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      Philosophy Of LanguageCommunicationSubject
В статье проанализировано соотношение понятий человек, субъект и Dasein в фундаментальной онтологии Хайдеггера. Анализ произведен на двух уровнях: метафизическом (онтическом) и трансцендентальном (онтологическом). В результате сделан... more
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      DaseinSubjectHuman Being
Apesar de nossas pesquisas se caracterizarem, primordialmente, pela abordagem de estudo bakhtiniana, neste capítulo de livro, lançamos mão também da contribuição da semiótica da canção, a fim de refletirmos sobre a constituição desse... more
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Zusammenfassung: Ausgehend von einer Unschärfe des Inklusionsdiskurses zielt dieser Beitrag darauf ab, einen Inklusionsbegriff vorzustellen, der Inklusion als Prozess der Dekonstruktion von Diskursteilhabebarrieren versteht. Es wird... more
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      PraxisDiscourseInclusionSocial Practice
In my article, I analyze the syntactic behaviour of sentential arguments in Russian. Three types of sentential arguments: those with the infinitival form of the verb, with the marker čto and with the marker to, čto. The principal aim of... more
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This research aims to discuss how a selfie produces meaning for and through subjects. It is already known that the selfie is an image, and not an oral or written production, but we comprehend that, according to the Discourse Analysis... more
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      LanguageSubjectSelfie, Social NetworksDiscursive Memory, Self-Portrait
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      HistoryIslamic EducationMalaysiaSubject
وتاری بەردەست، پەرژاوەتە سەر پرسی زمان لە نێو کوردەکان لە تورکیا و باندۆری ئایدیۆلۆجی لەسەر پێڤاژۆی بەسووژەبوونی تاکی کورد لە هەمبەر زمانی دایکدا. بەم پێیە، ڕۆمانی پێشبازیا چیرۆکێن نەقەدیایی نووسینی شەنەر ئۆزمەن، بەگوێرەی کۆمەڵێ چەمک وەک... more
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      IdeologyKurdish LanguageSubjectKurdish Language,kurdish studies
The model of the politic of difference, proposed by Charles Taylor, in the wake of a conception of liberalism ‘hospitable’, unfolds in a journey aimed to comply with the ontological dimensions of the dignity of different cultures, of... more
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Π ε ρ ί λ η ψ η Η παρούσα εργασία αποσκοπεί στην ερμηνεία σύνολης της Κριτικής του Καθαρού Λόγου (ΚΚΛ) του Immanuel Kant. Για να επιτευχθεί μία τέτοια ερμηνεία προαπαιτείται η συνοπτική ανασυγκρότηση ολόκληρου του βιβλίου του Kant. Η... more
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      Transcendental PhilosophyImmanuel KantSelf-ConsciousnessTranscendental Idealism
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyPsychoanalysis
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En este artículo comento los aspectos más prominentes de la teoría de la interaccionalidad presencial desarrollada por Erving Goffman, y apunto algunos correlatos teóricos de la misma para una definición de la realidad y una teoría de la... more
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      Philosophy of ActionPerformance StudiesDramaturgyInteraction
Authors/Szerzők: Ungvári Zrínyi Imre, Demeter M. Attila, Veress Károly, Zuh Deodáth, Schmidt Dániel, Czirják Árpád, Réti Kinga-Eszter, Bajusz Gábor, Nițu Johanna, Lippai Cecília, Soós Amália, Lurcza Zsuzsanna, Ferencz Enikő, Szőcs... more
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      OntologyMulticulturalismIntercultural CommunicationInterdisciplinarity
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      Philosophy Of LanguageCommunicationSubject
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      Self and IdentityArtDeathContemporary Art
Alors que les phénoménologues prétendent avoir dépassé le solipsisme, la plupart n’ont en fait que repousser les frontières de l’intersubjectivité des individus humains aux individus des autres espèces. Pourtant, Husserl reconnaît... more
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      Animal BehaviorPhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyEdmund Husserl
Di kalangan ilmu sosial, psikologi (dan psikoanalisis) sosial terkenal buruk dalam begitu saja menganalogikan individu dengan kolektivitas (dalam hal ini masyarakat). Masyarakat, yang secara nominal merupakan suatu kolektivitas individu,... more
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38. numer Magazynu antropologiczno-społeczno-kulturowego „Maska” (2/2018), wydanie tematyczne pt. „Tożsamość — Podmiotowość, redaktor prowadzący: Tomasz P. Bocheński; Kraków 2018.
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      Identity (Culture)Collective IdentitySubjectivityCollective Identities
Bir tema olarak savaş tarih boyunca görsel, işitsel, sözlü, yazılı veya etkileşimli farklı medya biçimleri içinde defalarca anlatısallaştırılmış, dijital devrim sonrasında yaygınlaşan ve etkileşimli drama olarak da nitelendirilen dijital... more
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With this paper, we would like to discuss the impact of teacher-student interactions on students’ commitment to academic achievement. We conducted interviews with teachers from a high school for young adults, and students from the same... more
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      Teacher-Student RelationshipSubjectSchool dropoutsRelation to Knowledge
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      GenderOccupationGroup membershipBA
En este artículo proponemos una lectura de la poesía de Alfonsina Storni considerando el eje articulador escritura/biografía como la vía que pone en diálogo su experiencia y un escenario político, social y económico atravesado por las... more
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      The BodyWomenPedagogyWriting
There is an impressive variation in the subjects and the themes of Bahram Beyzai's works. To create his literary works he uses different literal techniques that are going to be explained in present study besides reviewing, analyzing and... more
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This essay is the first part of an analysis on the form and matter in the works of Aristotle. Within the whole analysis, I shall examine passages taken from different works of Aristotle that are relevant to the investigation on form and... more
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Concise online paper against the coherence of noetic monism, the ontological theory that there is just one experient, subject or self within reality.
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      OntologyPhilosophy of MindThe SelfMonism
In dialogue and confrontation with Kant, Heidegger discovers elements which allow him to deepen in his understanding of the co-pertinence of Dasein and being. This is a non-transcendental understanding, which arises in the midst of the... more
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On the basis of a detailed study of the relativization phenomena in the dialects of Sasak and Sumbawa in eastern Indonesia, this paper shows that the two crucial assumptions made by Keenan & Comrie on Western Malayo-Polynesian languages... more
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      GeographyTopicKey wordsNominalization
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      HistoryIslamic EducationMalaysiaSubject
Other things being equal, grammatical subject is coded as the theme of the clause. In marked cases, however, other non-subject arguments and prepositional phrases may appear as the theme due to some processes, including pre-posing.... more
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      Information StatusSubjectThemesNew/old information
En este texto se examina la irrupción en el concierto de la vanguardia de la poesía ecua-toriana y latinoamericana de la década del 30 del siglo XX de un jovencísimo Dávila An-drade, con un poema cuya madurez y audacia no deja de... more
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Este artículo es resultado de la investigación dle-033-99, patrocinada por upn-ciup. Trata de la relación entre el sujeto, la ética y la formación desde la perspectiva dialógica de Bajtín. Por un lado, plantea que el sujeto es un ser... more
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      SociologyEthicsSocial AnthropologyPersonality
For twenty-five years, interlanguage researchers have accepted an early period of topic prominence in the language of a native speaker of Hmong learning English (Huebner 1983). The study was based on Li and Thompson's Typology of... more
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      SlaSubjectTopic prominenceSLA
The aim and purpose of education in Islam is among others to form a cohesive Muslim personal in the development of spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and social. It is not only produced good citizens but also covers the... more
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      HistoryIslamic EducationMalaysiaSubject
This paper states that modern education and utopian discourse share one common trait, that of being structurally founded on the promise of human betterment. The changing relations between concepts of education and utopianism will be... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPhilosophyArtModernity
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) is proliferating like anything in our lives. Communication theorists have been exploring its various dimensions; however, CMC grammar appears to be a less attempted area. The concept of CMC grammar... more
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Resumo: Entendo que as obras de vestir de Hélio Oiticica e de Lygia Clark abordam a inserção consciente do corpo no espaço real através dos atos de experimentações individuais ou coletivos, tendo o objeto-roupa como o elemento... more
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      Hélio OiticicaLygia ClarkAmbienteSubject
In this article I intend to highlight how the relationship between psychic subject and spiritual subject is fundamental for the understanding of intersubjectivity and the life world (Lebenswelt). In Ideas II, Husserl explains how, from... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlConsciousness
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      SociologySubjectivitiesIMAGINARIOS URBANOSPractices
Abstract This paper states that modern education and utopian discourse share one common trait, that of being structurally founded on the promise of human betterment. The changing relations between concepts of education and utopianism will... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceTechnologyImagination
The subject of the article is the project approach in higher engineering education, the object of the article is higher engineering education in the conditions of the sixth technological way, the purpose of the article is to increase the... more
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      QualityEngineering EducationMethodologyTeacher
Este artículo es resultado de la investigación dle-033-99, patrocinada por upn-ciup. Trata de la relación entre el sujeto, la ética y la formación desde la perspectiva dialógica de Bajtín. Por un lado, plantea que el sujeto es un ser... more
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      PsychoanalysisSocial NetworksPsychoanalysis and PoliticsLacanian psychoanalysis
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryMedical AnthropologyPhilosophy