidCAM Settings.
Auto-Delta Z
When you select this option, you are required to enter a positive and
negative Z-deviation into the Delta-Z dialog box. Only entities in this
range are identified as the next possible entity of the chain.
In SolidCAM, the red arrow would generally indicate
machining direction for typical profile and pocket type
Tool movement
Tool revoluon
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Managing chains
All selected chains are displayed in the
Chain List area of the Geometry Edit
dialog box. To edit a chain, right-click
its entry and choose the appropriate
command from the menu.
The following commands are used
throughout this training course:
Mark chain as open
This option enables you to define a geometry chain as open. When you
mark a chain as open, the contour is painted black.
Open edge
Mark as
This section offers you the following selection modes:
Open picking an entity with this mode selected marks it as
Wall picking an entity with this mode selected marks it as
Toggle with this mode selected, picking a closed edge marks
it as open and picking an open edge marks it as closed.
This section offers you the following selection methods:
Single entity this method enables you to pick one entity at a
time to mark it as open/closed.
From/To entities this method enables you to mark a chain
segment as open/closed by picking the start and end entities.
CAD selection
This button enables you to perform the selection using the CAD tools.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
2.2.2 Define the Tool
The second step of definition for an iMachining operation is the tool selection. An
end mill of 12.5 mm (0.5 in) is defined and added to the Part Tool Table. Click
the play button below...
The Choosing tool for operation dialog box enables you to manage the tools
contained in the Part Tool Table.
The Part Tool Table contains all tools available for use to machine
a specific CAM-Part. The Part Tool Table is stored within the CAM-Part.
Arbor Diameter
Edge Radius
Edge Radius
3. iMachining 2D Operations
2.2.3 Define the Levels
The third step of definition for an iMachining operation is the selection of the
milling levels. The Upper level and Pocket depth are picked off the model and a
Delta depth is defined to perform machining deeper than the part bottom edge.
Click the play button below...
Levels page
The Levels page of the iMachining Operation dialog box enables you to
specify the Z-levels at which the tool movements are executed.
Positioning levels
The default input values of the Positioning levels parameters are the
CAM-Part values that were specified in the CoordSys Data dialog box.
Start level
This value is equal to the Clearance level value of the Coordinate
System chosen for the operation.
Clearance level
This value defines the Z-level to which the tool retracts when it moves
from one cut to another.
Safety distance
This value defines the distance to the Upper level at which the tool
starts moving at the Z feed rate calculated for the tool. Movements
from the Clearance level to this height are performed in rapid mode.
Milling levels
SolidCAM enables you to define the Milling levels using the solid model
Upper level
This parameter defines the Z-level at which the machining starts.
Pocket depth
This parameter defines the Z-level below which the tool does not mill.
When the Milling levels fields are painted red, the values
are associative to the picked entities; and if the model
changes, these associative values will also change.
This parameter defines the offset to control depths even farther. In
this exercise, the Delta depth value is used to offset Pocket depth and
perform machining deeper than the part bottom edge.
The direction of the Delta depth measurement is represented by the
blue or red arrows next to the input field text box, with a corresponding
positive (+) or negative (-) symbol.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
2.2.4 Define the technological parameters
The last step of definition for an iMachining operation includes the technological
parameters. For this operation, the default selections on the Technology Wizard,
Technology and Link pages are used. Click the play button below...
The definition of the first iMachining operation is complete and the rough
machining of the outside contour is defined.
Proceed to the next step: 2.3 Define the rough machining of the center pocket
Technology page
The Technology page of the iMachining Operation dialog box enables you to
define the technological parameters for the operation.
Step down and Cutting angles
These values are automatically generated by the Wizard based on the
current Cutting conditions.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
The default input value of the Wall / island offset parameter is 0.24 mm
(0.01 in) for iRough.
Offsets are typically removed by a rest machining and/or
finishing operation. iRest and iFinish are covered later in
Exercise #4.
Link page
The Link page of the iMachining Operation dialog box enables you to define
the parameters of the tool approach and retreat relative to Helical Entry and
repositioning moves.
Helical Entry
In some cases, like this particular geometry where the tool will approach
from the outer chain, Helical Entry does not apply. iMachining will enter
and exit the cut where it calculates best.
In other cases, like a closed pocket geometry, the tool will perform a
Helical Entry into the pocket at a default Ramping angle calculated by
the Wizard according to the Machining level aggressiveness.
Helical Entry is covered in greater detail in Exercise #5.
The rough machining of the pocket ledge is defined and the CAM-Part is fully programmed
for roughing with iMachining 2D.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
2.5 Simulate the iMachining tool path
The following video demonstrates how to SolidVerify the CAM Project before it runs
on the CNC-Machine. Completing this step also includes general uses of the SolidCAM
Simulation control panel. Click the play button below...
Using several SolidCAM Simulation methods, the iMachining tool path is simulated for
the entire CAM Project.
Proceed to the next step: 2.6 Generate GCode and close the CAM-Part
This mode enables machining simulation
on the solid model. The solid stock model
is used in this mode. During the machining
simulation process, SolidCAM subtracts
the tool movements (using solid Boolean
operations) from the solid model of the stock.
The remaining machined stock is a solid model
that can be dynamically zoomed or rotated. It
can also be compared to the target model in
order to show the rest material.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
This command enables you to generate and display the GCode file(s) for the
CAM-Part. The GCode file(s) can then be transferred to your CNC-Machine.
The GCode format depends on the Controller selection in the Milling Part
Data dialog box. For more information on post-processor customization,
contact SolidCAM technical support.
This option generates the GCode file(s) for either all operations of the
CAM-Part, a single operation or group of operations. The generated
GCode is displayed using the text editor defined in the GCode page of the
SolidCAM Settings dialog box.
If any changes are made in an operation or the postprocessor files, you have to generate the GCode again.
GCode All
This command is available when you right-click the Operations header
in the SolidCAM Manager.
One GCode file is generated unless you have separated an operation
or group of operations using Split commands.
Generating GCode for a single operation or group of operations:
1. In the SolidCAM Manager, click a single operation or
group of operations using the mouse in combination with
the Shift or Ctrl key. Right-click and choose Generate
from the GCode menu.
2. The GCode File Name
dialog box prompts you
to enter a File name for
the GCode file.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
3.2 Define the Tool for the CAM Project
The following video demonstrates how to define a tool suitable for the CAM Project, and
the important parameters relative to iMachining are explained in detail. All iMachining
operations in this exercise will use the same tool. Click the play button below...
There are important tool parameters related to iMachining that exist on the
Topology and iData pages of the Part Tool Table dialog box.
Topology page
There are three important parameters that affect the Cutting conditions
generated by the Technology Wizard:
This parameter defines the cutting diameter of the tool.
Cutting length
This parameter defines the length of the cutting part of the tool. The
Wizard uses the Cutting length to calculate if multiple steps are needed
to achieve the pocket depth.
Number of flutes
This parameter defines the number of teeth of the tool. This value is
used when calculating the feed in the Feed rate type FZ. In iMachining,
inputting the correct Number of flutes will ensure that the proper chip
size is provided to each flute. Changing this value will change the Cutting
conditions (usually just the feed).
When using iMachining, you may find that matching a
tool with a specific machining situation will give you more
desirable Cutting conditions provided by the Wizard.
iData page
This page enables you
to define the default tool
parameters even more
specific to iMachining that
are used by the Technology
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Material Database
The Material Database definition is automatically selected using the
CAM-Part default, which is the work material defined in the iMachining
Data area of the Milling Part Data dialog box.
This list enables you to define a different work material for each tool.
Selecting a different work material definition is typically used when
machining different materials in one CAM Project (e.g., the CAM-Part and
a fixture).
Tool Material
This list enables you to select a given type of material from which the
tool is made. The Tool Material selection affects the Cutting Speed
adjustments generated by the Wizard. The following options are available
for selection:
Carbide at 100% (default selection)
Cobalt at 60%
HSS at 40%
Premium Carbide at 150%
If necessary, an override check box is provided to manually set a
percentage adjustment.
Machining Level
The Default level is automatically selected using the CAM-Part default,
which is the Machine Default Level assigned to the Machine Database
file in the iDatabase dialog box.
This option enables you to assign a Default level for each tool. When
choosing a tool from the Part Tool Table, the selected Default level will
position the slider to that level on the Technology Wizard page of the
iMachining Operation dialog box.
Topology / Helical Angle
This parameter is especially important for calculating
depths based on Axial Contact Points (ACPs).
There are five typical tool helix angles available for selection:
0 (Straight)
30 (Standard)
35 (Standard)
45 (Medium) (default selection)
60 (High)
If necessary, a value can also be entered manually.
Changing the Helical Angle parameter only changes the ACP indication
on the Technology Wizard page of the iMachining Operation dialog box.
