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Hans-Hermann Hoppe contends that the fact that a person has the capacity to argue entails that she has the moral right of exclusive control over her own body. Critics of Hoppe’s argument do not appear to have pinpointed its flaws. I... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical PhilosophyRhetoricHuman Rights
Moral error theorists argue that moral thought and discourse are systematically in error, and that nothing is, or can ever be, morally permissible, required or forbidden. I begin by discussing how error theorists arrive at this... more
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      PhilosophyMeta-EthicsNormativityMoral Philosophy
Seit einigen Jahren ist der so genannte moralische Fiktionalismus (im folgenden kurz: „Fiktionalismus“) in den Fokus der Debatte um ethische Theoriebildung gerückt. Genau betrachtet gibt es allerdings nicht den Fiktionalismus, sondern... more
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      MetaethicsMoral PhilosophyFictionalismHans Vaihinger
This paper surveys contemporary accounts of error theory and fictionalism. It introduces these categories to those new to metaethics by beginning with moral nihilism, the view that nothing really is right or wrong. One main motivation is... more
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      Meta-EthicsNihilismMetaethicsNormative Error Theory
Fictionalism has recently returned as a standard response to ontologically problematic domains. This article assesses moral fictionalism. It argues (i) that a correct understanding of the dialectical situation in contemporary metaethics... more
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      Meta-EthicsMetaethicsMoral anti-realismNormative Error Theory
There is a widespread, popular view—and one I basically endorse—that Nietzsche is, in one sense of the word, a nihilist. As Arthur Danto put it some time ago, according to Nietzsche, “there is nothing in [the world] which might sensibly... more
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      Meta-EthicsValuesFriedrich NietzscheNietzsche
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      MetaethicsEliminativismMoral Error TheoryMoral fictionalism
According to John Mackie, moral talk is representational (the realists go that bit right) but its metaphysical presuppositions are wildly implausible (the non-cognitivists got that bit right). This is the basis of Mackie’s now famous... more
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      MetaethicsFictionalismMoral fictionalism
Resumo: O artigo define “ficções morais” como crenças sobre o comportamento moral que permanecem operacionais na cultura apesar de evidência contrária. Dois exemplos são discutidos: a) o elogio da solidão na ética do Romantismo versus a... more
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      MoralMoral fictionalism
Bernard Reginster, in his book THE AFFIRMATION OF LIFE: NIETZSCHE ON OVERCOMING NIHILISM, takes up the challenge of figuring out what Nietzsche might mean by nihilism and the revaluation of values. He argues that there is an alternative,... more
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      Meta-EthicsFriedrich NietzscheNietzscheNihilism
This paper focuses on various strands of moral skepticisim and aims to find an answer to the question: Is morality a useful fiction? It discusses, after a brief comparison with moral realism, strands of moral error theory such as... more
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      MetaethicsMoral PhilosophyMoral SkepticismMoral Error Theory
The moral error theory has become increasingly popular in recent decades. So much so indeed that a new issue emerged, the so-called "now-what problem": if all our moral beliefs are false, then what should we do with them? So far,... more
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      UtilitarianismMoral Error TheoryMoral fictionalism
Suppose one is persuaded of the merits of noncognitivism in ethics but not those of expressivism: in such a case, a form of moral fictionalism, combining a descriptivist account of moral sentences with a noncognitivist account of the... more
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      EthicsMetaethicsNoncognitivismMoral fictionalism