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The article presents the idea of social cohesion and its implementation in diverse and multicultural societies or societies in transition, such as the Polish commu-nity. It also explores the phenomenon of hate speech in racial contexts or... more
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      MulticulturalismHate SpeechHate CrimesEquality and Diversity
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      GlobalizationEducation PolicyMulticultural society
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      Middle East StudiesHigher EducationMiddle EastChallenges
This article provides an analysis of the disparity between the Church’s official position and its pragmatic activities in regard to the Basque minority in Spain under General Franco’s regime. Linguistic distinctness has been a key factor... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesMulticulturalismNationalism
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di persekolahan (school civic education) berperan penting dalam mengembangkan budaya kewargaan (civic culture) yang diperlukan dalam rangka membangun sistem politik demokrasi. Sebagai program kurikuler pada... more
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      Civic EducationMulticultural EducationCivic VirtueMulticultural society
Transformasi masyarakat majemuk Indonesia (plural society) menuju masyarakat multikultural (multicultural society) meniscayakan sebuah pemahaman yang menekankan pada pentingnya kesederajatan kebudayaan yang ada dalam sebuah masyarakat,... more
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      PluralismeMultikulturalismePendidikan KewarganegaraanMulticultural society
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      MulticulturalismEducationTeacher EducationMulticultural Education
Sosyal ve özel alanlarda insan varlığına özgü boşluğun en temel tezahürü, insanın dünyadaki temel durumunu etkileyen ve biçimlendiren ontolojik anlamında fark edilmektedir. Her ne kadar Heidegger dünya içinde temel insani durumu Dasein... more
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      The OtherVoidOpennessMulticultural society
The phenomenon of educational resistance shown by minors from disadvantaged backgrounds and placed in attendance centers is the main subject of interest in this article. This is a special group of students, because their attitude towards... more
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      In-depth InterviewsCulturas JuvenilesSocial DiversityMulticultural society
The article is dedicated to euskera, i.e. the native language spoken by the Basques. The major focus is not on its linguistic but social aspects in the context of the Basque Autonomous Community which forms a part of the Spanish state.... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesMulticulturalism
Anche -e forse soprattutto- dopo gli attentati di Parigi e dopo le violenze di massa alle donne compiute nella notte di Capodanno a Colonia e in altre città dell'Europa settentrionale, bisogna evitare di compiere il grave errore di... more
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      Legal PluralismConstitutionalismFundamental RightsHuman Dignity