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Dubbele bestraffing voor hetzelfde feit is conform het ne bis in idembeginsel verboden. Dit beginsel is neergelegd in art. 4 Zevende Protocol EVRM. Nederland heeft het Procotol niet geratificeerd, maar ne bis in idem heeft als... more
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      European Convention of Human RightsCriminal prosecutionNe bis in idemPresumption of Innocence
In seiner Entscheidung vom 15.11.2016 hat der EGMR (GK) mit großer Mehrheit (16 : 1) die Verfahrensgarantie des Art 4 des 7. ZP dahingehend präzisiert, dass die Verurteilung in einem Strafverfahren nach rechtskräftiger Erledigung des... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureEuropean LawTax Law
This article addresses potential issues of ne bis in idem under the Single Supervisory Mechanism (“SSM”), both in the relation between the different types of instruments available to the ECB and NCA’s as well as in the interaction with... more
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      European LawBankingEuropean Union LawNe bis in idem
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      European LawEuropean Court of Human RightsNe bis in idemCEDU
RESUMO Com o objetivo de se estabelecer uma Teoria dos Recursos do Processo Penal brasileiro, esta pesquisa doutoral parte da crítica à teoria geral dos recursos e aponta para uma necessária abordagem do segundo grau de jurisdição fundada... more
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      Direito PenalProcesso PenalTeoria Geral do ProcessoApelação
El Tribunal Supremo, la gran mayoría de los autores e incluso algunas disposiciones legales y reglamentarias han entendido que, una vez caducado un procedimiento administrativo sancionador como consecuencia del incumplimiento de la... more
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      Derecho AdministrativoDERECHO PENALNe bis in idemDerecho penal y procesal penal
Samenvatting in het Frans van mijn dissertatie, Non bis in idem. De ontwikkeling van een beginsel, Nijmegen, WLP 2012
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      Ne bis in idemDouble JeopardyAutorité De La Chose JugéeNON BIS IN IDEM
La problematica connessa all’abuso di informazioni privilegiate ha suscitato negli ultimi anni molteplici riflessioni ed analisi non soltanto all’interno del dibattito giuridico, ma anche in quello politico ed economico. Sembrerebbe,... more
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      Market AbuseInsider TradingNe bis in idemAbuso di informazioni privilegiate
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      Derecho AdministrativoDerecho constitucionalDERECHO PENALAdministración Pública
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      Legal AidTanzaniaDue Process RightsNe bis in idem
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      Human RightsEU LawEU Competition LawEU Criminal Law
Il principio del ne bis in idem, che si sostanzia nel divieto di essere sottoposto a giudizio e sanzione per il medesimo fatto, nell’ultimo lustro e` stato oggetto di un rinnovato interesse, in ragione delle rilevanti ricadute applicative... more
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      Criminal LawTax LawEuropean Court of Human RightsNe bis in idem
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      Tax LawHuman RightsRelationship among European Cour of Justice and ECHR. Relationship between national courts and european courts (ECJ and ECHR)Ne bis in idem
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      Ministério PúblicoNe bis in idemDerecho Procesal Penal
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      Criminal LawEuropean Criminal LawDiritto PenaleNe bis in idem
Sommario: 1. La vicenda ed il quadro normativo di riferimento-2. Il ricorso davanti alla Corte Edu e la decisione dei giudici di Strasburgo-3. Violazione dell'art. 6 della CEDU-4. Violazione del divieto di bis in idem sancito dall'art. 4... more
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      Constitutional LawDiritto CostituzionaleNe bis in idem
Le ultime decisioni delle Sezioni Unite in tema di concorso di norme e di reati, per le loro correlazioni espresse o implicite con la giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale e della Cedu in tema di ne bis in idem (prevalentemente)... more
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      Criminal LawDireito PenalDERECHO PENALDiritto Penale
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureEuropean Criminal LawDiritto Penale
The aims of this paper are: 1) To test whether the “integrated approach” exists in the areas of individual criminal responsibility and the international criminal justice system; 2) To determine if the current system of international... more
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      International Criminal JusticeICTYICCNe bis in idem
Commento a Corte cost., sent. n. 43/2018.
