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Dome Paperweight


Dotted Edge Large Paperweight
Small Web

Small Web

Octagonal Charm
Large Web

Large Web

4" Round Plate
TXLII Scorpions

TXLII Scorpions

3.5 x 5" Tiny Rect. Tray
Spider Q.

Spider Q.

Rectangular Charm
Blue Winged Insect

Blue Winged Insect

4" Round Plate
Blue Fly

Blue Fly

Rectangular Charm
Horned Beetle

Horned Beetle

Dotted Edge Large Paperweight
English Bug

English Bug

Dome Paperweight
Bees & Bugs

Bees & Bugs

4 x 9" Rect. Tray
Torn Insects

Torn Insects

4.5 x 6.5" Mini-Tray
Dragonfly Taf. 227 (p 256)

Dragonfly Taf. 227 (p 256)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Brown Insect (p 212)

Brown Insect (p 212)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Big Dot Lady Bug

Big Dot Lady Bug

5 1/4" Round Plate
Black Beetle / Brown Insects (p 189)

Black Beetle / Brown Insects (p 189)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Black Beetle / Brown Insects (p 190)

Black Beetle / Brown Insects (p 190)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Spider (p 147)

Spider (p 147)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Spider Web

Spider Web

Dome Paperweight
Dark Bug (p 116)

Dark Bug (p 116)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Dark Bug

Dark Bug

Switch Plate Cover
Insect Silhouette (p 171)

Insect Silhouette (p 171)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Scarab (Green Beetle)

Scarab (Green Beetle)

Dome Paperweight
Red Beetle

Red Beetle

6" Coaster
Rose with Ant

Rose with Ant

5" Round Ornamental Charm
Lucky Ladybug

Lucky Ladybug

Rectangular Charm
Spotted Ladybug

Spotted Ladybug

Dome Paperweight
Tiny Dot Lady Bug

Tiny Dot Lady Bug

5 1/4" Round Plate
Red Ladybug (p 93)

Red Ladybug (p 93)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Little Ladybug

Little Ladybug

Dome Paperweight
Red Ladybug

Red Ladybug

Dome Paperweight


Dome Paperweight
Ladybird (Ladybug)

Ladybird (Ladybug)

5 1/4" Round Plate
Little Ladybug (p 94)

Little Ladybug (p 94)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Torn Insects

Torn Insects

Switch Plate Cover
Dragonfly over Water (p 257)

Dragonfly over Water (p 257)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray


Dome Paperweight
Dragonfly Pin-Up

Dragonfly Pin-Up

3.5 x 5" Tiny Rect. Tray
Dragonfly Over Water

Dragonfly Over Water

4.5 x 6.5" Mini-Tray
Rose with Ant

Rose with Ant

5 1/4" Round Plate
Torn Insects (p 51)

Torn Insects (p 51)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Torn Insects (p 52)

Torn Insects (p 52)

11" x 14" Rect. Tray
Green Red Beetle (Lamia tricincta)

Green Red Beetle (Lamia tricincta)

Dome Paperweight
Blue Beetle (Desmocerus cyaneus)

Blue Beetle (Desmocerus cyaneus)

Scalloped Charm
Red & Yellow Beetle (Lamia Formosa)

Red & Yellow Beetle (Lamia Formosa)

Scalloped Charm


7 x 11.5" Rect. Tray
Insect I

Insect I

9 x 14" Wall Tray
Insect II

Insect II

9 x 14" Wall Tray
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