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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Change
Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
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      Russian StudiesPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicNew Testament
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Change
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      Russian StudiesSoviet Union (History)Soviet DissidentsSoviet Union
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      GULAGSoviet DissidentsPolitics of Historyдиссиденты
Transcript of live interview with Russian Dissident, Vladimir Kara-Murza
On the occasion of launching Dissident Speaker Series, at MIT, October 25, 2017,
and the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.
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      Soviet DissidentsDissidents
S. MUSTEAŢĂ, E. VARTA (eds), Nicolae Lupan, disidentul și jurnalistul. La microfonul Europei Libere (1978-1988), Chișinău: Editura ARC, 2019, vol. 1, 512 pag.
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      Cold WarCold War historySoviet DissidentsBessarabia
Представлено на конференции "Личность и творчество А.И. Солженицына в современном искусстве и литературе. К 100-летнему юбилею А.И. Солженицына", 15–17 марта 2017, Государственный Институт Искусствознания. Presented at "A.I. Solzhenitsyn... more
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      Russian LiteratureIconographySoviet HistoryPhotography
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Change
Artiklis on vaadeldud Ukraina läbiviidud venestamisi ja ukrainiseerimiskatseid läbi ajaloo. Põhjalikumalt on käsitletud Ukraina rahvuslikku vastupanu Stalini järgsel perioodil. Tegemist oli mittevägivaldse vastupanuga, mille taktikaks... more
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      Ukrainian NationalismSoviet DissidentsSoviet DissentNational Resistance Movement
Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago, its Western Reception and Impact in the Media (1974-1978): a Cold War shock This article presents the comparative critical analysis of three documents: a report of the Soviet Political... more
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      Public OpinionSoviet HistoryFrench history and politicsSoviet Dissidents
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      Soviet HistorySoviet Dissidents
Raamatus on käsitletud Stockholmis 1978. aastal Ants Kippari poolt moodustatud ja pikka aega juhitud Eesti Vangistatud Vabadusvõitluse Abistamiskeskuse (EVVA) tegevust. EVVA oli esimene pagulasorganisatsioon, mis lõi kontaktid... more
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      Baltic StatesSoviet DissidentsResistanceSoviet Dissent
Премия Просветитель
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      SociologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAnthropology
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      Soviet DissidentsDissidents
В истории советского диссидентства исторический сборник «Память», пять выпусков которого вышли в 1976—1982 годах, занимает особое место. «Память» отличалась от других самиздатских и тамиздатских публикаций стремлением к научному,... more
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      Russian LiteratureSoviet HistoryRussian HistorySoviet Union (History)
Eric J. Schmaltz. "Carrots, Sticks...and Demonstrations: Yuri Andropov's Failed Autonomy Plan for Soviet Kazakhstan's Germans, 1976-1980." Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (Lincoln, Nebraska), Vol. 39,... more
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      Ethnic StudiesCold WarHistory of the USSRPost Cold War Era
Суми: видавничо-виробниче підприємство «Мрія-1» ТОВ, 2012.– 300 с. У збірнику подані документи, що висвітлюють історію протестних настроїв та проявів інокодумства комуністичному авторитарному режимові на території Сумщини, починаючи з... more
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      Soviet HistoryUkrainian StudiesUkrainian intelligentsiaHistory of the USSR
Alljärgnevalt on tehtud katse anda kronoloogiline ülevaade NLiidu aktiivse vägivallatu vastu-panu episoodidest aastatel 1940-41 ja 1945-1987. Taktikalise poole pealt saab seda vastupanu jagada kaheks. Kuni 1970ndate keskpaigani seisnes... more
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      Soviet DissidentsSoviet DissentNational Resistance MovementUnviolent resistance
Il s’agit du livre "Pour votre liberté et pour la nôtre. Le combat des dissidents de Russie", traduit en russe et actualisé.
