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Butterfly Square Plate

Butterfly Square Plate

Mountain Lily Soup Plate

Mountain Lily Soup Plate

Double Catch Fly Soup Plate

Double Catch Fly Soup Plate

Black Stork Soup Plate

Black Stork Soup Plate

Guernsey Lilly Soup Plate

Guernsey Lilly Soup Plate

Pool Snipe Soup Plate

Pool Snipe Soup Plate

Bella Donna Lilly Soup Plate

Bella Donna Lilly Soup Plate

Quince Plate

Quince Plate

Large Bouquet Dinner Plate

Large Bouquet Dinner Plate

Red Wine Decanter and Glass Soup Plate

Red Wine Decanter and Glass Soup Plate

Artichoke Soup Plate

Artichoke Soup Plate

Palm Tree Plate

Palm Tree Plate

Wide Rim ABC Spiral Dessert Plate

Wide Rim ABC Spiral Dessert Plate

Spirals Small Plate

Spirals Small Plate

Large Anchor Dinner Plate

Large Anchor Dinner Plate

Shakespeare Plate

Shakespeare Plate

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