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Enns reflects on the meaning of guilt and responsibility in the context of Indigenous struggles in Canada. While rarely uncomplicated, the question of who is to blame poses a unique challenge in the case of historical atrocities with... more
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The aim of this paper is to explore the complexity of the concept of the victim within the context of organ trading. By examining the intricate phenomenon of organ trade, we show how prevailing notions of victimhood form the basis of... more
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      EthnographyCultural TheorySomatechnicsCulture Theory
This article argues that the notion of ‘victim’ primarily refers to the position of the person who, in the course of a (sacred, religious, legal, etc.) procedure, is ritually sacrificed to avert the wrath of the gods or to preserve peace... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticeTrauma Studies
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      EthnographyHuman RightsColombiaEthnicity
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      Comparative LiteratureMemory StudiesVictimhood
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      VictimhoodSubalternityCollective Victimhood
The Culture of Victimhood The Hagar Complex In rejecting Hagar’s tears, biblical consciousness speaks with great power to the epidemic of victimhood that threatens to cripple much of what is great and good in Western society. Hagar is... more
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      Integral TheoryJewish MysticismPsychology of ReligionVictimology
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesMythology
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      Liberation TheologyIgnacio EllacuríaVictimhoodColombian Armed Conflict
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      PathologyEthicsKantJewish Studies
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial MovementsEthnic StudiesGender Studies
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      HistorySexual ViolenceGenderViolence Prevention
Following Nietzsche, we can discern two types of therapeutical voice on ressentiment, which find themselves in a polemical relation to one another: The philosopher and the priest. In this paper, I turn to a third polemical voice, embodied... more
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoPhenomenologyTrauma Studies
Drawing on fieldwork with Serb women who lived through the siege of Sarajevo, this article examines how the moral economy of victimhood allows us to recognize certain classes of victims only by failing to recognize others. From 1992 to... more
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      War StudiesNationalismBosniaGender
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In the course of the 20th century, the perception of people who have been harmed by violence or who are forced to lead their lives under permanently threatening conditions has undergone a fundamental change. With the extensive loss of... more
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      PhotographyFrench StudiesHistory and MemoryTrauma Studies
Please consult the book's 2nd edition, above Three prints of the 1st edition were sold between April 15, 2014 - July 31, 2015. The book went out of print and its adventures in publish-land are discussed here:... more
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      ReligionSocial MovementsGender StudiesEconomics
El «sufrimiento social» y «victimación» poseen una relevancia incuestionable en el discurso público. A ello han contribuido procesos y hechos sociales de enorme impacto, desde el genocidio nazi a las violencias de Estado, las innumerables... more
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      Critical TheorySocial MovementsSocial PsychologyVictimology
This study explores the competition for Turkey's Kurdish vote through the instrumentalization of religion, ethnicity and victimhood in political competition. This becomes possible through the study of rally speeches of the Justice and... more
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      Political ParticipationReligion and PoliticsKurdish StudiesTurkish Nationalism
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      Nigerian LiteratureEthnic StudiesInternational StudiesHuman Rights Law
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhenomenologyContinental Philosophy
This book introduces “mnemonic solidarity” as a scholarly and political program, situating it in the context of the wider project and publication series “Entangled Memories in the Global South”. Their programmatic approach arises from the... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGerman StudiesJapanese StudiesCosmopolitanism
‘Victimhood nationalism’ is a working hypothesis to explicate competing national memories over the historical position of victims in coming to terms with the pasts. Once put into the dichotomy of victimizers and victims in national terms,... more
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      Korean StudiesEast AsiaNationalismEast Asian Studies
“There are some things that are so unforgivable that they make other things easily forgivable” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, 2006. Half of a Yellow Sun, p.246.
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderFeminismMasculinities
This article addresses the ways in which Afro-Colombians in the region of María la Baja, Colombia, re-signify their contentious bodies amidst parallel peace and war efforts. After over sixty years of war, the government and armed... more
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      EmbodimentColombian ConflictVictimhoodAfro-Colombian
Türk siyasal yaşamında sağ geleneğin ayırt edici özelliklerinden olan ve komplo teorilerinin kolaylaştırıcı etkisiyle kurgulanan mağduriyet söylemi ya da mazlumluk ideolojisi, 30 Mart 2014 yerel seçimleri öncesinde Adalet ve Kalkınma... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial SciencesPolitical PartiesPolitical Science
Since the late 1990s, the public representation of the Muslim minority of Rakhine State (Myanmar), widely known as Rohingyas after the 2012 communal violence, has focused on their status as victims of state oppression following an... more
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      Historical AnthropologyIslam in the Southeast AsiaIslamic HistoryEthnic Conflict
DURING the course of my fieldwork in Kashmir in 2009, at some point I found myself in Shopian and Bomai, Sopore, interacting with leaders of localized agitations and families of victims around two isolated events. In Shopian two women who... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesColonialismMuslim MinoritiesMinorities
An interview with the Mainichshinbun editorial writer on Victimhood Nationalism.
