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      Film StudiesPolish HistoryNationalismCommunism
Streszczenie Otto Weininger, austriacki filozof z przełomu XIX i XX wieku, jest autorem pracy, która w swoim czasie odbiła się szerokim echem zarówno w kręgach naukowych, jak i literackich, stając się jedną z najpoczytniejszych prac... more
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      PhilosophyMasculinity StudiesPolish HistoryMasculinities
Купрієнко С.А. Козацтво, Україна та Східна Європа в іспаномовних джерелах 17 ст. // Гілея: науковий вісник. Збірник наукових праць / Гол. ред. В. М. Вашкевич. – К. : «Видавництво «Гілея», 2017. – Спеціальний випуск. - С. 42-49.
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      Polish HistoryUkrainian StudiesEastern European historyUkraine (History)
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      Polish HistorySecond World WarEarly Postwar (1945-1950)World War II
Die Eingliederung Galiziens in die Habsburgermonarchie im Rahmen der Ersten Teilung Polen-Litauens bedeutete einen eklatanten Bruch im Herrschaftsverständnis des Wiener Hofs. Um den Abgang vom dynastischen Staatsbildungsprozess zu... more
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      Polish HistoryHabsburg StudiesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHabsburg Monarchy in the 18th century
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      Human RightsPolish HistoryMigration HistoryCold War history
ערב רב: פנים וחוץ בוויכוח הפרנקיסטי הוא ספר מרתק וחדשני החושף את סיפורה הייחודי של התנועה הפרנקיסטית, תנועה יהודית אפיקורסית שצמחה בפולין והתפשטה במרכז אירופה במחצית השנייה של המאה ה-18. בעיני רוב היהודים פרנק היה 'משיח שקר' ידוע לשמצה.... more
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      Eastern European StudiesJewish StudiesPolish HistoryJewish Mysticism
Im Gegensatz zu den Aktivitäten der Einsatzgruppen, die nach dem Angriff auf die Sowjetunion am 22. Juni 1941 in Hunderten von Orten Massenerschießungen von Juden durchgeführt haben, ist die Geschichte der bereits im September 1939, nach... more
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      German HistoryPolish HistoryJewish HistorySecond World War
Agata Pietrzak „Chicken scratches”, or Frederic Chopin and the November insurgents in caricatures by Józef Szymon Kurowski from the collections of the National Library The article discusses the previously unknown set of drawings by... more
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      Polish HistoryCaricature (Art)19th Century (History)Siglo XIX
Review of Snyder's Black Earth, long, raw, and unedited version of the edited version that was published in the American Interest
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      Polish HistoryPhilosophy of HistoryHolocaust StudiesPolish-Jewish Relations
(for English scroll below) Si la bibliographie portant sur le motif des ruines dans le domaine pictural et littéraire s’avère pléthorique, il s’agit plus rarement d’étudier la présence et la valeur des ruines comme décor de films.... more
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      Space and PlacePolish HistoryRuinsSocial Theory, Urban and Cultural Studies, and the Interactions Between Urban Space, Politics, Memory, and Subjectivity
Introduction to a vivid novelistic account of a Polish Hasidism by Menashe Unger, translated from Yiddish by Jonathan Boyarin.
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      ReligionJewish StudiesHistory of ReligionPolish History
The Museum of Industry and Technology founded in Cracow in 1868 by Adrian Baraniecki was a unique cultural institution in 19th century Poland occupied by invading powers. Its founder, a physician and philanthropist from the Ukraine,... more
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      DesignMuseum StudiesPolish HistoryIndustrial Design
Una versión reducida del texto “An Unexpected Twist of Ideology. Neoliberalism and the Collapse of the Soviet Bloc publicado en "Praktyka Teoretyczna", núm. 5, 2012. Traducción de Luis Martínez Andrade. Metapolítica: marzo 2013. The full... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesPolitical EconomyMarxism
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      HistoriographyPolish HistoryJewish HistoryHolocaust Studies
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      Early Modern HistoryPolish HistorySocial HistoryLate Medieval History
Eine große Zahl herausragender Denkmäler der mittelalterlichen Baukunst befindet sich auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Polen. Zwischen Oder und Weichsel liegen sowohl Kernlandschaften Polens als auch Territorien, die vormals dem deutschen... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
This study analyzes controversies and public attitudes concerning the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and Stepan Bandera in Ukraine. The research question is: Which... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
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      Modern HistoryPolish HistoryFascismNationalism
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      Economic HistoryLate Middle AgesEarly Modern HistoryPolish History
The issue of the political rehabilitation and glorification of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) became one of the central political issues in Ukraine after the Orange Revolution and... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryComparative PoliticsPeace and Conflict Studies
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      Polish HistoryMedieval WarfareArms and ArmourMedieval Weapons and Equipment
This study briefly presents the history of the radical form of Ukrainian nationalism, paying special attention to the geopolitical circumstances which formed this movement. Then, it analyzes some aspects of this phenomenon, such as its... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGerman StudiesJewish StudiesPolish History
This review essay on Jewish "traditionalism" (Hasidism, musar, Orthodoxy,etc.) argues that, notwithstanding a past tendency among historians to magnify secularist trends within modern East European Jewry, several new works suggest a... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryRussian Studies
"The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist" is the first comprehensive and scholarly biography of the Ukrainian far-right leader Stepan Bandera and the first in-depth study of his political cult. In this fascinating book, Grzegorz... more
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      European HistorySoviet HistoryGerman HistoryPolish History
Die Warschauer Anhänger des jüdischen Pseudomessias Jakob Frank und die Glaubensenthusiasten um die St. Petersburger Prophetin Ekaterina Tatarinova pflegten kirchliche und ausserkirchliche sowie rabbinische und nichtrabbinische religiöse... more
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      Polish HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryRussian HistoryReligious History
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesGerman StudiesGerman Literature
According to Slavic history, the brothers Lech, Czech and Rus reached the lands between the Vistula River and the Oder. On a hill, they saw an oak tree with an eagles nest and Lech decided to fix his residence there, choosing a white... more
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      HistoryEuropean StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Polish HistoryCold WarSecurity StudiesPoland
During the interwar period in the Polish armed forces there were about 40 former officers from the Army of the Ukrsainian People's Republic headed by otaman Symon Petliura. They all served according to the individual contracts signed with... more
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      Polish HistoryPolish StudiesUkrainian HistoryPolish Interwar History
Na terenie okupowanych Niemiec, a następnie w RFN, funkcjonowało wiele cennych i ważnych inicjatyw środowiska polskich uchodźców. Do grona najciekawszych i najcenniejszych można zaliczyć działalność Komitetu Obrony... more
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      Polish HistoryCold War and CultureAnticommunism (History)Polish Studies
Recenzja książki: "Depozyt Niepodległości. Rada Narodowa RP na uchodźstwie (1939-1991)", red. Z. Girzyński, P. Ziętara, Toruń 2018
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      Polish HistoryParliamentary HistoryPolish emigration
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      German StudiesPolish HistoryPolish StudiesDisplaced Persons
In his most recent book, Przemysław Czapliński offers the following definition of "the East", which he uses to describe Poland's "post-Soviet" and "post-communist" neighbor: "The word 'East' appears in the table of contents, although this... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPolish HistoryPolish LiteraturePostcolonial Literature
Published in Historiografías. Revista de historia y teoría, 10 (2015)
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      HistorySoviet HistoryViolencePolish History
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      German StudiesRomanticismGerman HistoryPolish History
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      PhilologyEuropean HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
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      Diplomatic HistoryEastern European StudiesInternational RelationsOttoman History
Архіви України. УДК 929Каленський:930.25(438) Левченко Л.Л. Видатний польський архівіст Густав Каленський та його праця "Brakowanie akt". Стаття висвітлює біографію та наукову діяльність видатного польського архівіста Густава... more
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      HistoryArchival StudiesPolish HistoryArchival science
However, there is also a saying among the Hungarian proverbs closely connected: a friend in need is a friend indeed. That is how the Hungarians felt and what they intended to prove when Poland was overrun by the German Nazi army in 1939.... more
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    • Polish History
Polish-Russian relations and their prospects, to 2003, chapter 9 of Poland's Transformation: A Work in Progress (2003), edited by Marek Jan Chodakiewicz, John Radzilowski, and Dariusz Tolczyk
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      Polish HistoryRussian Foreign PolicyPolish StudiesSoviet, post-Soviet, Russian politics
There are many matters in the history of Polish-English relations that have so far escaped the attention of historians dealing with this subject. Religious issues that are the subject of this article, which is the result of a monthly... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPolish HistoryEnglish History
Аниперков, В. К вопросу о том, почему конфессиональный фактор не стал определяющим во втором разделе Речи Посполитой / В. Аниперков // Orientalia Christiana Cracoviensia. – Tom 9 (2017). – S. 41– 66. The article is devoted to the... more
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      Polish HistoryNobilityRussian HistoryHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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      Polish HistoryCold WarPolish StudiesPoland
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      Polish HistoryUrban StudiesReino De Polonia Y Ducado De LituaniaGeschichte Der Deutschen Rechten
Na tle krajobrazu polskiej opozycji demokratycznej, Ruch Wolność i Pokój jest zjawiskiem nieco zapomnianym. Na pewno pisze się o nim nieproporcjonalnie mało w stosunku do jego historycznego znaczenia. Co jednak ciekawe, pisze się o nim... more
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      Social MovementsEastern European StudiesPolish HistoryCentral European history
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      Military HistorySociolinguisticsPolish HistoryLutheranism
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      Polish Historypolish parliamentSamuel Bogumił Linde