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      Diritto TributarioNe bis in idemCEDUSanzioni Penali
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      U.S. Supreme Court LitigationNe bis in idem
Özet Bu makalenin konusunu TCK md. 188/2’de düzenlenen uyuşturucu madde ihracı suçunda mahsup hükmü oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda söz konusu hükmün niteliği, ne bis in idem ve ne bis poena in idem ilkeleri bağlamında ortaya konulmuş,... more
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      DeductionNe bis in idemDrug Smuggling
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      European LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawEuropean and International Law
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      International LawInternet LawEuropean Union LawDiritto Internazionale
CMLRev 45 (2008), Looking at the reasoning the Court applied in Gözütok and Brügge and the cases annotated here, it is clear that the Court not only relies on the precise wording of Article 54 CISA, but also bases its interpretation of... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsEuropean Convention of Human RightsEU Law (EU legal order: EU legal sources, institutions, remedies, relations with national laws); General Principles of EU Law; EU Migration and Asylum Law, EU Antidiscrimination Law, EU Fundamental Rights and links with the ECHR
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      Criminal LawInternational LawInternational Criminal LawInternational Criminal Court
The European Court of Human Rights consider the ne bis in idem principle, stated by Article 4 of the VII Protocol of European Convention, applicable even to administrative proceeding for criminal sanctions, without taking account the... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawMarket AbuseNe bis in idem
Il contributo si sofferma sulle sanzioni previste nel Testo Unico del vino alla luce dell’impianto sanzionatorio penale in materia di alimenti. Dall’analisi, emerge la disarmonia tra piano teorico – ove è sancita la prevalenza degli... more
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      Diritto PenaleNe bis in idemVinoDiritto Alimentare
Nel Marzo 2014, con la sentenza Grande Stevens et al. c. Italia , la Corte EDU censurava il c.d. “doppio binario” sanzionatorio in materia di manipolazione di mercato (artt. 185 e 187ter , d.lgs. 58/1998), per violazione dell’art. 4,... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean Criminal LawNe bis in idem
Bezien wordt of het in oktober 2013 in Nederland ingevoerde buitengewone rechtsmiddel 'herziening ten nadele' voldoet aan de eisen die het Europees Verdrag voor de rechten van de mens en het Internationaal Verdrag voor de burgerrechten en... more
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      Human RightsPrivacyEuropean Convention of Human RightsStrafrecht
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      Ne bis in idemCEDHJurisprudencia TcJurisprudencia del TJUE
Con la sentenza in oggetto la Corte di Assise di Teramo ha deciso il non luogo a procedere nei confronti di un cittadino albanese condannato da un Tribunale albanese per i medesimi fatti per cui era processo dinanzi alla detta Corte di... more
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      AlbaniaDiritto PenaleNe bis in idemCEDU
A presente investigação busca demonstrar que o Supremo Tribunal Federal, no julgamento do Habeas Corpus n. 171.118, por sua Segunda Turma, fez uma inédita e relevantíssima ampliação do âmbito de aplicação da vedação à dupla persecução... more
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      Supremo Tribunal FederalNe bis in idemPacto De San José Da Costa Rica
Η δικαστική αρχή εκτέλεσης του ευρωπαϊκού εντάλματος σύλληψης [ΕΕΣ] πρέπει να έχει περιθώριο εκτίμησης ως προς το αν οφείλει να αρνηθεί την εκτέλεσή του λόγω αμετάκλητης καταδίκης του εκζητουμένου σε τρίτο κράτος (μη μέλος της ΕΕ). Η... more
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      European Criminal LawEuropean arrest warrantNe bis in idem
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      PrivacyPrivacy and data protectionDiritto PenaleNe bis in idem
The paper offers a survey on European Court of Justice preliminary ruling decisions on art. 54 of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement, which introduces the non bis in idem principle in the European Union area. After... more
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      European Criminal ProcedureEuropean Criminal LawJudicial Cooperation in Criminal MattersNe bis in idem
Σχέση των δικαιωμάτων που κατοχυρώνονται στον Χάρτη Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων με τα αντίστοιχα της ΕΣΔΑ. Πεδίο εφαρμογής του Χάρτη και περιεχόμενο της αρχής ne bis in idem
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    • Ne bis in idem
Il contributo esamina le differenze tra il modello di ne bis in idem emerso nella recente giurisprudenza europea e la lettura che ne hanno dato i giudici nazionali, tentando di spiegare la preferenza della Cassazione per la... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean Court of Human RightsMarket AbuseDERECHO PENAL
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      Ne bis in idemCharter of Fundamental Rights for the European UnionArticle 10(1) of the Italian ConstitutionEuropean Convention on Extradition
in Regolare la tecnologia: il Reg. UE 2016/679 e la protezione dei dati personali. Un dialogo fra Italia e Spagna, a cura di D. Poletti, A. Mantelero, Pisa University Press, 2018, p. 263-287.
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      European Criminal LawPrivacy and data protectionNe bis in idemAdministrative sanctions
De regel non bis in idem verbiedt iemand tweemaal te vervolgen of te berechten voor hetzelfde feit. Dit verbod geldt zowel na een definitieve veroordeling als na een definitieve vrijspraak. Een achteraf onjuist gebleken veroordeling wordt... more
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      Ne bis in idemDouble JeopardyAutorité De La Chose JugéeNON BIS IN IDEM
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      Criminal LawDiritto PenaleNe bis in idemCorte Europea Dei Diritti Dell'Uomo
This article discusses the enforcement framework of Regulation No. 1024/2013 (the Single Supervisory Mechanism Regulation, or ‘SSMR’) in light of the potential ne bis in idem situations which may arise, both in the interaction between the... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawEuropean UnionBanking Law
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      Tax LawHuman RightsECHRDiritto Tributario
Με την παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται μια προσπάθεια σκιαγράφησης της απόφασης πλαίσιο 2002/584/ΔΕΥ για το Ευρωπαϊκό Ένταλμα Σύλληψης και παράλληλα μια εκτενής ανάλυση του αντίστοιχου ελληνικού νόμου μεταφοράς της στην εσωτερική... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureJurisprudenceConstitutional Law
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      Human RightsWar CrimesLaws of WarRight to Life
Scheda per l'osservatorio sulla Corte Edu in tema di ne bis in idem
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      Criminal LawDiritto PenaleNe bis in idemCorte Europea Dei Diritti Dell'Uomo
Binnen Schengen en de EU geldt de regel dat iemand die onherroepelijk is berecht niet nog eens mag worden vervolgd of gestraft wegens hetzelfde feit (non bis in idem). Geldt deze bescherming ook wanneer de straf wel definitief is... more
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      European Court of JusticeNon-LieuxNe bis in idemSchengen
L'elaborato mira a offrire una panoramica sullo "stato di salute" della disciplina normativa esistente in materia di abusi di mercato. Muovendo dall'osservazione secondo cui il market abuse, pur costituendo un settore di... more
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      Insider TradingNe bis in idemmateria penaleabusi di mercato
Penerapan asas ne bis in idem dalam hukum pidana dan perdata mensyaratkan adanya putusan yang berkekuatan hukum tetap terlebih dahulu. Kemudian, harus terdapat tuntutan yang sama terhadap pihak yang sama, oleh pihak yag sama, dan waktu... more
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      Ne bis in idemKonstitusionalismeHukum Tata NegaraMahkamah Konstitusi