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryRussian PoliticsRussian History
Хроника Свободного университета. Год первый
Как появился Свободный Университет и с каких курсов он начинался
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      Post-Soviet RegimesExilePost-Soviet StudiesOnline Learning
Collection of documents and comments on Nicolae Lupan contributions' to the Radio Free Europe (1978-1988), 2nd volume
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      Cold War and CultureSoviet DissidentsBessarabiaRadio Free Europe
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      Peace MovementsPacifismSoviet Dissidents
Beliakova N. A. ‘“We Report about the Crimes against Justice…”: Believer’s Appeals and Complaints in the Brezhnev USSR’, Modern History of Russia, vol. 8, no. 3, 2018, pp. 640–658. Abstract:... more
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      International RelationsSoviet HistoryCold War and CultureSoviet Union (History)
The essay deals with the activities of the Relief Centre for the Political Prisoners in the USSR (Eesti Vangistatud Vabadusvõitlejate Abistamiskeskus – EVVA), established in Stockholm in 1978 and managed by Ants Kippar. The EVVA was the... more
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      History of EstoniaSoviet DissidentsSoviet Dissidents, Soviet Dissent, National Resistance Movement, and Nonviolent resistance, Baltic States
An Exhibition by Dr. Orysia Kulick, Research Fellow in Ukrainian Studies, School of Languages, Cultures and Literatures, TCD. The last century of Ukrainian history has been shaped by war, revolution and the struggle for statehood. The... more
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      Social MovementsRussian StudiesHuman RightsUkrainian Studies
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      PhilologyWorld LiteraturesFilm StudiesComedy
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      Gender StudiesOral historyBiography and Life-WritingSoviet Dissidents
Introduction 1 Costica Bradatan and Serguei Alex. Oushakine I. The Sickle, the Hammer, and the Typewriter 1 Ideas against Ideocracy: The Platonic Drama of Russian Thought 13 Mikhail Epstein 2 Asking for More: Finding Utopia in the... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEastern European StudiesRussian StudiesHistory of Ideas
The chapter covers the main state terror campaigns initiated by the Soviet regime in the Moldavian SSR starting from the fist year of Soviet occupation of Bessarabia (1940-41) up to 1989. The author uses a wide range of archival... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesRomanian HistoryBaltic Studies
Алег Дзярновіч. Грамадская думка ў Беларусі 1960-х – 1970-х гадоў: гісторыя, нацыя і незалежнасць // Палітычная сфера. № 15 (2), 2010. С. 85—101. Aleh Dziarnovich Social Thought in 1960s-1970s’ Belarus: History, Nation and Independence... more
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      HistoriographySoviet DissidentsSoviet Belarus
The proposed article focuses on a crucial year in the diplomatic and cultural relations between the Soviet Union and Italy, the West-European country with the largest Communist Party. In 1977, Soviet authorities planned several... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryCultural Cold WarCold War
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      ReligionBuddhismComparative ReligionHistory
This article explores ideas of right-wing Soviet dissidents, using the example of writer and theorist Gennady Shimanov. The author interprets the evolution of Shimanov’s ideas during the 1960s-1980s within the framework of fundamentalism... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian HistoryRussian Orthodoxy
Поздне-советская субъектность
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      Political SociologyRussian StudiesAnthropologyPolitical Philosophy
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
The volume presents the results of a study of formal and informal groups and mechanisms within Armenia’s political, economic and military elites, aiming to reveal trends in formal institution-building and the changing role of informality... more
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      Political EconomyArmenian StudiesPolitical ScienceElites (Political Science)
This article examines the debate between Soviet dissidents Andrei Sakharov and Roy Medvedev in the 1970s concerning the Jackson-Vanik Amendment and détente. Although both dissidents stood for East-West détente and democratization of the... more
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      Soviet HistoryCold WarJewish HistorySoviet Union (History)
Arvustuses on vaadeldud Riigiarhiivi poolt publitseeritud dokumenide kogumikku "Dissidentlik liikumine Eestis aastatel 1972-1987". Tallinn, 2010. Kogumiku koostaja Riigiarhiivi publitseerimisosakonna spetsialist Arvo Pesti oli omal ajal... more
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      Soviet DissidentsSoviet Dissent
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      Soviet RegimeSoviet HistoryEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryPost-Soviet Studies
From the beginning of the sixties to the end of the seventies, the singer-songwriter, poet and actor Vladimir Vysotsky (1938-1980) embodied an archetypical Soviet Russian dissident: while ostracized by the Brezhnev regime, he was very... more
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      Popular Music StudiesMusic and PoliticsPoetry and MusicSoviet Dissidents
A selection of 103 poems translated into English from Azerbaijani, written by Azerbaijan's distinguished poet Vagif Samadoghlu, son of Vurghun. Most of these poems were written during the Soviet period but could not be published then... more
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      Russian StudiesComparative LiteratureSoviet HistoryLiterature
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      Feminist ArtSoviet DissidentsDissident Art; New Media Art
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      Russian StudiesTotalitarianismHistory of the USSRCensorship (History)
Describing briefly the events that took place 50 years or more ago, I fulfill, at least partially, my promise to my late friend, artist Valery Korenblit (Sonin). Shortly before his passing away, he called me. He urged me again to write my... more
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      HistorySoviet RegimeJewish StudiesSoviet History
Thirty years after the purge, during perestroika, elderly former national communists Eduards Berklavs and Vilis Krūmiņš emerged from obscurity to become founding members of Latvia’s Popular Front and the Latvian National Independence... more
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      Soviet HistoryMemory StudiesMemoir and AutobiographySoviet Dissidents
This paper establishes a line of continuity between the Soviet, Brezhnev-era dissident historical journal Pamiat' and the post-Soviet human rights organization Memorial. It examines the differences and similarities of their histories,... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistory and MemoryPost-Soviet StudiesSoviet Union (History)
О последних полутора годах жизни вятского Новомученика и исповедника, православного диссидента Бориса Талантова, проведённых им в советской тюрьме (1969 - 1971)
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchHistory of the USSRRussian OrthodoxySoviet Dissidents
В статье речь идет о том, как покаяние ФРГ за преступления национал-социализма представляла себе советская и постсоветская интеллигенция, прежде всего в 1960–1990-е годы. Также рассматривается косвенное влияние западногерманских дебатов... more
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      HistoryGerman HistoryMemory StudiesCultural Memory