When cutting, keep in mind that the helix angle has a
strong effect on the Downwards Force on the tool, and
should be monitored. If ignored, it can result in the tool
being pulled out of its holder.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Axial Contact Points (ACPs)
The ACP value is calculated and displayed by the Technology Wizard in the
Step down section. It reflects the number of contact points the tool has with
the vertical wall it is producing, along a vertical line.
Tool cross-secon
Frequency Ratio
3. iMachining 2D Operations
If the natural frequency of the machine is around 40 Hz, the above
milling action will cause the machine to resonate, and the result will be
strong vibrations.
In such a situation of resonance, it is possible to avoid
the resonance frequency range by reducing the
Machining level. Increasing the depth of cut may also
help. Sometimes, increasing the Machining level is also
an option.
Technology Wizard
The Technology Wizard is an algorithm for producing on-the-fly Cutting
conditions for the current iMachining Operation.
Step down
The Step down section consists of input options and the output grid.
There are two radio buttons for selecting the way the Wizard calculates
the depths:
Input options
Automatic this option is the default selection and provides
step downs based on the tool information and Pocket depth
defined for the operation.
User-defined this option enables you to manually choose
the method used for calculating Step down. When selected,
the User-defined drop-down menu appears and enables you
to choose one of the following methods:
1. No. steps the total depth is divided up by the value
entered in the input field text box.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
2. Step down the value entered in the input field text box
is used for the depth of each Step down until the total
depth is achieved.
Output grid
The output grid has three columns:
No. steps
Step down
Rows are created for each Step down value that is not the same.
Machining level slider
The Machining level section consists of a slider that enables you to select
from calculated sets of Cutting conditions.
The slider is made up of 8 levels each level provides you with the
means to conveniently and intuitively control the Material Removal
Rate (MRR). Moving the slider up increases MRR and machining
There are many factors in machining that can make one
set of Cutting conditions better than another. Some of
these factors include fixture stability, cutting tool quality
and stability, and/or risks associated with the forces from
higher MRR. The Machining level slider provides you
with an adjustment for all these factors.
View 2 shows:
CT (chip thickness)
Tool Diameter
Tool Total length
Tool Cutting length
Step down
Step over
If there are multiple steps with different depths, the largest Step down
from the output grid is used, since it is typically the most aggressive
Step down and should be monitored.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Step over is represented by the red section in front of the tool. Levels
1 5 contain different Step over values, and the remaining levels have
a consistent Step over.
The aggressiveness is represented by the chips behind the tool. The
3D chips change color, quantity and size to show that moving up in
Machining levels produces more, thicker chips with greater heat.
As the Machining level slider is used to choose a set of
Cutting conditions, the 3D view updates. It also shows
how the chips should be evacuating the cutting area
under good conditions.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
3. iMachining 2D Operations
iRest Technology
The iRest Technology enables you to define a rest machining operation from
within the iMachining Operation dialog box. An iRest operation is used to
remove material left by a previous roughing operation. The iRest Technology
calculates what stock has been previously removed using the iRest Data, and
then compares it to the target model.
iRest Data
In the iRest Data tab on the Technology page, there are three important
parameters required for calculating rest material:
iRest parameters
Previous tool diameter
Previous wall offset
Previous fillet radius
If an iRest operation is created using the Save & Copy
the previous iRough operation is automatically defined as the Parent
operation and the associated parameters are written to the fields.
The Save & Copy functionality is used throughout this
training course to quickly create iRest operations, where
most parameters are identical.
Parent operation
If the previous roughing operation is not an iMachining operation, you
have the option to choose User-defined from the Parent operation
drop-down menu. This opens the fields for editing and enables you to
manually enter the iRest parameters.
In the Technology tab on the Technology page, the default input value of
the Wall / island offset parameter is 0.12 mm (0.005 in) for iRest.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
When enabled, the Wall / island offset parameter is inherited
from the previous roughing operation and the input field text
box becomes locked.
iFinish Technology
The iFinish Technology enables you to define a finishing operation from
within the iMachining Operation dialog box. An iFinish operation is used to
remove material left by a previous roughing and/or rest machining operation.
The iFinish Technology calculates what stock has been previously removed
using the iRest Data, and then compares it to the target model.
iRest Data
If an iFinish operation is created using the Save & Copy
button, the
previous iRough or iRest operation is automatically defined as the Parent
operation and the associated iRest parameters are written to the fields.
The Save & Copy functionality is used throughout this
training course to quickly create iFinish operations,
where most parameters are identical.