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      NationalismTransnational HistoryMemory StudiesGlobal History
In this chapter, we explore the levels of imprisonment in Franz Kafka’s The Trial. These levels include legal arrest, social containment and humiliation, and linguistic entrapment. Our chapter then traces the modernist narrative... more
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      VictimologyFranz KafkaMax Weber (Philosophy)Mimetic Theory
Based on 46 interviews conducted in a 2-month period, this article explored the identity narrative of three generations of the Hutu Diaspora community living in Belgium. Through a analysis of the Rwanda's National Identity policy and... more
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      Social IdentityDiaspora StudiesRwandan GenocideVictimhood
For decades after the declaration of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, the Turkish state promoted the idea of a desired citizen. The Kemalist state treated these citizens as superior, with full rights; but the 'others', those outside this... more
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      Social PsychologyIdeologyNationalismPopulism
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      Detective FictionBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )Victorian Crime FictionEdgar Allan Poe
The exhumation of victims of mass atrocities provides an avenue for transparency and for bringing into the open that which had been hidden. The exhumation movement has given voice and space to silenced victims at the margins of Spanish... more
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      VictimologyTransitional JusticeExhumationVictimhood
This book articulates “victimhood nationalism” as a global phenomenon to explain the victimhood competition in the postwar “coming to terms with the past.” The spatial turn of globalization reconfigured the national mnemoscape... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPolish HistoryHistory and MemoryNationalism
This article appropriates victimhood as a “political place” in the context of the Colombian armed conflict; at the same time, it highlights the importance of this human condition as a Locus Theologicus from the perspective of Ignacio... more
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      Ignacio EllacuríaVictimhoodTheological Places
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    • Victimhood
Discourses about suffering and collective victimhood are an important, and contentious, aspect of nationalist politics. This seminar will explore the politics of nationalism and victimhood, a topic that has been the subject of increased... more
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      Comparative PoliticsGenocide StudiesNationalismPolitical Legitimacy
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      Korean StudiesEast Asian StudiesGlobal HistoryVictimhood
There has been a growing affective intensity on Farsi social media around Iranian women’s rights protests, particularly mobilizations against the compulsory hijab. This intensity has crystallized into a variety of emotions: the anger,... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist EpistemologyCritical Race TheoryWomen and Gender Issues in Islam
The children are active stakeholders and actor of humanitarian actions. Thus they should be considered as active young citizens and humanitarian responders in emergencies. The findings of this study support that poor children are more... more
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      Case Study ResearchEducation in EmergenciesFloodsVictimhood
One of the biggest failings of contemporary regimes governing human exploitation is their treatment of ‘victims’. This paper roots narratives of victimhood and agency in the legal frameworks through analysis of the right to effective... more
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      International LawHuman RightsHuman TraffickingProcedural Justice
Opinión respecto al movimiento autodeterminista mapuche (Coordinadora Arauco  Malleco) y la criminalización del Estado chileno
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      Indigenous StudiesSelf-Determination TheoryRisk and VulnerabilityVulnerability
Recent years have witnessed an eruption of what have been termed culture wars, often converging around the messier aspects of interpersonal relationships and corresponding identity issues that are complex, sensitive, and contested. These... more
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      Academic FreedomCritical ThinkingIdentity politicsFeminism
La monografía realiza un ejercicio hermenéutico de apropiación a la victimidad como condición de las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia. Este proceso busca caracterizar una teología de la realidad histórica comprendiendo dicha... more
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      Liberation TheologyIgnacio EllacuríaVictimhoodFilosofía de la Realidad Histórica
This article discusses the views and attitudes of the Malay-speaking Muslims of Thailand’s Far South (henceforth, simply the Malays) about their collective position in Thai politics. Since 2004, the Far South, comprising the provinces of... more
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      ThailandCollective MemoryVictimhood
Collective traumas may often lead to deep societal divides and internal conflicts. In this article, we propose that conspiracy theories emerging in response to victimizing events may play a key role in the breakdown of social cohesion. We... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesSocial distanceVictimhoodCollective Trauma
Abstract The people of Northeast Japan have been praised domestically and internationally for their mutual support and good manners in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters, in short... more
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      Japanese StudiesAnthropologyHuman RightsDisaster Studies
In this work I intend to examine Deirdre Madden's Hidden Symptoms (1986) and One by One in the Darkness (1996) taking into consideration the historical, material and ideological contexts in which these novels were produced. I will... more
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      Northern Irish LiteratureVictimhoodNorthern Ireland and the TroublesDeirdre Madden
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      Franz KafkaRene GirardMax WeberBureaucracy