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This chapter analyses a caricature, produced in 1753 by the watercolourist Paul Sandby entitled Burlesque sur le Burlesque. This caricature attacks the painter William Hogarth, in particular, his recently published aesthetic treatise, The... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Eighteenth Century HistoryEighteenth-Century British History and CultureCaricature (Art)
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureRomanticismDance Studies
Agata Pietrzak „Chicken scratches”, or Frederic Chopin and the November insurgents in caricatures by Józef Szymon Kurowski from the collections of the National Library The article discusses the previously unknown set of drawings by... more
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      Polish HistoryCaricature (Art)19th Century (History)Siglo XIX
Considérer l’image dans la dimension technique de son élaboration n’est pas une réflexion périphérique à la question de la caricature chez les Goncourt. Si l’image est plus volontiers abordée sur les plans stylistique et politique, la... more
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      IconographyCaricature (Visual Studies)Print CultureNineteenth Century Studies
This is a call for papers for the journal Ridiculosa, no 24. Although the deadline is stated as June 30th, please contact me through the summer if interested in making a proposal. Ceci est un appel à propositions pour le numéro 24 de la... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Public ArtCaricature (Art)Art in public space
Publication coordonnée par Laurent Bihl et Marie-Mélodie Delgado à la suite des attentats de Charlie Hebdo en janvier 2015. Avec des contributions de Laurent Bihl, Christian-Marc Bosséno, Laurence Danguy, Yannick Dehée, Christian... more
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      Cultural HistoryVisual StudiesPolitical Violence and TerrorismCaricature (Art)
This essay examines one aspect of Giuseppe Arcimboldo's portraiture: His genre depictions where he expands the art of illusionism or magic visualization into grilli (intellectual whims) and teste composte (composite heads). These images... more
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      MythologyItalian StudiesMagicEmblem studies
Analysis of the Poor Richard series by Philip Guston.
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      DrawingCaricature (Art)
Summary in english language is in uploaded document.
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)IllustrationComics/Sequential ArtCaricature (Art)
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)American RevolutionCaricature (Art)Liberty
Brings together for the first time a stunning collection of over 400 colour cartoons, illustrations, covers and caricatures published in Punch from the 1920s to the 1990s - most never reproduced since original publication. The cartoons... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesArt HistoryBritish History
Au début du 20e siècle, l’artiste montréalais Joseph Charlebois est très actif dans la région métropolitaine. En plus de travailler comme cartographe à la ville de Montréal, il réalise de nombreuses enluminures qu’offre la municipalité,... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)ComicsCaricature (Art)Newspaper History
Sarah Lucas is one of the greatest artists I know belonging to the generation that rose during the Clinton Nineties. She has a feeling for her materials that quite simply takes your breath away, a formidable command over sculptural form,... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)HumorSurrealismThe Grotesque Body
RESUMO Este artigo objetiva identificar os elementos que permitam elaborar um conceito de charge resultante, essencialmente, da análise do processo histórico que contribuiu para o seu surgimento. Em virtude da utilização dos termos... more
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      Caricature (Art)Political CriticismCaricaturaCharge
This study explores the ways in which Honoré Daumier introduced the spectacle into his satiric urban scenes. I argue that Daumier conceptualized the public sphere as a site for daily urban spectacles, using satire as a means to represent... more
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      Visual CultureUrban StudiesNineteenth-century ArtModernity
Par son excès mimétique, la caricature peut sembler difficilement compatible avec l'esthétique réaliste, qui cherche à donner une image fidèle au réel. Pourtant l'ironiste Maupassant a souvent recours au portrait caricatural afin de... more
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      French LiteratureCaricature (Art)Short story (Literature)Genres
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Caricature (Art)Québec Studies
The best educational book on how to draw caricatures, cartoons, and exaggerated portraits!