Parent operation
If the previous roughing or rest machining operation is not an
iMachining operation, you have the option to choose User-defined
from the Parent operation drop-down menu. This opens the fields
for editing and enables you to manually enter the iRest parameters.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
In the Technology tab on the Technology page, the default input value of
the Wall / island offset parameter is 0 mm (0 in) for iFinish and the input
field text box is locked.
Wall finish
In the Technology tab on the Technology page, this section provides
additional tool path optimization strategies for iFinish.
Compensation this option allows for small adjustments
of the finish pass on the CNC-Machine. In iMachining, the
adjustment is only relative to the pass and not the corners.
Spring Pass this option provides a secondary pass in addition
to the primary finish pass. It aids in offsetting tool deflection
to ensures that parts are finished more accurately and
dimensionally correct.
Lead in/out location at start of chain this option enables
you to define the start location for the iFinish tool path. The
tool leads into the cut at the start of the first chain entity
picked during the Geometry selection.
Start of chain
Lead in/out
There are two radio buttons for selecting when the tool path is
optimized and at what depth:
Total depth
This option performs the selected tool path optimization strategy
only when the Total depth is reached.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
4.3 Machine the elevated floors
The following video demonstrates how to perform the machining of the elevated floors
using iRough and iFinish. Two chains are defined: one chain is marked as open and the
other is marked with open edges. iRough uses an end mill of 9.5 mm (0.375 in) and has
a 0.24 mm (0.01 in) allowance on the walls. The iFinish operation finishes the walls with
an end mill of 6 mm (0.25 in). Click the play button below...
The machining of the holes is defined, the iMachining tool path is simulated for the
entire CAM Project and the completed CAM-Part is closed.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Drilling Operation
This operation type enables you to perform drilling and other canned drill
cycles. SolidCAM supports the canned drill cycles provided by your particular
CNC-Machine such as threading, peck, ream, boring, etc.
button on the
You can select the model face. SolidCAM automatically recognizes all
arcs/circles located on the selected face and selects the center points
as drill positions.
All circle/arc centers
SolidCAM searches the solid model for arcs and circles and adds all
center points as drill positions to the geometry.
Tool definition
The tool is defined similarly to an iMachining operation, but Drilling Tools
are used instead of Milling Tools.
Levels definition
The milling levels are defined similarly to an iMachining operation.
However, you have to use the Depth type option in order to perform
drilling down to the specified diameter of the tool.
Depth Type
This option enables you to deepen the drilled hole in order to obtain
a given diameter at the specified drill depth.
Cuer p
Full diameter
Diameter value
Cutter tip the drill tip reaches the defined drill depth.
Full diameter the drill reaches the defined drill depth with
the full diameter.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Diameter value the drill reaches the defined drill depth with
the drill cone diameter specified in the input field box.
The Diameter value can vary from 0 all the way up to the
drilling tool diameter. A value greater than that is automatically
decreased to the drill tool diameter.
Technology page
The Technology page of the Drilling Operation dialog box enables you to
define the technological parameters of drilling.
This area enables you to define the sequence of the drill positions and
manage its direction.
Drill cycle
The drill cycle panel is displayed by clicking the
Drill cycle type
button. This panel
enables you to select one of the canned drill
cycles supported by the post-processor of the
current CNC-Controller.
For more information regarding this operation type, refer
to the SolidCAM Milling Help.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the iMachining exercise.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
5.2 Machine the main pocket...
The following video demonstrates defining an iRough operation for roughing the main
pocket. The geometry is defined as a closed pocket with island. Two chains are defined:
the first is the pocket contour and the second is the internal chain on island contour.
An end mill of 9.5 mm (0.375 in) is used. The tool performs the Helical Entry into the
pocket followed by the pocket roughing tool path. A 0.24 mm (0.01 in) allowance is left
on the walls. Click the play button below...
The rough machining of the main pocket is redefined and the tool performs a safe
helical entry using the Classic helical cutting conditions.
Proceed to the next sub-step: 5.2.2 iRest and iFinish the main pocket
Helical Entry
In iMachining, if the Geometry is defined as a closed
pocket, the tool enters the material in a spiral movement
according to the parameters defined in the Helical Entry
area on the Link page.
Ramping angle
This parameter defines the aggressiveness of the descent angle by
which the tool enters the material. By default, the Technology Wizard
automatically calculates the helical cutting conditions based on material
hardness and aggressiveness of the Machining level slider.
