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As Halloween Creeps Closer...

As Halloween Creeps Closer...

Tricks and treats await! Explore our spooky collection and stay tuned...more to come this month!

See it all it here >

House & Garden

John welcomed House & Garden into his magical ‘old world’ house in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Decoupage Spotlight: Lemon Studies

Decoupage Spotlight: Lemon Studies

 The botanical book, “Hesperides sive de Malorum Aureorum cultura et usu. Libri Quatuo” was published in Rome in 1646 by Giovanni Battista Ferrari. It is the first scholarly work to describe lemon, lime, and orange varieties and contains engravings designed by prominent artists of the day.

John has incorporated many of these beautiful, hand-colored illustrations into a new edition of trays. .

See the full collection here >

The John Derian Picture Book II

The John Derian Picture Book II

Eight years after his debut book, John Derian returns with a second installment, John Derian Picture Book II. Secure your signed copy or collector's set for the October 15th release.

Pre-order here >