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5 x 7" Oval Plates



5 x 7" Oval
Blue Eye Left

Blue Eye Left

5 x 7" Oval
Blue Eye Right

Blue Eye Right

5 x 7" Oval


5 x 7" Oval


5 x 7" Oval
External View of Eye

External View of Eye

5 x 7" Oval
Flora's Dictionary Hummingbirds handmade by using decoupage in a New York City studio

Flora's Dictionary (Hummingbirds)

5 x 7" Oval
Floral Garland

Floral Garland

5 x 7" Oval
Gallopauo Mas

Gallopauo Mas

5 x 7" Oval


5 x 7" Oval
Horn Fish

Horn Fish

5 x 7" Oval
Horse #121

Horse #121

5 x 7" Oval
Merry made by hand using the decoupage technique


5 x 7" Oval
Mushrooms Fig. 4

Mushrooms Fig. 4

5 x 7" Oval
Pair Hummingbirds

Pair Hummingbirds

5 x 7" Oval
Palettes -  Sail

Palettes - Sail

5 x 7" Oval
Palettes - Masted Ship

Palettes - Masted Ship

5 x 7" Oval
Peacock Flourish

Peacock Flourish

5 x 7" Oval
Scrapbook Cabbage

Scrapbook Cabbage

5 x 7" Oval
Silhouette - Lady Facing Right

Silhouette - Lady Facing Right

5 x 7" Oval
Squid & Octopus

Squid & Octopus

5 x 7" Oval


5 x 7" Oval
T.XXIX. Hydrangea

T.XXIX. Hydrangea

5 x 7" Oval


5 x 7" Oval


5 x 7" Oval
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