Ramping angle at
Machining level 1
Ramping angle at
Machining level 8
3. iMachining 2D Operations
An override check box is provided so the Ramping angle value can be set
manually, in the instance you want the tool to perform a helical entry at
an aggressiveness that is not relative to the position of the Machining
level slider.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Center cutting
By default, Center cutting is enabled (since it is more common to use a
tool with center cutting capabilities).
Step down
This parameter defines the depth at which the tool stops ramping down
into the material; and at this depth, the tool clears a circular path in order
to make the floor flat. You have to enter a calculated value based on the
attributes of the tool without center cutting capabilities.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
5.2.2 iRest and iFinish the main pocket
The following video demonstrates defining an iRest and iFinish operation to
complete the machining of the main pocket. The copied machining geometry and
milling levels from the previous iRough operation are used. iRest and iFinish both
use an end mill of 6.5 mm (0.25 in). The iFinish operation finishes the 0.12 mm
(0.005 in) allowance left on the walls. Click the play button below...
Two examples of Pre-Drilling techniques are defined and the machining of the
main pocket is redefined.
Proceed to the next step: 5.4 Machine the top of the mounting block (island)
In iMachining, you have the option to Use Pre-Drilling Operations. This
option is found in the Pre-Drilling tab on the Link page.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
When the Use Pre-Drilling Operations
check box is selected, the Drill operation
and positions window is activated and
enables you to choose a previous Drill
operation to define the Pre-Drilling.
When a Drill operation is chosen, the
X- and Y-coordinates appear in the Drill
positions list. iMachining uses the Drill
position as an automatic entry point into
the pocket.
When defining an iRough operation, Pre-Drilling can be
used to extend tool life even further.
There are two typical types of Pre-Drilling used:
Small pre-drilled hole this type is defined by choosing a previous
Drill operation that uses a drilling tool with a smaller diameter than
that of the current roughing tool. It is used as a helical entry point for
an iRough operation and can dramatically reduce stress on the tool.
Helical entry
Drill posion
Vercal entry
Drill posion
Profile Operation
This operation type enables you to mill on or along a contour. The profile
geometry can be either open or closed. You can even machine one or more
profiles in a single operation.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
When defining the technological parameters of profile milling, first you
need to make sure that the tool position relative to the geometry is
correct. The Tool side option can be checked in the Modify area.
The Tool side option enables you to determine the tool position
relative to the geometry.
Right the tool cuts on the right side of the profile geometry.
Left the tool cuts on the left side of the profile geometry.
Center the center of the tool moves on the profile geometry
(no compensation G4x can be used with this option).
The Geometry button displays the Modify Geometry dialog box that
enables you to define the modification parameters of the geometry
and to choose which geometry chains are active in the operation (in
case of multiple chain geometry). The chain geometry of the profile is
displayed on the model with the chain direction indicated and a circle
representing the tool relative to the geometry.
Depth type
This option enables you to choose the depth
type for the profile.
Constant the tool performs the profile milling
at a constant depth as defined by the Step down
until the Profile depth is achieved.
Variable (Define) the depths can be defined at
different profile points.
Link page
The Link page of the Profile Operation dialog box enables you to define
the parameters of the tool approach and retreat relative to profile milling.
This option determines how the tool approaches the start point of the
contour. The following three descent types are available:
Feed this type causes the tool to move rapidly to the Upper
level minus the Safety distance. Then the tool descends to the
approach plane with the given Z Feed rate. Use this option
when you know that there is material in the descent path.
Rapid this type generates a rapid descent (G0) from the
Clearance level to the approach plane. Use this option when
you know that there is no material in the descent path.
Diagonal this type can be activated only if the Step down is
equal to the Profile depth. It causes the tool to move rapidly
from the Clearance level to the Upper level, plus the Safety
distance. Then the tool diagonally descends to the start of
the profile geometry at the normal feed rate. The angle of the
diagonal is automatically generated depending on the type of
approach you choose.
For more information regarding this operation type, refer
to the SolidCAM Milling Help.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
5.4 Machine the top of the mounting block (island)
The following video demonstrates how to complete the machining for the top of the
mounting block. An iRough operation alone is defined to perform the rough and finish
machining of the top surface. The chain on island contour is defined and is marked as
open. An end mill of 6.5 mm (0.25 in) is used. A 0.12 mm (0.005 in) allowance is left on
the floor and then removed by a finishing cut. Click the play button below...
The machining for the top of the mounting block (island) is defined.
Proceed to the next step: 5.5 Machine the holes
Floor finish
In the Finish area on the Technology page, the Floor check box enables
you to perform the finish machining of the pocket floor. When selected, a
finishing cut is executed to remove the Floor offset.
Floor offset
This parameter enables you to define the allowance that remains on the floor
of the machined pocket until the finishing cut is executed. The allowance is
removed only when the Floor option is enabled in the Finish area.
Floor finish is typically used when a better surface finish is
desired on the pocket floor. Because there is less material
to remove and inherently less force on the cutting tool,
the finishing cut yields a better surface finish.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
5.6 iMachining with a small tool
The following video demonstrates defining a small tool, and how iMachining performs
when using small tools is explained in detail. An end mill of 1.5 mm (0.059 in) is defined;
and in the next two sub-steps, the end mill is chosen to perform the rough and finish
machining of the counterbores and vent slots. Click the play button below...
The machining of the vent slots is defined, the iMachining tool path is simulated
for the entire CAM Project and the completed CAM-Part is closed.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the iMachining exercise.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
3. iMachining 2D Operations
2. Globally in the Technology wizard area on the iMachining
page of the SolidCAM Settings dialog box.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
When selecting a tool with a different diameter, if you
are using any Modify options within the operation, you
will be prompted to recalculate the modified parameters
upon clicking the Select button to exit the Part Tool
Table. It is recommended to click Yes.
iData page
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Even if the same tool is selected and you exit the Part
Tool Table with the Select button, any Technology
Wizard overrides will be cleared and the default Cutting
conditions will be reset.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
6.2.2 Machine the final outside shape
Part 2 demonstrates defining an iRough and iFinish operation to perform the
machining of the final outside shape. Completing this sub-step includes using
the Material boundary feature to define the machining geometry. Click the play
button below...
Material boundary
This method of Geometry definition enables you to automatically build
geometry chains by defining an offset. The offset is built to one side of an
existing open or closed geometry chain.
2. Pick the chain entities that represent the walls of the semiopen pocket.
Closed edges
Chain direcon
3. iMachining 2D Operations
3. In the Material boundary area on
the Geometry page, enter an offset
value in the Define offset field.
To accurately define the offset, you have to consider the size of
the tool in addition to the Stock and Target.
When a geometry chain is selected as open, the In
Geometry mode is no longer active in the Material
boundary area. By default, Define offset is selected.
As defined by the offset value, iMachining automatically builds the
remaining chain entities to complete the semi-open geometry.
Clicking the Preview
button enables you to verify the autobuilt geometry chain is correct.
Selected chain
2. Pick the chain entities that represent the walls of the closed
pocket. In the Chain List area of the Geometry Edit dialog box,
the selected chain is displayed. Click OK
to confirm the
chain selection and exit the Geometry Edit dialog box.
Chain direcon
Selected chain
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Open pocket with island
To define this Geometry type using the Material boundary feature,
the working order is the same as a closed pocket with entry geometry
with only one difference. The chain on island contour is selected; and
as defined by the offset value, iMachining automatically builds the
external chain to complete the open pocket with island geometry.
For all these types of Geometry examples, it is important
to note that the auto-built chains and chain entities are
automatically defined as open.
Step over
3. iMachining 2D Operations
6.4 Machine the through hole
The following video demonstrates defining the iRough and iFinish machining of the
through hole. The Material boundary feature is used to define the machining geometry.
An end mill of 12.5 mm (0.5 in) is used for both operations. A Delta depth value of-0.76
mm (-0.03 in) is defined, so the tool performs machining deeper than the part bottom
edge. The iFinish operation finishes the 0.24 mm (0.01 in) allowance left on the walls.
Click the play button below...
Spiral Efficiency
iMachining generates Morphing spiral tool paths to clear a completely open
or completely closed pocket area, which does not have the shape of a circle.
This means that it generates tool paths with different side steps in different
As a result, the average side step is smaller than the maximum side step,
which makes the average Material Removal Rate (MRR) less than the
maximum MRR possible. This means that a morphing spiral is potentially
less efficient than a regular round spiral.
The Efficiency slider on the Technology page enables you to control the
efficiency of the Morphing spiral tool paths generated by iMachining.
Increasing the Efficiency reduces the variation of the side step permitted
in the spiral, making the side steps in all directions more equal and
accordingly producing a rounder spiral, looking more like a circle. The
remaining areas are cleared with trochoidal-like tool paths.
Efficiency level 10
Equal side steps
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Decreasing the Efficiency allows iMachining to use more of the side step
range specified by the Technology Wizard. By managing to morph itself
into the narrower parts of the pocket, the spiral produced looks less like
a circle and covers a greater part of the area.
Efficiency level 1
Different side steps
3. iMachining 2D Operations
6.7.1 Machine Database
Part 1 focuses on the steps necessary to either select a different machine or
make changes to the current machine definition. When changes are made to the
Machine Database, it not only has an effect on the Technology Wizard but also
all iMachining operations defined in the CAM-Part. Click the play button below...
Material Database changes were shown having an effect on the Technology Wizard
as well as the iMachining operations and tools defined for the CAM Project.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the iMachining exercise.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
7.2 Advanced parameters on the Geometry page
In the following video, the Modify geometry fillet option is used on the Geometry
page. By default, iMachining automatically calculates the geometry fillet based on the
tool radius. The iRough_MainPocket operation is edited and the default Fillet radius
parameter is modified to demonstrate its effect on the iMachining tool path. Click the
play button below...
Proceed to the next step: 7.3 Advanced parameters on the Tool page
A small Fillet radius of 1% enables the tool to fit in the tight areas of
the part geometry. This is not preferred for roughing.
Fillet radius - 1%
3. iMachining 2D Operations
When using the Modify geometry fillet option, if you
choose a different tool with a different diameter for
the operation, you will be prompted to recalculate the
geometry fillet parameter upon clicking the Select button
to exit the Part Tool Table.
Proceed to the next step: 7.4 Advanced parameters on the Levels page
The individual Feed and Spin parameters for the current operation appear
on the Data tab of the Tool page.
The Feed XY and Spin rate parameters are shown with a lock
they need to be synchronized when using the Wizard.
icon because
The following feed rates are automatically calculated for the tool:
Feed XY this value sets the feed rate for when the tool is
cutting at maximum Step over. This feed rate is also the slowest
feed rate when cutting.
Feed XY max this value sets the maximum cutting feed rate.
This feed rate can be used to limit the entire cutting feed rate
by overriding the Feed XY value.
Feed finish this value sets the finish feed rate when using
iFinish, where the final profile pass uses a separate feed rate.
Feed Z this value sets the feed rate for the Z-down movements
and the helical reposition moves when down in the cut.
Feed helical this value sets the feed rate for the helical entry.
Feed reposition this value sets the feed rate for reposition
moves when the Z is down in the cut.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
The following spindle speeds are automatically calculated for the tool:
Spin rate this value sets the spindle speed for when the tool
is cutting in XY.
Spin finish this value sets the finish spindle speed when
using iFinish, where the final profile pass uses a separate spin
Spin helical this value sets the spindle speed for the helical
Override check boxes are available for most parameters. When the Wizard is
off, the Feed XY and Spin rate parameters are open to be edited.
Proceed to the next step: 7.5 Advanced parameters on the Technology Wizard page
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Positioning levels
Start level
This default input value is equal to the Clearance level value of the
Coordinate System chosen for the operation.
Clearance level
This default input value defines the Z-level to which the tool retracts
when it moves from one cut to another.
The Through machining option is always available for use in the Milling
levels area, even in Simple mode.
Milling levels
Through machining
During calculation of the tool path, iMachining may separate areas of
large aspect ratios if it is more efficient to clear the divided areas with
morphing spirals.
Separang channel
Morphing spirals
The Through machining option enables you to turn off the separation
of large areas, in the instance you are machining through the lower
level of the stock. This option is used to avoid having the separated
material break away.
No separaon
Proceed to the next step: 7.6 Advanced parameters on the Technology page
3. iMachining 2D Operations
There are six sections that provide you with additional flexibility and advanced
control for the current operation.
Material Database
The Material Database selection is inherited from the tool definition.
As indicated in the previous exercise, selecting a different material
in the operation is an efficient technique for machining different
materials on a per operation basis.
Tool Material
The Tool Material selection is also inherited from the tool definition.
You cannot change the type of material assigned to the tool using the
Modify cutting conditions functionality.
However, you can manually set a percentage adjustment using the
override check box. The percentage adjustment is used to calculate
the Max. Cutting Speed (Vc) of the tool for the operation.
Spindle Control
3. iMachining 2D Operations
When it is absolutely necessary to override any one or more of the Cutting
conditions parameters, enable the accompanying check box to open the field
for editing.
In the event that a modified value cannot be synchronized, the field is painted
red and a border-crossing arrow icon appears.
When the icon is clicked, the Wizard will calculate the nearest reconcilable
value. The value is written to the field, and the field gets painted yellow.
This indicates that the Modify cutting conditions data is validated.
Entry rate
When the Advanced mode is enabled, the Entry rate slider appears in the
Morphing spiral controls area on the Technology page.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
The Entry rate slider enables you to control the rate at which a Morphing
spiral tool path first enters the material. The Entry rate is automatically
calculated by the Wizard according to the stock material properties.
Entry rate - level 1
The value displayed with the Entry rate slider only indicates the relative rate
of entry according to the stock material properties and has no fixed units.
Channels are a unique feature of iMachining. They are designed to subdivide
an area of a pocket in such a way that most of the total area can be cleared
with morphing spirals, rather than with trochoidal-like tool paths, thus
reducing the cycle time and extending the tool life.
Moats are a special subset of Channels that are cut around islands,
whenever a morphing spiral or trochoidal-like tool path encounters
an island. By allowing the tool free passage around the island, this
unique feature enables iMachining to clear the remaining material
with a new morphing spiral.
Island moating
This option enables you to turn the separation of islands On or Off.
Island moang - On
Island moang - Off
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Channel width
This value represents the width of all channels cut in the current
operation. It is the width between centers (of the tool). The default
value is automatically set equal to the tool diameter, which results in
the channels having a physical width of twice the tool diameter.
Every time the tool breaks out from the material into air, there
is a transit situation of a thin wall which is subsequently removed.
iMachining addresses thin walls carefully since they can cause
vibrations, excessive tool wear and even tool breakage.
The Modify Channel Parameters option enables
you to apply a user-defined Channel width and
Thin wall thickness to the iMachining tool path.
When the Modify check box is enabled, the
input field text boxes are open to be edited.
It is strongly recommended that you do not reduce the
Thin wall thickness parameter below the default value
automatically set by iMachining.
Separation control
The Separate slider enables you to control the
separation factor for the operation.
Level 3 is the default position of the Separate slider
and is recommended, unless you have a machine with
especially high or especially low acceleration.
If your machine can accelerate faster than an average
machine, it may be more efficient to use a higher
separation factor.
A high separation factor informs iMachining to use more channels when
applicable. The result can lead to more areas of separation, making it possible
for iMachining to clear them with morphing spirals.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Under the Sort tab on the Technology page, iMachining offers the following
advanced Sorting options:
Advanced sort
If multiple pockets are defined in one operation, iMachining will sort
the pockets according to the order in which they were picked during
the Geometry selection.
The Advanced sort option enables you to turn Sorting on or off. To use
this option, enabled the check box ; the Advanced Sort
button is activated.
The Advanced Sorting dialog box is
displayed by clicking the Advanced Sort
button. This dialog box enables you
to define the sequence of machining
multiple pockets in one operation and
manage its direction.
You have to choose the method for
Sorting. Either a Linear or Circular pattern
can be used.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
When the Advanced mode is enabled, the Detour length and Max. arc size
parameters appear in the In pocket positioning area on the Link page.
In pocket positioning
Z clearance
This parameter defines the height in which the tool is picked up off
the floor when repositioning from one cut to the next.
Side view of iMachining tool path
Z clearance
Detour length
This slider enables you to adjust the distance in which the tool is
allowed to travel when repositioning from one cut to the next.
iMachining automatically calculates this value to keep the tool down
as much as possible in order to reduce retracts and long position
Detour length
If the Detour length required to reach the next pass exceeds this
value, the tool will retract to the Clearance level and reposition via a
straight line movement.
Max. arc size
This slider enables you to adjust the maximum size of the 3D arc
that is used when repositioning from one cut to the next. iMachining
automatically calculates this value based on the current tool diameter.
3. iMachining 2D Operations
Motion control
This page enables you to optimize the calculated tool path according to the
kinematics and special characteristics of your CNC-Machine.
Point interpolation
Using the Point interpolation options, SolidCAM enables you to
perform interpolation for the linear tool movements.
Approximate arcs by lines within tolerance
This option enables you to control the process of arcs approximation
for the current operation.
For more information regarding these options, refer to
the SolidCAM Milling Help.
Misc. parameters
This page contains the miscellaneous parameters for the operation.
Fit arcs
By default, this option is enabled to fit arcs in the iMachining GCode.
Cutting angle tolerance
This parameter is used to group sections of iMachining tool path that
fall within the specified tolerance, and then arcs are applied to those
A small tolerance can greatly reduce the amount of
GCode that is generated. It is especially beneficial for
machines with limited memory.
In process simulation
The Show tool path during calculation option enables you to display
the iMachining tool path on the model during calculation.
This option is a useful tool for verifying the iMachining
tool path during calculation.
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the iMachining 2D portion of the course.