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Il Kitab al-Sawm, tradotto in italiano come il Libro del Digiuno, riporta una serie di Tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad ‫)ﷺ(‬ relative alla pratica cultuale del digiuno così come era praticato dal Profeta e dai Compagni con riferimenti non... more
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      Fasting in IslamHadithQuran and Sunnah StudiesThe Purpose of Ramadan
تعبير" إسلامية المعرفة" ضرورة معرفية وضرورة حضارية لا على المستوى الإسلامي وحده، بل على مستوى العالمي كله للخروج من المأزق ‏المعرفي المعاصر، والأزمة الفكرية العالمية المعاصرة‎.‎ وإسلامية المعرفة تحقق من قراءة كتاب المقروء ونعني به "... more
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      Islamic StudiesHadith StudiesQuranShariah
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      ReligionComparative ReligionGeologyCosmology (Physics)
Kritik Syaikh Ahmad al-Gharîb terhadap salah satu eksponen Hanabilah Judud perihal Kitab al-Tauhid Ibn Khuzaimah & al-Naqdh al-Darimi.
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      Pendidikan IslamQuran and Sunnah StudiesMazhab Ahli Sunnah wa al-JamaahIbnu Taimiyyah
In quest'opera sono pubblicati i primi tre libri del Sahih Bukhari, la collezione dei detti e delle azioni del Profeta Muhammad ‫)ﷺ(‬ giudicati autentici dagli studiosi. I primi tre libri della raccolta, intitolati rispettivamente Il... more
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      Hadith StudiesProphet MuhammadAl-Quran & Al-HadithSunnah
This book is a translation of Marʿī b. Yūsuf al-Karmī’s (d. 1033/1623) classical Ḥanbalī law manual, Dalīl al-Ṭālib. In 1961 George M. Baroody translated the section of criminal law as part of a Masters’ thesis. The present work focuses... more
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      Islamic LawLegal TheoryQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
"أما ما نحن فيه، نحن أولاً نجعل الكتاب والسنة هي الثوابت الأصول، والمراجع التي نريد أن نستمد منها فكرنا وثقافتنا ونجعلها مرجعنا في كل شيء، نرجع إلى تراثنا الإسلامي ونقومه، ما انسجم منه مع توجيهات الكتاب والسنة ومناهجهما أخذ منه، ما صادم... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuran and Sunnah StudiesIslamic History & CultureIslamic Faith
The Da’wah Covenant of Honor calls on all Muslims and anyone involved in da’wah activities to ‎adopt a pledge of honor regarding their noble work of inviting and calling people to the message ‎of Islam. Readers will discover the mission... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesHadith StudiesIslamDa'wah
« Sous le couvert d’un islam dénaturé par les ignorantistes, des fanatiques, corrupteurs de la foi, à l’aise dans l’ignominie, commettent les pires crimes contre Dieu et l’humanité. Dénaturant l’Islâm et toutes les valeurs morales,... more
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      IslamHistoire des idées et de la penséeEtudes coraniquesCoran
SINCE the promulgation of Islam the world has seen great changes; empires have risen and disappeared; great nationalities have been swept away making room for others; knowledge and culture have drifted from the East to the West; and... more
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      History of IslamHistory of the Islamic WorldIslamic HistoryIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
Öz Hadis ve fıkha dair ilk döneme ait bilgileri ihtiva eden Muvatta'ın sahibi İmam Mâ-lik, rivayetçiliği ve içtihatlarıyla, fıkıh ilminin teşekkül edip gelişmesinde önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Fıkıh usûlünün fer'î ve aslî delillerini etkin... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic StudiesHadith StudiesMaliki Studies
هذا الكتاب ضميمة لمجموعة من المجالس التي عقدها المؤلف لإملاء الأحاديث والأخبار من حفظه ولفظه بأسانيده إلى المؤلفين وكتبهم، بحيث لا يزيد المجلس الواحد عن حديث وخبر أو شعر أو قصة. وغالبا ما يكون اختيار الإسناد الذي يسوقه للطيفة إسنادية،... more
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      Hadith Studiesعلم الحديث النبويSunnahالسنة النبوية
Without a doubt, the Qur’an is beautiful, indeed, the most beautiful literary composition the Arabic ‎language has ever known. It signified the divine presence itself and commanded the greatest honor. The ‎proof that the Qur’an was the... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesQuran and Sunnah Studies
Methodology holds an important place in the understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Methodology takes shape as a result of the centuries-long e􀄛orts of understanding and general approaches. The Muslim generations have had no... more
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      Hadith StudiesFıkıhSunnah
العمامة في ضوء القران والسنة
و فهم سلف الأمة
