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SOMMARIO: 1. La poliedricità della confisca nel prisma della ragionevolezza costituzionale. — 2. Il banco di prova degli abusi di mercato: l’incostituzionalità (parziale) dell’art. 187-sexies TUF in materia di confisca amministrativa. —... more
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      Criminal LawMarket AbuseDERECHO PENALDiritto Penale
La riforma della disciplina sul market abuse costituisce uno degli obiettivi primari del legislatore comunitario in materia di mercati e intermediari finanziari. Tale condotta, configurando di fatto un reato, che si verifica sempre più... more
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    • Market Abuse
The case note offers an analysis of Zietman using the rules of statutory interpretation, to determine whether information that was communicated to the appellants constituted inside information required for commission of the insider... more
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      Corporate LawSecurities LawInsider DealingMarket Abuse
This article analyses the regulation of market manipulation in South Africa under the Securities Services Act 36 of 2004. The rationale for regulating market manipulation is canvassed, as well as the regulation of market manipulation... more
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      Regulation of financial marketsMarket AbuseMarket Manipulation
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      Criminal LawWhite Collar CrimeMarket AbuseDiritto Penale
Le cœur de l'ouvrage consiste en une présentation de la prohibition d'exploiter des informations d'initiés en droit américain, en droit européen ainsi que, de façon approfondie, en droit suisse. La partie de droit suisse traite autant... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean LawBanking LawEconomic Law
La problematica connessa all’abuso di informazioni privilegiate ha suscitato negli ultimi anni molteplici riflessioni ed analisi non soltanto all’interno del dibattito giuridico, ma anche in quello politico ed economico. Sembrerebbe,... more
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      Market AbuseInsider TradingNe bis in idemAbuso di informazioni privilegiate
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      Institutional InvestorsMarket AbuseShareholder EngagementStewardship
Trade-based Market Manipulation: Judicial evolutions and Modern Challenges (Organized Trading Facilities, Algorithm Trading, High-Frequency Trading, Manipulation Facilitator) Η χειραγώγηση της αγοράς μέσω συναλλαγών ή εντολών... more
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      Securities LawGreek LawAlgorithmic TradingHigh frequency trading
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      Market AbuseInsider TradingHigh-Frequency TradingMercati finanziari
Wall Street è una strada che occupa poco più di 1 kilometro, ma ha sempre destato l’interesse di tutto la letteratura cinematografica e non solo. I per- sonaggi che animano questo ristretto mondo sono a ascinanti e allo stesso tempo... more
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      Law and LiteratureMarket AbuseInsider TradingWall Street
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      Market AbuseInsider Trading
The European Court of Human Rights consider the ne bis in idem principle, stated by Article 4 of the VII Protocol of European Convention, applicable even to administrative proceeding for criminal sanctions, without taking account the... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawMarket AbuseNe bis in idem
This article provides an outline of the present regulations concerning both US and EU law on insider trading. Another comparison is necessary since the vast majority of previous works that compare insider trading in the US and in the EU... more
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      Criminal LawComparative LawEuropean LawCapital Markets
Most poor and low-income earners are over-indebted since they rely too much on credit for their day-today consumer needs in South Africa. Owing to this, debt relief measures have become so important in the current South African credit... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate LawSecurities LawCorporate Governance
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      Market AbuseConsob
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      Insider DealingMarket AbuseInsider Trading
Il saggio esamina la disciplina del procedimento sanzionatorio della Con- sob dando particolare attenzione alle garanzie del soggetto sottoposto e ana- lizzando il percorso dottrinale e giurisprudenziale che ha portato alle recenti modi... more
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      Law EnforcementMarket AbuseConsobGiusto Processo
Before deciding on operations involving share issuance or sale, companies or shareholders may seek to disclose information to selected investors, in order to gauge their opinion on the envisaged market operation. Such ‘market soundings’... more
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      European StudiesCompany LawMarket AbuseMarket Sounding
Cross-border trading in securities has caused a great number of challenges among various national regulators, especially with regard to the enforcement of market abuse laws. Accordingly, the need for strong co-operation and co-ordination... more
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      Corporate LawFinancial MarketsCompany LawMarket Abuse
Il contributo esamina le differenze tra il modello di ne bis in idem emerso nella recente giurisprudenza europea e la lettura che ne hanno dato i giudici nazionali, tentando di spiegare la preferenza della Cassazione per la... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean Court of Human RightsMarket AbuseDERECHO PENAL
La nota prende in esame una vicenda di insider trading (ex art. 184 t.u.f.), nella quale la notizia concernente un evento futuro ed incerto, inserita in un processo decisionale a formazione progressiva,   utilizzata dal suo creatore. Dopo... more
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      Insider DealingMarket AbuseDiritto PenaleInsider Trading
La nota è inerente ad un caso di abuso di informazioni privilegiate ex art. 184 t.u.f. così come integrato dalla definizione di informazione privilegiata di cui all’abrogato art. 181 t.u.f. Dopo aver analizzato l’evoluzione della... more
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      Insider DealingMarket AbuseDiritto PenaleInsider Trading
European Directive 2014/57/EU on criminal sanctions for market abuse and the “GRANDE STEVENS” case of the European Court of Human Rights draws attention to the need to respect the fundamental right of double jeopardy (ne bis in idem). The... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean Court of Human RightsMarket AbuseNe bis in idem, Court of Justice of the EU, European Court of Human Rights extradition
Discusses the gaps in the regulation of insider dealing left by the criminal law and self-regulatory organisations and mechanisms. Examines the criminal or civil status of the market abuse regime under the Financial Services and Markets... more
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      LawFinancial, Economic And Company LawCompany LawInsider Dealing
Before deciding on operations involving share issuance or sale, companies or shareholders may seek to disclose information to selected investors, in order to gauge their opinion on the envisaged market operation. Despite such "market... more
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      Company LawMarket AbuseMarket Sounding
Giuseppe Losappio, Agenzie di rating e manipolazione di mercato (Rivista trimestrale di diritto penale dell'economia, 3-4, 2018) Sono state depositate le attese motivazioni della sentenza che ha definito il c.d. “processo alle agenzie... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeLaw and EconomicsMarket Abuse
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      Criminal LawEuropean LawCorporate CrimeEuropean Court of Justice
Στην εργασία αναλύονται τα βασικότερα ερμηνευτικά ζητήματα σε σχέση με το αδίκημα της χειραγώγησης της αγοράς, όπως αυτό διαμορφώθηκε με το ν. 4443/2016. Η νομική προσέγγιση του επίμαχου αδικήματος (άρ. 31 ν. 4443/2016) προϋποθέτει την... more
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      Market AbuseΧρηματιστήριοχειραγώγηση της αγοράς
In the year Robinson Crusoe (1719) is delivered to the press, Defoe publishes a magnificent pamphlet where he mercilessly exposes the serious embezzlement he observes on the London stock market, throwing himself - with tones that are at... more
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      Financial AccountingMarket AbuseSains dan TeknologiFinancial Revolution
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      Market AbuseSecurities Regulation
Evolution of regulations on market abuse- insider trading around the world
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      Market AbuseFinance Regulations
Per il suo essere maggiormente caratterizzata da simbolismo, instabilità e contingenza, la legislazione penale in materia economica è quella meno rispondente alla vocazione metastorica del sistema penale. Tali caratteri si rinvengono... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean Union LawCorporate CrimeMarket Abuse
The increasingly global market has given rise to increased interaction and interdependence among national regulators as well as investors in different jurisdictions. However, this has brought several regulatory problems to the enforcement... more
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      Corporate LawCorporate GovernanceMarket AbuseSecurities Regulation
This article analyses the offences comprising disclosure-based market manipulation in South Africa under the Securities Services Act 36 of 2004. Disclosure-based market manipulation entails the dissemination of inaccurate information... more
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      Market AbuseMarket ManipulationDisclosure-based market manipulationDefences to market manipulation
In questo E-Book sono trattati in maniera intuitiva i concetti che caratterizzano i mercati finanziari. Conoscere il funzionamento dei mercati finanziari è di fondamentale importanza per effettuare un investimento consapevole. Il... more
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      Market AbuseInsider TradingCommoditiesEBA
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      Market AbuseNe bis in idem
Working Paper
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      FinanceEuropean StudiesCriminal LawEuropean Law