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Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
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      Russian StudiesPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicNew Testament
На протяжении последних 15 лет в московском наземном транспорте функционировала турникетная система. В сентябре 2018 г. турникеты полностью убрали из салонов, аргументируя тем, что пассажиры стали более сознательно подходить к оплате... more
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      Public TransportPayment SystemsMoscowМосква
Simon Springer (Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Canada) contributes this short essay about his visit to Moscow and Domitrov. He organized a session titled “For Kropotkin” with Anthony Ince for the IGU Moscow Regional... more
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      HistoryGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
This article reviews various anomalies of speleothems formation in underground rivers and drains in Moscow. Travertine speleothems form on the inner walls of collectors, which is similar to the same forms of subrelief in karst caves.... more
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      MoscowUrban explorationCave and Karst StudiesUrban Drainage
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryGender StudiesWomen's Studies
Murawski’s article examines the political economy and political aesthetics of public space in contemporary Russia, focusing on Zaryadye Park. It argues that the current transformation of public space in Russia is at the epicentre of a... more
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      ArchitecturePostcolonial StudiesNeoliberalismPost-Socialism
The Church of the Vernicle was build in 1774 - 1783 in estate Rai-Semenovskoye near Moscow. On of the outstanding temples built by Russian architect Matvey Kazakov. The article is dedicted to its history and architecture. Most of the... more
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      IconographyChristian IconographyRussian cultureArchaeology of churches
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      19th- 20th- century Russian ArtMoscowRussian Architecture19th century Russian History
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      GenealogyNobilityRussian HistoryMerchants
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      Turkish LiteratureMoscowYaşar KemalMelih Cevdet Anday
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      Art HistoryPoliticsCinemaMoscow
An attempt was made to describe the fact that the quantity of the magazine “Voshod” subscribers dramatically decreased in Moscow in the early 1890’s. A lot of Jews, who hadn’t right to live out of the Pale of Settlement, were evicted.... more
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      History of the JewsReadership (Journalism History)MoscowReadership
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      Culture in the Soviet UnionMoscow
В статье с привлечением ранее неиспользованных архивных материалов о производственной деятельности рассмотрен вопрос о функционировании Трехгорной мануфактуры – одного из старейших (существовала с 1799 г.) и крупнейших российских... more
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      Economic HistoryRussian HistoryRussian RevolutionMoscow
В иллюстрированной книге о Главном здании МГУ авторы описывают историю (в том числе историю строительства), устройство, а также архитектурные особенности Главного здания. Приводится большое количество фотографий, иллюстраций и схем.... more
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      Soviet HistoryStalinismMoscowSoviet Design and Architecture
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      Russian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyRussian HistoryMoscow
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      History of Women in ArchitectureMoscowHistory of Landscape ArchitectureVKHUTEMAS
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      GenealogyRussian HistoryMerchantsMoscow
The owner of software requirement is always dictates that his requirement is urgent and must be done as soon as possible. This standard situation is always encountered by software development units which is problematic. Limited software... more
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      Software EngineeringMoscowAnalytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)Software Requirement Prioritization
The paper explores the relationship between photography and architecture as a mutually constitutive one. Besides standing as subjects for the camera, buildings can also extend the photographer’s capability to depict the surrounding... more
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      ArchitecturePhotographyArchitectural HistoryUrbanism
The critical edition of Roman Statkowski’s (1859–1925) correspondence. The gathered epistolary material includes 56 letters written by the composer to his close friends (Emil Młynarski and his wife Anna Młynarska), former teacher... more
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      Polish HistoryBritish MusicScottish musicUkraine
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      Political Violence and TerrorismCivil WarRussian RevolutionStalin and Stalinism
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      BusinessSustainable Urban EnvironmentsTransportation PolicyUrban Transportation
Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita, set in Stalin’s Moscow, is an intriguing work with a complex structure, wonderful comic episodes and moments of great beauty. Readers are often left tantalized but uncertain how to... more
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      ReligionRussian StudiesRussian LiteraturePhilosophy
Вопрос: Первая семья в рассказе Моисея была моногамной. Разве это не означает, что многожёнство является грехом? Ответ: Грехом является нарушение заповеди Божией, а не несоответствие каким либо аналогиям. Например, брак вдовы или вдовца... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionLatin American StudiesRussian Studies
Georgian transtation: "The Constantinople and Moscow divide. Troitsky and Photiades on the Extra-Jurisdictional Rights of the Ecumenical Patriarchate" by ALEXANDER G. DRAGAS. Translated by Gvantsa Ebralidze & Solomon Lebanidze. Edited by... more
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      MoscowEcumenical Patriarchate
Данная статья посвящена двум явлениям современной московской мусульманской жизни – громкому круговому зикру кадирийского тариката вирда Кунта-Хаджи, практикуемому чеченцами и ингушами в Исторической мечети, и религиозным практикам... more
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      Islamic StudiesMigration StudiesMoscowAnthropology of Islam
Бородкин Л.И., Жеребятьев Д.И. Технологии 3D-моделирования в изучении пространственных аспектов городской истории: виртуальная реконструкция монастырского комплекса XIX – начала ХХ вв. // Вестник РФФИ, 2016, №3 (91), с. 47-60.
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      Cultural HeritageUrban HistoryMoscowMonastery
Full text searchable in Russian and English: the main archive guide to RGASPI -- the Russian State Archive of Social-Political History (formerly RTsKhiDNI) in Moscow, Russia. Volume editors J. Arch Getty and V.P. Kozlov. This is Volume1... more
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      Soviet HistoryCommunismArchivesSoviet Union (History)
В исторических исследованиях технологии трёхмерного моделирования, фотограмметрии, виртуальных панорам, дополненной реальности и аэрофотосъёмки только получают достойное место в инструментарии исследователей. Особый интерес в разработке... more
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      Digital ArchaeologyDigital HistoryDigital Photogrammetry applied to ArchaeologyVirtual Reconstruction
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyModern History
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistorySocial HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
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      Russian StudiesMusic HistoryMusicologyRussian Music
What Vladimir Shukhov has not invented: or Once again about the glass roof of Upper Trading Rows in Moscow The article contains a few enough solid arguments for the excepting Upper Trading Rows (now GUM) covering from the list of... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryRussian StudiesArt History
The book explores the interrelation between the societal and spatial history in Moscow from 1917 to the 1960s. Five long-term case studies are discussed following the questions: What was planned and intended, what was actually built, how... more
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      Soviet HistorySpace and PlaceUrban HistoryCulture in the Soviet Union
День Победы — это не только официальные торжества, но и народный праздник. Точнее —набор разнообразных праздничных практик, ведь 9 мая отмечают от Берлина до тульской глубинки. В сборнике представлены результаты исследовательского... more
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      Russian StudiesBelarusian StudiesHistory and MemoryPostsocialism
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      Israel/PalestineMoscowHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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Typical mass housing complexes constructed by the Soviet state in the 1920s and 1930s, and post-1950, were communities designed to meet residents’ housing, educational, cultural, commercial, and recreational needs in all-inclusive... more
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      Soviet HistorySoviet Mass Housing (Architectural History)History of architectureSocial Housing
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      Visual StudiesPhotographyMigrationIdentity
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      Occupational HealthPrejudiceHousingMedicine
This paper is present very common arithmetic circuit .This circuit is faster has low power consumption by using a new 3 transistor XOR gate. It has two basic features high speed & low power consumption .For the arithmetic circuit very... more
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    • Moscow
Научный журнал Санкт-Петербургской духовной академии Русской Православной Церкви «Древняя Русь: во времени, в личностях, в идеях» посвящен проблемам изучения древнерусского прошлого: истории государственных и общественных институтов,... more
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      HistoryOld TestamentRussian Orthodox ChurchRussian History
For the first time not only a precisely dated work of a great ancient Russian icon-painter Andrey Rublev but also a miniature of doubtless Rublev’s work is introduced into science. It is really providential that a scientific discovery... more
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      Russian StudiesArchaeologyIconographyArt History
Felieton opisuje przyczyny wejścia polskiej armii do Moskwy (po zwycięstwie pod Kłuszynem, opisanym w innym felietonie także udostępnionym w tym serwisie) i pozostawienie na Kremlu polskiego oddziału, który początkowo był przez Rosjan... more
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      Moscowhistory of PolandHistory of Russia
Buildings and programs for Moscow made by the Soviet vanguards – constructivism, suprematism, cubofuturism, productivism, dis-urbanism, etc – during the 20s and 30s seem to continuely come back in our day-to-day experience. A vanguard... more
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      ConstructivismRussian & Soviet ArtMoscowSoviet Design and Architecture
Диссертация посвящена изучению столичного города через его туристическую функцию и вопросам познания городского пространства туристами в конце XIX – начале ХХ века. На основе широкого круга архивных и опубликованных источников, основными... more
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      Russian StudiesUrban HistoryHistory of TourismRussian History
This article presents original and previously unpublished documents from the case of Van'ka Kain (1741-1748). Van'ka Kain was a notorious Moscow criminal who surrendered at the end of 1741, declaring his wish to help the police round up... more
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      Russian StudiesUrban HistoryCase Study ResearchOrganized Crime
В данной статье на материалах архивных документов и малоизвестных первичных источников анализируется проблема рецепции и интерпретации российскими буддистами смысла российских коронационных торжеств. Торжественная церемония восшествия... more
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      Russian StudiesTibetan LiteraturePure Land BuddhismMoscow
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    • Moscow