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesHadith StudiesIslam
Kitab suci al-qur’an merupakan kitab pedoman bagi manusia sebagai hudan linnas. Sebagai pedoman, petunjuk dan acuan dalam menjalani kehidupan pribadi, berkeluarga, bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Berbagai petunjuk-petunjuk dan... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesFilsafat Dan Sosial BudayaPendidikan Agama Islam
The Arabs were known for their eloquence from ancient times, and they were competing in the field of saying, especially (poetry). The poet had a great place in them; because he used to defend them, broadcast their exploits, take pride in... more
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      PoetryHoly QuranArabsProphetic rhetoric
This work studies the position of the Sunnah in Islam and its fundamental relationship to the Qur’an. The author ‎carefully examines the sensitive issue of the development of the oral and written traditions, the problems scholars ‎faced... more
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      Islamic StudiesNarrativesQur'anHadith
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      Islamic StudiesHadith StudiesIslamPengajian Al Quran Dan Al Sunnah
In this new and important analysis of apostasy (al-Riddah), the author examines fundamental teachings ‎of the Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, as well as historical as opposed to scriptural postulates, to ‎uncover the origins of the... more
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      IslamPrinciples of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)ApostasyQur'an
هذا الكتاب ألفه فضيلة الشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين وترجمته أنا وسيطبع هذا الكتاب من قبل هيئة الطلاب المسلمين بنوغام سرينغر كشمير۔ کتاب ( مکارم اخلاق) ابن عثیمین صاحب نے لکھی ، اور اس کا ترجمہ میرے ہاتھوں ہوا ، یہ اللہ کا فضل ہے۔ یہ کتاب... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsResearch EthicsValues
The Islamic Missionary Movements Tablīghī Jamāʿat, Daʿwat-e Islāmī, and Sunnī Daʿwat-e Islāmī share, in varying degrees, a Sufi background, and preach a peaceful Islam. At the same time terrorists involved in the bombings in Europe since... more
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      South AsiaIslam in EuropeMission StudiesTablighi Jamaat
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      EthicsBioethicsMedical EthicsIslamic Studies
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamQuran
The Da’wah Covenant of Honor calls on all Muslims and anyone involved in da’wah activities to ‎adopt a pledge of honor regarding their noble work of inviting and calling people to the message ‎of Islam. Readers will discover the mission... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesHadith StudiesIslamDa'wah
Dal momento che la vita del Profeta (pbsl), dall’inizio alla fine, è stata una benedizione per tutta l’umanità indipendentemente dalle connotazioni nazionali, etniche e religiose, questo volume propone una lettura breve ma intensa della... more
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      IslamBiographical Literature of the Prophet Muhammad (Sirah Rasul Allah)Biography of the Prophet MuhammadSunnah
The concept of carrying amulets, regardless of the material used, is a practice derived from the early culture of the kuffar (disbelievers) and mushrikoon (polytheists). Using Qur'anic verses in their physical form as a protection by... more
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      Islamic StudiesQuranIslamic Amulets and TalismansAqidah
Irfan A. Khan (d. 2018) believes the use of asbab al-nuzul (occasions of the revelation) is not only a mistaken methodology to understand the Quran but it is "most fatal to receiving any illumination or guidance from the Quran." His... more
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      TafsirQur'anic HermeneuticsHadithSunnah
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      Islamic StudiesHadith StudiesIslamic HistoryEarly Islamic History
Miniriset ini bertujuan agar hasil dari penelitian dapat dimanfaatkan dan digunakan oleh calon pengabdi masyarakat (mahasiswa) lainnya, yang dijadikan sebagai referensi dasar untuk mengambil satu langkah kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan... more
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      Quran and Sunnah StudiesSunnah
This is a carefully reasoned, positive, and largely reflective work. Looking back at the various stages of ‎Islamic historical development, AbuSulayman puts forward a thesis that focuses on the recovery of ‎what is termed the Qur’anic... more
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      ConflictQuranic StudiesRevelationFaith
ahlan masih  boleh ditambah baik
