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1920 Tile Sample

1920 Tile Sample

Un Vide Poche (6" Square)
Blue Lace

Blue Lace

Star Charm
Floral Maze

Floral Maze

Un Vide Poche (6" Square)


5 1/4" Round Plate


Heart Charm
Moon Spray

Moon Spray

Desk Cup
Composition (p 149)

Composition (p 149)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Mixed Tones (Painter's Studio) nine by fourteen inch wall tray handmade decoupage

Mixed Tones (Painter's Studio)

9 x 14" Wall Tray
Stuart Lemle End Papers Bold

Stuart Lemle End Papers Bold

8 x 10.5" Rect. Tray
Blue Dot Purple Swirls

Blue Dot Purple Swirls

Cylinder Lamp
From $1,250.00


Switch Plate Cover
Purple Splatter (p 87)

Purple Splatter (p 87)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray


Single Rocker Cover
Small Red & White Marble Swirls

Small Red & White Marble Swirls

Cylinder Lamp
From $1,250.00
Square Maze (Italian Geometric)

Square Maze (Italian Geometric)

10" Square Tray
Floral Maze (p 11)

Floral Maze (p 11)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Square Maze (p 12)

Square Maze (p 12)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Dominotes (p 80)

Dominotes (p 80)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Blue Daisy Card Back

Blue Daisy Card Back

5 x 8" Cell Phone Tray
Cerulean Blue Tones

Cerulean Blue Tones

Desk Cup
Blue Wallpaper Flourish 2

Blue Wallpaper Flourish 2

Desk Cup
Blue Tones (Painter's Studio)

Blue Tones (Painter's Studio)

12 x 20" Rect. Tray
Spectrum Chart Blues

Spectrum Chart Blues

3.5 x 12" Rect. Tray
Green Tones (Painter's Studio)

Green Tones (Painter's Studio)

9 x 14" Letter Tray
Tones (Painter's Studio)

Tones (Painter's Studio)

15 x 22" Rect. Tray
Pink Tones

Pink Tones

Desk Cup
Color Spectrum portrays every color of the spectrum in a four inch round handmade decoupage plate.

Color Spectrum

4" Round Plate
Color Wheel Dome Paperweight

Color Wheel

Dome Paperweight


5 1/4" Round Plate
Cloudy Day

Cloudy Day

8 x 10.5" Rect. Tray
19th c. Indian Color Study

19th c. Indian Color Study

3.5 x 5" Tiny Rect. Tray
Intervals of Sevenths (Color Dots)

Intervals of Sevenths (Color Dots)

6 x 12" Pencil Tray
Color Key

Color Key

3.5 x 12" Rect. Tray
Warm Whites (Painter's Studio)

Warm Whites (Painter's Studio)

10 x 16" Rect. Tray
Large Fan Coral

Large Fan Coral

14 x 19" Oval
ABC Spirals

ABC Spirals

5 1/4" Round Plate
A four inch round handmade decoupage plate titled Pinwheel


4" Round Plate
Blue - Red (Color Grid)

Blue - Red (Color Grid)

10" x 16" Rect. Tray
Color Grid #1

Color Grid #1

Desk Cup
Orange Green

Orange Green

Desk Cup
Watercolor Exercise C

Watercolor Exercise C

10 x 13" Rect. Tray
Very Good Work

Very Good Work

10 x 13" Rect. Tray
Watercolor Exercise B

Watercolor Exercise B

9 x 14" Wall Tray
Coral 1792

Coral 1792

Dome Paperweight
Watercolor Exercise A

Watercolor Exercise A

Extra-Long 7 x 16" Tray
Snow Ball

Snow Ball

Un Vide Poche (6" Square)


Cylinder Lamp
From $1,610.00
Wash & Gouache: Gradation

Wash & Gouache: Gradation

Un Vide Poche (6" Square)
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