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Wax Pie Candle


Scamorza Round Cow's Milk Cheese Candle

Scamorza Round Cow's Milk Cheese Candle

Small Verona Pandoro Chocolate Cake Candle

Small Verona Pandoro Chocolate Cake Candle

Set of 6 Candles in Pompadour

Set of 6 Candles in Pompadour

Set of 6 Candles in Fawn

Set of 6 Candles in Fawn

Set of 6 Candles in Neyron Rose

Set of 6 Candles in Neyron Rose

Set of 6 Candles in Guardsman Red

Set of 6 Candles in Guardsman Red

Set of 6 Candles in Jet Black

Set of 6 Candles in Jet Black

Set of 6 Candles in Rust

Set of 6 Candles in Rust

Set of 6 Candles in Grass Green

Set of 6 Candles in Grass Green

Set of 6 Candles in Saffron

Set of 6 Candles in Saffron

Set of 6 Candles in Medici Blue

Set of 6 Candles in Medici Blue

Set of 6 Candles in Petrol Blue

Set of 6 Candles in Petrol Blue

Set of 6 Candles in Gunmetal Grey

Set of 6 Candles in Gunmetal Grey

Torta Chocolate Frosted Cake Slice Candle with Strawberry Topping

Torta Chocolate Frosted Cake Slice Candle with Strawberry Topping

Purple Frosting with Flowers Cupcake Candle

Purple Frosting with Flowers Cupcake Candle

Pink Frosting with Purple Flowers Cupcake Candle

Pink Frosting with Purple Flowers Cupcake Candle

Vanilla Frosting with Flowers Cupcake Candle

Vanilla Frosting with Flowers Cupcake Candle

Small Verona Pandoro Cake Candle

Small Verona Pandoro Cake Candle

Sandwich Candle

Sandwich Candle

Sandwich Candle with Olive

Sandwich Candle with Olive

Salame & Soppresseta Wrapped Salami Candles

Salame & Soppresseta Wrapped Salami Candles

From $26.00
Soft Cheese Candle

Soft Cheese Candle

Fetta Formaggio Red & Black Cheese Slice Candle

Fetta Formaggio Red & Black Cheese Slice Candle

Pane Rosetta Roll Candle

Pane Rosetta Roll Candle

La Cremose Layered Cake Slice Candles

La Cremose Layered Cake Slice Candles

Torta Candita a Fette Chocolate Cake Slice with Fruit Candle

Torta Candita a Fette Chocolate Cake Slice with Fruit Candle

Small Panettone Candle

Small Panettone Candle

Rosa Torta Pink Cake Slice with Cherry Candle

Rosa Torta Pink Cake Slice with Cherry Candle

Torta Limone Lemon Cake Slice Candle

Torta Limone Lemon Cake Slice Candle

Long Panne Baguette Candle

Long Panne Baguette Candle

Pecorino Cheese Candle

Pecorino Cheese Candle

Capocollo Wrapped Ham Candle

Capocollo Wrapped Ham Candle

Formaggio Graviera Cheese Candle

Formaggio Graviera Cheese Candle

Small Spumante Sparkling Wine Bottle Candle

Small Spumante Sparkling Wine Bottle Candle

Cheese Wheel Candles

Cheese Wheel Candles

Medium Chocolate Pannetone Candle

Medium Chocolate Pannetone Candle

Beer Mug Candle

Beer Mug Candle

Banana Split Candle

Banana Split Candle

Large Verona Pandoro Chocolate Cake Candle

Large Verona Pandoro Chocolate Cake Candle

Half Loaf Candle

Half Loaf Candle

Vino Primitivo Rosso Red Wine Bottle Candle

Vino Primitivo Rosso Red Wine Bottle Candle

Large Chocolate Panettone Candle

Large Chocolate Panettone Candle

Torta Budino Crema Cream Cake Candle

Torta Budino Crema Cream Cake Candle

Large Holiday Cupcake Candle in White

Large Holiday Cupcake Candle in White

Large Holiday Cupcake Candle in Green

Large Holiday Cupcake Candle in Green

Sacher Frutta Chocolate Cake with Fruit Candle

Sacher Frutta Chocolate Cake with Fruit Candle

Sausage Link Candle

Sausage Link Candle

Torta Pasticcera Crema Custard

Torta Pasticcera Crema Custard

Torta Ananas Pineapple Cake Candle

Torta Ananas Pineapple Cake Candle

Torta Caramelle Candy Cake Candle

Torta Caramelle Candy Cake Candle

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