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    • Sunnah
Hadits, sunnah, khabar, dan atsar merupakan materi tak terpisahkan dengan ilmu hadits atau musthalah hadits, kata hadits, sunnah, khabar, dan atsar memiliki definisi yang berbeda dari segi etimologi atau secara bahasa, hadits adalah... more
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      Hadith StudiesHadithAl-HaditsSunnah
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      Islamic StudiesSufismIslamIslamic Spirituality
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      Hadith StudiesBiographical Literature of the Prophet Muhammad (Sirah Rasul Allah)HadithQuran and Sunnah Studies
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      EpistemologyIslamic StudiesHadith StudiesIslamic History
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      Ushul FiqhSumber Hukum IslamHukum IslamSunnah
Mudarabah/مضاربۃ is an Arabic term of business law. Grammatically, the word Mudarabah/مضاربۃ is on the scale of Mufa`alah/مفاعلۃ . It is from the chapter of mufa`al/باب مفاعل which signifies mutual action of two persons. In business,... more
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      PakistanIslamic BankingFiqhISlamic financing
Usul Al-Fiqh is a science which is deeply embedded in the Islamic experience and one which, thanks to its methods ‎and concerns, helped generate an empirical trend in Muslim culture, in turn benefiting western thinking. Itself a ‎creation... more
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      Islamic StudiesEvidenceInterpretationIslamic Jurisprudence
The Da’wah Covenant of Honor calls on all Muslims and anyone involved in da’wah activities to ‎adopt a pledge of honor regarding their noble work of inviting and calling people to the message ‎of Islam. Readers will discover the mission... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesHadith StudiesIslamDa'wah
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      Islamic EducationIslamic StudiesHistory of the Islamic WorldHadith Studies
What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the ‎demand for religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Qur’an “There shall be no compulsion ‎in matters of faith”?‎ It... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamQuranPrinciples of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)
For too long now, the Qur’an and the Sunnah, great sources of strength, purity, knowledge and ‎inspiration for the Ummah, have not been adequately tapped. Skirting their peripheries or over-dwelling ‎on one or two of their multifarious... more
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      Sociology of ReligionQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamic History
Située la Nuit du Destin dans le temps équivaut à déterminer l’Instant précis du Commandement et de l’Ordre Divin,... le Prophète (Paix et Bénédictions sur lui) par sagesse, a bien défini, dans l’année et durant le mois de Ramadan, une... more
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      ReligionIslamic StudiesIslamTariqa Sufism
Her geçen gün şiddetini artırarak devam eden mezhep çatışmalarının, Müslümanların geleceği açısından ne derece önemli olduğu bugün daha iyi anlaşılmaktadır. Genelde mezhep, özelde ise Sünnî-Şiî çatışmalarının engellenerek İslâm dünyasının... more
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      Islamic StudiesHistori of Imami ShiismShiism, Shiite Islam, Shii IslamHistory of Islamic Sects
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      DialogueOttoman EmpireIslamQuran
Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Who Are The Ahl Al-Sunnah? The Ahl al-Sunnah are those Muslims who believe and live according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Only possessing the faith of the Ahl al-Sunnah enables one to gain the knowledge of... more
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      QuranHarun YahyaImportanceSunnah
الملخص تشغل إشكالية تصحيح الأخبار على غير منهج المحدثين بالعرفان أو الكشف حيزا مهما من الدراسات النقدية، ورغم أن هناك إشارات مهمة وردت لدى الجيل الأول بتصحيح الأخبار بالكشف، فإن الذي لجأ إلى ذلك المنهج وأسس له واستدل عليه ووظفه في مؤلفاته... more
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      TruthHadith StudiesIbn ArabiTasawwuf
This research paper investigates the early development and compilation of Hadith Literature. It outlines the practice of Prophet Muhammad's companions in writing and transmitting hadith, as well how discussing the development of sciences... more
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      Islamic StudiesHadith Studieso Hadith and Historical CriticismThe Hadith (Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies)