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      History of RFE/RLPerestroikaAltarnative Culture, Samizdat, Geography of DissentSoviet Dissent
Na tle krajobrazu polskiej opozycji demokratycznej, Ruch Wolność i Pokój jest zjawiskiem nieco zapomnianym. Na pewno pisze się o nim nieproporcjonalnie mało w stosunku do jego historycznego znaczenia. Co jednak ciekawe, pisze się o nim... more
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      Social MovementsEastern European StudiesPolish HistoryCentral European history
Written Here, Published There offers a new perspective on the role of underground literature in the Cold War and challenges us to recognize gaps in the Iron Curtain. The book identifies a transnational undertaking that reinforced détente,... more
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      Cultural StudiesEastern European StudiesLiteratureCold War
В русском сегменте Интернета появился новый историко-филологический ресурс – Индекс «Художественная литература». Он объединил упоминания художественных текстов в «Хронике текущих событий», известном самиздатском бюллетене московских... more
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      PhilologyCultural HistoryRussian LiteratureSoviet History
Az Inconnu csoport esetében a környezetvédelem így szorosan összekapcsolódott az államszocialista rendszer kritikájával, és elsősorban abból a szempontból vált fontossá, hogy olyan ügy volt, amin keresztül sikeresen, sokakat megmozgatva... more
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      Political EcologyEcologyEcological ArtPolitical Art
Fairy tales play a substantial role in the shaping of childhoods. Developed into stories and played out in picture books, films and tales, they are powerful instruments that influence conceptions and treatments of the child and... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEducationMedia Studies
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      Alternative MediaAlternative CultureSamizdat
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      Altarnative Culture, Samizdat, Geography of DissentSamizdatSoviet Rock MusicSoviet cultural underground
This is my dissertation proposal which I submitted to the Department of History, CEU. I upload this material so that I can get comments and critics from other scholars who have similar interests. If there is any question, opinions and... more
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      Sociology of EducationSoviet HistoryCzech HistoryPolish History
Paru en juin 2015 aux Presses des Mines Les pratiques amateur, foisonnantes et hétéroclites, restent largement méconnues, en particulier dans le domaine des médias et du journalisme, alors qu’elles représentent bien souvent une part... more
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      SociologyMedia StudiesJournalismSocial Sciences
W artykule omówiono wczesne związki George’a Orwella z Polską i Polakami, starając się zebrać różne perspektywy, konteksty i niekiedy mniej znane fakty. Z jednej strony skupiono się na podkreśleniu znacznego zainteresowania autora Polską... more
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      CensorshipReception StudiesGeorge OrwellCensorship (History)
Kultury alternatywne są postrzegane w tekście jako produkt uboczny procesów modernizacyjnych zachodnich społeczeństw, który jednak i jakby wbrew swojej marginalnej pozycji i niskiego status, odegrał bardzo istotną rolę w dopełnianiu... more
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      CultureConsumer BehaviorTurkish ModernisationAlternative Culture
Frutto di una ricerca che si è avvalsa di materiali d'archivio venuti alla luce solo dopo il collasso dell'Unione Sovietica, "Le ossa di Berdicev" è una vivida ricostruzione della vita di uno degli scrittori più importanti e ignorati del... more
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      HistoryJewish StudiesLiteratureCold War and Culture
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      Culture in the Soviet UnionPost-modernismInstitutional historySamizdat
„Lengyel, magyar, két jó barát” – tartja az ismert mondás, amelyet 1981-ben még a Kontroll Csoport is megénekelt. Mégis, mára szinte feledésbe merült, hogy a hetvenes évek második felétől kezdve e hagyományos baráti viszonyt a két ország... more
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      Intellectual PropertyTransnationalismPolish HistoryCentral European history
This article provides the first sustained exploration of an important group of works by the Czech artist, Pavel Büchler. Büchler’s ‘small sculptures’, produced between 2006 and 2015, employ remarkably modest means to bear tellingly upon a... more
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      HomerContemporary ArtPaintingFranz Kafka
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      Alternative CultureSamizdat
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    • Samizdat
Il nostro lavoro è incentrato su La rosa canina, una delle prime e più rappresentative raccolte poetiche della poetessa Ol’ga Sedakova, composta fra il 1976 e il 1978. Questo ciclo è forse il più complesso della scrittrice, tanto che la... more
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      Russian LiteratureAltarnative Culture, Samizdat, Geography of Dissentрусская литератураСамиздат
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    • Samizdat
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      Russian Studies20th Century Russian LiteratureSoviet DissentSamizdat
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      Intellectual HistoryCulture in the Soviet UnionDandyismPost-War Reconstruction
A study on the developments of avantgarde book and artist's book genre in Poland in the 20th century
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      ConstructivismGraphic DesignFuturismPolish Art and Architecture
В настоящем издании впервые публикуются четыре машинописных сборника Елены Шварц (1948–2010), замечательного поэта ленинградского андеграунда: «Войско, изгоняющее бесов», «Оркестр», «Разбивка парка на берегу Финского залива» и «Корабль».... more
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      Russian contemporary LiteratureRussian Poetry20th Century Russian LiteratureUnderground Literature
В истории советского диссидентства исторический сборник «Память», пять выпусков которого вышли в 1976—1982 годах, занимает особое место. «Память» отличалась от других самиздатских и тамиздатских публикаций стремлением к научному,... more
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      Russian LiteratureSoviet HistoryRussian HistorySoviet Union (History)
Суми: видавничо-виробниче підприємство «Мрія-1» ТОВ, 2012.– 300 с. У збірнику подані документи, що висвітлюють історію протестних настроїв та проявів інокодумства комуністичному авторитарному режимові на території Сумщини, починаючи з... more
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      Soviet HistoryUkrainian StudiesUkrainian intelligentsiaHistory of the USSR
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSoviet HistoryMusic and Language
_Language Shattered_ is both a history of poetry from the People's Republic of China and a case study of the oeuvre of a leading Chinese poet. After the stifling orthodoxy of the 1950s and early 1960s, the terror of the Cultural... more
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      Chinese poetryChinese literatureCountercultureSamizdat
This study introduces the so far unknown samizdat selection of Deml‘s poems entitled Poslední Šlépěje (The Last Footprints, 1982), put together and published by Josef Veselý and Bohumil Macháček in the South Bohemian JITROcel samizdat... more
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      Czech LiteratureLiterary HistoryLiterary studiesNormalization
Did history return to the countries of East Central Europe after 1989? Has the historical memory of these countries been frozen before 1989? Without a doubt the ruling socialist and communist parties exploited, suppressed and falsified... more
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      Czech HistoryContemporary HistoryPolish HistoryHistory and Memory
10–12 февраля 2018 г. в Екатеринбурге прошла VI Всероссийская научно-богословская конференция «Церковь. Богословие. История», посвященная 100-летию мученической кончины святых Царственных страстотерпцев и их верных спутников. Конференция... more
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      HistoryRussian LiteratureTheologyRussian Orthodox Church
В научном периодическом издании Екатеринбургской духовной семинарии публикуются материалы и исследования по различным вопросам богословия, церковной истории и смежных дисциплин, извлечения из протоколов заседаний ученого совета ЕДC,... more
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      TheologyReligious EducationRare Books and ManuscriptsIsrael/Palestine
Glosszárium a Balra át, jobbra át – Művészeti és politikai radikalizmus a Kádár-korban // Az Orfeo és az Inconnu csoport kiállításhoz (2019.10.03. - 2019.11.24. Blinken OSA Archívum, Budapest). A Balra át, jobbra át című kiállítás azt... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSocial MovementsSociology of Culture
Totalitný režim komunistického Československa obmedzoval ľudské práva a občianske slobody, preto boli akékoľvek formy nesúhlasu vnímané ako protištátne a hrozili za ne perzekúcie. Názoroví oponenti boli takto nútení prezentovať svoje... more
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      HistoryCommunismBiographyBiographical Methods
The paper aims to reconstruct the importance of samizdat in the emergence of the theme of repression in the Soviet Union. Through the analysis of the different paths on which the “repressed word” reached the samizdat public, the author... more
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      Russian LiteraturePopular CultureCultureIntellectuals
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureGender StudiesQueer Studies
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
This study focuses on describing the samizdat situation in the Tábor region while attempting to portray some of the sociocultural aspects of independent publishing activity on the “periphery”. Local examples of these phenomena (with such... more
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      SubculturesLiterary HistoryAlternative CultureNormalization
В статье анализируются отчеты об обсуждении романа В. Дудинцева «Не хлебом единым», состоявшемся 22 октября 1956 г. в ЦДЛ, и прежде всего передача в них речи К. Паустовского. Эта речь и ее интерпретации рассматриваются как один из важных... more
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      СамиздатKonstantin PaustovskySamizdatКонстантин Георгиевич Паустовский
Review of a curious Soviet book on medieval alchemy, published in the samizdat journal "37". Vol. 20 (1980) 190-199.

NOTE: The earlier uploaded file contained several mistakes.
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      Medieval CultureCulture in the Soviet UnionHistory of alchemySoviet intellectual life
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      Cold War and CultureHungarian StudiesAltarnative Culture, Samizdat, Geography of DissentSamizdat
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      Russian StudiesTotalitarianismHistory of the USSRCensorship (History)
The conceptual problem this article aims to research is how zines (of the Western or “the first world”) and music samizdat (of socialist countries or “the second world”) should be analysed. Thus far, they have been regarded as separate... more
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      History of the USSRPost-Soviet StudiesZinesFanzines
یک داستان بلند
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      Persian LiteratureStoryThe NovellaSamizdat
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      Countercultural StudiesPeace MovementsSamizdatAlternative Movement
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      New MediaCentral EuropeCentral and East European StudiesHistory of Dissent
A monograph on avantgarde and artist's book genre in Poland in the 20th century. From Futurism, Expressionism through Constructivist publications, functional typography, conceptual books up to art samizdat etc.
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      TypographyFuturismArtists' BooksConceptual Art
In the final issue of the clandestine Lidové noviny from December 1989, Václav Havel bid farewell to the newspaper’s samizdat era in his “Goodbye samizdat” editorial: “Goodbye samizdat Lidové noviny, goodbye conspiracies, goodbye... more
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      Czech LiteratureLiterary HistoryAlternative CultureBook publishing and marketing
Haraszti Miklós pere a Kádár-korszak utolsó írópere volt 1973-ban. E tanulmány célja, hogy egy konkrét pert elemezve bemutassa, hogyan működött a kádári puha diktatúra egy szűk értelmiségi csoportra vonatkozóan, melyek voltak azon határai... more
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      Altarnative Culture, Samizdat, Geography of DissentSamizdat