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      Business AdministrationCaricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryPerforming Arts
Article on the grotesque in Daumier's work
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryCaricature (Art)Political Caricature
In this paper the author aims to show the specific historic and stylistic connections that existed between 19th century caricature and early animated films. By doing so and by accepting caricature as the essence of animation, the author... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)AnimationAnimation TheoryCaricature (Art)
L’article analyse la relation entre la caricature et la mode à partir de quelques exemples de la satire visuelle et textuelle de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. La période est propice à la caricature de mode car, tout en reflétant les... more
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      French LiteratureCaricature (Visual Studies)History of CostumeCaricature (Art)
Here is a rare homage to the art of classic 2–D animation and the time–honored method of hand–drawing characters that come alive on the silver screen. The creator of "The Simpsons" and "Futurama," reveals the art of brilliant character... more
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      Learning and TeachingDrawingCaricature (Art)The Simpsons
This essay establishes a graphic history pertaining to Franciszka Themerson's UBU Comic Strip (1970). A product of her extensive engagement with Alfred Jarry's play Ubu Roi (1896), this work invites us to consider Themerson's vanguard... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Comics StudiesComic Book StudiesComics/Sequential Art
Le milieu du XIXe siècle est marqué par le développement de scandales littéraires ou artistiques, qui semblent garantir aux oeuvres qu'ils concernent la qualité d'oeuvres "modernes", faisant rupture avec une tradition épuisée dans la... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Cultural TheoryCaricature (Art)Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
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      Comparative LiteratureRomanticismDance Studies19th Century French Literature
Encontrar datos sobre los hacedores de la prensa mexicana ha sido harto difícil pues no existen archivos de los periódicos donde trabajaban. La de Constantino Escalante se reconstruye a través de un obituario, dos fotografias y su obra en... more
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      Art HistoryCaricature (Art)Political cartoonsCaricatura política en el segundo imperio mexicano
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      Art HistoryReception TheoryNineteenth Century Academic PaintingArt Criticism
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Caricature (Art)French ImpressionismEdouard Manet
Resumen: A pesar de los debates que a partir de 1839 enfrentaron al daguerrotipo con las artes tradicionales, fotografía y caricatura iniciaron tempranamente una fructífera relación, que se extendería al nuevo siglo. En este artículo... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Caricature (Art)History of photographyCaricature
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      PhotographyCaricature (Art)
Le caricaturiste Robert La Palme a livré un portrait saisissant du Québec d'après-guerre, lui qui a mené une véritable croisade contre Maurice Duplessis et son régime. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire de maîtrise, nous nous proposons de... more
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      HistoryCaricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryQuébec History
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      AestheticsCaricature (Art)Indian Modernism (Art)Art and Resistance
in: Sandra Gianfreda (ed.): Praised and Ridiculed. French Painting 1820-1880, exhibition catalogue (Kunsthaus Zürich), Munich 2017, S. 32-43 u. 226-229.
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      Art HistoryReception TheoryNineteenth Century Academic PaintingNapoleonic Wars
سردت الدراسة كمدخل لها التداخلَ الشائع في تعريف "كتاب الفنان" مع تعريفات أخرى كتعريف الكتاب المصوّر والقصة المصورة، وذلك اعتمادا على منهجية الدراسة في تقديم وسيط "كتاب الفنان" برؤية جديدة تعتمد على فرضية أساسها أنه من الممكن أن يتخذ "كتاب... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Picture BooksComic Book StudiesCataloguing
This paper revolves around James Gillray -a political caricaturist of the 18th century- along with his views and portrayals of the French Revolution and it's protagonists, followed by his contribution to the then circulated Anti Jacobin... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryArt HistoryArt
Caricature and comics are elastic categories. This essay treats caricature not as a type or aspect of comics but as a window through which we can view comics in relation to the broader European visual art tradition. Caricature is... more
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      ComicsCaricature (Art)Gombrich
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Caricature (Art)Turkey in World PoliticsCrimean War
Digital cultures engage users’ social, creative and emotional labour – a process that can be described as affective. For some theorists and artists, this dynamic is inherently exploitative. However, within this exploitation is the... more
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      Queer StudiesCaricature (Visual Studies)Self and IdentityQueer Theory
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
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      Humor/SatireCaricature (Art)Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da Vinci, italian history
One highly prominent aspect of ISIS’s program of destruction in Syria and Iraq that has come to the media attention recently is their program of cultural heritage destruction that took the form of smashing artifacts in archaeological... more
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      Critical TheoryLandscape EcologyArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
Narra cómo se fue transformando las imágenes irónicas en la caricatura, durante este amplio periodo, unas veces haciendo reír al lector y otras mostrándoles el camino de la rebelión. La caricatura en el siglo XIX es la responsable de... more
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      Art HistoryCaricature (Art)Political cartoons
In questa tesi di laurea si introduce prima la storia della caricatura, per poi arrivare alla sua espressione sociale e politica nelle riviste del Sud Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento, con un focus particolare sulla Puglia.
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      Caricature (Art)Political CaricatureRiviste LetterarieUmorismo
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Caricature (Art)Turkey in World PoliticsCrimean War
Avec la Révolution tranquille, la Grande Noirceur occupe une place de choix dans l’imaginaire collectif des Québécois. Ces deux mythistoires articulent une conception dichotomique du passé québécois où l’année 1960 apparaît comme une... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesCanadian Studies
This essay examines new developments and trends in the study of eighteenth-century prints, with a particular focus on reproductive engraving, book illustration, fine art etching, and caricature. Recent studies demonstrate an increasingly... more
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      Print CultureHistoriographyPrintmakingSatirical prints in 18th century Britain
Abstract From earth to heaven. The influence of the Aldeia da Terra project in the conception of a new artistic lan-guage. The barrística, also the art of the figured in clay, although with previous manifestations founded schools in... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Contemporary ArtCeramics (Art History)Traditional Crafts
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Caricature (Art)Humour StudiesHumour
[Abstract français ci-dessous] Expressionnist portraits and caricature There is a certain visual evidence which makes it tempting to link modern art and caricature. At least two art-historians have done so: Ernst Gombrich and Werner... more
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      PerceptionCaricature (Visual Studies)Modernism (Literature)Painting
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Modern ArtPortraitureAmerican art/ Art of the United States